Wizard of Oz

Approval Rate: 89%

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    Sat Apr 09 2011

    I could watch this movie over an over again. It's got imagination, creativity, and fun for the whole family. I love this movie! It's definately on of my favorites

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    Thu Mar 24 2011

    I think this is a good movie because the intentions and the story are so good. It is a nice light hearted movie. I think Judy Gardland was very talented and had a wonderful voice. It was pretty much crafted for kids and the general public which kind of lets me off. I also used to wonder about it. I was not crazy about the entire movie. It seemed too long. The whole thing with the witch and her wanting to get back to Kansas is great though. There is so much symbolism. The Wizard of Oz is a character for the ages. I also was weirded out by the monkey things though not even remembering much. I like real monkeys. The munchkins kind of got to me. When you leave home you many times find you want to go back there. I worked temp for Oz disco in SF which they did name for Liza M. who they knew from the restaurant. I have no hard feelings. I just wanted the place to stop bothering. There was gossip in the cafeteria.

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    Mon Mar 21 2011

    I am one of a very few that can't stand this movie. I hate Judy Garland. The monkeys give me nightmares. And the rest of it makes me want to run and hide.

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    Fri Jan 14 2011

    This is one of the best old movies ever. I see myself as Dorothy. Lol. I also love Judy Garland. Her singing voice brings tears to my eyes. I also love Toto, Dorothy's dog, & the Wicked witch of the West cracks me up, the way she talks, I mean. *mimicking the witch*: 'I'll get you, my pretty, & your little dog, too. Lol!'

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    Wed Aug 04 2010

    It's never been a personal favorite. At some point I'd like to watch it with "Dark Side of the Moon" to see what that's about. But regardless, it's a good movie.

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    Sun May 16 2010


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    Sun Mar 28 2010

    when i was little I watched this movie 24/7. litteraly, if i wasn't sleeping i was watching this movie. One of a kind!

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    1939 was possibly the greatest year in cinema history. This is a blockbuster from that time. I can honestly say that seeing the Wizard of Oz at least 4 times in my life has made me see life in a much more beautiful manner and it has helped me appreciate all that is around me. Believe it or not, you actually learn and feel some sense of civility in this movie and it shows throughout the film. If there isn't a part in this movie that you don't get so joyous or hopeful and tear up, then I think you've missed the whole point of the film. To not call this film one of the best ever is a bold-faced lie. For as crazy of a life as Judy Garland had, you really see her working in her prime here and it's hard not to fall in love with her character, Dorothy. She's iconic to film, she's iconic to America & she's iconic to people who just want to see the best things in their lives. This movie is a great inspirational piece. It helps you see the beauty of the world while taking a look at yo... Read more

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    Wed Dec 09 2009

    I used to love this movie when I was child. But what I can't figure out is why they filmed the beginning and ending in sepia instead of color.

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    Fri Apr 10 2009

    The Wizard of Oz is a classic movie that I loved as a kid, yet can still find entertaining. The witch in this movie has become a standard for what people think of when they hear the word "witch". The flying monkeys have been freaking little kids out for decades. People use the phrase "Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!" in every day speech. I don't really know if it's that great of a movie or not, but I do know that it has become quite integrated into our culture.

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    Fri Mar 20 2009

    The best movie ever, i always watch it many times.

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    Mon Jan 19 2009

    I'd say "Wizard of Oz" is a one of a kind. Many generations have enjoyed this film, and I predict that generations to come will enjoy this classic, too.

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    Sat Nov 08 2008

    A good imaginative movie.Dorothy gets caught up in a tornado and ends up in a new land where she meets Munchkins., a bad witch, Glinda the good witch, Scarecrow, Tinman, the Cowardly Lion, Along with her new found friends she and TOTO go off to meet the Wizard so he can send her home. they have to deal with the bad witch along the way. There are some good songs in this movie, Especially Somewhere over the Rainbow one of the most famous songs ever. A wonderful fairy tale. Judy Garland is perfect as Dorothy GAle.All the actors are good.We still like to watch this movie every now and then.One of the best fantasy movies.   update: we tried to watch this tonight with the Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon. I guess it is supposed to match up with scenes, we tried for about 30 minutes and guess we did not get that we noticed any scene match ups. Has anyone else tried to? we gave up and just watched the movie.

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    One of the best known and quoted movies ever. Still need to watch it while playing Dark side of the Moon tho.

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    Mon Jun 30 2008

    Not my favorite but it's okay.

