Yahoo! Chat

Approval Rate: 57%

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    Sun Jan 30 2011

    I'd rather watch McGowan, Doorgunner and AryanDan perform "Waiting for Godot" than visit Yahoo! Chat.

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    Thu Jan 14 2010

    Yahoo! Chat is the worst piece of crap ever!!! The chatrooms are full of bots. You will rarely, if ever, see an actual human being in any of the chatrooms. And if you're "lucky" enough to come across a human being, more than likely it will be an Indian man, no offense.

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    Fri Aug 29 2008

    This is a great place to talk to people. Its fun and people really respect what you say. I love it.

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    Wed Jun 25 2008

    Hi, this is the first time I've submitted an email on here, anyone who knows a lot about astrology, I would be grateful for any advice.. I can't afford to pay for my chart to be read right now. I don't know who else to talk to, especially in this area of expertise. I know so many women in this similar situation, it's so sad, that I have to put it out there, in hopes of them coming across this letter and help themselves NOW before they get hurt, like I have recently. I've recently went to a party where my friend had an astrologer read our charts. I've asked about the charts btwn this new guy I've met (6/9/87 @ 3:30 PM) b/c I didn't want to give my heart away yet if he wasn't a good match. She said he matched up well and it would be a good experience. So I have, despite the age difference and this being the first time ever being interested in someone much younger let alone dating him. Especially NOW, b/c I've recently found out the ex who I've still had feelings for and have been kee... Read more

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    Sat May 31 2008

    This got my typing speed up about 20wpm. Just say no or else you'll find yourself having meaningless converations with people who you really don't care about.

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    Fri Feb 15 2008

    I remember back in the day when yahoo was a great place to chat. Any room you went into, there was real people in there chatting. Now its just infested with bots, hackers, and spammers. Its a shame a multi billion dollar I.T. / internet company can't find a way to control the situation. Too little too late I'm afraid.

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    Thu Nov 29 2007

    Completely unusable as it's been taken over by spam/porn bots. There are very few real people chatting in any of the rooms. I used to use Yahoo chat frequently between 2001-2005, made a lot of new friends via that medium. But not anymore. You're better off using IRC if you want to actually chat with people rather than bots.

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    Mon Jul 30 2007

    it's terrible, but u can make yahoo experience better by visiting

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    Wed Jul 04 2007

    a great place to chat!   very informative. great site. highly recommended. --- home of great coffee all organic, fair trade and shade grown

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    Mon Nov 20 2006

    I've been around Yahoo! Chat for about 10 years. It has really going downhill. Mainly rude and childish people. I have not ran in to any "hacker wannabes", however, I don't doubt they exist. I have seen many state that Yahoo! should do something about it, such as moderators. The problem is Yahoo! does NOT care. How do I know this? I see moderators all the time in the rooms (look for the @sbcglobal) in the handles. They sit there, allows childish insults and flaming to go on, allow spamming in the rooms, and do nothing about it. What's the purpose of a moderator that does not moderate? I'd stay away from Yahoo! chat, it's worthless!

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    Mon Oct 30 2006

    Just went to Yahoo chat after being away for over a year, well seems I shouldn't have bothered, it's nothing but bot's and spam now. So make my rating 0 stars

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    Wed Mar 15 2006

    I do agree that there are a lot of vulgar in chat.But not blame only the indians and arabs for this.Afterall, everybody are humans..These things happen everywhere in the globe.

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    Tue Feb 28 2006

    too good

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    Sun Feb 05 2006

    well ivisit the chat room 3times 1year ago and it was ok,dont have to much to say some were good somewere jerks

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    Mon Nov 07 2005

    It's like the Wild West of the Internet, you've got spammers, scammers, wannabe hackers, booters, perverts, bots you name it Yahoo has it. Atleast they made the minimum age requirement 18 for joining now and log i.p.'s of all users....dont know how effective that is, it's still the same.

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    Fri Apr 01 2005

    Unfortunately, the bots' and IM spammers have taken control of Yahoo chat as well as other chatrooms. Yahoo needs to do something about that.

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    Wed Aug 11 2004

    Yahoo chat is almost a complete waste of space, and mostly because it is a free service still. Not necessarily Yahoo's fault. I would never spend another minute chatting on the yahoo chat forum again. The whole place is filled with sickos and wannabe hackers. Sometimes a wannabe hacker is worse than the real thing, because they want to prove themselves so bad they don't care what gets damaged in the process. Avoid Yahoo chat if you can...

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    Wed Aug 11 2004

    Don't do it.

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    Sun May 23 2004

    I luv to go to to chat.

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    Sat May 01 2004

    I'm a 6 year online veteren of chat rooms. As a female, I would strongly urge other females NOT to use Yahoo chat. Aside from it being full of bots, spammers, pedos, pic traders and cammers, it is also ground zero for men posing as women. I also have to agree with the comment about middle and near eastern males on Yahoo chat. My experience has found them to be consistantly rude, crude and condescending.

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    Thu Apr 08 2004

    I have never been a big online chatter; however, Yahoo! Chat seems to be one of the better sites for this service. There are literally hundreds of rooms dedicated to different topics, including sports, movies, music, politics, etc, so there is obviously something for everyone. Nevertheless, as with any chat room, there is abuse of discretion as to language and off topic chat. Unfortunately, being one of the most active chat sites, the Yahoo! Chat rooms suffer from a lot of cham (ie chat spam), and there seems to be a limit as to how many chatters can be in one room. Finally, Yahoo! features voice chat, webcams, and the choice of Chat 2.0 or Java.

