Wanted List Dvd Rental

Approval Rate: 49%

49%Approval ratio

Reviews 49

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    Mon Nov 23 2009

    Service must have really improved, I don't realy know if other services are way better but I haven't had any problems. There was a month when they didnt ship out for a couple weeks and I emailed them and the customer service person said he would manually do something and then i got movies in a couple days, but other than that no problems. I did have to email in to get my extra rental for my points but they did send it out once i emailed. I really like the selection and am not having any trouble. I guess if there are better services stay where you are but if you don't lie yours try this one, I like it.

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    Thu Oct 29 2009

    Selection is VERY limited. I had to keep about ONE Hundred titles in my queue to have 15 that were actually in stock. Turn around time very lengthy. They offer premiums (freebies) but mine was forgotten. POOR customer service.

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    Sun Aug 16 2009

    very horrible experience, i felt as if they were ripping me off, i joined around 11/2008, but after the terrible selection i tried to cancel, no luck reaching anyone via email or phone, i had no choice but to disput the charge w/my credit card co. becuase they were not going to credit the account, be warned, DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO. or you will be VERY SORRY, try Sugar DVD or XRENT DVD, they are THE BEST!!!

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    Very poor customer service. They would never call me back or email me. rarely received a movie I asked for. Most of them show a very long wait

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    Sat Mar 14 2009

    almost everything out of stock but gay porn. short waits on almost all of those and its been a month and i have gotten 5 movies total and i sent them back the next day. i have not tried canceling but the last time i did it was a total pain in the ass. also the one below me must be a employee reviewing for the company because almost nothing in stock... even netflix has gotten bad about having movies in what is the world coming too.

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    Sun Mar 08 2009

    I guess I must have joined when they started getting better because their service and the availability of their titles has really improved. Plus, now I get to watch movies online while I'm waiting for movies to be delivered to my home.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    With over 50 titles on my list - NONE WERE IN STOCK! I would add titles that would list as "avalable now", then the next day it would say "short wait". I cancelled my account - I hope they fold!

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    Thu May 15 2008

    Initially service was as advertised when I joined last fall. Since Jan 08 everything has been sliding downhill and turnaround time for returned DVD's is 2 weeks plus! I am cancelling my account.

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    Fri May 02 2008


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    Tue Apr 29 2008

    Too many problems with this service, but I'll list the major ones... 1. Nothing you want is ever in stock. 2. Extremely slow mailing time, takes over a week to get anything delivered. 3. Rental Queue system is impossible, it actually scrambles everything when you try to arrange titles in your desired order (which they did not fix upon complaint) 4. Get this, they actually charge you every 20 DAYS, NOT ONCE A MONTH (and they even sneak in a hidden "tax" fee for each payment) 5. Does not bother to reply to customer complaints AT ALL.

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    Fri Feb 01 2008

    I was with Wanted List before and had the same problem too. DVDs took way too long to get to my mailbox. I recently joined over at Fever Access (www.feveraccess.com) and I must say the service so far has been great. I receive what's in my rental queue really quick (2-3days). My buddy and I found out about the site from the adult expo in Vegas. Check it out if you're not happy else where. I did and it was well worth it.

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    Sat Jan 12 2008

    Don't be fooled by the "AVN Award Winner Best Rentals Site"; wantedlist.com's service is anything but award-winning. I'm sure most of you initially thought "wow, a Netflix-esque adult movie rental site...great!" Unfortunately, the selection and service is horrible. Turn-around time is very long - a two week turn-around time is not uncommon. A lot of the movies aren't readily available. In fact, more than half of the movies in my queue are considered "short wait", which I have since come to learn means indefinite wait. Selection is not as good as you would expect from an "award-winning" DVD rental website, and it seems to take a while to have new releases available for rent. Its service leaves much to be desired. For example, out of the 15 or so DVDs that I've rented, three of them were cracked and thus unplayable; its website lists DVDs that aren't available to rent (or buy); its website seems to be out-of-date as evidenced by a part of the FAQ section that mentions that it ... Read more

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    Thu Nov 22 2007

    I am an actual former customer, not a worker for a rival company. Anyway, I had a 3 dvd rental plan for 2 years. Their service was ok but declined a great deal over time. I would return dvd's and get no dvd in return for 3 weeks. Eventually, they would acknowledge that I had sent back the dvd and send me a new one. Their response time is pretty slow, and I got the impression that returned dvd's must sit in their warehouse untouched for weeks. US mail is never THAT slow. I am trying another service.

