
Approval Rate: 65%

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    Tue Aug 11 2009

    best tv show bar-none. For the writers, production crew, and actors to create such an amazing show each and every week is nothing short of amazing. I need to buy up the other seasons, only have 1-2. There is nothing on tv now that even comes close to this.

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    Fri Jun 12 2009

    Normally don't care for science fiction. However I could get into the plot line of this. Good writing and conspiracy laden atmosphere.

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    Thu Apr 09 2009

    I used to love the x files. My favourite show ever.

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    I think you had to be a fan of science fiction to really enjoy this show, and I've always been a huge science fiction fan dating back to teenage years. So I loved it. It was like a combination (but a modern version) of "Twilight Zone," "The Outer Limits," "The Invaders," and "The Prisoner." Could have been my favorite TV show at the time. I still like to catch the reruns to see if it's an episode I missed. I agree with others that it was at its best with Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). It started to decline when Duchovny .more or less disappeared during the last two seasons, but even then I continued to like it. I had no idea that this show won so much acclaim until I just now checked out the Wikipedia article at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_X-Files. It says there: "The X-Files is a Peabody, Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning American cult science fiction television series, created by Chris Carter, which first aired in 1993 and ended in 2002. Th... Read more

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    Growing up my parents and brother would watch this show after the Simpsons. I could not stand it. when I was visiting my aunt, uncle, and two cousins in Texas with my brother I was forced to go see the first movie. I did not want to go. The movie was awful. I do not get why this show was so popular.

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    A show that was so uber-cool for a time that to criticize it was to lose social currency in some circles. I didn't think it was nearly as cool as everyone else- but three stars for Gillian. . .90's sexy incarnate. . .

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    Sun Sep 14 2008

    X-Files is one of the greatest science-fiction dramas ever on television. (Especially considering it is not a sci-fi series set in space). It started out as a kind of monster of the week thing, but before long there was a long and complicated plot-line developing. My only disappointment is that the series didn't end with the release of the first X-Files movie, (which wrapped up most of the storyline but still didn't cover everything).

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    Thu Aug 07 2008

    This was definately a good show but wasn't great. It got kind of boring after a while as well.

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    Sat Apr 19 2008

    It was a well written, acted, and produced show. Just couldn't buy into the subject matter.

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    Sun Feb 10 2008

    How stupid can you get!

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    Fri Feb 01 2008

    I have friends who thought this was the greatest show ever...I really never got into it but watched a few episodes and liked the characters and the chemistry...just wasn t my thing.

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    Fri Sep 07 2007

    Started well, and made a drastic and terrible down hill drop in quality.

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    Thu Apr 26 2007

    I am a big fan of scifi but I could never get into to this show. It was slow and boring, with lack luster acting.

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    Fri Jan 12 2007

    One is hard-pressed to doubt that "The X-Files" rejuvenated science fiction on mainstream television. This series was one of the early hits for the then relatively new Fox, a time when the network was taking more chances. Certainly fans of the genre are rather loyal, but it was the conceptual writing, acting and intelligent humor (especially the latter) that made the show a hit for the general audience in my opinion. David Duchovny (Fox Mulder) anchored and drove the show; however, the casting key from my perspective was Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully), as she was attractive but not overly so (making her more of a smart girl next door). As for the individual episodes, most fans probably preferred the running storylines, but my preference was the standalone episodes that generally interjected more dark humor (sometime to the point of a black comedy). Anyway, if "The X-Files" isn't a five star 90's television series, I don't know what would be.

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    Mon Oct 30 2006

    Come on, people- this show is a load of nonsense! I can't believe so many people are taken in by this crap. There is absolutely no evidence behind any of the claims made by this program. As the man once said, there's a sucker born every minute.

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    Wed Sep 13 2006

    Great film with a scary ending. Good enough to watch several times, but not all at once. My eyes would burn if I did that and I would start accidentally calling my girlfriend Skully.

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    Tue Jul 11 2006

    i still would like to know how scully got pregnant

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    Sat Feb 25 2006

    Every head must bow, every tongue must confess -- this show is the greatest in the history of television.

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    Thu Feb 02 2006

    The X-Files was a briliant and ground breaking show. Nowadays you have so many copycats with shows that have male and female leads that try and capture that elusive chemistry that Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny always had. Bones springs to mind. Mulder and Scully were a great team and The X-Files wasn't X-Files without either one of them. That is why when Mulder left and Dogget came in the show went downhill. That is also why season 9, without either of them in lead roles, seemed like a completely different (and bad) show.

