Who's the Boss?
Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 0
by reklessjay
Fri Nov 07 2008I think all you people hating on "Who's the boss?" are douchebags.This was an awesome show then AND now.It reminds me of my childhood seeing as i grew up watching it(even just hearing the theme song brings back fond memories).If and when the entire series comes out on DVD i would spend ridiculous amounts of money to own them...wouldn't you to own a piece of your childhood(and family...this was me and my mom's(R.I.P) fav. show to watch together) that you felt you somehow lost?.I will never get tired of watching this show because like i said it reminds me of my childhood(a much simpler time) and my mom who i miss very much!
by spike65
Wed Jul 02 2008A likable product of the 80's. Watched it occasionally. Actually didn't have that many channel choices in those days. Probably would be somewhat painful to watch nowadays.
by acurleegirlee
Tue Jun 03 2008I enjoyed Who's The Boss growing up. Yes, it was a bit predictable and cheesy at times, and the acting wasn't so great, but I think for the time period, it was very innovative. Of course now, we see "mannies" all the time, but that is really a recent trend. To have a male housekeeper in the 80s on television, I think was pretty ahead of its times.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Thu Apr 10 2008They could have canceled this hokey nonsense by just showing the credits and then saying either Springsteen or Steinbrenner for the answer, and then announcing that the show has been canceled for about 1,056 reasons...
by twansalem
Thu Apr 10 2008We had four TV channels when I was little, so I watched a lot of sitcoms that weren't all that good when I was a kid. Who's the Boss wasn't great, but it was still better than most of the stuff that's on today.
by randyman
Thu Dec 06 2007It was funny enough and I think the cast members had a great chemistry. It could be a little campy at times. It was entertaining and compared to a lot of todays television shows, that's saying a lot.
by virilevagabond
Sun Nov 19 2006Of all the television series on this list, "Who's The Boss" probably suffered the most from poor scripts. This relatively inept writing may have been the root cause of Tony Danza's clumsy performances and Judith Light's (Angela) stilted acting. As for the others, it was clearly Alyssa Milano (Samantha) and Katherine Helmond (Mona) who carried the show (even if I don't think Milano is all that attractive as others seem to think). Nevertheless, the producers obviously thought that the love interest between Tony and Angelea had to linger, and it did for far too long, resulting in several seasons of crap.
by jeremy00081
Tue Sep 19 2006Oh boy. "Who's the Boss"...a long-forgotten show, and for good reason. I think I laughed once...just ONCE when I watched this show, so I'll give it 2 stars.
by sfalconer
Mon Mar 13 2006Should have been called who cares, I mean really was any of the characters real. It was a situation that did not make any sense. Most of the writing was poor and the acting for the most part was not much better.
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Dec 08 2005This show sucked. The only redeeming value of it was Alyssa Milano.
by edt4226d
Thu Sep 08 2005I never really watched Taxi but I met Tony Danza once in NY's Little Italy and he impressed me as being a real nice, regular guy. Because of my contact with him, I guess, I made an effort to watch this show when it first came out, but it was too painful and I gave up after just a few episodes. I don't blame Danza or the other actors for what was wretched about the show; it was just uniformly terrible...horribly written, directed, and executed. The only thing funny about it was that it was supposed to be a comedy. Not funny, not heart-warming (although I think I felt a little spark in my gall-bladder), not much of anything, and all the canned laughter in the world can't change that. It's because of shows like this that I've pretty much stopped watching TV.
by avalonman96
Mon Aug 29 2005The only redeeming value of this show was that Alyssa Milano was hot and is getting hotter as the years go on! Danza is a complete dufus though.
by kattwoman
Tue Jul 05 2005this was kind of a cheesy comedy. alright to watch if nothing better to do. angela and tony should have got together long before they did. it was dragged out longer than it should have been
by mamas_family_sucks
Thu Dec 30 2004Watched the show for what seems like 30 years, and I still never found out which one of them was the boss.
by chalky
Sat Oct 09 2004help!!!!!!!!!! the who's the boss van is parked in front of my house
by everafter
Tue Sep 28 2004Yes, it's a cornball 80's sitcom, but there's also a lot of heartwarming humour too. The chemistry & the build-up of the relationship between Tony & Angela is the heart of the show. And then there's Mona... always the master of the one-liner!
by destiny98
Tue Aug 10 2004I used to watch this when I was little and remembered it as being more funny. Unfortunately my boyfriend and I made the mistake of buying the 1st season on DVD and it was horrible!! What a waste of money!
by hevensgurl
Wed Jul 28 2004I cannot Believe I used to like this show as a kid...so unfunny ..The whole show is Tony with his heh! heh! Angela...and heh!heh! Monaaah...Would not watch it now
by redoedo
Tue Mar 30 2004I always saw this show as a substandard ripoff of Three's Company. The acting and writing were both mediocre at best, and the show overall was just not very entertaining or memorable.
by rufieo30us
Tue Feb 17 2004What a great start for Allisa Milano! She was great in her efforts as the little girl of the show! She sure grew up into a beautiful princess! Tony the father was the greatest house keeper ever and he sure did amazed me with his greaet sense of humer. Judith Light sure did an amazing job as the lawyer who hired Tony to take care of her house. The one who stole the show I belive has to be MONA! The mom of Judith Light's charecter! YOu never know what will pop out of her mouth. Great job!
