World's Best Cat Litter

Approval Rate: 74%

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    Mon Dec 14 2009

    Since using wbcl my 2 siamese cats are sneezing, coughing and losing hair. One has developed an equilibrium problem that we are now getting treated to find the source (no ear problems) . If the source turns out to be algeries from wbcl, I think the manufacturer should list "POSSIBLE ALERGIC REACTIONS". The smell is gross and I refuse to flush it, so what is the point. Beware!!!!!

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    Sat Oct 31 2009

    Oh man...we got a bag of this stuff because we were talked into it by a rep at an animal show. We mixed a little in to his litter as the bag recommends and our cat immediately turned his nose up at it. The problem is that we did this around midnight. We weren't willing to take a chance of the cat pissing on the floor overnight so we had to make a run to get some of his usual stuff. Maybe it's a good product and we just have a fussy cat but based on some of the reviews here I'm guessing the stuff just isn't the "World's Best"

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    Sun Oct 04 2009

    Not the best! It does not cut the smell at all. In fact it adds an odor of corn, like silage, to your cat box. It tracks just as much as any litter, maybe more due to its light weight and the cats carry it farther on their paws. It does have dust and the dust seems to stick more to paws. It does clump and the cats don't seem to mind it. It is lighter weight than other cat litter. Dogs like it because its corn. It keeps the dog messing around near the cat pan. Don't waste your money on this.

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    I just got this litter for my two year old cats and I LOVE IT!! No dust, and the cats adjusted to it right away. They did not try to eat it. And I love being able to flush the crap, since the litter is by the toilet anyway. The smell doesn't bother me. I scoop every day and there's not enough for me to have to inhale. I love that there is no ammonia smell like with the former litter I had - it completely absorbs urine odor! I highly recommend this product!

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    My cat is set in her ways (6 1/2 years old) so she was not a big fan, but if you have a younger kitten and bigger house where you can have the litterbox in the basement, this is a good litter. It does not really control odor, but it is flush-able and all-natural! I wish my cat liked it!

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    Sat May 23 2009

    I used World's Best Cat Litter for my two cats for the past two years and had a much better overall experience than I ever did with any variety of clay litter. I'm surprised how many people hated the smell, I always thought that was a big plus; to me it seemed much fresher and more pleasant than unscented or artificially perfumed litters. The cats had no problem with it (though all cats are finicky in their own way), it wasn't tracked out of the box any more than clay had been (and when it was, it was easy to clean and didn't stain my carpets, unlike clay litter that ground into fabric like mud) and I found that it clumped very well. I know that not everyone thinks flushing is a good idea, but if you do want to flush used litter then wbcl is very convenient. Overall odor control seemed comparable to chemically treated clay litters, which was my biggest concern when I first began buying corn litter. My only real problem with it is that it is expensive, which is why I'm trying out F... Read more

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    Sun Apr 19 2009

    I wanted to like this product but really, the smell is disgusting. It smells sweet, so when you're cleaning the litterbox, it smells like something sweet mixed with cat urine/feces. I almost vomited. I wish I would recommend this but it was terrible.

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    Mon Jan 12 2009

    I can't say whether or not the litter works for what it's designed as, but I can say that it could be dangerous for cats that love fruits and vegetables, as my cats do. As soon as I filled the box for the first time, Henri, my big Ragdoll, got in and started eating. The litter. At first I thought that he was just scratching around, but when I lifted the lid I found that he had a mouth full of the litter and was intent on getting some more. SCARY! Will it clump inside of the cat??? I had asked the pet store manager if this might happen, but he talked down to me like I was stupid---said that he's been selling animal products for something like 25 years and has never heard of anything like cats eating corn litter. Well, he's about to, because he's getting the World's Most Dangerous Cat Litter back. He probably won't believe me, but if your cat enjoys produce, please believe that he's likely to also enjoy corn pellets.

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    Well, we really really wanted to love this litter as it has no dust in my opinion, clumps well BUT after months and months of trying to give it the benefit of the doubt we can no longer take it as our house ALWAYS smells soooo bad now and we are scooping every day sometimes twice a day, more than we ever ever did in the past. We have three cats with two boxes and this litter does nothing for odor control, it is so bad. We tried the multi cat, we tried mixing it with Nature's Miracle....nothing works. Hubby is now going to build a large enclosed area in the garage and put a small hole in the wall in the house, under disguise, and they can go do their business in there and we can access it from the garage with a lid and pull out tray but we still need to get a litter that controls odor but the clay litter dust always bothered me so much and my allergies! Any other recommendations out there?

