Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
1971 American musical fantasy film directed by Mel Stuart and starring Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka Website
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by hotshordi
Thu Oct 14 2010Nerds is the first thing that come to my mind. Those cute little purple and pink specs of fun! I recently tried sour puckerooms gummies. I dont know if anyone else had them before but they were Okayy. Nothing special. I finished the package, but i wouldn't buy it again. They were all stuck together and a little too sweet. But i'm not hatin. Nerds is the wayyy tooo gooo :))
by thegarcias
Fri Jan 08 2010It was one of my favorite growing up. It was magical and a feel good movie. As an adult I'm not quite so impressed. The whole boat ride resembled a trip on acid out of control and those kids are so annoying. Willy Wonka was a perfect role for Gene Wilder though and I still prefer the original.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Fri Feb 13 2009I thought this was one of the worst children's movies ever made. Never have liked it, and I don't plan on changing my mind any time in the near future.
by x7heavens
Mon Aug 04 2008I like Roald Dahl books. His books are meant for both adults and kids. But for the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, the part I like most is Johnny Depp. He carried the character really, really well.
by lmorovan
Thu Apr 17 2008Chocolate and kids, now that's an explosive combination. Umpa, Umpa, good film and effects for the time.
by cmw4562
Thu Aug 02 2007This is definitely on my list of all time favorite movies. What kid doesn't dream about owning his very own candy factory? Gene Wilder is perfect as Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas round out the movie perfectly with their whimsical songs and dances.
by gloomyeeyore
Sat May 12 2007This is a good movie. I think that Gene Wilder was great as Willy Wonka. One of my favorite movies when I was a kid, I still enjoy watching this movie.
by pixarfan2007
Wed May 09 2007A pretty good kids movie. A poor boy gets a golden ticket in a bar of chocolate and gets to go to Wonka's famous factory. All the other kids get greedy and meet their fate. This gets a four because there are a few forgettable songs and it does not follow the book well.
by ladybleu
Mon Feb 12 2007The old one is great!! It is funny and happy and realistic in an unrealistic way but the new one with Depp in it is stupid. Everything fronm how the ompa lompas to how Wonka can't sing. Bu the first one is great!!!!
by trebon1038
Thu Jul 13 2006This film scares little kids but is a great movie for older kids and adults.
by frogger20190
Wed Mar 29 2006The first movie I ever saw at the theater.........and I was exhilarated and terrified at the same time. That's an experience all young kids should have. The sequence in the boat (going through the tunnel)--not sure what that was doing in a kids film, and would certainly give the movie a PG (or even PG-13) rating today. But it didn't scar me for life; I think I'm fairly adjusted. Other segments, like the little boy getting sucked up the tube and the girl turning into a blueberry, stayed with me too. And the floating sequence, with the bubbles......I watched it again as an adult a few years ago and it is a bit dated (the Oompa Loompa singing those songs with the words spelled out--something right out of The Electric Company). The movie takes a while to get going. But I have to give it five stars for the impact it had on my early years.
by echoscot
Sat Oct 08 2005Saw this movie as a kid when it first came out. LOVED IT. Even my dad, who never saw movies twice, asked my sister and I if we wanted to stay in the theatre to see it again. He liked Gene Wilder's performances. We used to make little Oompa Loompa chocolate candies and sing the little song.... "What do you get when your child is a brat? Acting just like a Siamese cat!" As far as being mean spirited, Wonka wasn't mean to any of the kids, they did it to themselves, that was the point. Personal Responisibility.
by angel_eeyore
Tue Aug 30 2005My absolute favorite movie as a child, and actually enjoyed the 'new' version with my children. You people who are trashing this movie are not seeing it in the eyes as a child.. which the movie was meant for. Every kids' dream is to visit a world of chocolate..it's a fantasy. As far as bad acting??? Hello?? Have you not ever watched any other 'old' movie? In it's time, the acting would have been thought as being truly great, the concept genius. In years to come, what we now think is excellent acting, astonishing effects and masterfully thought out, will seem like drivel. Willy, you're still number one in my books.
by liderc
Thu Jul 14 2005i loved this movie was so awsome i would love to go to that factory with all that stuff u can eat i want to see the new one coming out!!!mmm candy
by wid71649
Tue May 24 2005My favorite movie growing up. I love Gene Wilder and I love the music. The only bad thing is that after I watch it I get I've Got A Golden Ticket stuck in my head for days.
