Nocturnal mammals with long snouts, found in African grasslands
One of the most endangered big cats with a unique coat pattern
Large mammals found in various habitats, recognized for strength
Arboreal mammals with prehensile tails, also called "bear-cats"
Wild cat species known for their distinctive tufted ears, found in Africa and Asia
Fastest land animals with distinctive spots
Pangolin species hunted for their scales and meat
Small carnivorous mammals kept as pets for companionship
Small foxes with large ears, adapted to desert environments
Carnivorous mammals native to Madagascar, known for their agility
World's most endangered feline species, found in Spain and Portugal
Social felines often referred to as the "king of the jungle"
One of the world's most endangered marine mammals
Small mammals native to African deserts, known for their social behavior
Small wild cats with striking coat patterns, found in rainforests