William Henry Harrison (1841)

Approval Rate: 44%

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    I give him ok since he didn't really get a chance to do anything.

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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    Died shortly after refusing to don a winter coat in order to keep his reputation as a tough guy intact. A lesson in how keeping it real can bite you in the butt, or the triumph over substance over style.

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    Sun Jun 10 2007

    He's not a bad president because he did bad things as president, he's not a good president because he only was president for only a month. Obviosly he didn't do anything bad.

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    Fri May 25 2007

    While his accomplishments prior to achieving the presidency are admirable, even remarkable, it is a simple fact that his term of office accomplished absolutely nothing. While his untimely death, and not corruption or incompetance is the cause of that, it is an unassailable truth. We are rating these men on their performance as president, not as men. As such, Harrison is a bug on the windshield of presidential history.

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    Wed Mar 21 2007

    He died in 30 days...That doesn't make a good president.

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    Tue Feb 20 2007

    Billy didn't last on the job for sixty days. The Harrison Family were old established Virginians and no dopes. I'll wager that he would have done well.

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    Wed Dec 13 2006

    Too stupid to come in out of the snow, Harrison delivered the longest inaugural speech on record during a freezing blizzard without wearing a hat; he promptly sickened and died a month after taking office. If that isn't a failure of jusdgment, I don't know what is!

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    Fri Apr 28 2006

    Was President I believe for merely a month- so its really not possible to fairly judge him.

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    Mon Apr 24 2006

    can't really say he did anything wrong... he was only president for a month.

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    Wed Sep 07 2005

    Died before he could do anything. If you wanna blow sunshine up his ass, fine. He did zero. Sure, its not his fault, but he still acomplished nothing due to his untimely demise.

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    Thu Jul 28 2005

    Perhaps it's unfair to rank Harrison (he was only president for thirty days). But he didn't damage the United States the way Jackson did. So at worst, Harrison is better than Jackson.

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    Sat Apr 30 2005

    He was an amazing war hero, it makes me angry to hear all of the stupid people making fun of him. It wasn't his fault he died.

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    Sun Jan 23 2005

    Long-winded. Should have worn a hat to his inaugural. Is that how you spell it?

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    Tue Jan 11 2005

    Finally a President with the decency to die a month into his administration! He said he would only serve one term anyway.

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    Fri Oct 08 2004

    WHH ROCKS!!!!!!!! Like everyone else has said, he didn't have time to screw things up so he rocks in my book plus i hear he was quite the lady's man.

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    Mon Aug 23 2004

    People who give him more than a 1 probably don't even know who he is.. 1 month isn't enough to accomplish anything

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    Mon Aug 23 2004

    I've heard some say he's the best President ever because he didn't have any time to screw up, which is rather true.

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    Sun Jul 11 2004

    yea he lasted real long.

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    Tue May 25 2004

    Didn't let politics get in the way. Better than the Goober living in DC today.

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    Tue May 04 2004

    his inauguration lasted longer than his presidency so he really didn't have time to screw things up.

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    Sun Apr 04 2004

    His policies in office were tremendous. Oh...wait. Sorry I had him confused with the 41 other presidents who weren't stupid enough to talk in cold rainy weather, except Clinton. He was better than Clinton, that's why he gets 2 stars.

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    Mon Jan 05 2004

    Considering he spent about a month in office, his presidency cannot really be judged.

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    Wed Jun 25 2003

    Dead within 30 days after his inaugeration. Not much staying power, to say the least. 68 years old when elected. The people bet on the wrong horse.

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    Sun May 04 2003

    You got to admire a guy who ignored his advisors not to talk too long in cold and rainy weather, goes on to give the single longest innaugural address, and then dies of pneumonia a month later. Rock on, Willie!

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    Thu Apr 10 2003

    This 70-year-old stood in the rain and delivered the longest inaugural speech of any president before or since. Barely a month later, he died. For such a short term, I must rate him with only two stars; as close to an avg./neutral rating as can be.

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    Sun Feb 23 2003

    How can anyone judge a man who was president for 6 weeks and was sick during most of that time??

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    Wed Feb 19 2003

    What can you say about a man who was President for six weeks in 1841? William Harrison died after only 6 weeks in office, that was shortest term any president ever served. He spent that entire time battling pnemonia and other ailments. Yeah, he really was able got a lot done! Nonetheless, he served his country with distinction in the War of 1812 against the British. He gave his 2 hour inaugural speech in the cold rain, causing him to catch the pnemonia that killed him. Some people call it false pride and machismo for giving such a long speech without a coat on, but hey, at least he was willing to meet with his constituents in such a way; most politicians don't even care.

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    Tue Feb 18 2003

    You are a freaking stud if you died because your speech was long. He had the balls tto stand int he rain to greet his fellwo citizens

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    Mon Feb 17 2003

    Not given enough time in office to make a significant impact.

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    Mon Dec 16 2002

    Can you say that you were President for a month?

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    Sat Dec 14 2002

    didnt have time to mess stuff up!

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    Fri Dec 13 2002

    The best month in American history!

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    Thu Sep 06 2001

    Um, how exactly can you rate a president who was president for a month? In my opinion, he was great for a guy who had pneumonia during his entire term in office! The only thing I really have against him is that he beat Martin Van Buren, who is my distant relative.

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    Fri Jul 06 2001

    I really think he had a chance at becoming a great president. He had the battle reputation and popularity to help him achive what he wanted. However he chose a man he completely differed with politically as his VP and ultimately screwed his party out of a president because when Tyler took over he sided with the Democrats on most issues. So had he not died he may have become a solid president but in reality he did more harm to his party than good. (Note to self-- When I become president and make a two hour inaguration speech listen to mom, wear a coat).

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    Sun Jun 24 2001

    He should probably be disqualified since he was only president for a month.

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    Wed May 16 2001

    Harrison deserved a Darwin award: someone who died from his own stupidity. Look, folks, you just don't give a 2-hour speech in the freezing rain without a hat or overcoat to show your machismo. Yeah, he was macho, alright! Other than that, his 6-week presidency was a smashing success.

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    Sat Apr 07 2001

    It is sad to say that William Henry Harrison died after only one month in office. He was a kind, warm hearted man that just wasn't very healthy. I belive that he had diabeties at the time, and he made a speech, and because he was so poor, and the weather was so bad, that he got an amonia and he lived for exactly one month, and then suffered a bad night, unable to breathe and finally died on hsi way to the hospital.

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    Sun Mar 18 2001

    too bad, You have to do the job to get rated

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    Sun Mar 18 2001

    Kewl about the nails, but not in office long enough to get more stars

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    Mon Feb 19 2001

    This guy had his own ideas, and plenty of them- good or bad. His inaug. speach was long-winded and he caught neumonia and died in 1 month. It would have been interesting to see what he would have accomplished or not, had he stayed a 4 or 8 term. He is tied in some way to Kennedy, in that we DON'T know if much GREATER changes would have happened with an extended Presidency. Perhaps, nothing much would have come, but no one will know for sure. His lack of term justifies a low rating. His value is NOT in the term itself, but rather, in the determination upon history; What difference does it make which routes a President chooses to pursue for the nation/world policy? Which " new " ideas are followed? And which policies does the President pursue which have public support- does it matter? The choice for direction and policy, influence or ignorance, repub. or democrat or whig,etc. values are his legacy. He stands as a Presidential monument to : What history can be or NOT be. (a... Read more

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    Thu Feb 08 2001

    Tippie canoed after one month, who is this Tyler guy?

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    Thu Oct 05 2000

    galvanized nails