Yu Yu Hakusho
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by bockcade13
Sat Jan 02 2010One of my 2 favorite anime of all time. Yuyu Hakusho has good action and humor. This is a very underrated anime.
by fb710637574
Tue Nov 06 2007Books were awesome, but show was disappointing.
by dark_delta
Wed Oct 31 2007The plot is well done the characters are unique and action my gosh the action is so there. The comedy is great and its an awesome who overall. You can't help but fall in love with the characters, they are unique and they captivate you. The time line of the show is well done as you can see how the charactes evolved change and grow.
by jebril
Sun Sep 16 2007It's an amazing anime, the first 10 episodes are historic in their own ways, the anime continues to grow, it can be compared to DBZ in the way they fight, but unlike that show this show, introduces you to how the characters grow in strength something that is missing out in DBZ.
by poopoointhesho_e
Sun Nov 27 2005it kiks ass and where the hell is bobobobobobobo
by nigelsnirvana
Wed Nov 16 2005Superb fight scenes, and always leaves you craving the next episode. The huge variety of fighting techniques and compelling storyline make this show a winner, though I imagine it wouldn't be nearly as popular were it not for Hiei and Kurama.
by desi_4life
by punkirishlint
Thu May 05 2005i think its stupid
by evldreamr
Sun Apr 24 2005This show is Hott!! Unlike DBZ where there is no character growth YYH has that. Plus the characters are MEN!! And they're HOT TOO!! My favorite anime of all time. Hell, even better than Rurouni Kenshin...
by kawaiikonoama
Fri Apr 22 2005This show, is one of the fizzlets! I loved the characters, and the numerous plots had me attached to the screen. The movies are SO good, except for the first one. Yakumo is a sexy demon, and you will see what I mean. The characters and the music are well done, and I swear, this show is a must.
by otakusami
Thu Apr 21 2005I love Yuu Yuu Hakusho. Yeah. That is the way to spell it true Japanese style. Not only do I love the series, but I have played all the games except the 3rd Gameboy (black/white) game and the PS2 game. The series is wonderful and it had me coming back for more. Recommended for everyone.
by 1256inuyasha
Sat Mar 12 2005I use to watch it till they cancelled the mutherF**ker
by terra_hawk
Tue Mar 08 2005This is great the charrys are nifty, the animation runs fairly swiftly, and the battle scenes don't last forever *coughcoughDBZcoughcough*
by tytetyson
Sat Mar 05 2005this is the best anime ever! yusuke is a badass it has everything and is great for the people giving it one star you guys dont know nothing about good anime
by hieithejaganma_ster
Mon Feb 28 2005this anime kick ass, Hiei is the best out of all of them yusuke sucks, i think this is the best anime of all time, if Hiei and Inuyasha fought I bet Hiei will win and kick Inuyasha's ass big timewith the Dragon of the Darkness Flame in your face dog boy, anyway I love this show and I think Botan is hot and so what and Jr. is a freak...in your face Mr.Political
by nightbird
Fri Jan 21 2005Yu Yu Hakusho is one of my favorite shows because it has awesome characters and cool fight seens and it's funny too. I think that anyone would like it. I love Botan and how she always says Bingo! Kuwabara is supposed to be funny but more often ends up way annoying and semi-retarted.
by sral3d8b
Mon Dec 20 2004I belieleve that Yu yu is a well developed anime. It is much better than previous anime released in America, like DBZ. I also like how the opponents grow stronger, but have reasons behind their strength, unlike DBZ. But still, The manga recently appearing on toonami is steadily growing, and catches my attention. I am only 13, but I have a high standard for my types of manga.(oh yeah, i'm not one of those pocket protector nerds who run around school thinking about yugi oh every second of my life and trying to cast kamehameha on the football jocks that pick on them. I'm actually the football jock.)
by mrpolitical
Fri Dec 10 2004Useless.
by lee_pi_long
Sun Nov 14 2004looks old school. fighting is good i guess
by animelover1
Wed Oct 20 2004yu yu hakusho is the best show! Kurama is soooooooooooooooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!!!
by kurapika
Sun Aug 08 2004When I first heard of it I didn't expect it to be so intresting, but I would have to say that even though it is an older series it is still a good one.