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    Sat Oct 25 2003

    It's no better or worse than MSN Chat. Anywhere but Yahoo Chat and MSN Chat has a very low population/is empty. Completely agree you should avoid Indians and Arabs.

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    Sat Jun 07 2003

    It's a good service, but it has been plagued recently with a lot of vulgur content. I don't chat very often, but I figured that I'd check this out once. Boy, what an experience. I think that this is merely a haven for rejects who haven't even gotten a grade school education. Yahoo!Chat's problem is that there is no way to keep people from insulting or PMing other people. There should definately be a moderator or something to keep order in the chatrooms.

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    Mon Jun 02 2003

    I don't chat anyway, but I was really disappointed with the web cam chat. I think yahoo should have it like webcamnow instead of manually clicking on each name to see their webcam.

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    Sat Mar 15 2003

    Makes you think indians are very net savvy.

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    Sat Oct 20 2001

    Great place as long as you avoid chatting to Indians and Arabs.

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    Sat Oct 20 2001

    Probably the rudest people after Survivor Chat(man! can't stand those guys over at Survivor CBS Chat). Whenever I come to Yahoo!chat, theres always some people PMing me, advertising some porn website, or Ill get Indians who PM me and tell me they shall rape my sister. I think there should be a room moderator, or stricter rules in Yahoo!chat, if not, Im not going back there again. :P

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    Sat Apr 07 2001

    Yahoo Chat is the last place you'd want to chat with online. The people here are so rude, and it's so confusing. They give you this tiny screen with 30 members on it, and you have to figure out who you are and people can break into your computer and steal your credit card cash! It's true, and you have to stay away.

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    Mon Jan 08 2001

    Very easy. HTML and Java formats. Much better than

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    Tue Dec 12 2000

    Yahoo!Chat is just fine but I don't know anybody that chats on Yahoo often. All of my friends are on AOL or Instant messanger and I prefer that over Yahoo!Chat.

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    Wed Dec 06 2000

    I like this web site because it enables people from all over the world to talk to each other. It has many different topics and different chat rooms to fit everyone's interests.

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    Mon Dec 04 2000

    This is not as simple to use as AOL instant messanger. Because you have to wait for people to authorize you and everything. But it's not as popular therefore if you want to only talk/chat with certain people it can be more personal.

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    Mon Nov 27 2000

    Yahoo Chat! is a great website that people should use if they ever find themselves bored. Just go to Yahoo Chat! and talk to interesting people that you might make friends with. This site will give you a sense of excitement and fun being able to talk to all kinds of people online.

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    Mon Nov 27 2000

    Being a fan of AOL's chatting, online community, I was actually quite surprised to see that Yahoo offered, for free, the same goodies such as instant messages and profiles. My only disappointment was to not find so large a community as AOL offers, but for the price of nothing, this is a cool place to chat away and kill some time.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    This is a pretty decent site for chatting. It is good and has voice chat as well. However, there isn't anything that makes this site stand out.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    Great site and chat system to make a lot of friends. Offers many fun activities online.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    This site is not as friendly as an AOL user chat room. The variety of chat room topics is very good, but I don't think I've encountered the right people. Yahoo!Chat should make more of an effort to censor unruly chat people.

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    Fri Nov 24 2000

    This is okay, but not as good as AOL. Plenty of topics to choose from. Chat rooms can always be fun, but too many interruptions from porn site advertisers. Good to meet some people around the world.

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    I like this site because I get all my information from this site. You can find just about everything you need to know from this site. I can look up important things or fun things. I spend about two hours on this site when I'm not busy.

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    I feel chat sites in general need to be monitored in better ways. It is one thing to monitor a site and another to enforce rules. I'm not saying Yahoo!Chat, but I've been in Yahoo Games where you can also chat, and many people argue and call names instead of chat.

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    The place to chat is at Yahoo!Chat. Meeting people online is a popular thing to do and even having relationships is good. PM messaging is really good when you want privacy with the person you are chatting with. I even like their voice chat because I'm curious as to what they sound like. It is always fun to meet and chat with people in Yahoo. You might get lucky and find the right person for you...but always be careful! You never know who you'll bump into after the chat!

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    Tue Nov 21 2000

    Cool! Rad! Awesome! All that stuff. Just a few examples; profiles with pics, webpages, instant messaging.

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    Fri Nov 17 2000

    It's good. It's a different kind of chat room. There is no way to tell if someone you know is online and you want to chat with them.

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    Tue Nov 14 2000

    I have learned a lot from people that I don't even know through Yahoo!Chat. There are different kinds of rooms (chat rooms) and you can just go to one that you like and you can talk about everything. It is very good, and you also can talk live with other people.

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    Tue Nov 14 2000

    It's a good site to talk to people you don't know. I think it's good cuz you got voice chat too. I'll recommend it to lots of people, especially teens!

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    Thu Nov 09 2000

    Yahoo!Chat is cool because you get to meet and talk to people that you can't see, so I recommend that everybody who can get on the site please do.

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    Thu Nov 09 2000

    Yahoo is just an all around great website. The chat room is excellent. Very often you meet interesting people.

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    Thu Nov 09 2000

    I tried to get in once and it took a long time. When I finally got it to work, it was cool and there were lots of people. Basically, all chats are the same to me.

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    Wed Nov 08 2000

    I gave this a 2 because I don't usually go to the site, but when I went it was just people messing around.

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    Wed Nov 08 2000

    Great resource for networking with people of similar interests. However, there are a lot of jerks who jump into chats without knowing about topics or netiquette.