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    I signed up for 2x a week. They shipped out fine for the first month-&-half. It trickled to 2x every 3x a week. After three months everything I requested was on backorder. A good month went before receiving another video, but the rest (12) remained on backorder.

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    Fri Sep 14 2007

    Ships well initially for the first 6 months or so. Thereafter DVDs shipped in minimal frequency and does not get to your actual dvd allocation. No real way to contact them other than email and they do not reply other than an electronic acknowledgement that they got your email. Don't know how it is getting the so-called AVN DVD rental awards. Would stay away.

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    Sat Sep 08 2007

    wantedlist.com = criminals

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    Wed Aug 15 2007

    Listen to other victims of Wantedlist.com

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    Tue Aug 07 2007

    Don't waste your money.

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    Mon Jun 25 2007

    TERRIBLE! Enough said

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    Sun Jun 24 2007

    Do not believe any of those awards claimed by Wantedlist.com's website. They cannot be farther away from truth. Those awards claimed by Wantedlist.com could very well be 'purchased' or self-promoted. Just listen to the victims of Wantedlist.com as seen here. Wantedlist.com represents lies and false advertisement. For example, they claim to have the titles they don't really have; they claim the 'short wait' to be "two weeks or less" but the "short wait" is really "indefinite wait"; they claim to have great customer service, but the reality is their customer srevice truly sucks: they never answer your e-mail, no telephone number to call, 'live chat' hardly almost always "unavailable". The consumers must become wiser and not to buy into any of purchasable awards claimed by Wantedlist. com. The consumers must become wiser and not to spend a single penny on this shaddy business.

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    Wed Jun 20 2007

    I should have read these reviews before signing up with these scumbags. My requested titles hardly got filled, and when they finally came, they were either wrong titles or defected! Customer service was very sluggish in response to your e-mail, if ever. Again, listen to Wantedlist.com's victims: don't waste your money!

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    Sun Jun 17 2007

    Do not even be tempted! This outfit is a scammer! They have very few titles but advertised thousands. Any one interested in a class-action? Please contact me.

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    Thu Jun 14 2007


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    Tue Jun 12 2007

    This outfit is a scam! Don't waste your money. They advertise "over 20,000 titles" but most of them are junks. The good titles they list are not really there. You will find Wantedlist to be most frustrating to deal with when it comes to billing and fulfilling your requested titles. Perhaps someone could start a class-action against these shysters.

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    Mon Jun 11 2007

    Do not waste your money with Wantedlist. It's a scam! Do not believe their claim of having all those meaningless awards (as posted on their website). They do not have all those videos/DVDs they claim they have. When you get put on the "short wait" list, it means you'd never your requests filled.

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    Mon May 07 2007

    Never responded to e-mails. Said they sent and I returned DVDs I never received.

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    Wed Mar 21 2007

    Great to start, then things started slowing. Discs took longer and longer to arrive. Several were damaged and unplayable (none of which I have gotten back which also means I paid for rentals which were no good). Lately it seems like it takes almost a week to receive discs after they supposedly ship (two or three days early on...I smell BS) and every other complication they seem to be able to come up with. I recently had two movies I returned within a couple days of each other not register as being returned three weeks later until I filed a complaint. I am going to cancel with these pricks.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    First weeks were good then swiftly it went downhill. DVDs sent every couple of weeks and often it was the wrong one. Returned DVDs often not verified. Terrible!

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    Sun Oct 08 2006

    I used wantedlist.com for about eighteen months. Prior to that I briefly used another company. The customer service with this company leaves everything to be desired. I e-mailed them twice and never received any replies. The turnaround time takes an exceptionally long period. At least a week for turn around times. This company does NOT work or ship on Saturday. The new releases are almost impossible to receive. They do ship each movie individually. I would NOT recommend this company to anyone.

