Approval Rate: 76%
Reviews 0
by nubosa
Tue Jun 30 2009Nice State. Scenery great, lots of places to visit and study history. Some aspects of it can be pretty boring though. Not a party state by any means. That's due to the southern baptist influence though. Im currently in the Lynchburg area for work and it's a boring, socially backwards drag. Stay away from L-Burg if you want vibrancy
by oceansoul
Sat Jun 14 2008Virginia has a diversity found in few other states: the piedmont, coal fields, coast, beltway, etc. I really love the rural Western portions of the state the best. I don't like the greater D.C. area with the exception of the quaint, colonial, over-priced tourist communities.
by donovan
Sun Jun 01 2008A beautiful state with mountains on the west and the ocean on the east. Virginia has it all. I like Virginia Beach a lot but you have to be careful in the water because of the strong rip currents.
by ajnm38a0
Tue Jan 22 2008Virginia is the nothern most southern state and benefits from being in close proximity to DC. However, the further away from the DC area you go the more "southern" it gets. Not as socially backwards as Mississippi but none the less you still see the rebel flag in alot of locations and it is the home of Robert E Lee with 50 highschools baring his name sake. Two stars for the beautiful atlantic coast line i.e. Virginia Beach and the DC suburbs other than no other redeemable qualities. Oh it is green lol
by kaysarluvr
Fri Jul 20 2007Classic Southern hospitality, class, and wonderful, rich history & EXQUISITE food!
by muscleman268
Sat Jun 30 2007Virginia is a really good state in my opinion. Could be sort of boring for my taste to live all the time, but it seems to have a high quality of life if you want to raise a family, or it would have been a nice place to grow up in.
by yogurt
Mon Jun 18 2007Damn. I rated the wrong thing again. Stupid me.
by letsgoredskins_2006
Sat Jun 17 2006My home state. Greatest state in the union!
by dixie1202
Tue Apr 18 2006My rating is subdivided into 3 categories: DC:2 Hampton Roads:3 rest of the state:5 DC:More foreigners than locals, terrible traffic, not very safe but of course, all the history museums that you could want to see. Hampton Roads:VA beach can be fun as can Williamsburg but transplants are beginning to outnumber locals. The eastern shore is isolated and very southern but Chicoteague is worth seeing if you prefer a rustic beach. The Blue Ridge and Shenandoah Valley are beautiful and also retain a southern feel. Richmond is loaded with culture and has some friendly people and Roanoke is a nice mid-sized city. The far-west corner feels like a cross between TN and KY. A rule of thumb is the farther south and west one travels, the more southern and friendly the state becomes.
by zrekko
Tue Apr 18 2006Virginia outside of the DC area leaves much to be desired. Sure Williamsburg, Yorktown, Charlottsburg and Jamestown (The historical site) are very nice- however the state still has a strong 'confederate' history, and is too 'religous' and condemns those who are not. There is nothing of merit in this state culturally presently- except its long history. The state ranks very low in educational attainment, race relations, rights for gay and lesbian Americans, health care, and envirionment. It does rank first in religous zealotry. The future state of affairs in VA. is one of social and religous dogma that is extremist and scary. Washington, Jefferson and Madison would be horrified.
by acapellabella
Mon Apr 10 2006If it wasn't for the AWFUL traffic in northern Virginia I would have rated it a five. So much history, and I loved the Shenandoah valley with the charming towns and the Blue Ridge mountains-very nice, even if they're not spectacular like the western US. The people were wonderful, friendly and polite in every way and I saw few of the rebel flag, redneck, good ol' boys other reviewers mentioned.
by peterh1
Tue Apr 04 2006I am a native of Virginia and I hate it. I am not being disloyal I just don't fit in here. Virginia is way too conservative politically and narrow-minded. Virginia has a lot of religious right-wing assholes like pat robertson. Virginia has no ethnic or cultural diversity. I am going to college next year in the white plains, new york area which is a really great area. I will be staying on holidays and weekends with my uncle in stamford, connecticut which is a really great area is well. After college I will move to the new york/new jersey area which is a great area.
