Windows XP
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by goindownslow
Sat Sep 26 2009The best thing I can say about it and its 498,987 patches is that it doesn't totally $uck...
by nesher
Mon Jul 06 2009Good, stable, and reliable Operating System. The best we have on the Windows market. However, the modern reality demands more. Hopefully, Windows 7 is a valid answer to these demands.
by pierrelate
Thu Apr 09 2009This software is a real piece of sh... I do not understand how people keep using it. I have been using Linux Mandriva and Apple OSX for the last years. I cannot touch a windows PC any more. If you are using Windows (whatever flavor) please change to OSX or Linux. It will be the best move in your computer life.
by jrichardma
Tue Dec 23 2008Avoid Windows, and any other Microsoft product, at all costs. Unsafe, unreliable, and prone to failure.
by convinced1972
Thu Oct 16 2008Windows 3.1 and Windows 2000 were my favorites. Next to Fedora and Ubuntu.
by saladdressing2_9
Thu Oct 16 2008it was a good os for its age and time. i liked it more than windows 98/me for sure
by deborahj
Thu Oct 16 2008I believe that windows xp really taught people how to use computers. It taught us about handling viruses ,how to get the most from music and movies,and software compatability.I love it and hopes it stays around forever.
by mtsandeep
Mon May 26 2008Xp is having good usability. It is user friendly and flexible also. Most of program or software are designed for xp only. Due to its popularity and usability i have given a 4* for it.
by lmorovan
Wed Apr 02 2008Most efficient windows operating system so far. Especially the professional version. Got a new computer which came with Vista. Was so disappointed that I formated the hard drive and reinstalled my Windows XP on it. And it works flawlessly.
by hellogoodbye93_483948
Thu Mar 13 2008very unstable, crap, crap, crap
by xer0sd18
Sat Feb 09 2008What bit am I supposed to love, its total lack of security that lets anyone into the administrator account, the RPC shut-down routine that was flying around which caused it to shut down, the spammy net msg application, the active scripting? The way all its shared resources are usually enabled by default, without warning the end user. Hate it!
by passtheloot
Wed Dec 26 2007After using computer for 20 years from ms-dos windows 3.0 win 95 win 98 win 2000 xp home and xp pro my opinion is that windows xp was made by the ANTICHRIST.
by astromike
Tue Dec 11 2007I LOVE IT!! No problems, very easy to use!!
by fb721998658
Sun Nov 04 2007Best Windows so far
by fakstick
Fri May 18 2007i was playing on my microsoft xp a while ago, i was literaly playing with my penis on the keyboard then i spunked all over the moniter
by twansalem
Wed May 16 2007The best of the Windows operating systems that I've used. It's much more stable than 98, and it isnt't a memory hog like Vista.
by necrophagous
Fri Feb 23 2007An excellent operating system if you like slow, buggy, unresponsive crap! Over priced and unfinished. If you must use Windows stick with Windows 2000 or NT 4.0 and whatever you do avoid Vista like the plauge! Just install Fedora Core 6 (version 7 out end of March 07) and see the difference it makes. It's free and in almost 6 months of using it I only experienced one crash and that was my fault for doing something I shouldn't have!!
by coltseries70
Thu Feb 22 2007Windows is the worst operating system devised. I've had all the different types of Windows at work. They all crash. They punish you if you want netscape, and always need new upgrades. Too many viruses. An OS is supposed to already be secure without you having to authorize practically everything you do. Even compressed, supposedly untouchable files can get viruses. Switch to Mac OS X or Red Hat Linux. Both extremely solid systems and way way way more user and worker friendly.
by trevinops
Wed Dec 13 2006Windows XP is by far the best operating system. The functionality and look is a tremendous improvement over my former OS (WinMe). There are no more dll errors popping up everytime I start the computer.
by digitalmaxx
Sun Jun 04 2006This is one of Microsoft's best operating system releases. A lot of new features emerged and it makes it a lot easier for novice users to keep things up to date and make sure security is in place, once you tell them what to look for, the security center pops up and tells them if there is a problem. Easy to work with, and is based on the old Windows NT system.