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    Sun Jul 09 2006

    I just attempted to cancel my membership after 13 months (but their website didnt work, LOL). On two occasions, I sent two DVDs in a single envelope and they pretended to receive one but not the other one. Busted! During the 30-day free trial I was getting my DVDs like clockwork, two new ones every week. Then it started taking longer, and fewer and fewer of my movies were available (out of 20 short wait movies, most have been queued for several months and a few are from my original list a year ago). The worst thing is having to wait an extra week before reporting a DVD lost in the mail (yeah right). This happened 9 times out of some 80 movies! There was one stretch of over a month when I didnt receive any movies, despite sending them multiple emails. After researching my options, I finally selected Adult DVD Empire, which has by far the best selection of all-girl movies, with 2869 titles compared to 922 at WantedList. Other sites with great selections are Goflix.com (1566), ... Read more

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    Wed Jun 28 2006

    Absolutely horrible! Slow delivery of DVDs. Web queue sucks. Customer service is zero, doesn't answer emails. Most of all would not let me cancel my subscription! When I requested for the 3rd time to cancel, they charged me another month ahead of time! Wantedlist is completely unethical and I'm having my credit card company deal with them directly. Stay away!

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    Fri Apr 07 2006

    I wasted my money for 2 months on this website. I received damaged dvds 2 times and a dvd that i didn't even had on my list 1 time. then the slow shipping added up to a very unhappy porn watcher. I should have known when i first sent them an email before I signed up asking them a few questions and they didn't even email me back. plus they are in jersey the same place i live and it took a week to send me a dvd. I signed up for urentdvds, they ship from cali and the dvds arrived in 3 days. that means that wantedlist could care less about the service they give. Just thinking about this now I think I will get my credit card to reverse the charges that the billed me for this horrible service. in my book it's less then one in every area...later porn buffs

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    Thu Apr 06 2006

    I live in Jersey and this place is a bad business and you can never reach them I sent 3-4 emails and they never got back to me. I received 4 DVDs in 1 month so I just thought they didn't even try very hard to help customers get what they paid for. It was a waste of my money. I found a place in California that gives me a new shipment every week. don't do it.... please..... spend your money on a burger... or give it to a girl scout but don't line these peoples pockets with your cash. I don't complain about anything so you know its bad when i wrote this

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    Tue Apr 04 2006

    i have at least five dvd's lost in the mail shipment is slow can only correspond through e-mail and the responce has nothing to do with your request. dvd's are cracked or unplayable i tried to cancel from web page but they make it impossible. i do not like this site service. i'm a memeber of two other sites and have had no problems so what makes this site so diffrent and i have conclued that they are crooks and need to be put out of business.

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    Thu Mar 09 2006

    After I opened an account I received my first few movies within two days, which is acceptable since I live within an eight hour drive of their Newark facility. But after that, it regularly took upwards of six days to receive my rentals. I switched from the 8 movies at a time plan to 4 thinking they used "throttling" techniques like Netflix, but this didn't help. The date they show as a DVD being shipped isn't the actual shipping date but the date the DVD was processed; the actual shipping date was always the day following. Either WantedList has very limited staff that processes rentals, or they're sitting on my returned rentals for 2-3 days on purpose to limit the amount of movies I receive every month. I tend to think it's the latter. All of the e-mails I've sent to their customer service were either ignored (most of the time) or I got a canned responce that has nothing to do with my issue. 2 out of every 5 DVD's arrive filthy, heavily scratched, and/or unplayable. I currently... Read more

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    Sat Feb 11 2006

    Thier shipping takes forever I was without any dvds for atleast 20 days out of the month. I might get one or possibly two every month if I send them out at the first of the month. They contantly loose the dvd's in the mail. Terible service and thier web site is hard to navigate if there are shipping problems.

