Approval Rate: 89%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Thu Feb 24 2011Review under construction
by ralphthewonder_llama
Fri Nov 26 2010Where I'd be if my wife was cold-tolerant. Beautiful country; looks like the Tolkien's Shire. Madison is great, sandwiched between two lakes, and the town square has a hippie-fest every weekend. Full of real, honest working people, a refreshing change from the California Fruits & Nuts and the New York Snobs.
by truesure
Fri Jun 18 2010I love Wisconsin. My review is mainly about the Madison area. Pros: Good family values, friendly people. Madison is not necessarly reflective of the state in general. Milwaukee is like any other big city. Madison area is mainstream enough to be a decent place to live- with a great University, plenty of outdoor activity, decent jobs, good quality of life. It is a more mainstream, motivated place than some of the western states I have lived in. Cons: Heavy drinking, not a large influx of creative people. This is the Great-Lakes Region, the Upper Midwest. You don't get a lot of diversity, but more in the Madison area than in other parts of Wisconsin. Door County is a lovely place to travel, so is the River Road near La Crosse- BEAUTIFUL area to camp and explore. The Northwoods also has a lot to offer. Overall, I prefer a place that is even more outdoor and open-minded. People here, I consider them to be "regular", all-american types. I tend to prefer people that are more ... Read more
by muscleman268
Thu Jun 21 2007I've lived in this state for 3 years now, and am dying to get out. Mostly everyone who is living here by choice I have found to be complete backwoods weirdos, who have nothing better to do than worry about outlawing gay marriage!
by sierrasstar
Mon May 21 2007how is wisconsin on the first page there is absolutley nothing there it sucks too too boring!
by hydro21
Tue May 01 2007The best thing about living in Wisconsin for me was leaving!
by beanocook
Sat Jan 20 2007Wisconsin is a unique mid-western state because it has rolling hills and dense forest and more lakes than Minnesota. Culturally the state has managed to preserve its European heritage better than most. Milwaukee, on Lake Michigan, is perhaps the most American of cities yet has maintained an original and historic feel. With impressive summer and winter getaways in Lake Geneva, Door County, Apostle Islands and the Wisconsin River area, Wisconsin hosts more Chicago vacations than any other state. Overall one of the 15 best states.
by lion_in_winter
Wed Jul 19 2006The Madison area is very nice- high quality of life, scenic and much in the way of culture- Milwaukee is a rather bland city, that is not sparkling. The rest of the state is dairy farming, sparsed with small cities and towns with a definite upper midwestern attitude- which is rather vanilla.
by fezzador
Fri Sep 23 2005Infinitely better than Minnesota or Iowa.
by 93century
Fri Jul 15 2005I am a Wisconsinite. I do agree it is a good state, but our property taxes are getting horrid. It depends where you live. I live in a southeastern suburb of Milwaukee county, and our taxes are going up 30 to 35%. My sister lives in Racine county, and she has a newer house(30 years old). She pays less property tax than we do compared to what we pay on our 100 year old house. If my mother passed away, i would move to northern Wisconsin because it is a cheaper area to live.
by subaru7
Fri Jul 15 2005A state with much to offer in the great lakes region. Many recreational oportunities, nice cities and towns,low crime and a good quality if living.
by genghisthehun
Mon Jul 11 2005Nice, clean and earnest
by deedubbz651
Fri May 27 2005For one, Wisconsin is in the Midwest, not the Northwest. Sure, Wisconsin may not be at the bottom of many lists, but to put that god forsaken state ahead of Minnesota in any poll or rating is a joke. There is no better state to live in besides MN. Hands down. Wisconsin may be able to hold our jockstrap, but some other states do not even get the chance. The only good thing to come out of Wisconsin is I-94W.
by browngirl82
Fri Feb 18 2005Great state to visit and maybe live. If you move to Wisconsin the only place worth living in is Madison. Unless you like small towns and farms. It's a little cold but the summers are great here. Probably the best state to live in the midwest with the exception of Illinois, since Il. has my favorite city of all time---Chicago!!!
by zrekko
Mon Jan 17 2005Wisconsin is probably the best state of the midwest. Climate is a bit cold- but the state has beatiful farmlands and some very attractive cities to live (like Madison). The quality of life is high.
by major_of_the_rotc
Tue Jan 11 2005A very beautiful state around late September and early October, when the trees are filled with blood-red leaves. Right outside Green Bay, on I-45, there is a massive army of these red-colored trees and it is a spectacular sight. A little cold, but the summers are beautiful-- a crisp temperature with a warm sun around noon time.
