Winning "The Hearts and Minds" of Iraqis

Approval Rate: 81%

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    Mon Jan 22 2007

    This is my favorite! Heard all this in Viet Nam.

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    Mon Jun 12 2006

    80% of their eligible voters VOTED in their last election. What might indicate to some of you that there has been a modicum of progress? Democracy isn't easy. It isn't convenient. It is war, conducted through (primarily) civil means. That is what is happening today in Iraq, don't look for it to be pretty, not like you're looking for the war to be pretty (but, this is an "ugly" war . . . like there are pretty wars) My son's best friend came home this week, having been deployed to Iraq for 15 months. He had been stationed at Abu Graib. He manned the 50 cal. gun perched on a humvee, making multiple convoys in and out of the prison every day. He won the Bronze Star for Valor, having risked his life to save the life of another member of his convoy. Nobody even knows it, no news coverage, no radio shows. Nobody. He silently flew into town after his de-briefing in Wisconsin and appeared down the street. This kid is a hero and we (civilians) treat him like we're embarrassed. W... Read more

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    Sat Aug 27 2005

    No matter what anyone can say, it is very difficult to portray this conflict as a solid victory for the US or the Iraqi people as a whole. Yes, Iraq is freer than it ever was under the Ba'athist regime and power is much less centralized. Ironically enough, many of the problems which currently beset that country are exactly a result of this! I am not of the type who does not believe that Iraqis or Muslims for that matter can not handle democracy. Indeed, much of Islam has received a bad reputation because of certain extremist elements that receive the most play in the media. But there are some prerequisites that should be taken into account when forming a new state. Basically, people have to be willing to come together for the greater good. The basic element of nationhood revolves around a shared set of values that binds the majority of people together. I haven't seen this in Iraq so far. In fact, the Sunnis refuse to compromise with the Shiites regarding the new constitution. The US co... Read more

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    Name me a free society in the Islamic world. That's how much the hearts and minds can be won!

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    Win the hearts and minds of the Americans this administration lied to first. . .

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    I'm quite sure that bombing people and torturing them illegally will NOT win their Hearts OR minds!!!

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    We may win their minds, to a degree, but there is nothing in me that makes me believe we will ever truly win their hearts, no matter what we do.

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    Mon Jun 27 2005

    Depends on which percentage we're aiming for. 65%? We've got it.