Wet Seal

Approval Rate: 58%

58%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Sun Apr 18 2010

    I mainly shop there when they have ridiculous sales, like 3 shirts/$10. I avoid going otherwise because it's always crowded and they play this voodoo music, and sales associates follow you every step of the way, it's annoying. And whenever I check out, they keep asking me if I want their card, ugh...

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    Thu Feb 11 2010

    Well...sadly many Wet Seals do have a crappy staff. I live in the Seattle area and I go to the Wet Seal at the Northgate Mall. They have the sweeeeetest people working there. They are always so helpful, they offer to start a fitting room for me as soon as they see I have something in my hands. I get greeted as soon as I walk in the store, the staff is always checking up with me (even in the fitting rooms), and their store is SOOOO clean! I have been there on a few busy days when they had clothes rumbled all over the place, but there are no dust-bunnies in the fitting rooms or on the floor, no dust, no garbage. I always hear them informing other shoppers of the return policy before they even ring them up, so that everyone knows. So Im sorry if you guys had horribe experiences with your wet seals. If youre in the seattle area, go to the one in Northgate - you wont be dissapointed!

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    Fri Feb 05 2010

    Everyone keeps complaining about the return policy but I don't understand why? If you went there in the first place for some clothes why wouldn't you want to buy something else from there? Even if there are no clothes to choose from they still have really cute accessories and shoes. Plus, there stuff is cheap. I don't know why people are expecting designer material. If you don't like it then why did you get it in the first place? None of these reviews make sense. Their policy is what it is, they cant change it. I've personally never had a problem with wet seal, everything i've ordered came in on time and their quality is what you pay for it.

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    Mon Jan 04 2010

    Im giving it one star because I cant leave my review otherwise. This store is by all means horrible and i do not reccomend anyone shop from this company. The quality of their clothing is just sad and funny. I made one purchase at a store and the jeans ripped the first time i wore them. Then a few months later i decided i would give it another try. What a mistake. I bought a shirt from them and it came RIPPED!!!. I tried calling them but i was on hold forever and so I emailed them about it. It has been way over a month and no response not an apology or anything i can not return that crap to a store because the only one I had access to closed (thank god), and I refuse to pay return shipping for something that was not my mistake. So there you go, if you want to throw your money away go ahead, but this store just makes me mad. There are other stores which offer cheaper prices and way better quality like Charlotte Russe, or Forever21.

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    Sat Jan 02 2010

    My daughter bought some shirts there on 12/29/09 and was not informed about the no refund policy. She wanted to return them the next day but was denied. She was told that she could get store credit only. Apparently this is printed on the receipt. Hmmmm. You get the receipt after you pay, so you are just stuck? This is ridiculous. I have never had a problem returning things at another store. Will never set foot in a Wet Seal again.

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    Tue Dec 29 2009

    I bought a jacket online and it didn't fit so I returned to to the store. They gave me merchandise credit on which I was going to buy a dress with but low and behold they don't have the dress in my size. I went to 2 different stores and one store didn't have the dress period. I decided to go online and order the dress from there. I then find out that they do not accept the merchandise card online OR on the phone. When I called to order over the phone the lady I spoke with made it very clear to me that there was nothing she would do to help me. When I asked her what I should do considering they have my money and I can't do anything I actually want with their card she said, "well you could pick something else." This is hardly what I expect to hear from someone trying to help. I hardly ever shop at the store anyway and I can guarantee I will not spend another penny there ever again.

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    Tue Dec 29 2009

    My neice just had a horrible experience at Wet Seal. A few days before Christmas she purchased an outfit with cash. Now, not even seven days later she went to return the outfit with tags still intact and reciept in hand. They denied her a cash return and would only give her a store credit. When her mother stepped in and questioned as to why when she had all tags and receipt they replied "POLICY". When my sister questioned the policy they replied there was nothing they could do, my 14 year old niece had signed an agreement. First of all my niece is not 18 and of "leagal" age. How was this "agreement" explained to this child who is just now beginning to experience shopping alone? In my mind Wet Seal is taking advantage of young, vulnerable preteens who do not know better than to question "Policy". If a patron should refuse to sign are they then denied purchasing the items? They claim to be a store that caters to the preteen crowd and then takes advantage of their innocence. D... Read more

