Approval Rate: 63%
Reviews 0
by lora82832
Tue Oct 25 2011I can recommend a reputable pharmacy http://onlinecheappills.com/skin-care-medicine-usa.html I recieved my pills within one week of ordering them. P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 4y3g6f4k
by mohamedkhamis
Tue May 31 2011Pros -FREE with coupon from dermatologist -Cleared ME up instantly -I use an extra dab in the morning on pesky, dominant acne, and it is like a spot treatment- works very well -Shrinks pores -My skin feel soft and silky (Really it does) Cons -Is EXTREMELY expensive without insurance. About $60 with my insurance, not bad for this "miracle worker" (according to me) -It looks like an oily gel, which confused me at first, because I was assuming it would be a cream. The texture is just different from what you're used to, but I dont think that is a con necessarily Bottom line This product has absolutely worked for me! I would recommend it to anyone, but keep in mind that everyone is different, so what works for me might not work for you!
by lora895880
Thu May 26 2011I can recommend a reputable pharmacy http://netpharmacyshop.com/?a=7093 I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great. P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 9sh73h
by concerned55
Sat Feb 12 2011Not sure about this product. I have only been using this 2 weeks. I was given this by the dermatologist after brief consult. Told to use at night along with aczone topical in the am. I also was given pills to take in conjunction to help clear up the acne and stop swelling/inflammation of acne. I started to use the topical treatments before i was able to receive the pills. Maybe this was the reason for my skin breaking out worse, but I am also experiencing dry red areas that are more imflammed than usual and are very dry. My skin is peeling and flaking and very irrated. I have been using gentel cleansers also prescribed and gentle moisturizer. I have also begun to break out with larger red acne more frequently in areas I hadn't before. I was told this product would force your pores to "exfoliate"/ clean themsleves out. I have noticed since taking the pills in conjuction my pimples are less swollen, but I am more embarrassed about the way my face looks now then when I went to the derm. i... Read more
by armanic
Fri Jan 07 2011I just started using Ziana for 2 days now and I got a little dryness but nothing major at all. I was using Cetaphil and let me tell you that makes your face waxy and sticky and not good in conjunction with Ziana. My dermatologist recommended that I use a Neutrogena face wash with Ziana and Neutrogena daily defense facial moisturizer as well. Thank goodness my doctor gave me a starter freebie coupon for the first tube because when I went to pharmacy to drop off they said it will be $448.99!!! I was like are you freaking kidding me!?? That's LUDICROUS So, anyway I found a site that sends you coupons to use Ziana for $20 a tube. The reason why It costs so much is because the Tretinoin is now used for Anti-Aging and that's why my insurance company denied me and my dermatologist had pre warned me and told me that insurance companies will do this because they think doctors are giving it too people for aging and not acne uses to be treated for it's main purpose. So, I wonder in a few months... Read more
by john_breed
Tue Jan 04 20113 stars (put your rating here! 1-5 ) I did not like ziana because it is a combination product. It would dry my skin out way too much. I have switched to retin-a and cleocin and like it much better because I have more control (retin-a every other night, cleocin 2 times a day). With ziana I could not regularly use it like I can now that I have two separate products used on different schedules. .
by cheerbrat4555
Mon Aug 16 2010I'm 12 years old and my skin doctor perscribed Ziana gel for me. The first week or so It dried my skin out. I continued because I had to get used to the product.This works but remember it takes time!! My acne isn't completely gone.I used this for 6 months now and my acne is almost cleared completely and those pimples that are still there are much smaller then they used to be. The only cons about this product is that it smells HORRIBLE and it can dry out your face and make it oily the first few days or week of using it.It takes time and don't worry thousands of people are unhappy with their skin and every person has a different view on things.
by lilbella05
Mon May 31 2010I have just started using this product and my face is starting to get flaky and it burns. What should I do?!?
by cherylh
Sat Mar 27 2010I went to the dermatologist for a spot on my face that he says is pre cancerous. so they used liquid nitrogen to freeze it. then i had two other blocked up pours that had to be basically seared with a hot poker. ok no problem. i was given two samples of Ziana to use as well. i dont have acne but i do get zits from time to time and i have large pores on my nose and above my cheeks an on my chin. the dr said that zina would help with the pores and i though he said it would help to expose any other pre cancerous spots. so i began using the samples as directed. within 3 days i looked like a burn victim! a cyst formed on one side, huge red peeling spots around my mouth and the whole right side of my face peeled like a snake. it burned , part of it cracked and bled whenever i would eat. and i got huge swollen zits breaking out. i was so embarassed i didnt want to go to work. so i stopped Ziana and started using Polysporin to try and heal my face and nose, oh yea break outs on my nose too. ... Read more
by travelbabe
Fri Jan 23 2009Just started using Ziana about 4 weeks ago. My face has tollerated it well, with only a little bit of dryness. I started using Aveeno moiturizer and that seems to be taking care of that. My face has really started to clear up and I am very, very happy with the results. There is also a great rebate card that I was able to apply to my copay. All in all, a great product!
