Walt Disney Company

Approval Rate: 74%

74%Approval ratio

Reviews 13

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    Fri Apr 24 2009

    Team Rodent became a cynical, megalomaniacal bottom line enterprise several decades ago, and the "magic" that folks talk about was pretty much dead by the mid-70's. Their sanitized image and their sacchrine products serve to disguise a corporate agenda that is among the most greed-driven and control oriented in the world.

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    Sun Mar 01 2009

    Disney is a family brand that everyone is familiar with. They are now an integral part of our society. They market their brand so effectively that it is hard to fault them, so if we could all sell like them, we would be as successful! They still represent the magic of childhood, and a wholesome innocence. While they are fiercely protective of their brand, this is the reason why, as some individuals and companies could exploit their brands and bring down their standards and images. They are a company that do not settle for substandard! They will continue to be around for a long time.

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    Sat Jul 19 2008

    Used to be a great company, despite Walt Disney's megalomaniacal tendencies (which have become an integral part of the corporate culture at Disney).  Lost their way sometime in the 90s, maybe earlier; they still make OK movies now and then, but nothing like the classic era (40s/50s) or even some of their stuff from the 90s.  The amusement parks (which Disney practically invented) look increasingly dated and tawdry.  The creative spark seems to have disappeared at Disney-they are just coasting along on past achievements (their DVD library alone must bring in a fortune).

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    Sun May 13 2007

    wish I could have started with some stock in Disney. they still are going pretty strong. with studios, theme parks, selling their DvDs. I will not give them five because i hear they can be jerks if they think someone is making money off them {such as a daycare putting up Disney characters as a them and the Disney people threaten to sue. creeps}

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    Sat May 12 2007

    I think the Disney corporation will always remain strong.  It has been around for so long it would seem strange without it.

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    Thu May 10 2007

    They lack some the wonder they once possessed but still an overall family friendly company.

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    Thu May 10 2007

    Very fun but also very expensive theme parks. I really don't think Walt Disney would be happy with the way things are being run. Great animated movies (glad they are back together with Pixar).

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    Tue Mar 06 2007

    Disney seriously sold out. I mean look at the garbage they put on Disney-Lizzie Maguire, Boy Meets World, these pathetic new cartoons-I mean come on? Yeah disneyland is fun for a day, My grandma works at Disneyworld. Also, their stuff is too sugar coated, and Walt Disney was an AntiSemite. They could do better.

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    Sat Apr 01 2006

    The best at presenting their own brand of sugar coated fairy tales. The theme parks are undeniably a testament to the visionary Walt Disney. Too bad corporate and CEO greed has tarnished the image. Still, a trip to Disneyland/Disneyworld is a treat for kids of all ages. Glad there are still places like that where you can escape to even for just a few hours.

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    Fri Mar 03 2006

    Walt Disney USED to be a great company when Disney was alive and when the Disney family still operated it. Sadly, Walt's dream machine has been abused and sold for a profit by the money hungry CEOs and people who lack the magical visions that Disney had in mind for his company. I discovered the truth behind Disney during a internship I did at Walt Disney World awhile back. Disney lies to college students all over the world to get them to internship at their park and pays them almost nothing! The lie is that you will build marketable skills, but the truth is you will work long hours in a menial job and be treated like a slave, pay 80% of your paycheck to rent each week for apartments that Disney owns and are paid for by gov't grants. I find it really hard to respect a company which treats its employees so terrible! Add in the fact that the new movies they create are bland, the new rides they make lack any disney magic and are created just to quickly exit you into a giftstore and you w... Read more

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    Thu Apr 07 2005

    i love disney but it only gets 3 stars because the one place guaranteed to make me smile was the disney store at the mall and then one day it was gone. no more disney store. i miss it.

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    Mon Aug 02 2004

    Mr. Eisner, they don't call them background checks for nothing....

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    Sun Apr 18 2004

    Mixed. I have had a great time at Disneyland, but they DO sanitize things, and they're terrible control freaks. It is fine to make fantasies for children, but when they start to influence adult interpretations of history, subtly though it may be, I find this to be disturbing.