World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft is is one of the most popular MMORPG's in the world and was developed by Blizzard Entertainment.
Approval Rate: 75%
Reviews 0
by ericjs
Tue May 08 2012don't be alarmed because of the hate this game get it's just life, anything that popular get hate My opinion this is a masterpiece and i give it 9/10 because its fun..long...good teams..lot of people play it
by missk00c
Tue Apr 10 2012I played World of Warcraft for over 4 years, and since have not been able to find a game that even slightly compares to it. I quit due to my job and time, but i do miss it. The game has alot of aspects that i love. The People, because it is an online game there are millions of people who play it from all parts of the world. It is very social and i have met heaps of people from different countries that i have continued to talk to since having to quit the game. This is the type of game that you can log onto any time of day and there are always other players on and around you. The Graphics - So much money has been invested into this game to make it one of the best games in the world. If not the best. I haven't been able to find another game that compares to it because of this. The ideas - The game has so many different things to do in it, that is really is a never ending game. You can create new characters, go new places, new raids, skills, trades anything almost. The top end raidin... Read more
by magneticd
Wed Jul 20 2011I'd like to think this beast is dying out, not because a better game has come around (like russian roulette), but that all of it's players have died off and left no descendants.
by irishgit
Mon Jul 18 2011I've seen it played more than I've played it. (Which isn't hard, since I've played it for a total of less than an hour.) My son used to play it a lot, to the point of addiction (that required some rather stern paternal intervention) and I fail to see the attraction. As far as I care to discover, it appears to be old paper and pencil Dungeons and Dragons with a few video bells and whistles and less imagination. I did some freelance writing for a few gaming companies back in the eighties and nineties, and virtually all of them had better products than this appears to be.
by ridgewalker
Mon Jul 18 2011I'm amazed. Simply amazed that this item is on the menu tonight. I was just talking to a friend about this game. This game nearly destroyed my home this Summer. Well, it wasn't JUST this game. We had a house guest who locked himself in his room for a MINIMUM of 23 hours per day...playing this game. He also gorged on sugary things: Pepsi, Mountain Dew, donuts, frozen pizzas, Hot Pockets, ice cream, candy...a steady stream of s-u-g-a-r. I checked the trash and counted the carbs and they added up to over 1000mg of carbs/day. I'll skip the ugliness and pose a riddle: What do you get when you play World of Warcraft 23 hours-a-day with 1000+mg of sugar coursing through your my home? You get a ride to the Greyhound Station and a hundred bucks.
by dreaming0616
Mon Jul 18 2011This game is horrible. I have seen it ruin marriages, families, and friendships. This game is severely addictive. My ex-fiance was a BIG time WoW player, lost his job because he refused to sleep because he was on a "raid" with his guild mates, then it got worse because he had more free time. I tried playing it as something that we could play together, but couldn't stand it after a few hours and never logged back on. This was one of the many reasons why him and I broke up.
by akantara
Wed May 18 2011I tried it a few times to see what all the fuss is! People say its addicting, but I couldn't get hooked on it! It isn't really my time of games though but I suggest you try it for yourself because everyone has their own taste!
by ireview
Sat Feb 26 2011Cataclysm ruined the game for me with it's linear gameplay, over use of pop culture references and destruction of the beautiful world. I donate these 5 stars to the game I once knew.
by ewanlumsden
Sun Feb 20 2011An amazing addicting experience that the things you can do are limitless. Unlimited fun and action. The price may put some people off but I tell you it is 100% worth it. You will have the time of your life and it is one of the best video games of all time in my opinion. And NO, I am not an addict.
by amber74
Thu Feb 17 2011World of Warcraft has made vast improvements in gameplay since launch. Now almost any person can log on and quest at their leisure without really needing others. Questing is so vastly improved. Now it's very easy to level. End game wise is still a grind so well, the game isn't perfect but the new guild level features as well as the improvement in leveling via the quest system are totally worth checking out.
by vinoswagga
Wed Sep 22 2010If this game was cool, it would be called RuneScape. Any game where you can buy your coolness instead of earning it will always suck.