by jordanxo
Thu Dec 18 2008i did have sever acne, and i didnt know what to do, i went to my dermatologist, and she recomended ziana. the first time i used it, it worked like magic! it took a week, and my face was completley clear. i stopped using it over the summer, because the warning on the back was : dont use while being exposed to major amounts of sunlighgt. it was okay, because my acne was never theat bad in the summer. i started using it again this fall, it was horrible! my skin turned red and oily! and even worse when i put cover up on, my entire face peeled! ziana ended up not working anymore, so if you use it, dont stop! your face will break out worse then it was!
by jessrugg0903
Fri Nov 14 2008I just started using Ziana about 2 weeks ago. I use it once a day at nice, and was so scared to try it for the first time because of some of the stuff I have read about it on the computer (from other people that have used it). My face may be a little more red that usual, but thats it- not peeling or chapping or anything like that. As for my acne, it's not getting any worse, and slowly getting better. I think my skin should be totally clear in a few days and am hoping not to break out anymore.
by idontwanttomak_eanaccount
Thu Jul 17 2008Ziana really wasn't helpful in terms of clearing acne. At first my skin broke out a lot which was to be expected. My dermatologist and Ziana's website states it could take up to 8 weeks. Even at that point my skin still had acne on it. At 10 weeks I had my dermatologist appointment again and we decided to switch to Differin. It had the same major ingredient but at .3% (opposed to .1% I believe.) I have been using it for a week now and it has been great! I think people who use the major ingredient at .1% don't see good results while at .3% get great results. However this will cause your skin to dry out more (as I'm seeing now) but some moisturizer and you'll be all set. Something else to mention. When using Ziana my skin became very VERY oily. 30 minutes after washing my face the oil was already built up on my face. I'm not sure why Ziana caused this but this incredible oilness made me hate it to begin with. I wouldn't recommend Ziana. I WOULD recommend Benzaclin a... Read more
by rxman6c9
Mon Apr 14 2008My dermatologist prescribed Ziana at bedtime and Duac gel in the morning for my neck, saying i got folliculitis from improper shaving technique. it seemed to work in the beginning and got rid of the raised pimples, but then about a week into therapy my skin got really really red and it hurts like hell. It looks like a burn. I stopped the duac and continued with ziana, with no improvement. Im going to the dermatologist again, since it doesnt seem to heal, it sucks :(
by chetman7
Sat Feb 16 2008Been using this every night for the past 5 weeks. In the morning i would use a prescribed benzoyl peroxide faace wash..I believe 10%. and cetaphil and ziana at night. This combination of remedies did nothing for my skin. I find it to be worse then proactiv..which clears my skin somewhat..bu never 100%. This stuff did absolutely nothing for my skin, it gave me so many new pimples, my face has never been worse. I've had better results not washing my face for a week. ...seriously. going back to the dermatologist this week to talk things over...hopefully she will give me something that actually works...cause the ziana stuff isn't cheap
by jennalarue
Tue Feb 12 2008I am using Ziana now going on week 2... All I can say is that my face is in such bad shape now since I have been using it... I know that getting worse before better is true and I dont mind that it is bringing all the ence out of my skin even more.. I want to get rid of it.. but my skin is pealing really really bad.. it is just coming off in sheets and it burns.. I am an aerobics instructor so everytime I teach and sweat it burns even more.. I am going to try using it every OTHER night and see if it helps because it is bad! :(
by sarahjean19
Sat Jan 26 2008I've been using ziana for almost 3 months now and my skin is spotless! It hasnt been clear like this in over four years! I have to admit i was discouraged at first because i was impatient to see results. But it does work when used properly. Apply it EVERYNIGHT for at least 3 months before you can critisize this product. It has worked wonders for me!
by danielj
Sat Dec 29 2007I have been using ziana off and on for about three weeks now. I can't say iam in love with it, yet i realize what it is doing in regards to my skin. At first Ziana brought out alot of my pimples that were below the surface of my skin, yet at the same time it quickly healed the existing ones that i previously had. The thing that im hitting my self about is that i stopped using it for about 6 days because it was making me really red ( which i found out was my moisturizer in combination with ziana) and scale bu now i know that you have to keep using every night, even if your red or flaky because the weeks end results are really good. Iam aloso taking doxycycline and duac gel in the morning so my results may be different to yours, but i do reccomend this.
by lovinglife898
Thu Sep 20 2007my dermatologist recently prescribed me ZIANA, a combination gel of clindamycin phosphate and tretinoin. I have been on it for 5 weeks, as well as benzol peroxide pads in the morning and Solodyn pills. I know these kinds of things take up to 8 weeks to see results, and when i was previously on Retin-A-micro, it took about 10 weeks to see results. (but then later it stopped working, prompting the switch to ZIANA). So far it is a little better, but i think i need to wait a few more weeks before i get discouraged. I think the incredible heat and humidity where i live might be making it hard for all the medicines to be successful. I will update on how it goes. ZIANA is a very new prescription just recently having been approved so i dont think many other people are using it yet.