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    Tue Nov 15 2005

    This show could get really great, then really bad- it varied from episode to episode. I disliked the ones where they wouldn't get off the conspiracy topic- it was way too confusing and long- winded. My favorite episodes were the lighthearted ones like "Bad Blood" and the pilot. Full of mystery and questions about the universe, this show is still my favorite.

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    Mon Nov 14 2005

    lol horrible lol omg im on the floor cant i rate this lower this is worst the the joke 2 men walk in to a bar and fell

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    I don't like sci-fi at all! This is better than Star Trek though.

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    mulder is somebody you wished was your uncle

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    This was a great show, until Mulder left and was replaced by Dogget.

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    Tue Jul 19 2005

    The theme song alone warrants a 10, this show rocked.

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    Tue Jun 14 2005

    It went too long but worth the effort. It jumped the shark after the syndicate was destroyed.

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    Mon Jun 13 2005

    I had to watch this for several weeks i a row before I really got intrested in it. This show has the same problem as StarGate, it's complicated and unless you are a regular viewer you won't understand it. These 2 fbi agents are like me in that their job is pretty much their whole live.

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    Tue May 03 2005

    Never got into this, though I tried. I think the subject matter was rather weak, coudn't buy into it and then it couldn't hold my interest at all.

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    Tue Apr 26 2005

    Great series sorry to see you leave

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    satisfying for fans of the show. wish the alien didnt resemble past movie aliens. scully is soooo cute. god i want her.

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    Sat Apr 02 2005

    i am probably one of the very few who hated it.

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    Fri Mar 25 2005

    Started strong, but went down hill in a hurry after the third season.

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    Tue Mar 01 2005

    Like many shows that run five or more years the X-Files, which at times was pretty good, suffered a slow and painful (for the viewers) death. I did not watch the show when it was current because I am not a fan of space alien oriented programs but in recent months one of Ted Turner's stations began airing it in (I think) chronological order. Although there was frequently the underlying theme of aliens, many of the programs dealt with other unusual subjects. In my opinion there were some very good shows which I enjoyed but as time went on I guess the creative juices began drying up and the stories became less interesting. Additional characters were brought in and even though they eventually developed better chemistry than when first introduced, it was never able to recapture it's original luster. When it was good it was very good, occasionally even excellent, but when it was bad, it was horrible. It's too bad that they didn't know when to quit because it could have been a great show but ... Read more

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    Wed Jan 12 2005

    There are ups and downs as far as individuals episodes go, but the series overall, is the best thing that has ever aired on TV

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    Sat Dec 25 2004

    The first few episodes were the best, then they started focusing solely on aliens. Waste of time!

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    Wed Dec 15 2004

    Love Skinner. Love Doggett. Miss this show SO MUCH.

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    Wed Nov 17 2004

    I remember the first episode I saw was called Darkness Falls, about a group of lumberjacks that had chopped down ancient trees and released a storm of glowing small green bugs that fed on people at night. Incredibly, incredibly creepy. Every episode was like that - an individual episode that worked on its own, and part of a larger story. The interaction between Mulder and Scully was fantastic, and the episodes were so well written - this was really groundbreaking TV, and certainly deserves its high placement on this list.

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    Sat Oct 16 2004

    one of the best shows ever made. even when it was bad (read: 2001-2 season) it was good.

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    Fri Sep 03 2004

    I used to like it a long time ago. It got very bad at the end when David Duchovny left.

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    Wed Jul 21 2004

    X-Files was a really fascinating show and I enjoyed watching it. I was not a huge fan of the show but it was one of the better shows of the 90's.

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    Wed Jul 21 2004

    one of the best shows on television at the time! great writing, great acting. A nice sunday night treat. Nothing even close now...

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    Sun Jul 11 2004

    wasent one of my favorite shows for sure.

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    The creative mind of Chris Carter made this show a fun ride. I honestly didn't start watching until its 4th or 5th season, but immediately became hooked.

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    Tue Jun 29 2004

    Although lacking that certain something to make it as good as Star Trek and its spinoffs, the X-Files had a great cast and some truly enjoyable episodes. The overriding plot elements were sometimes good, but also sometimes annoying. The show, although mostly serious, had a quirky sense of humor about it.

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    Sun Jun 20 2004

    Pretty decent.

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    Tue Jun 08 2004

    i found it boring

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    Wed Apr 21 2004

    The shiw was good in the beginning but lost my interest when it moved filming to Los Angeles and Duchovny was less involved. The premise started out based around Mulder. Mulder and Scully together were perfect and when others joined it lost most of its magic for me.

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    Wed Mar 31 2004


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    Mon Mar 29 2004

    it jumped the shark!

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    Sat Feb 21 2004

    A show that future generations will understand why we loved it so much.