What is the best color for a car?
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 42
by ridgewalker
Tue Feb 02 2010I'm a chrome kind of guy...
by victor83
Tue Feb 02 2010If you’re a little old lady- white or champagne. Hot-snot soccer mom with bottled water & bumper sticker- forest green. Past your prime adolescent male- red. Idiot- yellow or purple with stick-on-flames. Private detective- charcoal gray or black. Honda Accord or Toyota Camry driver- who cares…it’s a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry.
by taragee
Tue Feb 02 2010My car is yellow. When I went to pick out a car they asked what color I wanted and I told them anything BUT yellow or red. The only one on the lot with the options I wanted was yellow, so I begrudgingly bought it. Now that I have had it a few years I totally love it. Sticks out like a sore thumb in parking lots and garages, doesn't show dirt well.. and I get tons of compliments on it. I think might have to continue buying yellow cars!
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Tue Feb 02 2010Red, red, and did I forget to mention RED?
by twansalem
Tue Feb 02 2010For overall appearance, it's hard to beat red. But for someone like me who never washes his car, some shade of gray or silver would hide the dirt and gravel dust better. (My car is red.)
by goindownslow
Tue Feb 02 2010Gold lemay with metal flake chartreuse flames and pink daisies in a random pattern. Go hardcore with a picture of Liberace on the hood. Add a dayglo orange Harley sticker for that special effect.
by lastmessenger3
Mon Feb 01 2010I personally would get something within the lines of metalic blue or pearly seafoam, only because I have an eclectic taste for things, but I bet that majority of people would say something neutral, like silver or beige...
by ilovekmh2008
Sun May 24 2009Green!
by uniquenstyle16
Sun Mar 08 2009You could choose any color 1st of all its your car, but you can see the dirt most on green white and red...black is your best option..yellow isnt the best choice and gold would be acceptable too!!!!!
by chalky
Thu Nov 06 2008I always like gray because you can't tell if the car is diry w/certain shades.
by ladyblackpearl
Thu Sep 06 2007Traffic cone orange
by lbca09ed
Sat Mar 03 2007dark green
by vudija
Fri Apr 14 2006There are a lot of factors to choose from. Certain colors show dirt easier than others, so if you live on a dirt road (you get where I'm going with this. All factors aside though, I personally love the dark metallic blue. I don't care the type of vehicle, the color looks good on anything ranging from sports car to SUV.
by tiffany1986
Tue Jan 24 2006I've seen some really awesome paint jobs where the paint turns colors depending on how the light is reflecting off of it. Looks purple then turns green then blue and back to purple...pretty awesome.
by frogio
Tue Jan 17 2006A mixture of rust and bird crap...trust me, nobody will ever want to borrow it.
by blueorchid
Mon Jan 16 2006Red or silver!
by frankswildyear_s
Wed Jan 04 2006I currently have a black car and a tan van. Before that was silver, before that black, before that maroon, before that, green. I appear to be fairly open minded, in reality I generally will buy whatever is on the lot and not worry about color. I put more thought into selecting a necktie. I think I'd find a red or blue car to be a little run of the mill. There are a lot of trendy car colors out now that will seem pretty dated in 5 years I'll bet.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sat Dec 03 2005Scarlet or silver.
by outsideblitz
Tue Nov 29 2005I go for black, silver, or khaki.
by hotel283
Mon Oct 31 2005I think technically black would be the "best" color - black absorbs heat, a black car would have hotter (and therefore thinner) air around it creating less drag. However, from a purely aesthetic point of view, the green known as Birtish racing green is quite nice. It's very dark and often complimented with tan.
by scarletfeather
Sat Sep 03 2005Champagne fuchsia with chartreuse racing stripes.
by cherrysoda99
Fri Sep 02 2005It depends on the car. If it's a sports car, then either red or blue...like a navy blue, I think that's nice. On a mormal car, I don't know. It depends on the type really, and personal taste.
by genghisthehun
Thu Sep 01 2005Black, of course.
by mrpolitical
Wed Aug 31 2005I know it might seem a tad superficial but I do place some level of importance of the color of my car. Royal and midnight shades of blue aswell as a burgundy type of red are my favorite colors for my cars because they are under-stated yet still attractive. Black and silver tend to be rather common colors (though still rather appealing) so I prefer to stick with simple but not very typical colors.
by bird808
Wed Aug 31 2005It depends on the car, but overall I would say silver or grey. If theres damage to the car you can't really see it as oppossed to a white or red car.
by planetarygear
Wed Aug 31 2005Black is the best, but red is nice and seems to require fewer trips to the car wash to stay shiny.
by gentle_jude
Fri Jul 15 2005I generally don't care, but my favourites are an aqua (shiny of course). Aqua is great for aerodynamic, new looking cars. I don't mind dark red (marone) or blue or purple either. But as one person said, it all depends on they type of car it is.
by sundiszno
Wed Jun 22 2005I think that the best color for a car depends a lot on the car itself. Some cars look great in yellow, while others would look horrible in the same color. The same can be sair for almost any color - some just match certain cars better than others. Having said all that, I'm not sure I have a favorite color. I've had lots of cars, and as best I can recall, two were black, one was white, three were sort of champagne, one was silver but got repainted to a vanilla color), three were red, one was bright yellow, one purplish. That's all I can remember off the top of my head. My current vehicles are a sort of metallic sage green, a brownish metallic, and GI olive drab (my '44 jeep).
by dpostoskie
Wed Jun 22 2005Who cares.
by lanceroxas
Tue Jun 21 2005I'd normally say black. My Durango is Champagne but I'd like it better in black... as for most sports cars I'd say red
by donovan
Tue Jun 21 2005I like red, although blue is nice, my favorite color is green but I don't know if I would like that in a vehicle, unless it was military. I drive a white Suburban, but it's an emergency vehicle, my wife drives a red Volvo, it's nice. I guess to sum up anything is fine with me except pink, neon green or pee pee yellow. :)
by tweazer
Tue Jun 21 2005Black, duh?!?! :-)
by kamylienne
Tue Jun 21 2005In general: black. For me: a dark purple would be kinda cool.
by irishgit
Tue Jun 21 2005Couldn't care less. All I care about is whether the damn thing runs.
by inmyopinion
Mon Jun 20 2005Silver cars are the best.
by kattwoman
Mon Jun 20 2005midnight blue or root beer brown
by james76255
Mon Jun 20 2005A deep, dark green. I suppose this would be forest green. I also like silver and blue.
by texasyankee
Mon Jun 20 2005In the cooler states, you can get away with black, all cars look great in black. But you wouldn't want a black car down south, it just gets really hot inside a black car, down here, I would prefer like a champagne metallic tan on most any car, if I only had a choice of 1 color... one color that seems to be popular down here all of a sudden is this school-bus yellow dodge pickups. Trust me, it's hideous. You can get away with a tiny little car being that yellow color, but something as big as a dodge pickup does NOT look good in this color!
by jar_jar_binks
Mon Jun 20 2005Royal blue because it's my favorite color. Blue cars are awesome!
by mad_hatter
Mon Jun 20 2005Silver, black, or gray.
by castlebee
Mon Jun 20 2005Black, gold, or green. I hear that cops give out more speeding tickets to people who drive red cars.
by randyman
Mon Jun 20 2005I prefer solid colors. I like a dark blue or black on trucks, which is pretty much all I drive, but I did have a red 1988 Chevy Silverado years ago.