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    Fri Jun 27 2008

    A classic that has suffered somewhat due to over exposure. It was shown during the holiday season every year on network t.v. for something like twenty years in a row.  The film was produced during the early transition to color movies. The place in the film where it blossoms into full color from a drab sepia tone must have been awesome when it was first viewed. Even today it is a dramatic moment in spite of the fact I have seen it too many times to count. A true classic film.

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    Fri Jun 27 2008

    This film just makes me real hungry.

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    Tue Mar 04 2008

    It is a good movie but I have seen it way to many times!Overall its a  pretty good movie.

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    Wed Jul 18 2007

    As a kid, this was the film we waited all week to see on TV. Wonderful classic still. Almost as interesting on-screen is what happened off-screen during the planning of the film. Shirley Temple originally was supposed to play Dorothy. W.C. Fields was supposed to play the Wizard. Buddy Ebsen was the Tin Man for awhile, but proved allergic to the silver paint they used on him, necessitating his replacement. I always loved Margaret Hamilton, a former schoolteacher from Ohio, as the Wicked Witch. She lived her last years in Amenia, NY, and when she died, her body was cremated and the ashes scattered over the town, a fact which crosses my mind every time I drive through there (if I see her some night on a broomstick, I swear I'm gonna drive into a tree!). I defy anyone to watch a youthful, lovely Judy Garland singing "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", cognizant as they watch of her ultimate fate, and not be heartbroken. May be somewhat sappy and dated for today's audience, I suppose, but it alwa... Read more

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    Thu Jun 14 2007

    Well ahead of it's time; I can only wonder what it would have been like to be sitting there watching in those days and to see the color for the very first time.To say that this movie had many unforgetable performances would be an understatement.  Judy Garland's "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" has to be one of, if not the, greatest musical moments in movie history.So much to love about this timeless classic that will go on for the ages.

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    Thu Feb 15 2007

    Classic movie. Love the munchkins and the songs they sing throughout the movie.

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    Mon Jan 29 2007

    One of my all time favorite movies!

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    Sun Oct 01 2006

    A timeless classic.

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    Sat Jun 24 2006

    Love the movie.

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    Tue Jun 20 2006

    I remember when I was little this used to air only once a year (around Easter I think). I think that made it even more special - it was something I would look forward to watching every year.

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    Thu Apr 06 2006

    A classic movie that never grows old. First it was shown on tv once a year then came VHS and now DVD! Wow, now I can watch it anytime I want!!

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    Tue Mar 28 2006

    The alltime children's classic. I have seen it since 1960. That's 46 years now. Sometimes 3 and 4 times. L. Frank Baum was a genius.

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    Tue Jan 24 2006

    One of the most beloved movies of our time, and rightly so. Growing up I always anticipated an airing of The Wizard of Oz on tv. What a treat it was, to be taken to OZ, to escape from the real world, and be apart of something so fantastic and beautiful. Its sometimes hard for me to think that Shirley Temple was actually considered first and foremost for the film, as Dorthy is supposed to be just a Child. I doubt the movie would be the classic it is today, without Garlands brilliance, and amazing voice. Somewhere over the Rainbow, strikes a cord to all whom listen, and its probably the single most definitive score in Cinema history. A tale of 4 wayword souls, on a journey to become "complete" find along the way that they didnt need anything to prove their worth, it was inside them all along. And our beloved Dorothy, finds that, through all of lifes struggles, what matters in the end, are those whom we love and love us, and indeed there is no place like home~

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    Thu Jan 19 2006

    A movie so good that it continues to grow an audience with each new generation that is exposed to it. An ensemble cast with brilliantly played characters and an unforgettable soundtrack. The message of the film, "There's no place like home.", is one that resonates inside the hearts of all who are fortunate enough to enjoy the love of home, friends, and family, the world over. To think that they nearly left Judy Garland's emotionally charged rendition of 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' on the cutting room floor makes you thankful for occurences of devine intervention. A true classic for all times.

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    Wed Nov 16 2005

    The goofiness and silliness of the characters gives the movie its own beauty.

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    I think it is a great film to watch with children. They will love the silly scarecrow, the funny lion and the girls will want the red sparkly shoes so they can click the back of their heels and say "There is no place like Home." They will pretend to be the wicked witch of the West to other siblings by saying in a scary tone "I will get you my Pretty." They will sing and skip the tunes Were off to see the Wizard the wonderful wizard of oz.... Follow the yellow brick road.. etc. If you watch it for the first time as an adult you might not enjoy it as much as someone that has seen it as a child. I have a friend that saw it for the first time as an adult and he said, "I wished I would have seen this movie when I was a kid. I think I would have really liked it. The tornado has a certain amount of mystery to a child because you do not know what will happen when you get sucked up in it.

