Youngstown, Ohio

Approval Rate: 29%

29%Approval ratio

Reviews 8

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    Sat Nov 21 2009

    Youngstown is quite possibly the worst city in Ohio. It ties neck and neck with Cincinnati, OH. What more can I say about "that" city. I use the word "that" because I moved away two years ago and am reflecting on my experiences when I did live there. First off, I have no regrets on moving away. If you are young, vibrant and have any major goals or aspirations in will need to consider some other place other than Youngstown. Once a thriving city during the age of steel(well before I was born by the way), it is now nothing more than a waste land. The school systems are TERRIBLE and prepare the children for nothing more than utter failure. Parochial schools in the area are no better. Some students quickly realize how far behind, underprepared and outclassed they are when they start to take the proper steps to furthur their education and release themselves from the clutches of "that" city. The roads are horrible and Youngstown's idea of road repairs involve multiple patchwork jobs... Read more

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    Mon Nov 16 2009

    I have been a resident of Youngstown, Ohio for 25 years and I think that it has it's ups and down. I will start with the pros first. Considering Youngstown has a relatively small population you dont have to worry about rush hour traffic. The cost of living here is very inexpensive and believe it or not there are actually nice neighborhoods. The cons include the amount of crime that happens here, but hey there is crime everywhere and you will never get away from it. So the individuals who go on tv and say"i cant believe this happened in my neighborhood" are full of crap. Crime is everywhere. The police department usually takes a while to get to the scene. The potholes are ridiculous, especially market street. But it just goes to show that Youngstown is in need of money because im quite sure these same politicians that you were referring to would do something about it if they could so that their own vehicles wouldnt be torn to pieces. Yes there are a lot of abandoned homes, but that is b... Read more

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    Thu Nov 12 2009

    Youngstown sucks! Don't ever move your business there. It shows a total lack of regard for your workers to do so. You'll end up with a union and lazy workers that will be hard to get rid of. The free land and tax abatements aren't worth the hell you will go through. The beat-up roads will blow the ball joints out of your vehicles. You'll need a fence with razor wire and 24/7 security guards to keep from getting robbed. Don't ever believe Mayor Jay, he is full of bullshit. The town is dying and never will come back. It is only "good" for people on social security and welfare. The town is full of housing projects and section 8 rental units. There is robberies and shootings every day. Your place will be stripped of copper before you even get it built, and every existing place has already been stripped. Insurance rates are very high in Youngstown.

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    Thu Nov 12 2009

    Youngstown has a local income tax rate of 2.75%!! The only way to attract new industry is for the city to give away free land and generous tax abatements. Nearly all professionals such as doctors, dentists, and lawyers have moved their primary place of business to a location outside of the city. 80% to 90% off all neighborhoods are ghettos that are filled with drugs and thugs. Vicious dogs frequently run loose or are abandoned, and several people including children have been savagedly attacked. There are thousands of abandoned houses and buildings, 99% of which have been stripped of copper and anything else of value. Drive-by shootings occur on a regular basis. The crime and unemployment rates are sky-high. Rental units are not inspected, and slumlords have run roughshod over the city. Poor families are housed in SHACKS that are filled with lead and asbestos. One Section-8 slumlord in particular has a noted tendency to simply "walk away" from his abandoned and destroyed rental units, l... Read more

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    Sun Nov 08 2009

    I totally agree with cncdan, Youngstown is a shithole. Additional photos: nOhio?feat=directlink SBuilding?feat=directlink

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    Wed Nov 04 2009

    It's always greener on the other side......funny how people show the bad sections of Youngstown, well there are good sections to, but you people are so narrow-minded you think everything that happens in Youngstown, only happens in Youngstown, well you people are so sadly mistaken, read the papers, watch the news, duhhh, IT HAPPENS EVERYWHERE! When are you fools going to learn that.....if you don't like it, move! And don't read about Youngstown anymore, it's funny, people comment how bad it is, and like the other reader wrote, do something about it, instead of sitting on your ass and writing comments bi@#4ing about it. Wake up people, Youngstown is just a tiny little grain of sand in this universe!

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    Mon Nov 02 2009

    I have a question. If you dislike what's happening to Youngstown and the people in it why are you still here? Second question. What are you doing to change the situation? Assholes kill me they give reviews on what they don't like but sit on their asses and don't do anything to change it. In my opinion don't just sit there and complain let join together and make a difference. I give Youngstown a "CHANCE". That is my rating.

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    Fri Oct 30 2009

    It's all a matter of toleration . Youngstown is a wide open town that would have made Dodge City during days gone by blush . Crack cocaine is the vehicle that brings huge amounts of tax free cash into the city . Plenty of cheap housing exists that is available for any reasonable offer .