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    Tue Dec 15 2009

    Wet Seal Clothing Store, Rosedale Shopping Mall, Roseville, MN I recently purchased a shirt for my daughter for Christmas, when going to wrap the shirt I discovered a snap/button was missing. I decided to return the shirt to the store I bought it at and possibly buy a new shirt to replace it. When I came to the counter the sales lady told me that their store policy is to give store credit only, then she looked at the shirt and told me that the shirt I bought was a clearance item and I couldn't return it or get store credit. I pointed out to this person that the shirt was missing a snap/button, that there was nothing indicating it was a clearance item and I absolutely did not want damaged merchandise. Again she insisted this was their policy. I asked to speak with a manager and she told me she was the manager, I asked to speak with her supervisor and she told me that person had left for the day. I then asked for her name and a phone number so I could contact someone else who could h... Read more

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    Mon Dec 07 2009

    Ive never been to the actual store, just online. & 90% of their clothes are rather trashy looking so the only thing i ever get from there are things like simple cardigans and i find nothing wrong with them :) Cons: They take too long to ship :/ & sometimes they lose the package and have to resend it , which is like an extra 3 days aghh : P

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    Sat Dec 05 2009

    i have spent soooooo much money at this place, in store and online and usually i have an excellent experience with them. BUT, i recently bought a new seal deal club card and when i got it in the mail today it said i had to go to this one part on their website to fully activate it...so i typed everything in correctly but it told me that the card was INVALID! so after a few tries it obviously was not a case of me mistyping or whatnot. so then i tried to put it on my account the regular way i did when i got my last one that expired and i enter the numbers in and it told me that the card was EXPIRED! this is RIDICULOUS! dont they check these things to make sure they are not sending bogus cards that are of no use?! i am so mad right now, i have sent them an email and i plan to call tomorrow within their hours stated on the website to have this resolved as soon as possible. i absolutely WILL NOT accept being sold an EXPIRED card! UPDATE: so i ended up calling their customer service of which... Read more

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    Thu Sep 24 2009

    ...I've always had a good experience with wet seal. I have NEVER had a problem with the wet seal stores I've bought from. Everything I order online has come within 7 days. No problems at all. The stores are just fine! Maybe a lot of these people giving bad ratings just went to a really bad wet seal store or something..? The quality is ok. I bought a cute penguin shirt for a great price and some nice jeans from blue asphalt! I've also bought a shirt from blue asphalt and the quality of the jeans and shirt were really good! I did buy this one shirt that was wet seal brand and it was thin, with jewels on it and I admit it feels cheap, but it looks great. Not the best quality on that shirt but I can live with it. :) I bought shoes from there too-unique cute lace up shoes and again, not the best quality but worth the $15. If you really want to buy quality and you have looked at the 1 star ratings saying they have very bad quality, I recommend buying blue asphalt instead. I'm a short person,... Read more

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    Sat Aug 22 2009

    Wet Seal is HORRIBLE. Their clothes used to be the most stylish, now they are cheap and gross. It seems like every time I go into a Wet Seal (which is becoming less and less) the sales people act so put out when you ask them for a fitting room, or getting a shirt down. When ever you go into places like Charlotte Russe and Forever 21 they are so friendly and helpful. Also, I travel a lot and every Wet Seal I have ever been to are very unkept. There are always clothes on the floor, garbage on top of rounders, censors in stacks of shirts, not to mention the dust bunnies all over the dressing room floors! Maybe thats why their fiscal second-quarter profit tumbled 69%! Yes that is right Wet Seal earned $3.1 million for the quarter that ended Aug. 1 2009. That compares with a profit of $10.1 million for the same quarter last year. I've seen garbage bags that are cuter then the clothes at wet seal

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    Wed Aug 19 2009

    what store offers you a discount card and sells their clothes for dirt cheap??? com'on 10% off of clearance items too! thats a steal...their discount cards is a small investment and pays off in your first shopping trip after getting the card! also...why snobs? they're nice in Hawaii=) and the stores have all been very clean. I mean, they do get messy...but people do dig through clothes like savages sometimes!lol... you get what you pay for...so being that their clothes are affordable...the quality might not be the highest. I love wet seal! they're always hitting the trend! and FYI: they do not sell real fur! lol. the highest priced item is $32.50 and i dont think they'd sell fur that cheap. they have clearance sales like buy 1 get one for 1 penny! theres a reason why they're selling to that cheap! they're "Clear"ing it out! they dont want it no more! thats why they give you a damn good price! some people just have to shop smart...if you know it looks like its going to break, dont buy... Read more

