Zain Verjee
Approval Rate: 91%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Jun 07 2010I've always held to the belief that if journalism is going to descend into an ongoing loop of glossy copy that barely scratches the surface of the day's issues, then at least do the viewers the service of making the talking heads pleasant to look at.
by zainverjeeisbi_ased
Mon Dec 01 2008She is a biased reporter. Her judgement is extremely poor when it comes to terrorism, especially when Muslims are involved. She is a practicing Muslim herself and is anti-India and anti-Hindu and anti-Christian. Yet CNN wants her as a State Correspondent
by oxy0af6b
Thu Nov 06 2008The one who is a great reporter on CNN is Charlie Rose. He is really smart, and is able to present different points of view without offending anybody. Zain Verjee has a long way to learn.. Book of David Berreby "Us and Them" could help.
by buttspanked
Mon Aug 04 2008Sometimes difficult to understand, always easy on the eyes
by stocky1170
Mon Jan 07 2008Zain is an exotic beauty....GORGEOUS!! And, she is an excellent, well-versed reporter. She should definitely have more air-time on a host!
by voodoo420
Mon Oct 01 2007Very sexy lady.
by chama804
Tue Aug 21 2007Don't date her out there!. thanks.
by planetcop
Thu Jul 26 2007Ms Verjee is an adaptable and clearcut presenter, anchor. She is down to Earth, has her feet firmly on the ground and knows what she wants and how to relay and present it. She is pleaseant and outgoing, she has a professional and firm attitude. She is confident, secure and very serious. She is well dressed and to the point. With a variety of different videos and more to follow, she is an overall precise and loyal anchor.
by earner
Mon Jul 09 2007nope, nada, no. Unnatural as a broadcaster.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Mon Apr 02 2007One of the best reporters around. I don't get the sense of a bias one way or the other, but the fact that she's working for CNN tweaks my "she's-a-conservate" gland. However, she gives hope to millions of American men who eschew American women in favor of foreign...the former being self-absorbed infallible (in their minds) airheads with greed and lust for power flowing visibly through their veins; the latter can engage in worldly conversation and can express a genuine interest in things other than just a narcissistic rehearsal of "wants and musts."
by lannieb1
Thu Mar 01 2007Zain is as hot as she is talented. I want to be her body guard.
by helenkirby
Fri Dec 08 2006First class reporter, glad CNN had the foresight to promote her recently. I think she will be the next Christianne Ananpour. Great job Zain.
by rich33
Sun Mar 05 2006It's obvious Zain is very talanted beside being "falling down" georgeous.
by mjmoore
Fri Feb 17 2006Let's face it, we are living in a rapidly changing world. Diversity is the name of the game. While I am a terrifice fan of Soledad, I find the (chemistry) of Miles, Soledad, and the other lady, Carole...a bit uncomfortable. Miles does not seem comfortable with Soledad. Carole seems to want Soledad's position. Zain Verjee is the change, in this changing senario. Zain is more sophisticated, and not in a snobbish sense. She is fine, I think, for morning television. Americans need to stretch (grow)...part of the image problem we have (as the world sees us) is our lack of understanding, recognition, respect, etc of the rest of the world's ethnicity. Zain is fine as an achor..morning,noon, or evening. Especailly, morning or evening. Soledad, I love too! I must admit, Zain is sensational. She could be an evening anchor like Peter or Tom. You will loseZain to another network if you don't elevat her, keep her career moving....! mj moore
by avancier
Thu Feb 16 2006Nice accent, but not really appropriate for morning television. Can you imagaine American accents on the BBC? She's pretty, but that's not really what is most important here. I find her somewhat unnatural, ill at ease in the "folksy" format of American Morning I wouldn't mind that changing, either, come to think of it) and not a patch on Christiane Amanpour. Please bring back Soledad O'Brien soon, guys . . .!
by sassisch
Thu Feb 16 2006I don't find Zain ill at ease in the morning show, though sometimes I feel a bit sorry for her. After all, she has to put up with the oftentimes somewhat crude comments and behavior of her male American colleagues. She does a fine job at that. Finding her "accent" too much for a morning show is probably just a case of intimidation with a xenophobic undercurrent. (And doesn't she do a great job at pronouncing "controversy" the American way?) CNN is an international company, and Zain adds a touch of "class" to the mix. I say, "More power to you, Zain!"
by cgsanctum
Tue Feb 14 2006Zain is funny, natural, smart, international and knock out. I predict she is the next big thing in broadcasting. Plus I like the way she pronounces schedule and controversy.
by uppole
Mon Feb 13 2006The Hindu Bombshell. Best looking model doing "the news" on TV.
