We created more terrorist now than before the war
That is fur sur!
Approval Rate: 30%
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by pugwash01
Wed Mar 16 2011We did not create them; however we might have trained them! But our actions did propel hatred towards western societies; Fanatics grouped up, to do the only thing they know how to do! Please take note that I Said FANATICS not Muslims!
by lmorovan
Tue Apr 29 2008Wrong. We smoked them out of their hiding places and come in the open, so we can deal with them. They were there before we invaded, but were inactive or under training. Besides, when terrorists turn against their own people, it shows the real agenda.
by portecrayon
Sun Feb 17 2008Dr Entropy The islamic way of life is what causes these terrorist. Look at all the Islamic countries, just what have they provided or what good have they done for this world? The title of the post to be rated is "We created more terrorist than before the war" Thus the topic leads me to believe we are foucusing on Islamic terrorism not some of the other aforementioned terrorist groups.DR are you trying to say America created the IRA, Tamil Tigers,the Basques, the 'Lord's Army' in Uganda, Nepalese Maoists, Columbian Communists and Paramilitaries, the Mexican Zapatistas, and the Kurdish Marxists?This is all BS an individual makes a choice to align themselves with such terrorist groups and if that leads to their death then so be it. This world will NEVER have peace, so force must be used to defend yourself and your country, locking up your enemy or detaining them does not work they only understand death which is exactly what they are doing do to you. Death is all terrorist understand so le... Read more
by genghisthehun
Tue Jan 30 2007This is sad, but true. That part of the world does not want our institutions and especially does not want them shoved down their throats! I am shocked to report that they also don't like our "culture." For some reason the parents in that part of the world don't want their daughters looking, dressing and acting like the Four Bimbos of the Apocalypse, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Christina Aguilera.
by drentropy
Tue Jan 30 2007Well, pcrayon, there's the IRA, Tamil Tigers, the Basques, the 'Lord's Army' in Uganda, Nepalese Maoists, Columbian Communists and Paramilitaries, the Mexican Zapatistas, and the Kurdish Marxists: all terrorists, none of them Muslims. Digression aside: yes, we did create more terrorists by invading Iraq. Worse, we gave them a new cause and many targets: American soldiers.
by louiethe20th
Mon Aug 14 2006That is a lot of nonsense! We are not creating them we are trying to exterminate them like cockroaches; Although Israel does it better than we do because they do not have their hands tied like our boys do alot of times.
by naasbc355
Mon Aug 14 2006they created themselves. there is no excuse for being a terrorist
by canadasucks
Tue Nov 15 2005If you believe otherwise, you are a complete moron. There will be a generation of extremists with an even bigger hard-on for us. Nice work. . .the place with no weapons or terrorists actually didn't roll over and play dead for you, ain't that a bitch? Quick- wave the flag harder and call all those who question 'unpatriotic'. . .the more this administration tries to justify this the dumber they all sound. . .
by szinhonshu
Tue Nov 15 2005Maybe, but we've also killed a good number of them too ... and we aren't done yet.
by randyman
Sun Mar 20 2005That's probably true to some degree. Look at it this way, things get worse, before they get better.
by angry_girl
Sun Mar 20 2005Since the war started, Iraq has become increasly violent and now has more suicide bombers and shootings then ever before. If Iraq was violent before, the war made it five times worse.
by castlebee
Tue Feb 22 2005You know, ever since Saddam was captured Ive noticed you just cant swing a dead cat without hitting a terrorist! Im always finding them in the oddest places; under my bed trying to strangle the dust bunnies, hiding in the closet yucking it up with the Boogeyman as they play sort the different sizes, inside my cars engine instructing the gremlins on car disrepair and the things they do to computers would make you sick to your stomach (Ive heard they have a huge appetite for SPAM and love spreading viruses). I dont know if there are more or less than existed before 9/11 because I dont know how many existed then OR now. And there is one thing I am sure of neither do you.
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Feb 21 2005By Sick Egotistical Thugs, would you be referring to the President of the United States Herman?
by hermangwynn2
Sun Feb 20 2005We do not create terrorists. Sick Egotistical thugs do.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Mon Dec 06 2004Right, there weren't any friggin' terrorists in the whole world until WE invaded Iraq. Now they got Osama bin Laden posters with I Want You to recruit a few terrorist recruits. A few things are certain, there are a lot more dead terrorists today than before the invasion, the US has not been attacked since the invasion and nobody has seen bin Laden arrogantly walking around in public, or any of his senior staff. And the state sanctioned rape rooms and torture chambers of Saddam Hussein have been eliminated. Maybe it won't be successful but the Americans who have made the supreme sacrifice over there did so because they believed what they were doing was right.
by mrpolitical
Mon Oct 04 2004No- not necessarily. The war in Iraq SHOWED us how many terrorists really were in Iraq, rather then keeping them hidden. Do we know where ALL the terrorists are in Iraq? No, but we didn't create them.