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    I dont know what all the fuss is about, leaves a really nasty smell.

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    Sun Sep 21 2008

    The smell is awful. I gagged while trying to empty the litter box. Never again. I also turned my cats paws yellow and tracked everywhere.

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    UPDATE:  I no longer flush away cat litter because of the severe consequences to other animals. See my warning against flushing cat litter elsewhere in this topic in the item Clump'N Flush. ORIGINAL COMMENT: Pro: Clumps well and doesn't stick to bottom of box (unlike Sweat Scoop, aka super glue). Flushable, biodegradable, doesn't track much. Con: Pricey. Overall: I like it and will continue to use it unless I find a comparable product for less money.

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    Tue Aug 26 2008

    This was an awful experience. We have 2 cats who are easy-going and not bothered by too much... we followed the directions for the WBCL and within 2 weeks they were using the floor near the litter box as a toilet to avoid going in. We cleaned out the litter and replaced it with a new batch... same thing. We cleaned it every day after work - they would use it once and then use the floor. This was a huge disappointment and we would recommend starting with a small bag to see if your cat responds in a similar way.

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    Thu Aug 14 2008

    I purchased a large bag of this "WBCL" July 22/08. I have 2 cats which were in perfect health. Also for almost 6 months I have a 2nd box with a saw dust litter, which I like, but does not do well in a self cleaning litter box? I think within a week of switching over to this new litter my one cat started to loose her hair on her tail, then last week she started to get blisters on her tail. Today I took her to the vets and confirmed that she is allergic to Corn, which I guess a lot of cats are. So $260 later, and most likely 4-6 weeks of medicine this truly is the Worlds most expensive cat litter

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    Sat Jun 21 2008

    I've been using "The World's Best Cat Litter" for many years and loved it. It is absorbent, clumps well, is flushable and almost dustless, and doesn't have any chemical odor. This morning, disaster! I opened a new bag of "The World's Best Cat Litter" and a moth flew out! There were more in the bag, plus some tiny critters (whatever moths were before they got wings?). I took the bag back to my pet store, and they replaced it. But I'm reluctant to use the replacement; a friend told me that this happened because the litter is corn-based. Maybe I'll switch back to clay-based litter.

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    I love the litter, it clumps great(I had stuff that hadn't been covered, and I covered it, came back a few minutes later it was one cohesive lump), smells better than most clay litters(not all), and my cats love it! The crystals are only slightly larger than most clay litters, making it clump well, but still not irritate my cats' soft paws. My only objection is the price! I am going to try Papurr, because of the reviews I've seen, it's cheaper, and the fact that it is recycled.

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    Thu May 22 2008

    Just switched from standard (usually scented) clay to this litter three days ago. No objections from my 13 year old cat who has only known the clay and just undergone a move to a new home (having lived in the previous one for the past 11 years) some 15 days ago. He's had a lot to get used to in past two weeks, so I wasn't sure how well this would work out, but I decided switch him "cold turkey" anyway. Just now scooped the box for the first time and was amazed when I opened the doors to the cabinet (with an entryway cut out on the wall end) in which I hide the litter box, removed the hood of the box, immediately saw a couple big turds laying right on top, and--get this--DIDN'T SMELL A THING!!! I never have smelled anything so far since making the switch on Monday (this is Thursday)--and wasn't even sure he'd been "going". With clay, I was ALWAYS aware of the smell of the litter itself when scented (yuck), as well as the waste. Previously found cleaning such an objectionabl... Read more

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    Mon Apr 28 2008

    I have two big cats and have tried multiple litters with them and I was stoked about this one because it's supposed to be good for them and the earth. It was horrible for my nostrils. One crap out of one cat and the whole house reeked. This was NOT the case with other litters I've used. I don't know whose world this is best in, but it surely isn't mine.

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    Mon Feb 18 2008

    So far I love PaPurr, I have an unopened bag of World's Best and after reading the conflicting reports here, I think I'll take it back for more PaPurr... After two weeks in the box, the PaPurr smells just as fresh and clean as it did when we got it!  Can't deal with ammonia smell when ya have 6 litter boxes!  Thanks!

