Yes, it had to be done

Approval Rate: 53%

53%Approval ratio

Reviews 10

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    Wed Mar 20 2013

    That's what my teen-aged daughter said about getting a tattoo, but she ultimately thought the better of it.

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    Tue Jun 08 2010

    Why did we go to Iraq? Here's why: ath=RSSFeed/HeadlineNews/Oil/7619164.xml It was all about oil. We had to secure the 2nd largest world reserves for our own corporate interests. USA all the way!

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    Mon Oct 27 2008


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    Fri Feb 09 2007

    Had to be done? No. Sorry for going outside the box here, but I think the important points are these: 1) It has been very poorly managed due to a plethora of faulty expectations, and, 2) We are there now? Where do we go from here?

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    Tue Aug 02 2005

    Had to be done? There's no gentle way to say this- you are an imbecile if you believe that the Iraq War was unavoidable. . .it's pretty much accepted knowledge that Dubya wanted to invade Iraq after 9-11 no matter what the intelligence told him. It's also public knowledge that his staff (Bolton especially) made sure that evidence and suggestions to the contrary were ignored or repudiated. Many wars aren't avoidable- this one will be remembered as a shameful example of America's attempt to flex its geopolitical muscles in the Middle East. All the yellow magnet stickers, the name-calling of those who dare question this president, all the cries of patriotism can't make the issues and questions go away.

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    Mon Aug 01 2005

    Iraq posed no threat to any other country, simple as that, they had buried their air force and had no WMD's and the army is still to be laughed at.

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    Tue Sep 28 2004

    George W. Bush was given intelligence information that indicated that Hussien had weapons of mass destruction. Now, we spent SIX months in the U.N trying to explain to them how it was important we make Hussien accountable for his 17 resolution violations, but that falled flat on its face. The six months time was suffecient enough for Hussien to dismantle, remove or hide his WMD's leaving the U.S with egg on its face. But Hussien didn't count on Bush realizing Hussiens little plan. This is one of the reasons I want Bush re-elected. If Kerry or Gore were President, we would be in the U.N right now begging France for it to be okay for us to invade Afghanistan. And in a post 9/11 world, we can't waste time being politically correct when it comes to our national security.

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    Fri May 21 2004

    Well, here's the scoop 'mcspongeicus'... geopolitical science 101: Since we are the world's only superpower, 2/3 of the world will hate us no matter WHAT we do. The reason 2/3 of the world does hate us is because we are made the convenient scapegoat for those countries' ills by their leaders, in order to deflect criticism of themselves. Blame the Great Satan for your problems and those countries leaders escape having to enact real reforms within their countries. Decade upon decade, we are the leader in foreign aid spending (by far). Doesn't matter... if the masses in those contries are uneducated and constantly barraged with negative propaganda by their governments, they will continue to hate us. This is REAL WORLD stuff. The Democrats would have you think that everyone in the world is just like us, just that big corporate interests keep getting in the way... we should all be able to sing cum-buy-yah together through dialogue and understanding. I got news for ya, Those people o... Read more

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    Fri May 21 2004

    History will ultimately decide, but I feel there is no doubt that the world is safer and terrorism has suffered a huge blow due to our removal of the former Iraqi regime. The major media has ignored vast reports of the successes of the war. They have also ignored the sentiments of the majority of Iraqis who are pleased with our presence. The majority of major media outlets have focused on the negatives, especially their overplay of the prison abuse issue by a small number of soldiers. This is a blatant attempt to turn the tables on the President's reelection efforts. Talk to many soldiers who have returned from Iraq, and they will tell you that we are making a difference in that part of the world and making this world safer for them and us.

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    Tue Apr 20 2004

    Saddam in 2003 was all talk. He talked the talk but I dont believe he had any intention at all of walking the walk. He was a man of 65 years, quite satisfied to hold on to power and live out the rest of his days in luxury. Basically, 10 years of sanctions and two wars had broken the Iraqi nation. It was held together by a tyrant. Now that the tyrant is gone, the strain of the last two decades is coming out and the relative freedoms that the Iraqis now have is been used to defeat the so called liberator of their country. They will not endure another 10 years of totalitarian rule and they fear it could be by the US. If instead, they had left saddam to his devices and sat back and maybe focused on combating terrorism, ideologically, through peaceful means like spending money on the health care and education systems of certain Arab nation, focused in multi-party talks involving the palistinions, israel, eu, russia and the Arab leauge on a monthly basis to try and solve some of the proble... Read more