Wannabee Sportscaster (thx irishgit)

Approval Rate: 40%

40%Approval ratio

Reviews 6

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    Thu May 01 2008

    Miiiiiight work in baseball, which has pauses in action and allows for conversation- a real knowledgeable friend can make the game more interesting if he knows what he's talking about (perhaps).  But this behavior is intolerable in football- where every drunk fat-ass thinks he can coach the game better than the assistant coaches who eat, sleep, and drink the game 80+ hours a week. . .

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    Thu May 01 2008

    One of the most annoying types going. Figures he's the only guy in the stadium that knows anything about the sport, and has to tell his seatmates what just happened on every play. At his worst, he also predicts plays, which he invariably gets wrong. After two innings or one quarter of sitting behind this doofus, I want to clothesline him.

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    Fri Oct 14 2005

    I always wanted to have a kareoke machine, so i can do Howard Cosell imitations.

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    Sat Jan 22 2005

    It's extremely annoying when they know nothing of the game, they also know nothing about the team, or their coach or the opposings team coach or team.

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    Sat Oct 30 2004

    This can be me but only when I know alot about the team.

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    Sat Oct 30 2004

    That's is numbah. And yes he does know what he is talking about, but it is still annoying.