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    Mon Jan 28 2008

    I totally LOVE this cat litter, and will never use anything else if I can help it. It clumps beautifully, and the only odor is a slightyly odd corn smell that is not objectionable. Odors don't travel far from the box, so you can't smell "cat" all over the house. I've used plenty of litters...I only use flushable...and eventually the whole box smells so strong to ammonia that we can't stand it anymore. I had high hopes for Arm and Hammer High Performance, but once again, after a week or so, it smelled like a barn Yuck! However, World's Best has NO ammonia odor, and I haven't emptied/cleaned the whole box since AUGUST! Over five months, and I've only scooped and refilled. It's amazing. AND, since I haven't thrown out a whole litter box of stinky loose litter, I certainly can't complain about the cost. And while I might not go so far as saying "I love cleaning the litter box," I certainly am much more willing to grab the scoop and flush the clumps much more often... Read more

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    Mon Jan 28 2008

    At first glance, this stuff is awesome. Let your cats take a dump in it once and then convince me that the odor control is the best! I came home from work after the first day of use, and it smelled like someone had been farting in my house all day!!! Also, when I went to scoop the litter, it had an almost overbearing vinegar smell to it, which in turn made my newly litter trained kittens piss next to the box... almost like they wanted to show me while I was in the room that this litter sucked.

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    Tue Jan 22 2008

    My cats would rather eat it than pee in it. Instead they've been using my laundry. It has NO odor control and doesn't clump that well because the urine just absorbs into the litter. Going back to Scoop Away, which is the best litter I've used. I think it would be more appropriately named "World's WORST Cat Litter".

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    Mon Jan 21 2008

    We love this litter. The clumping is great and we find there is minimal odor, but I think this may have more to do with diet. The kitties seem to be happy with it, as we never have any 'accidents.' It would be nice if it were less expensive, but you get what you pay for. I think it's worth it.

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    Fri Jan 11 2008

    I've had bad experiences with other litters and this litter is the best one I've bought! I actually like cleaning out the litter box now because of this litter!! My cat also likes it too. He's not hesitant to go in the box anymore, I was buying dusty clay based litters before World's Best.What I love the most about this litter is that there is no dust at all!!! It clumps really hard. No perfumes. And it covers up any bad odors! I seriously can't smell the litter unless I'm like one or two feet away from the box. I LOVE Worlds Best!!!

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    Wed Dec 26 2007

    Great litter!!! There is practically no dust and has no overwhelming perfumes added to it so it's easier for the cat to breathe while in the box. I was using Fresh Step before switching to World's Best and that litter was so bad! It would create these huge dust clouds and the perfume scent was so strong! I was so worried about my cats inhaling that stuff so that's why I switched to World's Best.This litter also clumps very well. The clumps ocasionally break up a little but they're still scoopable. It covers up the odor. The price is reasonable, 1 bag costs $20 for 17lbs. And it lasts a long time, 1 bag lasts me 1 month with 2 cats.

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    Sun Dec 09 2007

    Only good thing is that it clumps well. But there is absolutley no odor control. We have 2 cats and the litter box is in my son's bathroom and the poor thing's room would stink so bad even after scooping and spraying oust or lysol odor destroyer. The 2nd worst cat box smell next to clay litter. )-: Gross!!! I am still testing out some new ones. One last thing, at $20 a bag, way too expensive to not even control odors!!!!

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    Sat Dec 08 2007

    Clumping good, smell not so good. My cat would only it for the first two days then he'd pee on the floor next to it. I clean the litter box twice a day, did not matter still smelled. The smell even bothered him.

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    Mon Nov 12 2007

    I like the litter. It clumps well, and no dust at all. My cats don't like it. I got them to use it by mixing the old stuff with the new. However, they don't bury their waste anymore.

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    Tue Oct 23 2007

    Clumps well, no dust, lightweight and easier to maintain litter box.....I don't mind the smell of corn so no worries there. My cat seems to like it just fine and I did not have to ease him into using it ( and trust me he is a fussy cat and sensitive to change) is quite a bit more expensive then other litters but healthier for both the cat and my family members so well worth the price.

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    Sun Oct 21 2007

    This litter lasts very well. I have 4 cats and I do clean out theier boxes every day. There is minimal dust and the cost is a little more expensive but its worth it because you dont have to replace it as much as with the clay litter.

