Vodka Reviews | RateItAll


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Approval Rate: 59%

59%Approval ratio

Reviews 35

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    Tue Jan 19 2010

    Aaah, those Russians!

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    Fri Oct 09 2009

    Not my favorite libation here. I had a bad experience with Comrade Vodka in my youth, and I still do not cherish it.

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    Mon Dec 22 2008

    may cause u to wake up in hand cuffs

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    Wed Oct 15 2008

    Back in the day, my drink(s) of choice was a Boilermaker-- beer or malt liquor (Colt 45 was a favorite), a good quantity of it, and shots of cheap whiskey (Fleischmann's or Jim Beam). As teenagers, a group of us used to patronize the local liquor store (some of us were of age, some of us weren't, but they served us all regardless). The guy who ran the place didn't know our names, but he had nicknames for all of us. I later learned that mine was "Smiley" because I was always smiling beatifically in anticipation of my nightly getting-a-load-on. Once in awhile, I drank Scotch (my father once told me that it was the thing to drink if you wanted to avoid hangover, but the taste was too much like burnt rubber for me to become a regular consumer of it). Over the years, I've tended to give Vodka a wide berth, although it has seemed to be the drink of choice for many of my alcoholic friends. The times I've made a real ass out of myself while drinking (not to mention those times where I actively... Read more

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    I've had vodka fans try to convert me. . .I must admit I haven't tried the real good stuff, but most of my experiences with vodka have been negative.

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    I don't drink Vodka. It's taboo to me. It has nothing to do with the taste and everything to do with it's affect on my mood and temper. The last time I touched the stuff I got violent and ugly and I swore to myself I would never drink Vodka again. That was 1974. I have kept my word. Anything else, no problem.  Seems I'm not the only one. The previous reviewer seems to have the same problem. At least we're smart enough to recognize it.

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    The last time my brother drank vodka he thought it would be funny to throw a beer bottle at my truck as I was leaving his driveway with my sauced cargo of another brother and a friend of mine (yes, numbah was the designated driver that day). I found the crack that bottle put in my windshield rather unfunny.

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    can't drink the shit makes me violent!!!

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    Fri Sep 19 2008

    My staple hard liquor.

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    Wed Aug 20 2008

    love some vodka hmmm that sound good right now

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    Sun Aug 03 2008

    not bad but not for me.

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    Tue Jul 22 2008

    yummy i love this shit absolute ,grey goose yummy yummy

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    Sun Jul 20 2008


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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    Wow this stuff knocks me down. but i love it.

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    Sat Jul 05 2008

    good as taste

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    love vodka

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    Sun Jun 22 2008

    i live for the nights i can't remember and the friends i can't forget with this shit

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    Sat Jun 21 2008

    smirnoff watermelon orange and passion fruit.. the best shots ever..

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    ohhhhhhh yessssssssssssss

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    Mon Jun 09 2008

    only grey goose

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    Tue Jun 03 2008

    A little too strong for me..

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    Thu May 29 2008

    bad hangovers

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    Wed May 28 2008

    love it but makes me evil

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    Tue Apr 22 2008

    Only added to stuff, or the flavored kinds.

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    Fri Apr 11 2008

    One of my favorite drinks.

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    Tue Apr 08 2008

    Premium vodka served very cold is mighty tasty.

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    Tue Apr 08 2008

    A standby.Good vodka, preferably one of  the potato variety rather than the grain, kept in the freezer and drank in a shot of icy oil.A very dry vodka martini (someone else can do the Bond line)A tall vodka tonic, twist of lime, on a hot summer day.But this guy on here who recommends cherry vodka mixed with mountain dew should be rating on the "Most Disgusting" list.

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    Tue Apr 08 2008

    cherry vodka is great mixed with mt dew

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    Mon Apr 07 2008

    a substitute

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    middle of the road for me in most contexts. But when it comes to martinis, I'm partial to Belvedere. I also happen to be partial to martinis.

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    Vodka is great for mixed drinks because it doesn't add any unusual flavors, but this same lack of flavor makes it somewhat pointless straight.

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    Thu Mar 27 2008

    Vodka is my favorite because it is so versatile. I like vodka martinis, salty dogs, screwdrivers, and believe it or not...I have invented some of my own!

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    Fri Dec 28 2007

    Ice cold with a squeeze of lemon or better yet, steeped in walnuts

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    Sun Dec 31 2006

    dude I am drinking it right now!!

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    Wed May 24 2006

    Probably the most versatile of the hard liquors in terms of mixed drinks. Currently more popular for martinis than gin, a travesty.