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    Sun Jun 19 2005

    ho hum

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    Sun Jun 05 2005

    Also being one of the very first movies in color, this movie is a true classic that has an unmatched storyline that people will cherish for generations.

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    Mon Apr 18 2005

    Definatly a classic, don't listen to the people who say its just a kids movie. Although it IS in fact for kids, its so timeless that no matter what age group it is aimed at, everyone will enjoy it.

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    Tue Apr 12 2005

    not bad for a kids movie, but if you're an adult, read the book.

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    Mon Apr 04 2005

    i never missed the wizard of oz when it on ever since i was a child. even when i became a teenager id tell my friends i got in trouble and had to go home but really it was cuz i didnt miss the movie. i had a reputation to uphold. this is a movie that should forever be passed down the generartions

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    Wed Mar 30 2005

    it really made me go to sleep,how boring

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    Wed Mar 23 2005

    This movie is sheer perfection without all the computer generated special effects of today. It is a classic.

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    Sun Mar 13 2005

    Had its moments but overall didn't care much for this classic.

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    Thu Mar 03 2005

    This movie is definitely a classic. Here it is 2005 and children still get exited watching it.

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    Wed Mar 02 2005

    One of the few times I actually agree with Louie. This mocie is a masterpiece and I personally believe that it is the best movie of all time. I watch this movie at least once a year and I could never ever grow tired of it, never.

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    Fri Jan 07 2005

    Probably the greatest movie of all-time, doesn't get better than this!

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    Tue Dec 21 2004

    Real classics never die. Wonder why they only play it during the holidays though.

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    Wed Dec 01 2004

    How can anyone not like this movie? First let me state that if this type of movie were released today I would be hesitant to see it because I'm not into musicals per se; my tastes range from witty comedies to supense to action movies. That being said, I have to acknowledge the greatness of this movie since it is ingrained into my (and everyone's) memory, and I always enjoy seeing it. I just wish it were presented on television as an event once a year like in the old days (it was shown on or around Easter time on NBC when I was a kid), not 30 times a day on TBS or TNT on July 4th. Anyway, if you have not seen it there is something wrong with you.

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    Fri Nov 19 2004

    Probably Hollywood's greatest film. It has great songs, good action and humor. The transition from black & white Kansas to full-color Oz is brilliant. The film has great cinematography.

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    Sat Oct 02 2004

    Whoever rated this low is obviously in denial... c'mon, did you honesly not love this epic as a kid??? I know I sure did and I just turned 24 today!!! (10-02-80) Whenever I grew up I watched this movie at least a dozen times and NEVER got sick of it and never will. After the house drops... after the tornado, she emerges inside of a colorful OZ that is the most beautiful thing ever witnessed on t.v. GREAT!!!

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    Sun Sep 19 2004

    This is a great movie. Here something to do with OZ. On the third lions roar on the MGM Logo, start the album Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. If you timed it right, When Miss Gulch is riding her bike to the Gale Farm, a bunch of clocks should be chiming, the song Money should start when it goes to color. Just listen to the words in the song while watching the movie and I think you will enjoy it.

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    Thu Aug 12 2004

    This is one of those classical movies that unfortunately will never die. For a film of its time (1939) The Wizard of Oz boasts magnificent scenery, costumes, script, colourful characters and memorable songs. Its one of the most popular holiday films and like it or not for people to remember it for many generations after its original release date are already speaking volumes of how popular this film truly is.

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    Sat Mar 27 2004

    Released in 1939, The Wizard Of Oz is an institution of American cinema. The movie went through a series of directors; however, Victor Fleming sat in the chair for most of production. Obviously, this movie was a landmark film in its use of color, switching from black and white as Dorothy Gale (Judy Garland) leaves her drab reality in Kansas for the vivid Land of Oz over the rainbow where magic and fantasy are the rule rather than the exception. In Oz, Dorothy has magic slippers to protect her in this alien world as well as her humanity represented by the Scarecrow (Ray Bolger), the Tin Man (Jack Haley), and the Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr) (ie wisdom, love and courage). Nevertheless, Dorothy discovers that fantasy is not as fulfilling as her home in reality, so she searches to find the great Wizard (Frank Morgan) while her nemesis the Wicked Witch of the West (Margaret Hamilton) attempts to waylay her at every turn. Ultimately, Dorothy triumphs over flying monkeys (which scared me as... Read more

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    Sun Feb 29 2004

    I've never cared for this movie. I find it simply annoying. I was interested to read Enkidu's commentary on the symbolism of Baum's book. I'm curious, who does the Wizard himself represent?