Collectible card game developed and published by Konami Website
Approval Rate: 35%
Reviews 0
by onewingedangel
Sat Jun 03 2006Sucks... the reason I can't stand 4kids. IT IS TOTAL CRAP!
by toopo06a
Sat May 06 2006its realy good but the game is getting old.
by ih8rateitall
Sat Mar 18 2006Too much hair gel, horrible voice acting, horrendous script, I mean what in the hell is going on!? Who's the bad guy? Why are these cards such a big deal anyway, they're only cards!
by ezohnluvr
Fri May 06 2005I don't think Yu-Gi-Oh is such a bad show. In fact one of my guilty little pleasures is to sit down in front of the TV on Saturday morning and watch it. Now what the hell is wrong with that?
by punkirishlint
Thu May 05 2005incredibly gay and stupid.
by nightbird
Sat Apr 30 2005This show is cool but because of the card craze it has a bad rep and I love the show and It has a plot just for those of you who don't think so.
by kawaiikonoama
Fri Apr 22 2005It will get a higher rating if I ever see it subbed, because the American dub is just irritating and BOGUS as hell.
by milkmannne
Thu Apr 21 2005The worst anime/manga show that i have ever seen. The plot's not to good, the dialogue sucks, and so do the characters.
by otakusami
Thu Apr 21 2005The series is fine in Japanese and America is crap but the real reason why is the 7th season. It sucks. Why replace Yugi? The music is beautiful. Not that Your Move crap!
by shadowlink
Mon Apr 18 2005This is a good show, but the english dubed version makes it look kinda bad because they edited show much, and cut a whole lot out....stupid 4kids....
by 1256inuyasha
Sat Mar 12 2005Yu-Gi-Oh is awesome and I don't give a crap what anyone else thinks. The cards are cool, the manga is awesome and so is the show ( the 4kids edited dub needs work though)
by mooselover
Thu Feb 03 2005Like Pokemon, A adveertisment for parents to waist money too by stupid cards which they will lose interest 2 years(or less) from no. Stay away from this!
by lee_pi_long
Tue Nov 23 2004creatures were awsome. if yugis hair was different it would be cooler. cause his hair is gay and ugly. when his voice changes sounds like he just went through puberty really fast.
by animelover1
Wed Oct 20 2004i used to hate yugioh but i watch it lil bit more and it is sooooo kool i even collect the cards.
by 1256yugiohfan
Tue Aug 17 2004I love yugioh its my favorite cartoon. i dont care what anyone else thinks.this show rocks.of corse i think the japanese version are a little better but it still rocks.
by looney_girl
Mon Aug 02 2004That is not a good idea to show that japanese crap, because people dont understand this show. What is the point of this show anyway?! Terrible animation. Nobody likes this show and it is very inapproite! Not funny. THIS SHOW IS SUPER CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by scrappy_619
Mon Jul 26 2004this is a really good show
by lupe_neo
Tue Jul 06 2004I dunno why everyone thinks it so crap, it's da best!!
by milleniumon
Sat Jul 03 2004This show is good. I watch it every saturday! The original version(of course) is more darker and violent. When Yugi dueled Arcana(Pandora) those dark energy disks were not going to send their minds to the shadow realm but cut off their legs!Marik didn't send his father to the shadow realm he killed him! I don't think little children needed to see that. Though the probaly watch worse stuff anyways. The only bad thing about it is the number of times I hear the words Destroy or The fate of the world depends on my victory and My friends are in grave danger It makes me want to sock them, but besides that its good.
by runswithwhitew_olves
Sun Feb 29 2004Why so low?
by badunsgirl
Mon Oct 06 2003This show is lame just like all Japan animation cause all the characters look the same and the words don't match the lips at all it's stupid!!
by mikeholly93
Wed Aug 27 2003More Japanese Sucky cartoons! The Characters SUCK! Only the action figures are worth it!!! I do not know why so many kids love these stupid Japanese crap cartoons.
by hilldeba
by ctnp20a9
Fri Aug 01 2003yugi always wins so it's too predictible
by rurounishiniga_mi
Sat Jun 14 2003It's good,but once again the manga is better.They leave to much out of the cartoon.
by shadowangel
Thu Jun 12 2003I am thoroughly stunned the Chirstians aren't throwing a huge hissy fit over this yet, I mean, come on, spirits, evil monsters, creepy bad guys, it's the perfect thing for them to target. Even so, this show is great. The Japanese have the right idea. I'm an 8th girl, and I'm about the only chick in my school who likes Yu-Gi-Oh, but, I'm a tomboy, and I like action, violence, and especially gore. The original Yu-Gi-Oh series was aimed at teenage boys, not little kids. The Americans butchered it, but it's still good. If anyone can tell me where I can find the original Jap. episodes, preferably with english subtitles(Though I'm learning Japanese) please email me :[email protected]
by medusa1861
Mon Apr 14 2003This show is great..good suspense..I like it
by callmetootie
Thu Jan 23 2003The producers of this show are probably saying Yu-Gi-Oh, into the result of this terribly boring and bland cartoon. Can't anyone do anything original anymore?
by hrod4688
Mon Nov 11 2002I wish they would ban these Japanese monster card shows. They make absolutly no sense.
by jamesdernen
Tue Aug 20 2002this show is awesome...i may be too old to watch it but i even play the card game!!!