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    Mon Oct 15 2007

    Love hate relationship with this litter. The best clumping hands down, but no odor control what so ever. We have 4 Maine Coons that took to it just fine. Yes, their feet are covered in yellow corn dust, but better than clay for sure. Pricey...yes. Health reasons make it a must buy for us. Trying to deal with the smell is our only obstacle.

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    Wed Sep 26 2007

    I liked the idea of a biodegradable and flushable litter and I've heard so many good things about World's Best that I decided to try it out. My cats won't use it though. First, I had World's Best alongside their regular litter for a while and they never used it. Then I tried changing them over really slowly by mixing and increasing the percentage of World's Best over a period of weeks. Soon one of them was pooping on the rug instead and then holding in until I had to take him to the vet for constipation. Definitely not the world's best litter for my cats.

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    Mon Sep 03 2007

    I'll go ahead and give it an extra star for not having the foresight to try this litter out before I went on a weekend-long trip. Right away, I noticed that this litter was different. True, no dust but immediately after I poured the litter my cat darted for the box! Granted, I had JUST cleaned out all of the litter that had been in it- she started EATING IT! EGAD! I was finally able to convince her that it wasn't food, and went away for a weekend trip back to the parents. When I got back, as soon as I got within about 10 feet of the litter I began to smell it. Holding my nose I began to scoop the litter in to the toilet and couldn't get it all flushed down quick enough. I think I even saw some mold on some of the "wet" litter. I'm sure this is a great product if you pay close attention to your cat's buisness but if you plan on going on a trip, use something else...

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    Tue Jul 10 2007

    I really liked the products until... the bug infestation happened. These were I believe flour beatles. I don't know if it came with the bag or migrated to the bag but after seeing bunchi of them crawling around... I just can't do it anymore.

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    Thu Jul 05 2007

    Did not know this firm makes cat litter but I would never use it as the firm that makes the product use animal testing and if it were just using cats to test litter there would be no problem.  However, they use animals to test their toiletries, so .... no more Arm and Hammer products for me.

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    Sun Jun 17 2007

    check out the website for customer rewards and loads of info. x I have two kitties and we have septic (not city sewer) and no problems so far! I scoop and flush whenever I see someone has gone. I use the mulitcat strength and LOVE the smell fresh out of the bag! how some can say it's awful, I don't know. after scooping a poopie, since my kitties don't cover that, the room will still stink, so I spray Stink Free Spray Powder Deodorizer and sha-zam! no evidence of cat stink at all! you can also use Oust in the room, but a little shot of the Stink Free in the box where the poop was works the best. Called the Stink Free people to check on danger of spray going my septic, since you spray it on the flushable litter. They said it was perfectly safe because all it is essentially is talc. I suppose I will catch flack on here now for using talc... personally, using the nonflush kind is just out of the question for me now. i lo... Read more

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    Fri May 25 2007

    I recently (about a month ago) started using WBCL, and in comparison to the generic clumping clay litter that I was using, this is very good!  It clumps much better, and I just love that it's flushable....I find myself cleaning out the litterbox more frequently because of that feature, though I understand that there are other brands of cat litter that also offer this.I suppose the thing that really sets this product apart from the others on the market, is the fact that it's all-natural.  Some reviewers have commented on the yellow stains on their cats' white paws - having a black and white cat myself, I agree.  However I don't mind, because my cat licks himself clean just fine, and I actually take comfort in the fact that the litter is made from corn - the label also says that the litter is non-toxic if the cat ingests it.  I'd much rather that my cat ingests corn than clay .... he was licking his feet when we were on clay anyway.Also, I have not minded the "smell" of the litter.  It d... Read more

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    Fri May 25 2007

    Juh EEEE sure know a lot about kitty litter bein' a doag 'n all.  Four paragraphs???

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    Oh sorry, I must have walked into the wrong room.

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    Love it. I can't belive how well it clumps compared to Swheat Scoop (Yuck). There is a different odour to it and I notice a slight odour change after a few weeks. I only have one cat, I scoop daily and usually get away with changing half the litter at the three week mark and then a full box change at 6-7 weeks. It seems to keep the odour in check. I do wish it was cheaper but I still buy it because I have not found anything better and I do not wish to look for anything else.

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    Tue Mar 13 2007

    Best litter I've used. I have been having lots of allergy issues lately and was convinced the clay and perfumes of other litters were a contributing factor. World's Best Cat Litter has no sickening perfumed odor, clumps well, and has low dust. Great litter.