by headofcobain
Wed May 04 2005One of my all time favorites. People keep asking who would have made a better Willy Wonka than Johnny Depp in the new version. May I suggest Crispin Glover? Think about it. He has that sort of creepy look that Wilder has. Hell, he's creepy period. Would have been great!
by southparker9
Fri Apr 15 2005Really good movie adventure for kids. Doesn't dumb down for kids. Gene Wilder is geat as Willy Wonka. A remake is very unnecessary but completed nonetheless. Curious to see what Johnny Depp will do with it.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Apr 04 2005Drug induced, but good.
by kattwoman
Mon Apr 04 2005i loved willy wonka and gene wilder is great. im looking forward to depps interpertation. i believe he can pull it off.
by mooselover
Mon Feb 21 2005A surprisingly dull movie with cheesy special effects, dull story line with dumb songs. I enjoyed the Roald Dahl's book but for some reason I hated this. Not even Gene Wilder could save this one! Let's hope the new one with Johny Deep is way, way, way, way, way, way, way better!
by bbutler76
Wed Feb 09 2005One of the few movies that I love just as much now as I did when I was kid. When I was younger I was captivated by the candy and the mystery of the chocolate factory. As an adult I love this movie because it is absolutely hilarious, the songs are so nutty and memorable and because Gene Wilder was absolutely brilliant playing Willy Wonka. A timeless classic that will be cherished for years to come.
by miss_magoo
Tue Feb 08 2005Gene Wilder was good as Wonka, as so some of the people in the movie. The boat ride was kind of scary, but so was the messenger who talked to the kids who won the tickets. He looked creepy. The little oopa loomas looked crazy. One thing though, Charlie's grandparents...if they have been on that bed for years, I wondered about their bathroom habits. Ugh....
by da_minx
Tue Nov 02 2004I love this film! It's so magical, isn't Wonka World every child's dream? A fantastic adventure for a poor boy who proves that good morals and manners prevails. A warm hearted and colourful adventure, well worth a watch or two.
by mad_hatter
Mon Oct 04 2004The snozberries taste like snozberries.
by pikachan
Sat Aug 28 2004one of my favorite movies. a poor kid gets a little luck when he finds a candy bar that contains one of five golden tickets. he gets to go to the chocolate factory owned by Willy Wonka. Mischeif occurs when some of the kids get greedy and suffer the consequences. Gene wilder is both good and creepy as wonka. the movie had a nice ending. give it a try.
by nightbird
Sun Aug 08 2004I think that it was a brilliant movie who's purpose was to scare children into being good or not to be a fat kid or gum chewer. I think it has a good message but those oompa loompas freaked me out. Bad for fat children who dream of a chocolate factories because their fat asses'll get stuck in a pipe!
by lilly_anne_may
Wed Jun 30 2004The New Willy Wonka movie is going to star Johnny Depp!!!!!! Who better to play that part?!!!
by badunsgirl
Sat Jun 26 2004This is such a creative movie, and who doesn't like a factory completely made of candy? The songs were good too! This is a fun movie and I like the whole golden ticket thing! I wish I could win the golden ticket
by kamylienne
Sun May 30 2004I loved the little world of pure imagination that was presented in this movie--definately good for kids. A little weird, but neat--I mean, the hysteria of the hunt for the tickets, the eccentric man in the purple tophat, and those bizarre little Oompa Loompas . . . it's out there, but it's meant to be. Lots of moral of the story moments, but you get a kind of relief when the bratty kid gets his/her come-uppance (especially that horrid Veruca brat, ugh!) Gotta watch this at least once.
by freebird_0128
Sat May 29 2004While not one of my favorites, its certainly a movie I always enjoyed. Gene Wilder was fantastic, his portrayal both eerie and fun. For those complaining about the creepiness and disgusting factor of the movie, I must remind them that this is based on a book by Roald Dahl. His writing was not all flowers and rainbows for children. He wrote odd, disturbing stories that are widely acclaimed. This movie was just staying true to the book. A fun, visual journey for the imagination.