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    Fri Aug 14 2009

    They have idiots working at the one in water tower place in downtown chicago. I bought a skinny jean which was buy one get the another one 1/2 off on 7/30. I came home and I tried those on again and I didn't like them as much as when I tried them on the store so I figure I would exchange it for a different one. So I went back after 14 days which was yesterday 8/13. And I had the hardest time exchanging a simple jean that was worth $12.50. The receipt stated clearly that they would exchange it for another item but all I got was a lame excuse from a store manager that they can't do it because it was a long time ago that I brought this item. I told her that it has been only 14 days and she just kept saying that I should have came in sooner to exchange it. So I told her that the receipt doesn't say anything about returning it within certain time frame. She finally gave in and did the exchange but she said that next time I should come in like within few days to do an exchange. So I was like... Read more

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    Mon Aug 10 2009

    I just bought a brand new pair of those cute, but fake, cowgirl boots for $40. I wore them ONE DAY, and they fricken STINK. I don't know how to get the smell out of them, but I think because they're fake material, that's why they smell. My feet don't smell, and it wasn't my socks. It's just the boots. Anyone having the same problem?

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    Sat Jun 20 2009

    Wetseal used to be one of my favorite stores, until recenty ive been having some serious problems. I went to the Wetseal, and i found a shirt i really liked. I stood in line for almost 30 minutes because they had a new employee working the cash register. The line was the longest ive ever seen in that type of store. After she rung up my TWO items i look at the reciept to find three items were scanned. I told her that i wasnt paying for it because i only bought two items. It took for me to get the manager of the store, for her to ring up my order again. I brought those items on a giftcard. When i got home i tried it on and i thought it looked funny so i went back to return it. When i went the lady working the register told me she put my money back on my giftcard. So assuming i still had money on the giftcard as i should have i went back to buy a shirt, and the lady scanned the giftcard and told me there was no money left on it!!!!! They scammed me of my money and ill NEVER go back!

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    Sun Jun 07 2009

    Ok I live in hawaii, and I think wet seal is one of the affordable stores. I actually loved shopping there. Sad thing is that I will never shop there again becase they sold me a FUCKIN EXPIRED SEAL DEAL CLUB CARD I keep calling to make a complaint no answer. So I'm just site hopping posting complaints, on how they just scam you out of your money. But whatever one day soon hopefully they'll go out of business hahahah so dont BUY THE SEAL DEAL CLUB CARD. ITS EXPIRED!! kanapapiki oe!!

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    Mon Jun 01 2009

    I'm also a sales associate at Wet Seal and in addition to what the other associate said I wanted to add a few things. First of all I just wanted to explain our exchange policy. First of all the reason we must have the receipt, in addition to the tags attached, is because we are REQUIRED to enter certain information into the computer to do a return or exchange that is only on the receipt such as the date it was purchased, the store it was purchased at, the transaction number, how much you paid for it, and who rang up the transaction. Without this information we can not do anything but MAYBE switch the item out for the exact same thing in a different size, even that sometimes is questionable. If you think it may not fit right and don't want to take the chance of wasting your money, try it on, ask one of us for a fitting room and you'll know. Next, I want to say the reason we may complain about customers leaving clothes a mess is because all day long we are trying to keep the store in ord... Read more

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    Fri May 22 2009

    I am a sales associate at wet seal and I personally think its pathetic how you are talking about us. Like said before, not all associates are the same, if some are rude to you, let me apologize for them, they obviously shouldn't be in that type of work, but also remember we all have our good and bad days, you may have caught her on a bad day, but this is besides the point. I love Wet Seal, the clothing, and my co-workers. We have great energy, a friendly attitude and get the job done. I know for a fact it is our job to state the EXCHANGE policy during every purchase, which I know I do. I am sorry if you don't care for our policy, but times do change. No clearence items are non returnable, and if the item is worn, or smells of smoke or it has been past 21 days we have the right to deny an exchange. I know I take my job seriously, and treat every customer with respect so I would apprecaite if we would get it in return, you may not like the policy, but don't take it out on the employees, ... Read more

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    Mon Apr 27 2009

    I'm really disgusted in the way previous post's have used such anger and profane language. Apparently you ARE immature and just dont know how to spend your money wisely. And to the people that complain about the return policy...this is 2009..the economy is changing there are THOUSANDS of retailers that choose this new no-return policy..yes it is dissapointing..but learn to KNOW what your are buying before you buy it. If you get it as a gift..blame the person who didnt get the gift reciept with it. And what is up with everyone calling sales associates names??..there are good ones and bad ones AT EVERY STORE..yes even forever 21..maybe its your attitude that is making them be the same right back. bottom line the clothes are affordable when you are on a budget yes the are cheap- for that price learn to sew when straps break or something tears at the seam. get over yourself- its a store with actual people working there..not customer service robots!