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    Fri Feb 23 2007

    After reading the many great reviews on this page, I decided to give it a try and bought the biggest bag available(34lbs, original). The first thing I noticed was the smell of the litter itself. It was not intolerable but definitely not favorable. It became much worse when my cats started to use it. The terrible smell filled my whole apartment. One day after switching to this litter, one of my cats pooped in my bathtub for a whole day. She then occasionally peed outside my litter box!! This never happened with all other brands I've tried. There is one single thing which is good about this litter: it clumps really well. But given the horrifying smell it produces and the considerably high prices, I will never buy it again for sure. Generally, the bad smell kills it all.

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    Mon Feb 05 2007

    I have tried all the Premium Brands I could get my hands on and I was not happy with the odour control of any of them. Even with the most expensive litters (including World's Best), I find that the box starts to smell after about a week and I have to change it after 2 weeks. I have tried regular store brand litter, Nature's Miracle Odor Control (has a strong pine cleaner scent), Feline Pine Scoopable (clumps break up), Dr. Elsey's Cat attract (no odour control), Clump N Flush (similar to Nature's Miracle) and the Arm and Hammer one (the baking soda tracks) etc. I have accepted the fact that cat urine and poo will smell but it's worth it because my baby gives me so much love. What I like about Worlds best is that it is much safer and it is flushable (which makes a big difference in keeping the odour down in your home). It has a corn scent but it's not too strong. It clumps well too. After my three months of trying all kinds of litters, I've decided to settle for World's Best.

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    Wed Jan 10 2007

    Tried it last year upon the recommendation of the rescue organization we got our kitty from.... I hated it, and the cat seemed reluctant to use the box.

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    Fri Dec 22 2006

    We have 4 cats and swear by WBCL!!! The odor control is exceptional...not perfect, but definitely among the top-tier litters. It doesn't rely on perfumes or overpowering chemicals to mask the odors, which is a major plus since one of our cats is asthmatic and very sensitive to odor. Dust-wise, it is better than most of the other litters we have tried, but when factoring in the natural corn-dust vs. clay or silica dust (and the health implications), WBCL is the clear choice... We were able to get our veterinarian to start carrying it for us (they'd not heard of it until we asked about it), and now our vet and several members of their staff are also loyal users! When your pets' vet is a convert, I think that says it all.

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    Tue Dec 12 2006

    If I could give this a zero-star rating, I would. My sister used this with her cats for ages, and I couldn't understand how she could stand the smell. It was worse than any other product I had seen her use. She started with one kitten in her flat, years ago, and used to use a pine pellet product. I personally wasn't keen on the smell from that anyway, but could live with it. When I started to keep ferrets myself, I got her to sell me a hemp pellet litter, which always gave great odour-reducing properties, and smelled great in itself. She used to work in a petshop at this stage. Soon after this, she discovered World's Best, and began using this, and recommending it to all her customers, including the ones who, like me had been using 100% Green, the hemp-based litter, so I knew my days with this were numbered. But I really, really hate World's Best, or World's Almost-Worst, as I call it. The only thing worse is clay litter (far too dusty and nasty for ferrets!) To my nose, WBCL smells ... Read more

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    Wed Nov 08 2006

    The name says it all. Truly is THE best litter I've found!!! If you are looking to skimp on price, don't bother commenting. I think we can all agree that it's pretty pricey. But I'd rather spend the money on this (which works) than bother saving a few bucks on something that leaves a trail all over the house! Great product, love it!

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    Sat Oct 14 2006

    I bought this after reading the glowing reviews on this page. Sadly, my experience has not been good. First of all, my cat's paws and belly are coated with white/yellow dust after using the litter box (like e_dz said). Second of all, it starts smelling after about a week and the smell gets stronger and stronger until you do a complete litter change.

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    Sat Sep 02 2006

    Best on the market- I have tried them all-disposable in the toilet, always smells good-beyond the "worlds best" not yet at Pet Club or Pet Co - it should be!

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    Tue Nov 15 2005

    Three cats here. It clumbs hard, controls the odor exactly as advertised, last longer than ordinary litter; even the better "premium" brands. I tried them all. The paper, pine, clay, wheat. I am not changing. The potential for maintaining good health alone, is worth the money.