Your height

Approval Rate: 66%

66%Approval ratio

Reviews 42

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    I don't really see the point in this... if you were really short and said you were really tall wouldn't it be kind of obvious if you then met face to face. In fact if you were having that conversation face to face I'd kind of hope that it would be obvious too. This is another one of those where there has been a culture of making people self-concious about their size. If you're really really tall or really really short, what difference does it make to who you are?

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    I'm 5'6"-- never lied about this.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    I'm sure more people then you think are probably off by an inch or two when they tell someone their height. Thats no big deal. Not sure why you would lie purposely about your height tho. Thats just stupid lol.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    Nope, I'm 5'10 1/2" lmao!

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    Fri Aug 29 2008

    5' 7"

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    Wed Aug 20 2008

    Its plainly obv i'm tall. I dont lie to the best of my knowledge.

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    Fri Aug 08 2008

    You can't hide 5 feet....

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    Thu Aug 07 2008


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    Wed Aug 06 2008

    Well I'm five feet four and a three quarters inches tall. For a girl this is a typical hight. I really don't care how tall I am.

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    I'm 5 foot 5 and a half. And I'm ok with it. It's not too tall and not too short.

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    Why would anyone lie about that?

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    UPDATE: The first time I rated this item I must not have paid close attention to the rating system. I don't lie about my height, but plenty of people do.From my experience, it's easy for talll people to lie about their height in person. If you are 6'2" and you say you are 6'5" to someone who is under, 5'6", they will probably believe you. I knew a girl who was about 5'0" who thought that I was close to 7'0" (I'm only about 6'4", maybe 6'5" at most), because some guy who was about 6'1" told her that he was 6'4". I find that I'm taller than a significant amount of people who claim to be 6'6".

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    A clothing catelogue I saw once, from what I can recall, listed 5'3" to 5'6" as "average".  I am on the lowest end of that.  If you want, you can do the math. :-)

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    I am just a hair under 5'6. I always wanted to be taller, but I've never felt the need to lie about my height.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    lol umm 5'11'' i think i still am? lol

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    Fri Aug 01 2008


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    Tue Jul 29 2008

    no need to

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    Tue Jul 29 2008

    why would anyone lie about that? i don't get it.

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    Tue Jul 29 2008

    Nope, 5'4 1/2" and proud of it

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    Mon Jul 28 2008

    I think that's more of a guy thing.

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    That is a really stupid thing to lie about...I hate being short but I am who I am.

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    I was measured to be 5'7 so thats what I tell people I am.Why would I lie about my height anyways..I like my height.Im as tall as the average man and I can reach alot more than woman of average height or short men!lol

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    Sat Jul 26 2008

    I don't know how tall I am so I can't lie about it.

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    Fri Jul 25 2008

    I don't know about this one. I have never heard anyone lie about their height unless they truly did not know and they were just guessing

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    Fri Mar 09 2007

    Height is more of a guy thing...just like weight is usually of more concern to women.  I started out at 5' 6.5" and have shrunk about an inch over the years (they tell me it starts in your 30's).  I don't really care that much and see no reason to lie about it.  I figure if I live to be really old I'll be able to socialize with Leprechans - and I here they're quite the partiers.

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    I know I'm 5'8", but why is everybody my height claiming 5'9" or 5'10"? Hmm... UPDATE: Women are allowed the "In heels" exception. The same exception may soon be applied to drag queens.

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    I started out at 6' 2" but as you get older, you start to shrink. That is no joke. My dad is in his 90's. He once was about 5' 11" but is considerably shorter now. That is not much to look forward to, is it?

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    My buddy's wife, Denise, who is about 5' 2" and very selfconscious about her height, once told my wife and I that her doctor told her "She was tall for her height". Huh??

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    I can honestly say I'm 6'4" and it can be a real drag. I hate hitting my head on overheads and having been in the forces a marker for drill is NO fun!!! Height on the other hand is very helpful when it comes to reaching things and seeing things over a crowd!!! I guess I'm happy with my height, I wouldnt be me, if I was not this height!!!

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    I'm anywhere between 6' and 6'8", depending on which convenient store I'm in.

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    Why lie?  You are what you are. I'm 6'2", dark hair, tanned, blue eyes, and 205 lbs of solid muscle. I do not know why people must lie all the time. I'm extremely wealthy, drive a nice car, live in a beach front home and own my own multi billion-dollar business. I’m just me!(OK, maybe I haven’t been totally honest here)

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    Wed Jan 17 2007

    If you want to impress people, it only works on the web. I'm 6'5," with afro 6'9" ...

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    Sat Apr 22 2006

    How can you lie about your height if you are standing next to the person???? I'm 5'6". (I think....last time I checked.)

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    Fri Apr 21 2006

    I'm 5'8 ,i don't lie and that is sufficent for me.

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    Thu Apr 06 2006

    I totally agree with JR1, I am also 5'10" and never lie about it, this is a great height, not too short and not too tall, funnily I am taller than most of peoples I meet on the street and when I meet someone over the internet half of the time he (even she) will be taller than me lol, weird isn't it? they don't know their height they only presume and since 80% of peoples lie well it gives a half right answer... like 5'6" becomes 5'10". Many peoples lie about it and I don't know why either, weight matters MUCH more than height.

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    Thu Apr 06 2006

    Well I don't lie about my height, I'm 5'10" and I am really happy to be (just a bit taller than the average), but 80% of peoples DO lie over the internet, if we were believing them the average height wouldn't be 5'9" (which is a fact since 2001) it would be 6'2" lol, in real life it is impossible to lie about it unless you wear elevator shoes and good luck when a girl or boy sees you barefoot... What I find funny is when I walk outside in public (US and Canada) I am usually taller than 80% of the boys and girls and on the internet I am below 50%... a lot of height liars in this world you say? and I will never understand them.

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    Fri Mar 03 2006

    it would be hard to lie if you knew that person would see you in person. I guess in cyberspace there could be people who may lie about their height. I do not care how tall people think I am 5'5".I suppose if someone wished they could be a different height and knew someone would never see them, they could fib about their height.

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    Thu Mar 02 2006

    I'm 4'11". As embarassing as that is, do you honestly think I'm making it up?

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    Thu Mar 02 2006

    6' 7..(5'5)

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    Thu Mar 02 2006

    I didn't do it on purpose! I honestly thought I was almost 5'2; it's not my fault I'm barely 5'0! :-)

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    Thu Mar 02 2006

    To be honest I don't know my exact height so if I lie about it, its not intentional. I know Im in the vicinity of 5'4"

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    Thu Mar 02 2006

    When I played HS basketball I was listed as 6'5". . .my wife is laughing, really. . .