Wild Turkey 101

Approval Rate: 88%

88%Approval ratio

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    Sat Mar 19 2011

    One of my Dad's favorites and, as a kid, I remember him getting the ceramic Wild Turkey decanters. When I was older we'd sit on the porch having a few and talking.

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    Thu Nov 12 2009

    For the price, there are few bourbons I know of that match this favorite. Normally, you really have to shell out a few extra bucks for any liquor of this much proof. And it's not just good for the heartiness of the drink..it's very refined! When I opened my first bottle, I lay my nose just so slightly inside the neck, invited by more subtly than I was expecting. Bits of honey and..something else I am not certain of..and nothing more, I did not recall. I typically drink over ice (maybe mixed with cola at gatherings-I guess I don't wanna look TOO much like an alcoholic...) and was once again surprised: The flavor is nothing groundbreaking, per se, but is everything the classic bourbon should be. No-nonesense, with also some refinement.

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    Fri Oct 23 2009

    Over 20% more alcohol for not 20% more money. Doesnt take a genius to figure out why Wild Turkey 101 is so popular. Its not a bourbon I drink for some revelatory flavor and a new and engaging experience. Its the bourbon I consume when I want a drink. Slightly rough traditional bourbon. Doesnt have the body of say a Makers Mark but has more bite. Has a pleasant sweetness in the far background behind the char and bite.

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    Mon Aug 24 2009

    There is no better bourbon at this price point and I would go so far as to say there is no better bourbon under $29 (Russell's Reserve is $30 in our state).

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    Mon Aug 24 2009

    The "Kickin' Chicken?" It'll do, but I'm not a fan.

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    Tue Jul 28 2009

    Smooth and delicious. God bless the redneck in kentucky who decided 80 proof just wouldn't cut it.

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    Thu Jul 23 2009

    One of my constant regulars. A tremendous value for the taste and proof. It may not be the best but it is one of my personal favorites.

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    Sat Jul 04 2009

    The best priced bourbon on the market for the price. I live in Tennessee and it goes very well with Sundrop ! I was and still am a Makers Mark fan but for the extra proof I have to go with WT101 .

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    Mon Feb 23 2009

    This may very well be the best bang for the buck bourbon I've found. With a great nose and an amazing balance that subdues the alcoholic blow with a wonderful balance of char and sweetness this is one bourbon that everone should give a try. Give it a shot neat and add a few drops of water until you find what's right for you.

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    Wed Nov 05 2008

    My everyday favorite. You will spend a lot more money to find anything better. And yes, be careful of that extra 21 proof. It's surprising how much difference that small amount of alcohol makes.

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    Thu Oct 16 2008

    Not your average breakfast drink.  I'd agree with the honourable John Hayen, the Russell Reserve is a treat.  Though not domestically available in my part of the world,  a good friend was treating his buddies to a taste when he brought some home from a recent vacation.  As we were sitting on the deck of his lovely home near a wooded park by the river on a late summer afternoon, enjoying, a gaggle of about eight honest to goodness wild turkeys strolled through his yard.  That's quality.

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    Pow!!  If you like to know you are really drinking a man's bourbon this is the one for you.  No frills, no fluff just good al' fashion bourbon....I LIKE IT!!  But becareful the the extra "21" (most bourbons only 80 proof) can kick you in the backside  :)

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    Tue Jun 17 2008

    I know some folks like the WT101, but I have been comparing several affordable sour mash bourbons in order to determine, or discover, my own preference for stocking the pantry, and the Wild Turkey falls short. I make no claim for connoisseur status for myself, and will leave classifications such as nose, tasting, finish, et al for the truly expert as well as the merely pretentious. The whiskies I have spent the last three weeks or so sipping include: Old Crow, Evan Williams Green Label, Evan Williams Black Label, Old Charter Eight Year Old, Old Charter Ten Year Old, and Wild Turkey 101. I found the Wild Turkey to be the harshest of the lot, by far. I am a southern man, bourbon is my favorite liquor, and I have usually bought either Jim Beam, or Evan Williams in the past. I usually sip it straight, chasing it with either water, soda, or beer (this last rarely), although I sometimes mix it with water, about 3 or 4 to one, whiskey to water, with a rock or two. I had not drank any Wild Tur... Read more

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    Wed May 28 2008

    Its my favorite bourbon. Similar to Makers Mark but not as sweet, yet it is stronger, so it balances very well. milder tones of syrup, caramel, honey, vanilla, and nuts on the palate compared to Makers mark. It is surprisingly smooth for a 101 proof bourbon. I would say definately one of the "jewels of the south".

