World Cup (Soccer)

Approval Rate: 89%

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    Sun Jun 27 2010

    It lasts an entire month with the best players in the world. International competitions are usually very compelling, and the World Cup is no different. I look forward to it more than the Olympics, although you can't go wrong with either event.

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    Fri Jun 18 2010

    I don't follow soccer 3 years and 11 months out of every 4 years, and when that month of World Cup comes around I don't start. I did play for years and appreciate in that sense but find it a boring game to watch. For other countries I do get that it's a chance to cheer and have patriotism in sports which is rare, unlike in the US where sports dominate in comparison. What irks me though is that it becomes trendy for many to cheer for soccer during the World Cup, and not pay attention to it any other time, sort of like how all the Red Sox fans came out of the woodwork after 2004. I would also like a little support of the US team; any given day i see many Italy, Brazil, Mexico etc jerseys and have yet to see a single US jersey. I know they lose early but still, we can wait until after that to start throwing on the other jerseys.

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    Tue Aug 25 2009


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    Tue Aug 25 2009

    One of the few truly global phenomena, most of the world is transfixed to the World Cup every four years. It is only a matter of time before North America falls in. Next time the World Cup is on, take a drive outside of the confines of the WASP zone through a part of town where there is a significant community of any immigrant ethnic population. You won't be able to get a seat in a bar because everyone is watching the game. It does't even have to be their team, the whole tournament is captivating the community. And its a social occassion unlike the rec. room hosted Super Bowl party. Its in a bar, cafe, restaurant, and there is no distraction from the main event. And don't forget in May and June to head to the local soccer pitch. The sky-rocketing participation numbers for youths in Canada and the US in soccer compared to baseball, hockey and football have to be indicators of the future of the sport. A Tiger Woods/Michael Jordan international level superstar will eventually... Read more

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    Tue Aug 25 2009

    In 2002 I was in a bar in Hong Kong and the World Cup was on the TV. I think the Australians were playing based on the boisterousness of the Aussies in the joint. They were living and dying on every play and it made for a fun time drinkin' on that port call.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    Probably the biggest in the world outside of the United States!

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    Wed Jun 18 2008

    It gives me the opportunitie to see all world national teams. We used to see the match between the teams of our countries, but not of all over he world. Prefered teams are always Brazil, Italia, Holland or Great Britain, but in each national team there's some special player. Only sad because it's played only every four years.

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    Soccer, YUK! The most boring game in the WORLD, besides hockey. It may be the World's #1 watched event, but like most Americans, who gives a fuck about the rest of the world and what they consider exciting, I sure as hell don't. There is nothing like an over-time, oops I'm sorry "extra time" game, that is 0-0, RIVETING! I enjoy nothing more then to watch them kick the ball back and forth for hours, with a shot on goal every 30 minutes, dazzling! Imagine how fun basketball would be if they took as many shots on goal as soccer players do.

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    First of all, let me state, I am not a big Soccer fan, but I semi-understand some things in re to the game.  Everytime the World Cup has come around, it has been in the week we spend in Toronto.  They put bleachers by all inside tvs and EVERYONE is a fan.  They get so into it that you can't help but watch, if you are there.  This is nothing I would ever watch on my own, but honestly, you almost get caught up into it when everyone is so involved.

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    Tue Nov 13 2007

    The most fanatic sporting event that is unriveled in the world of sports...has a way of including every country in the world, not like other world cups!

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    Mon Mar 19 2007

    Well, at least World in the title has some cogency, unlike another World title in a sport I love a lot. I'm not a big soccer fan, but there is something intriguing about this event. And for those of you who think this is less popular than the Super Bowl, you might want to take a look outside your living room. This is the most watched event in the world, nothing else is even close.

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    Fri Jan 26 2007

    Being that I'm from the country were the game soccer was created as a sport. I have to say that unless you are willing to put aside your preconceived ideas about this world sport, then you will just be another ignorant viewer. This sport has more coverage than the NFL, NBA, NHL and Baseball could ever dream of. That is not to say any of those sports are not great games!!! Im an avid supporter of the Denver Broncos and Colorado Avalanche!!! I have been to many games and I have on many occasions been asked to quiet up, because my shouting, cheering and whistling is too much!!! I suggest you try to watch this game with an open mind, and then you may see why millions watch this game called, Soccer!!!!! Now for my plug: GO BRONCOS 2007 Jay Cutler all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Mon Sep 11 2006

    Probly The Best Thing to happen to this World Is the World Cup . Think About It 32 Of the World's Best Teams Going Head 2 Head And Theres Only One Winner Its Unbelivible.

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    Fri Jul 14 2006

    I can't take a weak-ass penalty-kick shootout as a means to determine the championshiop of the most important sporting event on the planet. . .