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    Wed Feb 08 2006

    I agree that the service is slow, takes a little more than a week from when I return a dvd in the mail until I receive another from them, however, I have been waiting well over 2 months for the dvd's I originally signed up to rent from them and que'd. I have received a few dvd's that were not playable, reported it and nothing was done to compensate me for time lost, not even a polite sorry you had difficulty. Whatever, just choose a different service and save yourself the headache and lost time.

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    Sun Jan 22 2006

    Good service. I've never had any serious problems in my 7 months. every now and then mail can get a litlle slow but thats with anything when holidays come and sometimes they take a little long to update new titles. other than that the service is very convenient. you cancel online, reactivate online, get live help online and movies in the mail for good prices. i think if they add one more ship location somewhere in the middle then everything would be perfect. i just saw that they won 2 years in a row so they must be doing something right. I'm very happy and recommend this site to everyone.

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    Sat Jan 21 2006

    Wantedlist.com was horrible. They do not have new releases The dvd's are Dirty It took 3 days to get dvd's when it should have taken 1 day. I closed account but they still charged my card. I do not recommend this service

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    Sat Jan 21 2006

    Awesome service! I'll admit, dvds came a little slow at first but once they got their stuff together and opened a 2nd location, shipping was fast as hell! Service and customer service is great and comfortable. They even have chat support which is incredible. This company is getting popular fast and I'm more than happy to stick with them through the growth!!! I recommend to EVERYONE and their grandfathers!

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    2 weeks turnaround for movies. Company doesn't answer e-mails for a week. Tried to cancel my account twice, but kept charging my credit card. May as well be crooks running this place.

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    Thu Dec 15 2005

    Took 3 weeks to get original movies. One was cracked. Never answered emails. Returned cracked one right away for replacement. Took 3 more weeks for replacement! Took 2 weeks to cancel after they finally answered emails.

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    Fri Oct 28 2005

    Top notch service, movies get to me fast in NYC. Great studios like Redlight District, Evil Empire etc. I put my DVD in the mail on a Monday and a new one is in my box on Wednesday.

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    Sun Sep 25 2005

    During the 1st 3 weeks of my account, Wanting List did not receive a DVD back from me. After 2 more weeks with no resolution,I canceled my subscription. I was charged for a second month AND $24.95 for their missing DVD. To date, they have ignored my protests. Note to customers- you must use certified mail to return DVDs to Wanting List in order to prevent this from happening.

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    Fri Sep 09 2005

    Very fast shipping time to New York from their New Jersey facility on the east coast. Their service was a little slow when my movies came from their California warehouse up until a few months ago but now I couldn't be happier. I pop my DVD in the mail and I get a new one like two days later. Great selection, fast shipping time and great service!

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    Fri May 06 2005

    I've been with WantedList for years now and I'm totally content. Their shipping times are great, and any issues I've had with my rentals or the site, their quick to help out. Their customer service is comfortable and very human. And very fun to talk to if you call the 800#. Their selecton is CRAZY! And always getting bigger. Not to mention all of the contests and toy store. I've watched them evolve into something amazing and I'm very proud (tear)... I've had many friends join and they're just as happy. Of course not everyone in the world will have the experience that I've had, but who cares... I'm happy :)

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    Sat Feb 19 2005

    These guys are great, never had any problems, always quick to resolve customer service issues.

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    Thu Feb 17 2005

    I've been a member of WantedList for 6 months and couldn't be happier. They have a great selection and mail always arrives in a timely fashion. Plus, their site is great and has lots of articles that my wife and I appreciate in addition to the fine selection of movies.

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    Wed Feb 16 2005

    Be warned! They will make you pay for discs that are lost in the mail. I had a disc lost at the post office in mid December. After repeated to emails(4) to their customer service reporting the disc lost in the mail they would not even respond to my emails. Finally when the did respond they basically acused me of taking the disc. I could only get them to email me once every two weeks and it always came from a different CS rep that had no knowledge of my issue. Then they sent me an email saying the if I cancelled my account without paying for the disc that they would use collection agencies. Stay away from these people. Their CS is horrible and when they did email they were rude. Do not do business with THE WANTED LIST!