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    Mon Apr 28 2008

    Personally, i've only had a small taste of scotch, and some Jim Beam. I'm not coming from much experience. What I do know, however, is that Wild Turkey 101 is good stuff! Even with the 101 proof, It still tasted less harsh than Jim. Don't get me wrong, I still liked the JB, but this stuff is in an entirely different category. As previous raters have mentioned... a classic bourbon!

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    Tue Apr 22 2008

    Wild Turkey 101 is my favorite bourbon. The flavor is intense and distinctive and the strength of the liqour cleanses the throat and sinuses. This is my idea of a classic bourbon, and it is consistent with every bottling.

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    Tue Aug 07 2007

    I am drinking turkey right now!!! And it is awesome.... i have converted a crown drinker to drink nothing but turkey!!!! It is the best all around whiskey, in my opinion, dont believe me try some for yourself. walwalawlawlawl

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    Sun Apr 01 2007

    I love wild turkey. I ususally just drink bourbon and this is a good one. I'm not quite manly enough to drink it straight (at least when I'm sober) but it is very good in coke in my opinion. It's also more efficient than 80 proof bourbon, which is nice. It's probably my favorite.

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    I love Wild Turkey 101, the taste is great and the 101 proof is an added bonus. It is by far the best whiskey for the price that I have had. Where I live, a bottle of Jack costs a dollar more than WT 101. I like Jack Daniels, but I think Wild Turkey 101 blows it away.

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    Sun Mar 04 2007

    One of my favorite turkeys indeed, usually enjoyed late at night when everything else has gone silent.  And what the heck am I doing rating booze early on a Sunday morning when I have a headache?  LOL

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    Sat Jun 24 2006

    Strong and to the point. This is real "grow hair on your chest" bourbon. An honest and strong whiskey.

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    Mon Feb 20 2006

    Not that great a burbon. There are plenty of better bourbons that I would rather spend my money on, but I wouldn't turn down a free drink.

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    Fri Dec 30 2005

    Simply the best bourbon I've ever found. Sure, it's a little more raw and a higher proof, but to my taste the higher proof balances the flavor a little better and ever so slightly sweetens it a bit. Great straight or mixed and easily stands up to any of the small batch stuff that's out there. My old man swears it's the only bourbon that still tastes like bourbon used to taste 30-40 years ago. There was a reason this was Hunter S. Thompson's booze of choice, check it out for yourself and see.

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    Wed Nov 02 2005

    Add some water.

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    Wed Aug 03 2005

    A good session with the turkey once in a while brings back fond memories. I was a member of a group who thought they were politicians of sorts, and we would have turkey sessions to plot strategy. Well you can imagine where that went after a few hours. When the turkey started to fly, not much real strategy was plotted.

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    Wed May 18 2005

    I give Wild Turkey 101 four stars. It is a very nice, warm bourbon. Very enjoyable, so long as it is followed by a chaser. I elect to take it by the shot, and find it to be very nice if I am unable to get ahold of some Bacardi 151

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    Thu Feb 10 2005

    Ha ha ha ha I'm havin' so much fun ooops!! Uh someone help me up...

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    Tue Nov 30 2004


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    Sun Nov 14 2004

    Exactly what bourbon is supposed to taste like. Great Value for the money. Stands up to many of the small batch offerings that are 3 to 4 times the price.

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    Sat Aug 07 2004

    It tastes like crap, but I like the drunk it gives you. It always makes me feel happy, and I have never gotten sick on it. It's Number One with my friends and I! Kickin chickin! LOL

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    Mon Jun 14 2004

    I've been dry for 30 years. I used to suck straight bourbon. Jim Beam and other stds. Once I splurged on Turkey and thought it was the biggest fraud since Barnum and Bailey. Absolutely dull and without life. A marketing fraud. Skip it. It's for college idiots who are showing off.

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    Sat Jan 24 2004

    The 101 is OK, but the regular Wild Turkey is better - has a much smoother taste.

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    Tue Jun 10 2003

    I drink the bird all night long do you know it'll make you strong! The bird is a real mans drink harsh and strong. It's guranteed to make you forget your name for a few hours!

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    Sat Nov 23 2002

    A good bourbon. Wild Turkey Rare Breed is much better though.

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    Sun Jan 21 2001

    None Better!!!

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    Thu Jan 04 2001

    When you absolutely need fire off passionate, to every man, woman and child in the room; accept no substitutes. The turkey is mean, but you love him for it. The turkey is angry and you can't stop him! The turkey grabs a hold of you and won't let you go so get out and bring the turkey to your show.