Washington DC legalizes gay marriage

Approval Rate: 76%

76%Approval ratio

Reviews 16

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    Wed Oct 13 2010

    Significant in the sense that progress is being made, but not-so much in the sense that it's long overdue. 30 years from now people will look back at this and think 'wow, people were really that bigoted back then?'.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    I guess this came a little late in the day for Senator Larry Craig....

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    Fri Apr 16 2010

    penis + penis = ewy

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    Mon Mar 22 2010

    Rather overdone and pandering coverage by the Washington Post, really. . .there were at least three or four consecutive days of lead stories. (Okay, I get it. . .I know. . .yes. . .hello?) And this kind of pandering coverage to me does the issue a little disservice. It was a story until the economy and health-care story buried it - and that's not a bad thing, really. The legal rights of people should be something of a res ipsum and easy discussion instead of a spectacle. DC gets many things wrong. This one was right. Move on. . ..

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    Thu Mar 18 2010

    Just to settle the nerves of the `NO`forces, it isn`t going to be mandatory.

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    Thu Mar 11 2010

    I don't support it and I think it's more of an escape route in regards to avoiding the economy/healthcare situation that is on the minds of millions, and needs to be addressed. It would be more significant if the city knew how to clean up snow.

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    Thu Mar 04 2010

    Since its not the First place in the country to legalize Gay marriage, I can't get as excited. Its now part of a trend, rather than a Trend setter. I admit to never fully understanding the illegality of Gay marriage, maybe its my age, I don't know. But we allow gays to vote, we allow them to drive and own property. They otherwise have the same Rights as the rest of us, so why are we denying them the right to consensual marriage? I think that this is a step in the right direction for equality. Having said that, I still don't think this is the most significant thing to happen this year, We had two major earthquakes, one so big it knocked the earth Slightly off its axis. (http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/03/100 302-chile-earthquake-earth-axis-shortened-day/) The year is still young too, I foresee more significant events taking place. But I suppose to the D.C. gays that can now marry, this is pretty big news.

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    Thu Mar 04 2010

    Even if it does give ammunition to the dirty-minded extreme right, this social advance is still extremely important. How could the achievement of equal rights for a substantial minority not be most significant?

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    Anything new here? The District is majority black but don't let that bother you. I don't have any black friends, but I have many blacks as acquaintances. I can't think of one who likes using the lower digestive tract as a sex organ.

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    Fine with me.I guess all the fundies will have to get divorced now to prove their heterosexuality!

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    Small potatoes unless you're gay or have a big hang-up about the sanctity of marriage. I'd call it more significant if the voters had a say, and it is my understanding that they did not. Social reform needs popular support to stick, after all. Eh, I suppose its a nice distraction for all the idiots in DC, at least.

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    We have huge, epochal events occurring globally. Greece, Italy, and Spain are threatening to bring down the Euro, a significant NATO military campaign in Southern Afghanistan is underway, China and Japan are in economic trouble, we have a contentious health care bill being debated at home, plus we have liabilities spiraling out of control at all levels of government, impacting the way we live our lives. Yet news that Washington D.C. legalized same-sex marriage is apparently being treated with much more significance than any of these items combined?? Whatever your opinion of gay marriage is, this new law that passed is something that really only impacts a small subset of people. Whereas each of these issues I mentioned above are impacting all of us in profound ways, even if you can't see it immediately speaking. Not that we shouldn't discuss/debate these types of social issues, but compared to what is going on in the world at the moment, could it possibly be that our prioritie... Read more

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    I'm proud of our nation's capital today.

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    Guess what? Who cares?It was already bad enough for reactionaries and haters that the city is mostly black, and now the reactionaries are expecting an "ingaysion." " We'll take the n******* and the q*****, but we don't want The Irish!"

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    I think a big congratulations is in order! Welcome to hell!

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    Wed Mar 03 2010

    Holy crap! Perhaps. Holy matrimony! The jury's still out on that one. Nevertheless, I'm always up for anything as long as there's an open bar. (pass the tequila Shelia...or Larry..or...Sharry...or whatever...)