by magellan
Tue May 09 2006I am decidedly unimpressed by Windows XP. After about two years of being spoiled by Mac OSX, I've been welcomed back to the wonderful world of MS operating systems with the purchase of a new PC laptop. Windows XP is as unstable as all the other Windows versions. Stuff locks up. It takes ages to boot up, and turn off. I have to force quit applications that are stuck, fairly often. In using the XP and OSX side by side, I'd have to say that there is no comparison. Mac's OS is by far superior. Sadly, it's just not possible to get by in my business without access to a PC - to me, it just highlights that MS's best days are behind them.
by jj_frap
Fri Mar 17 2006It's not perfect, but by superimposing the gaming and home/small office compatibility of 9x on the NT core, MS has finally managed to create a consumer, GUI-driven OS that doesn't leak memory like a broken roof or need to be restarted every 2 hours like the 9x core OSes did. Oh...And it's also the easiest OS to run that old DOS classic Betrayal at Krondor on: You can give yourself all the conventional memory you'll ever need in XP. :-) And I don't need to run processor slow-down software to run Wasteland properly like I did in the various bitter flavours of 9x. Stay the Hell away from Vista though: DRM and TCOA is worse than Hitler.
by dingland
Thu Dec 29 2005What other company in this world can produce products which are so crappy yet sell so much??? Great job Gates. I've used His stuff since MS-DOS and its always geting better, but why 20 years and 6 million 'blue screens of death' and countless errors should a customer have to put up with. I feel very sorry for my ignorant customers who haven't a clue about computers.
by decalod85
Sun Dec 04 2005More stable than Win 98, but that isn't saying much. Hard to configure and install. Insecure.
by invent91
Sat Dec 03 2005It crashes is unstable. My reccomendation switch to either Red Hat Linux or Suse Linux.
by lizardkings1
Thu Nov 03 2005Fast, east and very freindly to use, tried others but works best for me.
by daveinseoul
Tue Sep 27 2005I have been a Microsoft OS user since the 'bad old days' of MS-DOS (sorry, command line purists), and I would say that as the years goes by, Microsoft gets it better and better. Granted that you have to really have a fast computer to run XP (yea, like try running XP on anything less than a 1 GHZ maching), so that you can hide the OS 'bloatware'. But most of the user community could care less about that - they just want a OS that simply 'works'. XP does that. It simply 'works'. You can tailor it and 'tweek it' to your hearts content. Or you can do 'nothing at all'. On both ends of the spectrum, the XP operating system offers rock-solid support, while providing seamless interfaces with so many devices it is almost too numerous to count. I would like to see UNIX, or LINUX make that claim (I know this is a 'stick in the eye' to the Unix and Linux purists - but 'so what'). Again, bottom line, XP simply works. I plug in my new hard drive - It recognizes it. I plug in my Digital ... Read more
by sfalconer
Thu Aug 18 2005It would not be so bad if it did not have so many holes in it. Rumor has it that this new virus was caused by an article that Microsoft published regarding the hole in the security before they had a patch and now thousands of users and businesses are paying the price. Some thing has to be done about Microsofts cavalier handling of the worlds main PC enviroment.
by developer
Wed Aug 17 2005I think windows XP is a great operating system. This version has been very stable for me personally. I just wish they improve their command line to be as powerful as unix. And I hate the fact that performance almost always slows down the older the install gets!
by mtiger_87
Mon Jun 27 2005Stabe environment. Haven't really had any problems with it in the couple of years I've had it installed.
by flowerbear
Fri May 20 2005it is getting there! perhaps one day microsoft will develope an operating system (;>)
by reaverto
Sat May 14 2005MS went overboard with this one. Definitely a worthy successor to 98 SE with much more stability. Still, many annoying features and extras that are too dumbed down. The eye candy is the first thing I remove when installing. I prefer Win 2k.
by gs2088
Fri Apr 08 2005I think that XP is the almost best operating system around. The best one I've ever used is Guardian, which is on a mainframe computer (Original name Tandems, then bought by Compaq, now merged with HP). Since its not PC based, I have to settle for XP. I've used Linux/Unix based systems, and I completely think they stink!
by realitychick
Wed Feb 16 2005I'm still waiting for the real version of XP to come out. I know they have the stable, debugged version sitting somewhere in that Microsoft compound. I sometimes think they are waiting to come up with another new OS before releasing it. Whatever the case may be, I like XP's wizards the best.
by ripvanwrinkele_d
Thu Nov 25 2004XP is much more stable then 98 or 98 based ME...on the other hand I hate Bill Gates so I give XP one star.
