Vitamin E
Approval Rate: 100%
Reviews 7
by cyclee
Wed Apr 29 2009Again I don't take any supplements. When it comes to vitamine E, it has the reputation of repairing skin tissues and that's good enough of a reason for me to try a skin moisturizer said to contain vitamin E. My latest skin product is the vitamin E facial moisturizer from Body Shop and I'm already feeling the improvement after using it for about a few months, not to mention it's quite reasonably priced for the quality of the product you get. Maybe I should leave that for a different review, but for now I do have some faith in the benefit of vitamin E from my own experience.
by mrtuner
Wed Apr 29 2009Very affective when taken with vitamin B complex and vitamin C with Bioflavinoids
by minkey
Wed Aug 06 2008Vitamin E is good for the heart as well as the skin. I take 400 IU daily.
by ridgewalker
Sat May 10 2008Vitamin E SHOULD get a solid, unwavering "5" Star review and this is what I give it...IF it is the right stuff. Unfortunately, it usually isn't and the people who are manufacturing it are banking heavily on the fact that you will be happy with a false sense of well-being, just from taking it.Sheesh...what a mess. Let me try to sort this out for you. First, most Vitamin well as all other OTC vitamins available to us, are MIC (Made in China) know...that country whose slogan is, "If you bought it...we brought it". We can only verify its quality AFTER it hits the market and in every study that I have read, they are sending the absolutely lowest and most useless waste of the name of well-being. So, here's some rules to go by:First, if it is packed and glued into a tablet (especially into a multivitamin like Fred Flinstone), it is as beneficial to you as sawdust. It should be in a gelcap (oil-based), for starters. Don't buy into the "liquid" vitamins, as they will bio... Read more
by locke487
Tue Oct 24 2006Antioxidants are an excellent way to improve heart health. Unfortunately there have been some recent studies that show higher doses of Vitamin E (more than 200iu) can have an adverse effect on the heart (this seems to be mostly in those with already existing heart problems). I agree, the d-Alpha source of vitamin E is most useful, as studied.
by stimpy
Fri Nov 05 2004Make sure you buy Natural Vitamin-E. It will start with d-Alpha and not dl-Alpha. The synthetic Vitamin-E (dl-Alpha) is viewed as fairly ineffective by some studies, which state that the body does not appear to fully absorb and/or utilize it as efficiently as natural Vitamin-E (d-Alpha).
by habanerobuck
Sun Jun 06 2004You can't just have your water-soluable anti-oxidants, you need your fat-soluable ones, too! Actually, Vitamin E supplementation is considered one of the more beneficial to take because of the scarcity of naturally ocurring vitamin E in food, irregardless of one's diet.