by moonstone
Sat Jan 17 2004it was good in the beginning but sucked like a nasty rotten egg towards the middle-end. Mostly the writers fault I think.
by fritoz1447
Wed Dec 17 2003hate it.
by kolby1973
Mon Nov 03 2003I liked this show quite a bit the first 2 seasons, but after that it got too predictable and it went down hill pretty fast. I loved Tony Danza and Alyssa Milano as well. They are both great entertainers. Tony Danza is one of the cutest guys on television. And Alyssa, she is just hot! But overall, Who's the Boss was a great, wholesome family show. It just went sour after the first couple of seasons.
by tvtator
Mon Nov 03 2003I grew up in the 80's so of course I liked this show. Judith Light is a great actress. Tony Danza well that's another story. Katherine Helmond was superb and the funniest one on the show. This was just your typical sitcom. Did we ever find out just who is the boss? Maybe they should do a reunion movie and resolve it. My money is on Danny Pintauro.
by jenny_drury
Tue Aug 12 2003This also was a good show during the 80's. I think the first six seasons were the best, with the first season being the best. This was my second favorite show during the 80's.
by president_x_d
Tue Aug 12 2003Ever wonder why Tony Danza's character's are always named "Tony"? It's because he was too stupid to answer to anything other than his own name. This show was horrid and Danza is a terrible, unfunny actor. Somehow, he developed a big head during / after this shows inexplicably long run, and that only made it worse. Alyssia Milano carried this show and she was less than half Danza's age at the time! As a side note, I'm so glad Alyssa Milano is back to being likeable on Charmed (like she was on this show, to be honest) instead of the painted whore character she was on Melrose Place..
by gabbygav
Wed Jul 30 2003The greatest show ever ment for tv. absolutely love it. I love the fact of a woman having a male housekeeper and Tony Danza is great in it. Best show that I ever watched. GOTTA LOVE IT! If you don't- well I won't even go there.
by kahfess
Sun Jul 13 2003In this shows early years I watched it once in a while, however, as time grew on, the show grew old. It really is hard to keep a show such as this fresh.
by fenixfire
Fri Jul 04 2003The show was great BECAUSE of Alyssa Milano. If I was that little twerp of Angela's, I'd have been sneaking some peaks of someone in the shower.
by help_me
Sat Jun 21 2003i hate tony danza.
by moosekarloff
Thu Jun 05 2003It's amazing that a talentless, retarded gooch like Tony Danza got so much TV work over the years. There's thousands and thousands of very capable and worthy actors out there waiting on tables, yet this birdbath lucks out and gets freighted on a couple of longrunning pieces of broadcast tripe for years. This show had absolutely nothing going for it, so it's hard to believe anyone actually tuned it in for almost a decade. People must be living very empty and meaningless lives out there.
by lakersuck
Mon May 26 2003this show is a turd.
by heidleehope
Sun Feb 09 2003I loved Who's the Boss, I liked the concept of a man being a maid for a woman...and the sparks that caused...and that's when Allysa Milano did her best acting! Gotta love Tony Danza!!!!
by brown6ff
Tue Jan 28 2003tony danza starred in porn before "Whos the boss"!!! .....no kidding!. just for that he gets a 5
by looneylady
Fri Dec 20 2002I used to watch this every night untill they took it off. It was a good show.
by zuchinibut
Mon Dec 09 2002I loathe callmetootie....she just compared Who's the Boss to the Brady Bunch. That is such an awful comparison. She pisses me off.
by scarlet_273
Tue Nov 26 2002This was a great show!!!
by joey1963
Mon Aug 05 2002A two only because of Katherine Helmond who was the best thing about this stupid show!
by loneusfullhous_efan
Sat Apr 20 2002It is a clean family show. Unfortunately, I can't find the reruns anywhere.
by norelle
Thu Apr 04 2002i only saw it one time but it was pretty funny.
by dolliac
Wed Apr 03 2002Really great show for all ages that has someone for everyone to relate to! How can you help but love this really really funny tale of a connecticut mother, and her nutty house-keeper! Fun for all ages!
by cheerslady
Sat Mar 02 2002The show is really good.
by becrenee
Sun Dec 23 2001This is one of the best show ever produced for tv. It is something that a family can all enjoy together. I enjoy watching it after a long day at work. It is nice to sit and enjoy a good laugh. Tony and Angela were my two favorites on the show but the whole cast was great!
by texxb0b2
Tue Nov 27 2001Bad acting. Terrible writing. Overused jokes. I was forced to watch this for years and not once do I ever remember laughing. And your telling me you didn't already know that kid was gay? When Katherine Hellman is the most credible actor on the screne your in big trouble! The most dull and anti-climatic love interest in telivision history. You knew in the very first episode that those two would get together but it is suppose to be interesting to watch them figure out what we already knew. IT WASN'T. And ENOUGH with the single father sitcoms for gawd's sake. Even the premise of this show is cliche.
by callmetootie
Mon Apr 09 2001I think that we went through enough with the Brady Bunch so stop trying to copy it, and make a hit sitcom out of it?
by jefroe20
Wed Mar 28 2001How this escaped the axe for so long baffles me.When Tony Danza was required to do anything other than be a smartarse,he looked like a moron.
by notebbert
Fri Mar 16 2001Tony Danza can't act; he isn't funny so what's the appeal?
by whoserfan
Sat Feb 03 2001Aside from Alyssa Milano this show was very annoying. Tony and Angela were so perky it made me sick!