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    Thu Jul 13 2006

    I won't be as narrow minded as my fellow Americans. If you check the ratings for the world cup final in the U.S. it was around 17 million ppl, actually at or near the same ratings as the NBA and NCAA basketball finals, So even in America people are watching it. It my not be as big as the superbowl but why does it have to be. I love almost all sports, ppl call soccer boring but all sports have flaws..Here's a few..NASCAR(cars going in circles) MLB(games about 1 hr longer than they should be)NFL(way too many commercials and actually about 3 minutes of actual action during a game) All I am saying is that soccer's not perfect but American's love "boring" sports too.

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    Mon Jun 12 2006

    Ok, at least all ye American RIA members, together now, please. Yawn! ZZZzzzz.

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    Mon Jun 12 2006

    Czech Republic just beat the US 3-0 I love the world cup! I guess Americans don't like football because they suck at it.

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    Mon Jun 13 2005

    I don't see how people find baseball boring, but like this crap. Who wants to wake up at 4 a.m. to watch skinny men tap a ball back and forth poorly for hours, and have a final score of 1-0?

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    Sat Jan 22 2005

    Very good. Bit overblown but still very good.

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    Sat Jan 08 2005

    Soccer... funny

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    Fri Nov 05 2004

    please call the game by its proper name: football. The World Cup (ie. the world even including the States)plays this and is the biggest competition there is. I am no football supporter generally but when there is a game on involving your national side, everyone rushes home to watch and the streets are quiet. Fantastic atmosphere. The US side is very good and should be given more support.

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    Fri Nov 05 2004

    Better than most, but it still nothing compared to the Olympics. For one, it is only one sport!

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    Thu Nov 04 2004

    I hate the World Cup, but I'll look passed that. Jason, 1,000,000,000 or so people watch the world cup every four years. That is 500,000,000 or so more than the SB. It is clearly more popular.

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    Sun Jan 11 2004

    soccer is more dull than watching phil donahue interview al gore.

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    Sun May 25 2003

    Soccer isn't a real sport.

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    Mon Dec 09 2002

    I just cannot see this as more popular than a Super Bowl.

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    Sat Nov 02 2002

    For the entire rest of the world this is a major deal to say the least. But for Americans it just doesn't compare to the Super Bowl, the World Series, or the NBA championships. For a lot of Americans I think it would even be less important than tennis and golf and the Stanley Cup.

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    Fri Aug 16 2002

    A thing made by sissy fools for sissy fools.

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    Tue May 14 2002

    The FOOTBALL World Cup is absolutely fantastic! It really does unite everyone in my country (Britain) and it usually a huge celebration time. Yes, you do get a few idiots who do like doing the violence and trying to ruin the mood, but otherwise its entirely peaceful and fun time. I never really used to follow it until the '98 World Cup and started following the matches after that. To those who have rated it low, perhaps you should watch it properly, get to understand the rules before saying its boring and overrated, and at least this does have the world involved, get what I mean?

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    Thu May 02 2002

    I can see why some might rate this low. Soccer is still rather new to the US. But I have been a fan since I was about 8.

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    Fri Dec 28 2001

    Woo-hoo... Yay... The World Cup... The Copa de la vida... BIG DEAL!

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    Mon Jun 25 2001

    The Men's World Cup is the most watched sporting event in the world and the Women's tournament last year and the success of the U.S. team was the story of 1999. But, please don't settle these games with a penalty shot shootout. Worlwide, it is undoubtedly the biggest event. I was in Berlin when Germany won the World Cup and it was incredible: impromptu parades, fireworks in the streets.

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    Thu Dec 28 2000

    The world championship where 'World' actually means practically everyone, not just the U.S. - the most popular game in the world being watched by the largest audience in the world. I don't like footie all that much (which is weird as I'm English) but I watched every single match of France 98.

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    Tue Jan 25 2000

    It just doesn't get any bigger than this. During the last Cup, I was working as the HR manager of a company in Mexico City, and Mexico was getting set to play Holland in the first round. A couple of employees came to me to let me know that the company will shut down so that everyone can watch the game in the auditorium. Well I thought they were trying to pull one over on the Gringo HR Manager, so I said absolutely not. Within 5 minutes the President of the Mexico office was calling me to let me know in no uncertain terms that the company WILL shut down for the Mexico / Holland game. You just can't understand how much the Cup means to the world, until you experience it outside of the US.

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    Tue Jan 25 2000

    I've always wondered why the Baseball championship series was called the "world" series--seems kind of pompous of us Americans. The World Cup is truly a world event and a fine international competition.

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    Tue Jan 25 2000

    The whole world is watching - one of the greatest sports spectacles in the world. Increased prestige with the fact that it only happens every four years.

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    Tue Jan 25 2000

    If this is the one with Mia Hamm, count me in. Those soccer chicks are pretty cute. I know next to nothing about the game, but I'm willing to learn.

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    Mon Jan 24 2000

    Action-packed and exciting to watch. Especially watching the women play. They are true athletes!