by spacewolf
Sun Dec 05 2004Wisconsin has a high quality of life- Madison is a great place to live. There are also great places to vacation all over- deserves to be rated higher.
by 37102002
Sat Nov 27 2004A good place to visit or live. Best tourist attractions probably Door County, Wisconsin Dells,Kettle Moraine State Park, Milwaukee Public and Art Museums and Zoo, mitchell domes, Miller Park, State St/ Capitol in Madison, Apple River in N Wisconsin, and the Lake Geneva resort area. Fairly progressive politically, especially in Madison. Milwaukee and the Lake Michigan shore provides lots of activities. North and southwest parts of state has rolling hills and lots of forest. Traffic, pollution and crime are minor problems here, even in the larger cities. Except for the Packers, Green Bay is a nothing. April thru October is the best time to visit.
by synapse
Sat Nov 13 2004Wisconsin is under-rated. It has one of the prettiest cities in the country, Madison, and the northern parts of the state have lots of rolling hills, gorgeous forests, great biking, and beautiful river valleys. Yes, there's a big beer, brats, and the Green Bay Packers element, but overall the state is quite pretty.
by celticprince
Sun Oct 31 2004Madison is a very nice city- parts of this state have much to offer. A wee too cold for me- but a decent quality of life. A wee too conformist and middle American- that seems in some areas out of touch- but not bad overall. Not as liberal as the east or west coasts.
by opinion585
Sun Oct 31 2004It seems like an all around nice state, the people are friendly, the summers are perfect, and it just seems like it would have been a great state to grow up in. I could live there, and i would like to visit some day. Milwaukee has the whole blue collar, traditonal, good old fashioned hard working people going for it too. You gotta respect it.
by captaincrunch
Wed Aug 04 2004Well... Wisconsin is my home state so perhaps I'm a little biased. However -- it's really beautiful. There are forests in the north, Lake Michagan (the Kohler-Andre Park is nice), Lake Superior, and yes, there are bigger cities: Madison, and I suppose Milwaukee, depending on what you're looking for. Many smaller lakes and rivers are beautiful too. All the seasons are good. Summer is very green up north (though I wish it was a bit longer), the color in fall is spectacular, and I think that snow is very underrated. It's not just something to shovel--it's pretty, and fun too. Spring's the only season I'm not crazy about, but it's pretty short.
by thedesertfox
Sun Jul 11 2004Madison is becoming a technological hub, and it is one of the most beautiful states in the Nation.
by bbutler76
Wed Jun 02 2004Absolutely beautiful in the spring and fall. Especially if you get a chance to see the countryside. Winters suck but they have the equipment to remove all the snow; unlike those dumbass crackheads in Indiana. The people are very friendly and there is lots to do in the cities of Milwaukee and Madison. I truly miss living in Wisconsin.
by andyjay
Sat Apr 24 2004It's a very pleasant, down-to-earth Midwestern kind of place, and from what I could see, Milwaukee seems like an attractive city. If you're ever there you absolutely have to check out the House on the Rock, which I can only describe as the weirdest museum on the planet. If it were in California or on the East Coast it would be world-famous, but nope, it's just out in the heartland; their little secret. On Wisconsin!
by nmysz742
Sun Feb 29 2004The only knock on Wisconsin is the weather in winter. Milwaukee is top notch and despite what you may hear, is way more fun than Chicago. Madison was voted the best college sports town in the country and you will not beat Green Bay for some great NFL action. If thats not enough, it is very cheap to drink, and there are plenty of places to do it at.
by melott
Mon Jan 26 2004Despite it's largest city (a very underrated city) being run by socialists and other corrupt officials, this State stacks up with any for its great quality of life.
by mikeholly93
Wed Oct 29 2003beautiful state with woods and farmland. great source of sausage and cheese! However, Wisconsin is not too diverse and it lacks neat attractions.
by president_x_d
Wed Sep 10 2003Hey der, ho dere, cheeseheads.
by what_up_dog
Thu Jul 10 2003as a wisconsin native, i know all the good things and bad things. i dont know what's up with people sayin our crime is low. it's high if ya live in da street part. but other dan dat, it's all good.
by stoneage
Mon Nov 11 2002Better than minnesota! That's for sure!
by the_waffler
Sun Nov 04 2001I have never had a bad trip to Wisconsin. Cold winters, yes, but beautiful summers. Milwaukee is a barrel of fun. Wisconsin in the summer is lovely.
by gted4408du
Mon Feb 28 2000Wisconsin is a wonderful state for 'out-doorsy' tourists. Fishing and white-water rafting can be a lot of fun. However, it;s not the place for younger people looking for a good time.