by shiraz
Fri Feb 10 2006Zain, You are great!! These words of mine come for your apprecetiation to deliver good taste of journalism, which is just more than reporting. In todays world, I want my opinion based on facts rather than biased or partial journalism. I belive you have more responsibility than just reporting i.e to teach us and guide us into a better understanding of whole situation. I am proud of you the way you do this. I wish you can be given the string of CNN's Good Morning America!!
by fentablar
Fri Feb 03 2006Strikingly beautiful and intelligent, with a voice I could listen to forever.
by garfieldrocks
Sat Jan 21 2006I love the accent and she looks good, she's one of the reasons I watch CNN.
by harley_d
Thu Jan 05 2006Damn good looking, love seeing on the Situation Room, very attractive
by fela63c7
Fri Dec 30 2005the most beautiful anchor i've ever seen on tv. she's the reason i watch CNN.
by military_guy
Mon Dec 19 2005Hot!!!, I First Saw Zain When i was deployed to the middle east for a year. Im a fox man myself, but I found myself looking forward to her beautiful face every day. if they give her more airtime i would switch to CNN in a heartbeat. On a scale of 1-10 i give her 1000!
by tom_deweert
Tue Dec 13 2005What a pleasant surprise daily on you TV. Not only a beautiful woman, but chearful as well. She sure shows how much she enjoys her metier. Quite some chemistry with her newspartners. A pleasant presentation. And more than that!
by kleiber
Wed Dec 07 2005I think she's a wonderful woman: intelligent,modest,beautiful,with nice sense of humor...REALLY A DREAM !!!
by wopdaddy
Sun Nov 20 2005nope nada no
by malakaka
Wed Nov 09 2005She is very lovely, but I need to see more to give 5 stars. What I see I like: she is intelligent, articulate, and hot. Yes, I very much want to sleep with her.
by zaptyccc
Tue Aug 30 2005Excellent anchor, a joy to watch and listen to as she is very articulate, smart and has a very bright and sunny disposition and has a very natural way of delivering the goods. She is my favorite anchor and I believe that what you see is what you get in her case.
by ashishbu
Wed Aug 10 2005Zain Verjee is Very Known Personalities in TV and News, She is very Good Person, Great Talk and communication, Greate Nature, Great Speach and Ofcourse Great Laugh. Can I talk or chat with him. Thanks Ashish Upadhyay, Ahmedabad, India
by honest_joe
Wed Aug 03 2005Intelligent,takes her job very seriously and very very pretty!
by dutchie
Wed Jun 29 2005Phoney, pushy broad who's often ill at ease with the material, coupled with very irritating girlie mannerisms when she's at a loss for words. Needs to relax and be more natural and let her words flow .
by dumbnewsie
Mon Feb 28 2005Intelligent, insightful, asks good questions. Bonus - also great looking, great smile, sexy. :)
by trainwreck
Tue Dec 28 2004Looks great on TV - but hardly ever see her - needs more TV time
by kmc9135e
by sdparekh
Tue Nov 02 2004Zain Verjee is very intelligent, sauve and glamorous.Suresh Parekh
by michelangeli
Fri Oct 15 2004She's the most beautiful, wonderful and marvelous TV's woman.I love her personality, professionality and preparation.When she appear on TV is the best moment of the day for me.
by jose_sanz
Tue Oct 05 2004Zain is the best representation of femeninity. Her smile is honey...her voice celestial music...and she has a professional personality. She's the best.
by sooofine
Fri Sep 10 2004Certainly one of the prettiest faces amongst tv personalities and has a smile to boot. She is an intelligent and articulate interviewer and is a fearless woman.
by shehzad_mir
Sat Jul 24 2004Zain is a rare breed of newscaters who has the ability to entice the viewer into her world. Her eyes, smile and her facial expressions all form a perfect package to keep a viewer like me glued to the news whenever she is on. Add to that her knowledge of world events and grasp on the way the rest of the world feels about the news. She is the perfect representative of CNN World wide and when she speaks, I listen. Zain, as long as you are on CNN, I will keep watching (and at the same time making my wife jealous!). Keep it up.
by newshack
Wed Jul 14 2004Airhead. period.
by mogaveera
Mon Jul 05 2004Wonderful articulation, smooth delivery, great appeal and gorgeous to boot. She will go far with CNN and others who recognize her tremendous potential.
by orbit32k
Sat Jul 03 2004Attractive personality and beautiful style of speaking.
by ctucker
Tue Jun 22 2004This woman is HOT! She is the complete package, brains and good looks. Great to see her on the Main Network here in North America.