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    Mon Mar 30 2009

    I dunno who sets the prices at "wet seal" but uh... those prices are abit too high for the quality of the clothing they sell. Don't get me wrong they have nice stuff thats very hip, but they are getting abit ahead of themselves when it comes to their prices.

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    Thu Feb 05 2009

    Wet Seal is TERRIBLE. They don't really care about the customers or their complaints. Especially for clearance items, they totally ignore you since you can't return the items anyway. VERY VERY BAD! Don't ever buy from them.

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    Fri Jan 16 2009

    i bought a pair of boots from wetseal. after i bought them i noticed a tear in them i tried to return them and of course, i couldnt. no exchange, nothing. they continued a tear two weeks after i had them and when i was walking the bottom just came off. their stuff is rediculously cheap.

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    Thu Jan 01 2009

    With the economy struggling Wet seal has chosen to punish its customers: 1) My daughter purchased an item but went to return it a couple of hours later. Even though she had her receipt, she was told that she could not return, exchange, or get store credit. 2) I went to return an item and had to wait in line behind another customer. This customer had purchased a belt for her daughter and it broke after one day of wearing. Wet Seal would not exchange, return, or give her store credit. After the customer left, informed the manager that I received the item as a gift and would like to exchange it. The manager stated that a receipt was needed. I said, "It was a gift and I do not have the receipt." She stated that without a receipt she could not help me. I asked, "Can I just get store credit, the tag is still on the item and you have it hanging on the wall?' Wet seal would not give a refund, exchange, or store credit for the item, so I am stuck with an item that I can not even we... Read more

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    Sat Dec 27 2008

    Eh its ok. once in a while i find a bargain. The shoes are ugly. I prefer forever 21. same quality cheaper prices.

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    hmm well it's true that wetseal is cheap...I use to shop there if I was in a rush and needed to find something cute for a couple of hours. Deff. agree to the quality being cheaper than the price..that is soo ridiculous. Wet Seals designs are wonderful, but if it was better quality it wouldn't look as trashy. As for the ladies who work there "sales-women" They make the place seem even more trashy..with their attitudes..McDonalds go through worse stuff picking up garbage..and you employees complain about picking up after clothes? That is your job..coustumers are giving YOU the money..without coustumers you guys wouldn't have a job at wetseal and now a days their are people who can't even get a job at McDonalds. I know it may be hard that the costumers take shit out on you BUT...you shouldn't steep your level as low as theres.

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    This store is a great example of "you get what you pay for." The quality is as cheap as the price. I agree with what the previous reviewer said: "It's always a gamble at the WetSeal. Sometimes you find something fantastic, but most of the time you walk in and walk out."

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    Thu Oct 16 2008

    wet seal clothes not meant to machine wash. it tear up when u put in the the washer and the drier. so not right for people that dont want to hand wash it. only some of the fabric are quality and some is crapy. i havent shop there for years now.

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    Sat Aug 30 2008

    i like the wet seal merchandise, don't get me wrong, but the employees there are extremely rude. i've had a lot of problems with them talking down to me, generalizing because i'm a teenager, and just making very rude and immature comments. i don't think i'll be shopping there anymore.

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    Mon Aug 04 2008

    cute shirts but ugly pants but i like the tanks and cami's

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    Fri May 30 2008

    Smelly wrong website and store. ashlee loo like a dude. You suckkkkkkkkkkk!.

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    Mon Mar 17 2008

    I am an Assistant Manager at Wet Seal and you fuckin bitches have the balls to complain haha!? you don't know how fucking irritating retail is and when you hos leave my store a mess and then u have complain about it. it aint not fuckin prada store jesus.

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    Thu Dec 13 2007

    First off...the clothing can be overpriced...trashy...and skanky looking. Their jewelery suck ass too. I bought a pair of earings from their once, and within a week, they turned green. How disgusting. But they do have great accessories, such as belts and a few handbags. They also have sexy panties too. But other then that...that store sucks. I would stick with American Eagle or Aeropostale for better quality clothing.

