Yahoo! Hotjobs

Approval Rate: 83%

83%Approval ratio

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    Wed Jun 01 2011

    Like YahooAnswers, it's troll and scam infested and best avoided. Look at all the bogus reviews and corny names below for proof. Yes, just mentioning Yahoo brings em out in droves.

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    Mon May 09 2011

    yahoo hot jobs is really like any other site for recruitment it provides the the chane to bother seekers and employers to get connected but also it doesn;t give the right picture about the real market and may be draw rosey colors to the available opprtunities. sometimes you may apply to once job and after finishing you may find it expires meaning the site is not always updated to the latest available jobs. Users like the status feature that allows you to see how many times your resume has been viewed, and the fact that you can choose whether your searches include listings from staffing firms or recruiters. It also gives one the chance to specify who should be viewing ones resume. genreally its a good idea and a good site.

  • by


    Wed Jun 02 2010

    I have been providing software development service in elance for a while. It actually works pretty well. Initially it is relative harder to get a project, but once you make your name there (after few good deliveries), you will get steady projects. Also, there are good payments as well. Lot of serious buyers out there. If you are interested in more details, feel free to post a message here and I can give you several good tips.

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    Sat Oct 24 2009

    This website has provide hot jobs to canditate

  • by


    Sun Jul 26 2009

    Yahoo! Hotjobs was the place I found my recent job at. I noticed that my local newspaper and school job listing just were not cutting it. I discovered Hotjobs and I was hooked instantly. A great site to find a great job.. and did I mention the pay is awesome too?

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    Tue Jul 07 2009

    Like almost every other job site you can do all the same things. You can post your resume and receive career advice if your having trouble writing a better cover letter. They say thousands of new jobs are listed daily but some are repeats of jobs that were previously listed

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    Tue May 05 2009

    I have been using Hot Jobs for years. I check it weekly to stay abreast of opportunities that are available in my area. Over the past 8 years I have accepted 2 positions I found on Hot Jobs. I highly recommend it as a site to check regularly and especially when you are looking for a job.

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    Thu Jan 17 2008

    Yahoo Hot Jobs is a personalized Job Search Engine, linked to your Yahoo ID, so you can use the same login account for the both sites. This comprehensive and user-friendly search site includes a massive job search bank, records storage for My Searches, multiple resume templates, and a large library of Career Tools. Any job search can be subscribed to via RSS. You can add your subscription to "My Yahoo" or to a personalized RSS reader (as Bloglines). All users agree that the site very effectively implemented the job search by location, when user can see all the jobs available in his general area. Another nice feature implemented is HotBlock technology, giving job seekers control on which employers can see their resume. Yahoo! HotJobs has a free limited search option for employers, and it also provides employers, recruiters, and staffing agencies an opportunity to choose billable recruiting program. The biggest disadvantage of the site, revealed by the users, is the lack of the proper... Read more

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    Wed Jul 04 2007

    had great luck here. very informative. great site. highly recommended. --- home of great coffee all organic, fair trade and shade grown

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    Wed Jan 22 2003

    It was Good until it combined with Yahoo.

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    Mon Jan 08 2001

    Very easy to use. Lots of feedback. Pioneer in online job searches.

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    Mon Nov 20 2000

    It worked well, but I had a hard time finding a specific job that did not require a lot of experience.

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    Thu Nov 16 2000

    This website is a very good website idea for the reason that many people have access to the internet. This website gives a chance for people who are in need of jobs.

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    Tue Nov 14 2000

    Does not even compare to Has never had any jobs that I'd consider, when I get search results via e-mail. I think the jobs are inferior to those at becaues the website is not as polished.

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    Tue Nov 14 2000

    It's a cool website. It's very resourceful. The only problem I have with it is that you have to have a degree to use it.

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    Thu Nov 09 2000

    It was hard to sign in. Had basically no "non-professional" jobs. Took forever to load. It was pretty frustrating and didn't give good results.

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    Thu Nov 09 2000

    I was watching TV and I needed a job so I went to the website. I found out about a lot of jobs, and now thanks to them people can make it.

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    Thu Nov 02 2000

    Hot Jobs made it very easy for me to send my resume to many different employers. After I had sent my resume, I had more than a dozen interviews lined up the week after.

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    Wed Nov 01 2000

    Very easy to use website when searching for a job. Lets you search for jobs outside of the US. Has the ability to forward your resume to matching jobs.

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    Wed Nov 01 2000

    Great. They like to have new items. Also, they tend to update you more and quicker on opportunities. They also have a good application process and "hits" service.

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    Tue Oct 31 2000

    Great selection. I like the fact that it gives you the option to submit your resume. Needs improvement contacting people who submit their resumes via e-mail.

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    Tue Oct 31 2000

    I applied to seven different jobs that I was well qualified for and received only one response.

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    Mon Oct 30 2000

    Good place to search for jobs. I used it during summer and got the job I wanted.

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    Tue Oct 24 2000

    They didn't have anything for people who want to be in the entertainment industry. It was hard to find jobs unles you actually know the specific job title.

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    Wed Oct 11 2000

    As far as job search sites go, is the most inclusive site I've come across. You can search for jobs based on credentials, location, and desired salary. There's even a feature that asks you how many miles you are willing to travel to and from work and then find openings in that radius!

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    Mon Jul 31 2000

    I've tried about half a dozen employment sites and is not one I consult frequently. I find the GUI less user friendly than that of competitors like or jobtrak, and the international job listings of the two sites are much more relevant to me. Nonetheless, I have found some listings of interest on

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    Fri Jul 28 2000

    I tried looking for a job through the website and a lot of the jobs are more professional jobs. It is not a place to look for a part time college type jobs.

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    Mon Jul 24 2000

    They give daily updates on possible jobs. They are easier to understand. They give information that will make resumes easier to present to employers.

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    Tue Jul 18 2000

    I needed a job quickly, and this site was helpful, but confusing.

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    Mon Jul 10 2000

    I used this as a base when I was looking for a job. I would go to to see who was hiring and then go specifically to their site and apply there. There are thousands and thousands of people that are looking for a job and going to the site and when you send them your resume, it just gets lost in the world of resumes. The level of competition is just too high. Even if you are better qualified for the job than someone else, that someone else might have a better resume. Basically, it doesn't increase your chances of getting a job. It just gives you openings in which to take leads from. This is just my personal experience. I bet some people have found some great jobs through In my experience, I used it for getting leads.