
Approval Rate: 80%

80%Approval ratio

Reviews 26

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    Mon Dec 03 2007

    A very versatile color. As far as clothing, women look great in this if it's a bronze-tanned woman in a white bikini now there we go!

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    Sun Jun 25 2006

    White is abeautiful color. It is pure, clean, innocent, calm, holy, classic, and tranquil. Since the beginning of the time, white always depicted good and pure.I like the simplicity of this color. White is a color of clouds, angels, doves, brides, and God.

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    Wed Apr 19 2006

    pure, unmasked beauty

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    Sun Feb 26 2006

    White is quite a boring colour to me. It isn't really a colour. But it's a soothing and innocent colour. Right now I'm more into radiant colours.

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    Wed Jan 11 2006

    This is a great color, i love all that is white.

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    Thu Mar 03 2005

    I don't like the color because everytime you wear white, you can't keep it clean.

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    Tue Dec 14 2004

    The whiteness of the world is grand and grandiloquent. In basic terms, the hope and prosperity of this sinful world is so expressed in this color. White represents the clear fortitude of every man and woman in this thriving mess of a sewer.

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    Tue Nov 02 2004

    Its not really a color but it just makes thinks look more bright and in a room it gives it depth. Plus when you paint it is a lot easier to cover that most other colors.

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    Sat Aug 21 2004

    it shows purity and cleanliness.

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    White is blah and bland. I guess some might say white represents virtue, but I am a secular being. I'll take black over white any day.

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    Wed Mar 17 2004

    a color of purity. on occasions this color can be very preety. with your bowl of cereal you see white.

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    Fri Mar 07 2003

    Pristine and innocent. Calming and peaceful. White is definitely a beautiful color. It's seen as a symbol of peace and liberty and is often depicted as a very holy color, especially where angels are concerned. I don't like to wear white pants because 1. I feel fat (even though I'm not) and 2. I always seem to sit in something that makes the pants turn some other color. Otherwise, white is very nice.

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    Tue Feb 25 2003

    Ellajedlicka21, just to correct you, it was not Elijah Muhammad who pointed out the dictionary propaganda to X while in prison, it was a man nicknamed "Bimbi". He was very intelligent and helped encourage X to educate himself as well. X did not meet Elijah Muhammad in person until later. Oh, and I like white, too...it looks very pretty and goes nice with my skin tone :)

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    Wed Feb 12 2003

    I like white flowers, but hate white walls!

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    White is the best color. Every color at least has one shade of white. The clouds are white, walls are white, plain white shirts are a classic! White matches with almost everything.

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    Thu Dec 12 2002

    Although white does have it's charms.. it really isn't for me. One drip of grease on it and it's ruined forever, one bit of jelly.. ruined. It is just too easy to stain, I've stained all my white shirts the first five minutes I've had them. And for those of you who say white is the absense of color, grow up. It's the abundunce of color, have you ever heard of RGB? It's the accepted color spectrum now.

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    Sat Oct 26 2002

    it's too bright for me! makes me squint which causes fine lines in my face and it just doesn't make me feel good.

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    Fri Jun 28 2002

    White contains all the colors of the spectrum. No wonder white light is God's favorite color. God created white to divide and conquer the black darkness of the uncreated world. White takes more energy to maintain than any other color and it is the easiest color to be corrupted, but it has the most to offer.

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    Thu Jun 27 2002

    I have to agree with blaqpower. I am Caucasian myself, but there is a classic part in the movie Malcolm X where it shows when Elijah Muhammad was pointing out to Malcolm that the dictionary's connotation of white is pure and good, while black's connotation is bad, soiled, etc. It shows the kind of propaganda that we get even through the dictionary, of all places (written by a white man). However, I don't hate the color itself, so I still give it 5 stars.

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    Wed May 08 2002

    too empty, but i can't emagine my walls in a diffrent color, so...

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    Wed Dec 05 2001

    White the color of all colors of light combined. What is the best kind of message but all things combineing to make one pure perfect color?

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    Wed Sep 26 2001

    White is not a color. White is the abscence of color.

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    Sat Sep 08 2001

    It's a nice, pure, innocent color. I hate wearing white though. I always manage to spill stuff on it and stain it.

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    Fri Aug 31 2001

    White, crisp and clean, neutral, optimistic, fresh. I am a white tshirt and jeans type girl, love my kids and husband in a crisp white shirt, love freshly painted white walls. In fact, I would have a white comforter on my bed (if not for the two children and two dogs who enjoy playing on it). If I could keep white furniture clean, I would have it (hence, I will never have it). To me, white is fresh, untarnished..is it really a color or the absence of color? See, white is also a philosophical question in itself. The white light at the end of the tunnel..optimism, purity.

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    Sat Aug 04 2001

    I could not pick a favorite color, so I chose white because it contains all the colors. I felt like having to chose my favorite child or my favorite parent. How can you choose when each color adds to the other, and no color is at its best when by itself? So if you want to see what my favorite color is, take the white light and pass it through a prism, and then look at the rainbow. Now you see my favorite color, and I guess my philosophy of life as well.

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    Wed Aug 01 2001

    White. Free falling through time and space, the bright light at the end of the tunnel, emptiness, the space surrounding but not the thing itself, nothingness, white noise. What's not to like or dislike about white? All colors are present in white light so, it contains everything yet still appears to contain nothing. I love white sandals, fresh white snow, white shorts and slacks in the summer, white lace curtains, a white cat named George and the moderate use of white picket fences in landscaping. I don't care much at all for white lies, white supremacy, certain individuals who have resided in the White House. I don't think white people are always right or always wrong any more or less than people identified with other colors. I think white might still be a good symbol of purity, but would be more accurately and kindly used to describe the state of a person's heart rather than their life experiences.