by helios90
Tue Mar 09 2010WoW is an immersive, fantasy, and social video game. If you don't like the fantasy genre where you might encounter elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, or other mystical, well known fantasy elements then you will probably not enjoy this game. Additionally, the game's character and environment design is somewhat cartoonish rather than realistic. Some people prefer the realistic look that Everquest 2 has. I personally prefer the purer sense of fantasy that WoW offers. Compared to cable TV which often costs $50 or more per month, this game is highly worth the $15 per month cost. It's cheaper than console games for sure which range between $30 and $60 and usually only last a month. Plus, if you're playing WoW (or most any video games regularly) you may find you don't feel as compelled to watch cable TV depending on how much you play. WoW can be fairly addictive if you join a focused guild and try to experience all of the end-game content. However, most players in WoW are casual players ... Read more
by misterhater
Thu Feb 25 2010World of Warcraft is digital heroine. I've lost so many friends to WoW that it really just makes me sad. Poker nights are usually just me and Greg. And Greg is an awesome bluffer. But I must say, I suppose they're doing something right. As a former player, I really enjoyed my time in Azeroth. Over the years, the servers have become inundated with more and more n00bs, but that's not really Blizzard's fault. Well, I guess if you can blame them for being popular, then it's their fault. But for the most part, it's a great game. And I do appreciate how Blizzards tries to come up with new content on a relatively timely basis. People that complain about being bored in WoW because they've done everything already are about as entitled to an opinion as a Paramecium is entitled to a steak dinner. It might not make sense at first. Just think about it. There. Makes sense now, huh?
by jake_armitage
Tue Feb 02 2010For those that never played traditional tabletop Dungeons and Dragons (the TSR version, not the Wizards of the Coast version) this game is probably more fun for you than those who have. It's pretty much hack and slash, which means all the personality and actual "roleplay" have been taken out of the game, and these are the things which attracted roleplayers to roleplaying games in the first place. If you like grinding games, (kill the monster mindlessly for hours) then it's okay. If you like to think, get into your character, problem solve and be involved in an epic campaign, World of Warcraft is not that.
by jester002
Thu Dec 24 2009World of War Craft is Total scam by Blizzard to swindle people with no life that are obsessive compulsives! I can hear it now...OMG!OMG!...I can hardly wait to log in again and go on the quest for the sword of whacha-ma-call-it so I can kill some more Gonads and get to the next level! Oh, I can hardly wait to find that Knight-Elf-Mohawk grenade so I can turn people into ugly looking Mr. T’ clones! What’s next? Players going to jewelry stores and melting their bags of gold down to make cool looking neck chain Bling-Bling? Give me a break! No way would I ever pay $15 bucks a month ($180 a year) to kill pixels and go for quests in the same world over-and-over again! How many players are there worldwide? Something like six or seven million now? I can almost hear the people at Blizzard Entertainment laughing all the way to the bank...let’s see now... Six or seven million members times $180 dollars a year...did somebody say...CHA-CHING!! That should pay for a couple of cheap rack servers... Read more
by kjsean
Fri Nov 27 2009Not worth paying 15 bucks every month. Great graphics, though :D
by ceiliasky
Sun Sep 20 2009W.O.W is by far my favorite video game. The whole concept of being able to play not only solo, but with other gamers around the world is amazing. I play often, but not too much, because it can get way addictive. I like that there are quest through out the game to provide you with some challenge when killing NPCs get's boring, also with the additions of dungeons, raids, and profession, you are really provided with an ample amount of entertainment. If your looking for a great pc gaming experience then i would definitely recommend W.O.W.
by jessicavila
Tue Sep 01 2009love it!
by acidworld
Wed Jun 17 2009This is a game you can really get addicted too, but it's not you either get addicted and love it or you hate it, there is a middle. I have a job and I am going to school and I play this game. I am not addicted to it though, it can be too monotonous at times. It is a lot of fun though especially when you get to be a death knight. There are people that have no lives and play constantly but hey, you gotta be passionate about something in life don't ya? I think paying 15 dollars a month is a bit much but it's worth it. I would recommend this game to anyone ^^ Just at least try and not let it take hold of your life.
by thewhitespy
Mon Jun 08 2009This is the kind of game where you either really like it or not. You can't really play WOW occasionally because it is really addicting with over millions of things to do and you also will want your moneys worth seeing as it costs $15 a month to play. From people I know who have heard about it,they all same the same,"isn't that the game for people who have no life?".In a way it could be,if you find yourself playing for 6+ hours a day like i used to. So please,play responsibly. Its played like most other MMORPGs.You pick a race and a class to be,then you go around spending countless hours training,questing,PVPing, or whatever countless things there are to do. There are some things that set WOW apart from other MMORPGs,but this is a "lowdown' review. If you are really interested,then look up why it is special on the Blizzard website or fansite. I recommend it if you are into the midevil fantasy kind of games, you don't mind spending ALOT of time playing it,and you dont mind a monthly fe... Read more
by davidany
Fri May 29 2009This game is amazing, but very time consuming
by sagedarkhorse
Fri May 22 2009The greatest game ever made for MMO's. How is that? Over 11 million players have suscribed to playing it ACTIVELY. This doesn't count the ones who bought it, played it for a while and then quit. Enough said? If you like playing a MMO that can have an hour or so invested at a time and advance quite a bit in the game.. then this is whatcha want!
