
Approval Rate: 73%

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    Fri Feb 12 2010

    Regarding my situation with Zinerit. Basically I first discovered it in 2006, and then I had just the typical type of acnea, nothing to bad, but still uncomfortable. THe results were visible within a few weeks, I used it for a few months (don't remember exactly, but less than half a year) and more than half a year after discontinued to use it I would only have breakouts every now and then, and I could go without wearing anything else by mascara, it was great. Then I had a change in environment, alimentation, so I started to have more breakouts. Basically, I had a few good months of effect from Zinerit. I have a mixed type of skin, so it would not get dry for some reason, plus, I was not using soap to wash my face, so it was good. Now, last year, my acnea problem got really bad, I had bad painful breakouts that would just not go away for weeks, plus, it was even worse on the neck below the jaw, so an "intervention" was absolutely necessary. So, I went to my dermatologyst and she prescri... Read more

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    Fri Dec 12 2008

    zineryt was my life saver for about a year although i was dependent and had to use it every night and morning, my face was completely clear of any spots and blemishes. it was amazing. i could go out with no makeup on and feel really confident...but after a while..it just didnt work anymore and the spots began to return. I think i became immune to it or something. I decided to leave it for a while and then i came back to it. Still no results. Its a shame though, it was good while it lasted..im still looking for something else that will work long term.

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    ive been using zineryt for about 3 weeks, i use to use it about a year ago aswell but my skin dried out too much, i decided to give it another chance and so far it hasnt worked that great, it dries the spots that are already there which is good but there are still some popping up day after day so i dont see why it doesnt stop them from appearing, im going to use it for another few months see what happens if not i will have to try something else, i only have mild acne and its on my fod but i wear make up and it doesnt look good when you have spots coming out of it, im going to start drinking more water my doctor said i will see an improvement from day one anyway good luck everyone

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    Sun Nov 02 2008

    Seriously after literaly a week of usage all my spots were basically gone!!! You always here about the 'instant cures' and 'in three days it gone' treatment but zineryt beats al of them and it really does work!!!

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    Tue Aug 28 2007

    I've been using this product two weeks from now and see the improvement... the dark patches started to go normal again... however i think my pimples are not improving... i know that my problem is acne( my doctor says)... just a question... how do you wash your face...do you use soap or Washes such as clean and clear, clearasil, neutrogena...etc? do you use warm or cold water? does your doctor prescribe you a Erythromycin Tablets 250mg also?

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    Wed May 30 2007

    I've been using it for like seven months and my skin looks and feels so smooth. I love it. I think the secret is to only use it once a day after the first four months at night and during the day use an oil free moisturiser like Nutraderm to prevent skin from drying out. It is the best.

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    i've just started using it as my doctor prescribed it for me.... i am only 13 but reading these reviews i am worried that after a while my skin will go back to how it used to be..... is this the case with everyone that uses it?

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    Thu Apr 06 2006

    I've been using zineryt for about 5 weeks now and at first there is was some improvement in my acne, as most of them went down, but now they have started to pop up. Im more concerned about my scars though, as I have quite a few of them and my doctor said it should fade them, but i dont see any improvement. Does anyone know whether zineryt actually does fade the scars or will i just have to opt for surgery instead

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    Sat Dec 24 2005

    I used zineryt for ages when i had quite mild acne breakouts, it worked to begin with but took quite a while, but then i think i came immune to it because it stopped working. Now a year later i have awful acne and im on ant-biotics :(, try and find something that works b4 u end up like me!

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    Mon Oct 10 2005

    hey, just a quick note 2 all u guys using zineryt, not sure wether this has been put up here before and its not just 2 worry the guys who its working for, i used zineryt for about six months, that stuffs awesome, basically the next day after using it my face began clearing and after it had cleared completely it stuck like that for that past six months, really really works, i had normal skin for all that time, u know the type u see on other guys wen ur walking past and u hate them for it hehe, n e way a recently its stopped working, the stuffs an antibiotic so once ur skin builds up a resistance 2 it ur knackered, apparantly u need 2 wait a month or so 2 give ur skin a break before its effective again, now, im a normal guy, the come down from normal skin 2 square 1 again is terrible,uv just had ages of beautiful skin and now this, how gay, all im saying is as soon as u notice ur starting 2 get spotty again, even slightly u may want 2 start looking at other options to last that month, a ... Read more

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    Fri Sep 02 2005

    Ive been suffering from acne on my chin and neck for over a year so went to my docter who perscribed me zineryt to use. Ive been using it now for three weeks and i can see a big change in my acne prone area. although many of the spots have gone completely their scars remain and I am sure that is going to be my next problem although I am hoping a months use of vitamin e oil will help.

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    Fri Jan 21 2005

    I had acnee problems since early puberty,now i am 21 and still not totally gone.but since i i am using Zineryt(and that is for 4 weeks now) results are obvious acnee reduced 80% skin gets a bit dried out because of the zinc i highly reccomend Zineryt for preventing and treating acnee Bea _romania

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    Fri May 14 2004

    It does work really well for the first few months and youre skin does clear up, but if its used too much you can build up a resistance to the treatment and the skin can dry up too much. Otherwise good.

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    Sun Jan 04 2004

    Good for a month or so (until a resistance is built up). Then you need to take a break of a month for it be effective again.

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    Tue Aug 19 2003

    This product started working within seven days. I've not looked back since

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    Mon Jul 22 2002

    I used this product on and off for 2 years, 7-9 years ago, and it worked wonders the first few times. It hasn't worked since.