Yourself in your RIA profile

Approval Rate: 63%

63%Approval ratio

Reviews 20

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    Sat Oct 10 2009

    Naw, I'm really a short, short tempered curmudgeon Red Sox fan of Irish ancestry who unrepentantly drinks more than he should, has vices including eating, gambling and wenching, and otherwise carries on til all hours.

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    Sat Oct 10 2009

    let's see. of course my name is not really Molfan, I took the first three letters from my two dogs Molly and Fancy. but most of us make up nicknames. this will be the last year I can say I am in my forties. I think is then I will lie and say i am younger.LOL! really do not know what i would lie about . { do not have a good enough memory} UPDATE: I am past fifty as of today. my 52nd birthday. I am as many years as a regular cards in a deck. damn how did that happen? really have no reason to lie about my profile on Rateitall. believe me or not.

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    Sat Oct 10 2009

    They say that Online no one knows if you are a Man or a Dog, so I can see how there might be temptation for some. But I've always Felt that if you are going to lie to strangers (Who probably don't even care) then you would be Better off selling your computer and using the money to see a Shrink.

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    UPDATED OCTOBER 8, 2009: I may have or have not lied my ass off on this site. You figure it out. Chortle.ORIGINAL COMMENT: In religion, we see sins of commission and sins of omission as to truthfulness. The first is an intentional falsehood and the second is an intentional failure to state a material fact. I think we see more of the omission than the commission on this site.

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    I don't lie in my ria profile. That would be very uncool.

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    Naturally, I leave a great deal out, but what little info you'll see from me about me is as accurate as any person can be when speaking of self.

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    I must admit, I don't have much in my profile, and that's because I protect my privacy as much as possible. But what is there is the truth.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    Lying about yourself in your profile page is simply stupid. Your reviews and comments will eventually tell more about who you are than carefully crafted words aimed at showing a better side than who you really wish to be. Trying to impress others with a false image of yourself is not only lying to others, but lying to self. And, of course, when you get caught, you have to come up with more lies to justify the previous ones.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    Yes, I'm sorry. I'm actually a 300-pound unshaven guy wearing a wig in a bath full of vegetables.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    No need to lie, I am what I am. You can accept me for this or reject me; that is your choice.

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    As Donovan has put it, "I'am what I'am !!!" Wish that I could put more, but I really don't want you guys to get too bored!!!! No point in lying who you are or what you are; You like and dislike what you like and dislike!

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    I think people reveal too much once in awhile.  To lie about something is silly for the simple reason that I don't consider myself worth of interest to anyone here.  Opinions are the issue- not the reviewer.  Keep identities and info that's too personal away and keep emphasizing opinions/facts and you will have nothing to lie about.

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    I look like the wild king of the geeks on my page and describe my occupation as one involving manual labor. That, my friends, is truthfullness when I can come out and say that I'm a geek with a job that doesn't impress alot of people.

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    Fri Jul 25 2008

    I've met some pretty amazing people on RIA, former heads of state, billionaires, supermodels, all-star athletes.......

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    I didn't know RIA was a confessional so, I pretty much write what I want you to hear.  But you can be sure that nothing I've ever written here has been a lie.

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    Completly truthful! Every word. I did see any reason to lie I my profile.

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    I really am a black outfielder from the 70's and 80's with various teams.

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    I too, as Ridge did, lied about my profile. I never was King of France or any other country.

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    Father forgive me for I have sinned, I'm really 230 pounds and the marshmellow is not that solid (anymore). What's that Padre? Two Our Fathers and three Hail Marys? Yes, Padre.

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    Why would I? It's pointless to lie anyway, let alone to strangers who don't give a crap one way or the other.