by nirose
Thu May 21 2009I thinks its ok. But talked about too much than other games. There is even TV game show for the game.
by fade7171
Mon Apr 13 2009overrated shit
by pierrelate
Fri Apr 10 2009I hate that game: to much peoples are addict, it cost a lot,... You only have a little guy, you have to kill little peoples to go to an higher level, and after that..... .... you finally arrived to the highest level... .... ... you play a little bit, you ave the best armor ... ... ... AND YOU ARE BORED, have anything to do more. And your dream is to become an MG, but you will never be one of them ...... ...... :)
by scottizzle09
by mitch70
Sat Jan 10 2009I've played Everquest, DAoC, Asheron's Call, Anarchy Online, and many other Online games and WoW is by far the single greatests MMORPG. It took Blizzard to be the one's who realized that the game doesn't have to stop at the level cap and that leveling doesn't have to be a total grind. Yes, it can get slow sometimes, but unless you have been back to the days of old EQ, you have no idea what true grinding is. WoW actually does it's best to make leveling interesting by adding various quests and intricate storylines. If you follow what that quests are saying, it comes off like reading a good book.WoW contiues to add new expansions that really tries to reinspire people interest into the game by adding more and more ideas to it and they'll leave no stone unturned to keep you interested.Now the game can get addictive and it seems that's what 80% of the negative posts seem to be here. What blows my mind though is that the negative reviews aren't coming from the PLAYERS! Idiots post because th... Read more
by shaggyb
Wed Sep 24 2008Great game for all play styles. I tend to get bored of MMORPGS and I've been playing this one for a year now.
by paul690
Sun Sep 14 2008i never played it but a bunch of my friends talk about it nonstop
by apesintheak
Fri Aug 22 2008It takes forever to get to a high level. It's worth it because it's fun, but it can be highly addictive and that's not always such a great thing. I don't think I even want to go on about it other than that. I'd be on here all night.
by alax279
Thu Jul 31 2008im not a fan of it
by lena7358
Thu Jul 31 2008To be fair, I've never played WOW...buuut, I've dated some guys who have, and from their explanations of what all it entails, it doesn't really sound that fun. I heard an NPR story once about some plague that was introduced at some point (maliciously, not by Blizzard) and that the Center for Disease Control actually learned a lot from studying the reaction to this event in the digital realm. That's pretty neat and so it wins an extra star. Didn't sound like people who were playing the game though it was neat at all, however :P
by adam1859
Fri Jul 25 2008I played World of warcraft for about 4 months and got incredibly bored. It gets so repetitive after a while all you end up doing is training up and buying new things. Also the annoying 10 year olds really get on your nerves.
by rspwns22
Tue Jul 01 2008wow is ok but it ruins ur life im not gonna waste my life on that bullshit rs is good especially with the new graphics but in myopinion wow is in 2nd place to the mmos ive seen
by kyguy731
Fri Jun 13 2008...shudders from massive nerd-gasm....
by plzsayomg
Fri Jun 13 2008addictive game, not so good and you need do the damn boring traning, just as the other MMORPG, Throught this is one of the most welcomed online game, but i gotta say i like to go on some forums ( ) about the MMORPG for funny things, leasted news, and for whats going on recently for the game,
by maz95458
Wed Jun 04 2008too many ppl are addicted to that shit. its not even good. so shit.
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008fun, but only for a limited time. You end up doing the same kind of thing over and over just to level. Plus you have to deal with annoying 13 year olds...
by myspace_17490481
Tue Apr 29 2008Its awesome! Yes, Im a WoW fanatic.
by lmorovan
Thu Apr 17 2008Tremendously addictive.
by myspace_23864410
Mon Apr 07 2008Awesome and highly addictive. Challenging. great way to play with other people
by hondarider91
Thu Mar 27 2008Very fun game - made even funner if you have ventrilo / headset. Payment is easy, a game card can be bought at wal mart, best buy, or any of those places for $30. I play on dial up and the game still plays well. It is not very addictive from what I experience, but I do not like how Blizzard chooses the worst days to shut down the realms for work. It seems that every day that I am off, the realms are down. However the graphics are awesome, and this game is not very nerdish at all. More adults play it from what I hear.
by skate4lif3
Wed Mar 12 2008Lol this game is absolutely brilliant. that is why its so bad. Everyone who plays it becomes a shallow, pasty nerd who is addicted to sullenly leveling up their account and becoming more and more vampire like. WARNING THIS GAME IS DANGOURESLY ADDICTIVE. DO NOT PLAY