by rikku_chan1322
Fri Jul 30 2004can i say kurama's a pimp, i swear he gets with eveery girl.....but he's my guy and i luv him as well the show and may i ad that hiei and botan should hook up, which i know they won't but i luv that couple. i mean i still got my storys to read that can enjoy on Fanfiction.net
by flyingshadow
Thu Jul 29 2004i love this show. it is the best thing ...... ever
by mad_tv_krazy
Sun Jul 04 2004I think that it brings something original to Anime. If you think about it only the most original Anime's have made it pretty far. There are so many Anime's that are coppies of DBZ, YYH, Trigun, Inuyasha, Akira, Gundam, they all look the same but only the first and the best make it because I just don't care for C Anime Shows/Movies.
by kunaiforce
Mon May 17 2004fights are cool
by spazy_gurl
Sat Apr 03 2004yu yu hakusho is AWSOME i like them all, hiei kuwabara, yusuke, and kourma. i wish that show was real life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by squirrelmaster_69
Thu Mar 18 2004yet another excellent anime. hiei is the best. kuwabara's an idiot with an obsession with kittens. i hope someday they will play more episodes on cartoon network. if you like anime you should check this show out.
by trunks32
Sat Feb 21 2004best anime ever
by digigirl64
Wed Dec 10 2003YYH is so COOL!!When Kuwabara wakes up,it's like GIRLS & KITTENS,GIRLS & KITTENS!!!!!!
by hateuall
Wed Nov 19 2003Yu Yu Hakusho is a great anime, and a bit underrated. I think it's a great show and don't say otherwise.
by arctic_shatter
Sat Oct 25 2003I love YYH! The beginning was sort of long and drawn out, but it picks up after Yusuke's resurrection. However, it seems to taper off after the Sensui saga. ~_~ I didn't truly appreciate the Makai Tournament, but that's just me. The anime ending was a good way to bring it to a close, but I rather liked the way the manga ended, as well. Too bad the publishers were pressuring Togashi into things. You could really tell that YYH was beginning to lose quality near the end.
by jorganvonsting_le
Thu Aug 28 2003God bless you. Wait? Someone didn't sneeze? Well, it sure sounded like it.
by hilldeba
by weaselfan4life
Mon Aug 11 2003The title sounds like someone sneezed. Go Aqua Teen Hunger Force!
by kazuma
Sun Aug 10 2003This show is entertaining in many different ways, the plot is exciting, the character development is great, it is funny and exciting with great battle seens, neone looking for a rpg of yyh check out http://groups.msn.com/1YuYuHakushoRPG/joininginfo.m snw
by bsktbllwssp
Tue Aug 05 2003IT KICKS ASS. SPIRIT GUN!!! lol..
by aplus102
Sun Aug 03 2003I am mesmerized by this anime.Hiei is my favourite character.I recommend the anime to all of u
by ctnp20a9
Fri Aug 01 2003the best cartoon
by ninja_princess_25
Wed Jul 30 2003I really like yyh..... Kurama AND Youko are so HOT. I think the arguments between Kuwbara and Hiei are so funny!!
by sekichiku
Fri Jul 25 2003This show rocks!It is my favorite of all the shows I watch.Hiei is probably my favorite character.
by yurkara
Wed Jun 25 2003Has to be one of the best show out there. If you love DBZ you will love this one.
by rurounishiniga_mi
Fri Jun 13 2003One of the best animes of all time!One of Togashi's best.Although I prefer the manga.
by ladyshark4534
Fri Jun 13 2003Yu Yu Hakusho has good characters. Kubara is hilarious. It's good anime and definetly not something to pass up.
by medusa1861
Mon Apr 14 2003I love this show... Spirit weapons.. Killing demons.. it's an all round kick ass show
by forgotten_hero
Tue Mar 25 2003One of the greatest action cartoons out there today. The fight scenes don't drag out for several episodes and the storyline is pretty cool. I mean how many cartoons have the main character die in the first episode?
by joepancake
Mon Mar 10 2003What a concept! Animation is a bit choppy, but great storylines.
by sim_queen10857
Sat Jan 18 2003I love the characters in this show. Hiei is so cool!
by sneakymomo
Fri Jan 17 2003It was fun to watch, but I didn't like the ending.