Woody Allen
American filmmaker, actor, and comedian whose career spans more than six decades Website
Approval Rate: 65%
Reviews 0
by ilikepie
Mon Aug 20 2007I think McBain said it all... "And now for my Woody Allen impression. I'm a neurotic nerd who likes to sleep with little girls."
by x_factor_z
Thu Aug 16 2007What a pervert.
by virilevagabond
Fri Aug 25 2006When compared to the others on this list, as the prior comment notes Woody Allen is rather average looking in a diminutive way. Though Allen's mannerisms are often irritating and whiney, his appearance is more akin to the nerdy tech guy at the office than to true ugliness. Yet another person one would most likely pass on the street without a second glance if it weren't for his fame, Woody Allen was born December 1, 1935 in New York City.
by historyfan
Sun Nov 13 2005Nothing special here...besides, I've lost all respect for someone who thinks it's acceptable to marry his adopted step-daughter and produce offspring from her.
by goldilocks
Mon Oct 10 2005He's creepy.
by louiethe20th
Sat May 15 2004A weirdo freak job!
by 93century
Wed Aug 15 2007When i think of Woody Allen i always think about the scene in the movie "Everything you wanted to know about sex" when he played some medievel guy who was trying to find a key to a lock on a chastity belt so he can access this beautiful womans snatch!
by castlebee
Fri Jul 21 2006He is both unique looking and yet can easily blend with a crowd. Rather than ugly I'd say he's actually nerdishly average looking.
by genghisthehun
Tue Oct 11 2005Aren't all his movies the same?
by guava_monkey
Fri Apr 08 2005I liked the quirky mad humour of his ealry stuff e.g. 'Take the money and run', 'Bananas' and 'Sleeper' but then he starts giving us all that overrated romcom cack about nauseating New Yorkers - 'Annie Hall', 'Manhattan' and 'Hannah and her sisters'. As there's much more of this than the early stuff.. 2 stars.
by erik_hendriksen
Tue May 27 2003His films in the earlyier days where so funny to watch. Every movie he did back the was a comic masterpeice. Still to this day it is funny to watch. Woody Allen is skilled in the feild of comedy. I wish another one of his movies would come out in the same form as the originals. One of the best Comic directors of all time.
by getback
Tue May 13 2003A great film maker without question.
by lukskywlkr
Thu Oct 17 2002Can't stand the nerdy little puss. The Academy Awards gave the Oscar to Annie Hall over Star Wars in 1977, and that remains the single, largest mistake the Academy has ever made. They can never be forgiven for that.
by callmetootie
Tue Apr 10 2001Some directors are talked about all the time, but Woody is talked about for all of the wrong reasons.
by ruby9916
Mon Apr 09 2001Allen's early films were filled with brilliant oddball humor, but most of what followed has made it difficult to remember how close he was to Monty Python and other great absurdists. Many of his more mainstream films have been interesting (Zelig, Annie Hall, Radio Days) and worthy of his legend, but he's also had a lot of misses over the years.
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Dec 18 2008It must have been pretty easy for him to shrug such comments off with the likes of Daine Keaton and Mia Farrow at his side.
by trebon1038
Sun Mar 09 2008Not so much ugly as funny looking.
by loerke
Thu Jul 26 2007What kills me is that as he gets older and older, the actresses he casts to fall in love with him get younger and prettier (e.g., Mira Sorvino in Mighty Aphrodite). Still, he did make his attractiveness to Diane Keaton believable in the best romantic comedy of all time, Annie Hall.
by drummond
Thu Dec 15 2005No other film maker has his sense of irony. Nobody.
by rocketqueen
Sat Mar 12 2005Woody Allen is a genius! His humor is great, alot of people can relate to his dry, bumbling, awkward sense of self and the world around him!
by freebird_0128
Wed Jul 21 2004Ignoring the glare the media has placed on him and his personal life, he remains both an interesting and original director. His work has had some incredible highs and lows but they're always his own unique brand. His films are filled with quirky humor and consistent creativity. Unpredictable in every venture, he's either very good or very bad- he can't seem to find a middle ground.
by bird808
Tue Jul 06 2004What I love about Woody Allen is that hes not one of those predictable directors, he is in fact the opposite and very ambiguous. Hes also one of the few directors that writes their own material instead of ripping off other peoples work and getting credit for it. When you watch a Woody Allen film theres no high expectations, you don't know what to expect as his movies are never quite the same. The only consisting theme is a jazz or 1920's/1930's soundtrack and the same font in the credits. I loved Sweet and Lowdown, Celebrity and Hannah and her Sisters. I didn't like Annie Hall or Manhattan, but Everyone Says I Love You was in-between. For me personally I would rather see a movie with no expectations than go to see one where I was sorely disappointed due to high expectations.
by thracher
Thu Jul 01 2004He is the absolute greatest comedy directors ever. I love his acting and humor it never fails. theirs no bad movie yet he ever made!
by pennylee
Tue Jun 18 2002Woody Allen is a genius, nothing short. Okay, the last several movies that he has done haven't been as brillant as earlier ones but, when you look at a retrospective you realize that yes, he is a genius. Personal life?? Uh.... different story.