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    Tue Oct 02 2007

    first the clothes are not over priced, half of you girls think that Wet Seal is over priced and you shop at AF, which i must say is over priced for clothes that look like you can go golfing in. Second of all i agree the clolthes wont last forever, but style changes all the time too!

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    Sat Sep 08 2007

    wet seal... i think the clothes are cute but the sales associates irritate the heck out of me!!! i've been to about 5 WS stores in my area and im convinced that they're ( not all but enough...)snobs. theres that and the fact that whenever its crowed and u need a fitting room or u want to be rung up, its an issue. its an issue because at max, they only have 2 associates... ??? wtf!

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    Mon Aug 27 2007

    Great place to buy clothes for clubbing! The quality is pretty bad and their clothes always shrink. This store is defiently geared towards teenagers and young adults. You won't find any business attire hear. But if your looking for casual or party clothes this is a good place and their prices are very good.

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    Wed Jun 27 2007

    Wet Seal stores can be kinda messy. You have to look around to find something cute. Only have a couple of clothing pieces from this store.

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    Sun Jun 10 2007

    It's always a gamble at the WetSeal. Sometimes you find something fantastic, but most of the time you walk in and walk out.

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    Fri Jan 26 2007

    I would never shop at a store that causes animals to die. Who wears fur anyway? Fur is DEAD and only old hags still wear real fur! PETA says it best: "Those who wear fur trim and fur coats have the blood of minks, raccoons, foxes, beavers, and other animals on their hands. Animals on fur farms spend their lives in tiny cages only to be killed by anal or genital electrocution, which causes them to have a heart attack. Some are skinned alive. Animals in the wild may languish for days in traps before they die or are killed. To find out more about fur, please visit FurIsDead.com."

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    Wed Oct 04 2006

    WOW, everybody has such potty-mouths here. I like Wet Seal's clothing because they do have some of the latest trends in a very affordable price. Yes, some of the clothing may not last very long, but its also "how" you take care of your clothes. Why would you want to keep something that is from months back anyways? Wet Seal is about cloths for "now" not "forever". If you want to spend lots of money on more "name brand" clothing & not be able to wear it later..then why bother? In my opinion, Wet Seal's clothing is not for "toothpicks," "aneroxic," "pregnant whores,"..if you hate the clothing brand so much, then just don't shop there. Simple as that.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Cheap and trashy clothing, also poorly made!

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    Fri Sep 16 2005

    Total GARBAGE, not to mention cheap and very trashy looking!

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    Mon Sep 05 2005

    I like Wet Seal! They have good sales there and I haven't had any bad experiences with their clothing. I bought a sweatshirt and a shrug-like top there last year and they fit me perfectly. I haven't had them fall apart or tear in the washer yet, which means that they're pretty durable. I'll be a returning customer. Wet Seal rocks my world!

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    Tue Apr 26 2005

    Wet Seal kills millions of rabbits every year, which is UNEEDED. Look up the facts, its quite easy. The place is horrible, they do not need animals in their clothing. American Eagle is on the side of not using animals and they are doing much better then Wet Seal. Not to mention Wet Seal is quite tasteless.

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    Wed Feb 23 2005

    yes, perhaps the quality is not the best although nothing I have ever bought there has fallen apart. But they sell fun clothes at cheap prices (there's always a sale). And sometimes for me its hard to find clothes that fit well so I'm glad they have the smaller sizes.

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    Fri Jul 02 2004

    I absolutely hate this store! Their clothes are crap! Overpiced, very thin, and cheaply made! I once bought a pair of underwear for five dollars back in my teenybopper days. Three days later, their was a hole the size of my pinky finger in one of the seams! I've found better quality underwear at Wal-Mart! Stores like this are the reason I shop at AE or A&F;!

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    Fri Mar 26 2004

    My husband loves to buy me clothes at this store. The clothes are really hot and I'm glad I'm thin enough to wear them. They are however cheaply made, overpriced and the sizes are smaller than average. I must admit, they are fun to wear sometimes.

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    Thu Mar 25 2004


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    Thu Feb 26 2004

    I have found some of my favorite clothes here but they just dont last very long. Most of the stuff I have bought from here has fallen apart. Other than that I like this store because yes I sometimes dress like a skank.

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    Sun Dec 28 2003

    The clothing is smaller than most junior clothing stores. Its sizing is more like girls clothing sizes. They should change the store to cater girls and not teens. I totally think only sluts can find their wardrobe in that store. That is all it basically is. It is also overpriced.