by kolby1973
Sat May 29 2004Gene Wilder was the only good thing about this movie, I thought he was very convincing as Willy Wonka. Otherwise the movie was so far out there and almost creepy at times. I thought it was totally disgusting how Charlie's family were all crowded on one bed...and felt so sorry for Charlie's mother who I imagine was the only one cleaning those old, nasty people who couldn't or wouldn't get off their lazy asses to clean themselves. Could you just imagine the smell in that house if it was reality? And give me a break with how phony Charlie was compared to all the other evil little brats in the movie. Totally horrific...
by ellie_4_jd_rw_n_gv
Mon May 10 2004This isn't even out in backward old England but I'm sure it will be great. I mean it has Johnny Depp in it, what more do you want!
by pennyroyalty
Sat Apr 03 2004a little to creepy and sinister for young kids. Especially that creepy LSD ridden ride on the boat through the tunnel. And Gene Wilder isn't the most appealing man. I don't know if i'd trust my kids with him, especially with those creepy oompa loopae running around...
by scarletfeather
Thu Feb 19 2004Creepy, mean-spirited movie. The part where the fat girl is turned into a giant blueberry seems especially cruel.
by majibb
Thu Sep 11 2003This movie scared me when I was little.
by alty6905
Sun Aug 17 2003So bizarre. Candy Man one of my alltime favorite songs. The tunnel scene is one of the scariest moments in all of film.
by afterglow70
Sun Aug 10 2003When this comes on TV, the kids are glued to it. I have loved this story since my childhood.
by ecky85
Sat Jun 07 2003C'mon...who wouldn't love to explore a world made of candy?
by robbie_w_luva
Mon Jun 02 2003It's so old and corny plus the acting is terrible! The book is so much better why make it into a film, what are the Dirctors obsessions, it ruins all decent books
by redoedo
Wed May 21 2003A very good movie- the perfect movie version of Roald Dahl's popular book. A fine way of proving that if you have faith, your dreams can come true.
by classictvfan47
Tue Mar 04 2003This movie is appropriate for all audiences, it is a strange and dull movie. The movie seems to be escapist, but the portryal of poor families shatters the escapism. Also, the acting is poor and the sets bland. Even worse, the sappy songs grate when compared to all of the great music that is out there. The movie could also use more humor.
by lukskywlkr
Wed Nov 06 2002Watched this a few months ago for the first time in years and enjoyed it very much, but something was lost now that I am an adult. I guess you kind of get harder to impress when you get older. That being said, I would still highly recommend this to adults and especially children.
by cosmo_renfro
Sat Oct 12 2002I really really liked Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory when I was little and now when I watch it I'm doubled over with laughter. I recomend this to anyone with kids or just for your own enjoyment.
by antondatree
Thu Apr 25 2002It is a classic, but I think that everybody in the whole movie were annoying, and I don't enjoyit very much whenever I watch it. They show it too many times on TV. Summary: A CLASSIC IN WHICH EVERY CHARACTER IS ANNOYING.
by potch1214
Tue Apr 23 2002Okay, okay. I admit, I am of the age group that was a kid when this movie came out (and subsequently shown on TV once a year) so I loved it from childhood. But about 8 years ago, in my mid-20's, I saw it again and loved it. The songs all are great (excepting the one I never liked, "Cheer Up Charlie") and you simply have to admire Gene Wilder's awesome perforamce, all done with a knowing smile. The other kids are all quite memorable (especially in how they are dispatched). There is now a rock band called Veruca Salt. And on "Will & Grace" recently, they mentioned August Gloop. A classic!
by utvolusn
Wed Apr 17 2002Exceptional movie with great acting by Gene Wilder. The whole concept is wonderful and it is a good way to get away from the real world and lose yourself in a world of imagination. If somehow you haven't already seen this movie purchase it immediately and see for yourself how terrific it is.
by solenoid_dh
Mon Apr 08 2002Right around the time this movie was in the theatres, I got a summer job in Washington state, and a family took me in as their house guest. They had a spoiled brat daughter whose looks and behavior were so similar to Veruca Salt, that it was almost scary. If that movie didn't keep reminding me of her, I probably could have given it 5 stars.
by frankiefanatic_04
Thu Feb 21 2002A classic movie. But the oompa loompa's scare me...ahh! the freaky green skin and stuff!
by berrysweet
Tue Feb 05 2002Still one of my all time faves! I heard they want to remake it and I hope they NEVER do.