War on Terrorism (2001-)

Approval Rate: 36%

36%Approval ratio

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    Mon Jan 31 2005

    not a real war. a created one. could've been solved right after 9/11 but Bush had to make sure bin Laden was safe. a joke. i'm almost sorry those poor kids are dying for this, even though they signed up. UPDATE: this isn't a declared war. It's government and media created and supported by losers who put ribbons on the back of their cars. I don't need the military to protect my freedoms. that was done just by being born.

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    Mon Jan 31 2005

    For those of us who live in the real world and actually have an idea of what we are talking about (sorry Skizero) it should be no question that terrorism is a serious and dangerous threat. We don't need to be the policemen of the world, we simply should just form an example. In Iraq for instance, I'm sure a lot of the other Middle Eastern nations must be envious of Iraq's newly found freedom and rights. Meanwhile, their still starving and dying in the streets without even the slightest idea of what liberty really is. This war on terrorism is a war FOR human rights and to say other wise would be irresponsible.

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    Thu Dec 16 2004

    Like Skizero says, not a real war. They're not fighting with real bullets, real tanks, real bombs. The insurgents aren't planting bombs in the clothing of their insurgents. It was all just created. Easy to sit back in the US (NYC) and take potshots at the people doing the real work, risking their real lives so that the real dipsh*ts here stateside can enjoy freedom of speech and all the other freedoms so many have sacrificed for.

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    Sun Nov 14 2004

    The most crucial conflict we have been involved in since WW2.

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    Sun Aug 22 2004

    It's kind of difficult to go to war against a strategy. War that involves the targeting of civilian targets is terrorism, so maybe we should we should put a new name to this type of 4th generation warfare. These aren't conventional armies that we're dealing with many times. We have to go beyond the traditional political rhetoric; we will never let this happen again. Truth is that it will happen again and again to targets involving and associated with Americans at home and abroad. It's the price we pay for an overextended foreign policy. This notion of taking the fight to the enemy is also rather specious. It is very difficult to get a handle on a problem that extends over a wide geographical landmass. As 9/11 demonstrated, it takes a very small group to cause havoc. The point is that it is very difficult to completely end terrorism, a target that has always been used. We can't completely lock down the country no matter how hard we try. Domestically, there are thousands of miles of bord... Read more

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    Mon Jan 26 2004

    The War on Terrorism isn't exactly a conflict in the military sense anymore than a war on drugs. A lot of people don't seem to understand that. Also, there will always be terrorists in the world, no matter how hard we try to stamp them out. If we are going to try to fight a war on terrorism, President George W. Bush has surely done a terrible job of it. While we need allies, the invasion of Iraq isolated America from the rest of the world, in addition to diverting us from the real goal: to capture Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden is responsible for 9/11; Saddam is not.