Way Things Ought To Be (Rush Limbaugh)

Approval Rate: 38%

38%Approval ratio

Reviews 16

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    Wed Jul 28 2004

    This guy is a cancer to a country trying to heal itself. He offers nothing except keeping people angry with dis-information and his ditto-heads swallow it whole. How sad that people listen to this Sh_t stirrer.

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    Sun Jan 25 2004

    Sewage in print. Lies, distortions, rantings of an egotistical gasbag who is too cowardly to debate a live human being--since he cuts off anyone who disagrees with him articulately. His fans worship him unthinkingly--this hypocritical demagogue could take pictures of his bowel movements and right wingers would buy them.

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    Sun Jan 25 2004

    If things were the way they ought to be, this kind of ignorant, barely literate crap would never see a bookstores shelves. The fact that his fans appear to have less intellectual development than a silverback gorilla must account for the fact he sold any copies. Funny, I wouldn't have thought it had enough pictures for them.

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    Wed Oct 29 2003

    An ironic book, in ways not intended.

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    Wed Oct 29 2003

    Sometimes people are way too far right and left that they give such a rotten name to the Political Spectrum. Now seriously, Why can't we have balanced politicians instead of screaming members like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Moore? Wouldn't it be better if we became a little less biased?

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    Wed Oct 01 2003

    Some moron said in his "review" of this book that Rush is "too cowardly to debate a live human being". Huh? He's had a politically oriented radio show for almost 20 years (counting his local Sacramento career) and debates with naysayers every day of the year. Like him or not, I've heard plenty of callers take issue with him LIVE on the show. In any case, this book is wonderfully funny and is loaded with common sense truths for those of us who tire of the doom & gloom liberal mantra. The book is dated now since it was published in the early 90s but is still worth reading.

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    Tue Sep 30 2003

    Horrible. A child could see through the lies & half-truths.

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    Wed Sep 24 2003

    I thought I had rated this long ago but apparently not. In any case, just read what Errol had to say about it. I agree totally...It was really good, but his second book, "See, I Told You So" was better. And really, it should only be rated on here by people who have read it. After all, I didn't write anything about Hillary's book until I went through it myself.

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    Fri Mar 07 2003

    A classic of good common sense polemics.

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    Sun Jan 05 2003

    That says it, 3 of 4 people who noted this book a 1 called Rush a name. When liberals are backed into a corner, this is ALL they can do!

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    Wed Oct 30 2002

    don't always agree with him, but excellent orator.

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    Fri Sep 13 2002

    You are soooo jealous it's pathetic.

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    Sun Mar 24 2002

    Don't waste your money - it will probably all go to him, because this man is a liar and a crook, as evidenced by his book. Poorly written, chock full of fake facts, and by God, where does this idiot get off? I distinxtly remember a passage in the book that clearly voiced his belief that the sole purpose of women is to have children for and take care of their husbands. Well, I'm sorry Rush, but this is notm the 18th century anymore, and as a girl I do not put up with that kind of crap. I may be female, but at least I have a mind of my own, even if this living propaganda poster doesn't want me to. Also, if any of you have read the part of the book about homosexuality, what facts, what scientific reasoning does he use to PROVE that homosexuality is a choice or is evil? None. He uses a four-line passage from a bookwritten a thousand years ago that has been interpreted in countless ways. Not worth reading. I will listen to these homophobes when they come up with a NEW argument that... Read more

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    Fri Feb 15 2002

    This one was good but I think his second book is even better. I wonder how many of the people that give low ratings to his book have actually even read it. From the lack of substance in their comments I think most of them haven't but they just hate Rush. I don't rate any books on this site that I haven't read. That would be immature and shows no class.

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    Wed Oct 17 2001

    Well, Rush is right. But then, he's always right. I found this book to be very entertaining but selectively educating and hopelessly biased. Make no mistake, he's a very erudite, entertaining fellow, but how can anyone take him so seriously? Even he has said that he is an entertainer who happens to be a conservative. We all know Rush never went to college, but that's neither here nor there. I remain happily committed to my liberal-socialist roots while maintaining a healthy skepticism of everything that comes out of this blowhard's mouth.

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    Thu Sep 06 2001

    You people are full of crap.