You take your roomates stuff without asking
Approval Rate: 50%
Reviews 23
by christianmarti_nez
Sun Jan 31 2010Unacceptable. I'll let someone use my things if they ask but there is no way that it could possibly be permissible if they don't.
by irishgit
Mon Mar 16 2009Especially his girlfriend....
by astromike
Mon Mar 16 2009Certain thing ok, other things not ok.
by blueorchid
Wed Jan 21 2009It's their stuff, get their permission otherwise you might just have a lot of explaining to do later.
by vudija
Wed Jan 14 2009My boyfriend like to have died the day he found my room-mate had come into our room while we were at work and damn near killed the bulbs on a flashlight that cost almost $80 with bulbs that aren't all that cheap either. We had to start hiding things so he wouldn't invade and use things without asking...
by molfan
Tue Jan 13 2009I have a problem with this since i dealt with a relative who took my things whenever she felt like had no respect for my privacy or belongings. and would face a beating if i protested. I would never help myself to their belongings when they were not looking and would hope they would show me the same courtesy. I am not selfish with my things and am willing to share just show some respect for things that do not belong to them would be appreciated.
by caroline112
Sun Dec 28 2008u'll get a beat down if u touch my shit w out permission
by caranina
Thu Sep 25 2008Thou Shall Not Steal
by blessed690
Mon Sep 08 2008taking something without asking is stealing....definitely not cool
by cindy7667
Sat Aug 16 2008depends on the roommate bestfriend, or family it's almost expected
by pandora7246
Fri Aug 15 2008I'd get really pissed off if they did it to me.
by lolly547
Tue Aug 12 2008i will take your socks if ur nt careful
by kyle918
Sun Aug 10 2008would never do it and i would be pissed if my roommate took my stuff
by ms_366722395
Tue Aug 05 2008But we share the same pant size?
by kusheil_lover
Tue Aug 05 2008nope, i always ask
by acurleegirlee
Sun Aug 03 2008I think it all depends on 1. how close you are to your roommate and 2. what it is they are taking. I have a friend (who shall remain anonymous) whose roommate freshman year of college used to "borrow" her underwear. And by borrow, I mean steal. So, I mean, that's a whole other level that roommates should never go, no matter how close you are. Not ok.
by zuchinibut
Sat Aug 02 2008A 3.5 in my mind. This all depends on whether the roommate comes clean about it afterwards. A roommate who says, "Hey I borrowed/used this while you were out. Don't worry, I'll clean/replace/buy a new one for you," is tolerable. A person who uses your things but doesn't own up to it is a crappy roommate. And even if your roommate uses some of your things without first asking you, there would hopefully be an understanding that some personal things are out of bounds.
by trebon1038
Sat Aug 02 2008A little of this goes a long way...but it shouldn't be an everyday thing.
by cheryl
Sat Aug 02 2008They better ask before taking my things!
by rusticridge
Sat Jul 12 2008I cant tell you the amount of clothes that have gone missing from my closet that i believe are from my roomate. Let alone her using (and not asking OR fessing up to me about it) my hair straightener, blowdryer, razor, toothpaste, deoderant, hairbrush, etc. I cant believe this girl was one of my good friends in highschool...
by ashleys
Mon Jul 26 2004I have a friend who has a roommate who doesn't keep a toothbrush in the bathroom, and is never seen carrying one in. My friend started hiding hers when she noticed that her toothpaste had been used.
by forgotten_hero
Sun Apr 04 2004This always gets to me.
by kamylienne
Sun Apr 04 2004I've never really had roommates, but I've pretty much lived with my husband while he had roommates. I kept some stuff there, and I didn't care when others used my stuff, just as long as it was returned in the same condition.