by bkkloppenborg
Wed Nov 17 2004Ok operating system when it first game out i have to say BUGS GOLORE!!! Then they fixed most of them on service pack one. Then they came out with two and now its a downgrade to me it sucks! It is better then windows ME, 98, and 95 though... I really need to get a new operating system.. P.S. VERY OVERPRICED!!!
by theunit
Sat Nov 13 2004Windows just plain old sucks. Sure its getting a little more stable, but its because of windows that people regard crashes as normal! the stuff is designed so that you can leave it running for weeks without a hitch. not a chance with windows. its slower, more vulnerable to viruses (not 1 successful virus has been written for OS X). I just want an os that is simple, but secure, malleable for cross platform cooperation and self modification, but easy to use and intuitive. basically i want a modern DOS type OS with customizable interface. I want to be in control of EVERYTHING about my comp.
by dragonman
Mon Oct 25 2004Sure it's more stable if you were using 95, 98 or ME before but if you are using Windows 2000 it's just as stable, they both run on the same NT kernel. XP just adds more bloat and eye candy. If you're running 95(god help you) 98, ME(pos) then you should definitely upgrade to XP but if your using 2000 then there's really no need to.Another thing that bothers me, the default user interface is horrible, did Microsoft hire Fisher-Price to design the looks? Why am I giving it only one star? It is Windows 2000 with extra crap(mostly uneeded) added, not exactly innovative.
by achmedurduisak_sen
Fri Oct 08 2004I just don't like it at all.
by quarkie
Sat Sep 11 2004Much more stable than predecessors, but why did it take this long?
by quaxi9e2
Mon Sep 06 2004MS did a great Job to make this a very stable OS. I've never seen a crash caused by the Software. Problems are caused by the extensive need of Resources and the bad Securety Situation which is not at all the fault of the OS itself.
by mariusqeldroma
Mon Jul 26 2004Skip Home Edition all together, not worth time to review. Pro is fairly stable, but way too bloated with useless and vulnerable goodies. Trim it down if you use it, and be damed sure you firewall yourself very carefully.
by nightraven
Wed May 26 2004I get a lot of BSOD, but what version of windows did I not get that. I like this one better than 95 and 98 and about the same as ME, the NTFS is what makes it the best of the 4 though
by fairplay
Tue May 18 2004Yet another Mico$oft approximation of a real OS. Even worse than its predecessors. It's slow, unstable, awkward, and incredibly limited. I don't think the interface is anything other than cute. It certainly isn't easy to use for anything important. I have one Windows machine upon which I do nothing by run Quicken, and a Unix machine upon which I do everything else. I'm about to say goodbye to Bill Gates and Company forever and buy myself an Apple. OS X is a Unix variant and Apples and Mac OS has always been light years ahead of PCs and Wondoze.
by coolpeeps
Sat May 15 2004i love the bubbily and with style xp u can get millions of color possibilities for the theme xp
by remixedcat
Mon Apr 19 2004well at least it will boot and run any app I want on it. at least it tries to act like an OS not liek redhat linux does. my copy wont boot no matter how many times I reformat!!! And networking and joining domains is easy and it works beautiully with windows server 2003!!!
by anonymous
Sat Jan 17 2004Microsoft really needs to do some work on their operating systems. While XP looks nicer than previous versions of Windows, it seems to crash just as often. This program is not responding. It just never stops. In addition, Windows XP is filled with security holes and flaws which enable viruses to escape into the operating system.
by valmont
Mon Dec 22 2003Say what you will, Windows XP is still the best desktop out there. Yes, it has problems, but show me an operating system which does not. I manage a network of Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux and FreeBSD. I run Windows XP on my desktop and laptop. No, Windows XP is not limited. It is however dumbed down a little so the average user won't shoot himself in the foot. However the extra features are accessible. There isn't anything that Windows 2000 can do that XP cannot. Basically, no crashed for over a year. I do not particularly like the new control panel, so I do switch back to classic control panel. I also do like icons on my desktop, so I re-enable my computer and related, which ends up looking a lot like Windows 2000. I do not think that the default theme is the most pleasing. The buttons and toolbars are too big and rounded. I can see how this would be a good theme for novice users, but I prefer thin lines and small buttons. I run at high resolution as well (1800x1600 usually) and... Read more