by hrpuffnstuff
Sun Mar 26 2006the one saving grace i think the state of virginia has is the scenery. i happen to live in manassas park virginia. in what i consider to be the ASSHOLE ! ! ! of prince william county. no i know how the native americans felt when the white man moved into their space. not to be racist or anything, but the spanish moving in here have honestly ruined the place. with their damn circus music and their all-around crappy attitude. they more or less think that they can treat people like crap, drive like maniacs, play their godawful music at 6 am on a sunday morning, let their kids run around out in the streets unsupervised, and drive down the property values in their old country, but they shouldn't be allowed to do it here.
by geog84
Tue Jan 24 2006A very nice diverse state, like Pennsylvania and New York. Rich in history, scenery, and sightseeing.
by sthrngnt
Tue Nov 15 2005A very nice state with terrific historical sites, good geographic diversity-coastal areas, the piedmont, the Blue Ridge mountains-and friendly people who possess that wonderful southern graciousness and warmth. Children here seem better mannered than most adults in other places I've lived. There are tons of smoking hot southern women who love to party and have a good time and who are genuinely nice people as well. Outstanding educational system at both the secondary and post-secondary level. Spring and Fall are wonderful, winters generally mild and tolerable, summers though are long, hot and humid. A number of the larger and medium sized cities have made the best places to live lists over the last few years. Good job opportunities, biotech in Richmond and high tech/dot com jobs in Northern Virginia. The northern part isn't without some negative aspects; horrendous traffic jams, and despite a top notch public school system, great parks and recreation, well funded libraries and cult... Read more
by jennystenson
Wed Nov 09 2005excellent. southern hospitality, beautiful scenery. lets just keep the northeasterners out with their backwards thinking. i love the southern hospitality that still exists in most areas.
by brickyard71
Tue Nov 08 2005I was born and raised in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. The state is a conservative state. However, In the Hampton Roads area, you will find many people who have lived in other states across the country and will add new perspectives to the atmosphere here. Still, if you happen to be more moderate or progressive as I am, you'll find it a bit fustrating at times. There are at least two main conservative AM "sister" stations. The alternative is NPR on FM. There are many music stations to choose from though, many of which are top urban stations. Pat Robertson's 700 club has a morning spot on an NBC station here (Norfolk area)...ick!!! In many neighborhoods, there is a church on every corner. If you are concerned about your fitness, it's more likely that you'll immediately find a McDonalds or a Chick-fil-A than a Bally's in some cities. My personal favorite time of the year here is autumn, when the leaves turn. It's very colorful. People here for the most part are friendly. Also, the... Read more
by southweststude_nt
Mon Oct 24 2005Love this state. People are friendly and there is so much to see. The lefties apparently don't like it, calling it backwards. I find the people very friendly and not preachy. You would expect a southern state that was founded by Christians to be Christian. I find that refreshing. Seems the lefties only want tollerance when it affects them, but are very intollerant themselves. Stay out of Virginia then. Leave it to us normal folks.
by melmorper
Thu Sep 29 2005I've traveled through and visited in Virginia many times, and each time love it more. The Blue Ridge mountains and skyline drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway are incredibly beautiful; and most people I have met subscribe to a more genteel way of life without sacrificing their backbone. Virginia gets slammed for being "too right winged." Well...for our open minded liberals who embrace the right to be different without ridicule, shouldn't you celebrate the "right winger's" right to be different from you?
by caphillsea77
Wed Aug 31 2005A beautiful state and an ideal vacation destination as there is lots to see and do here. Fascinating history and a lot of fun in the Williamsburg / Norfolk / Virginia Beach area. Driving over the Cheapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is an unforgettable experence and boating in this area is great. Shennandoah mountain area has some of the prettiest and most tranquil scenery in the east. I could never live in Virginia though, way too right wing.
by beachcomer
Tue Jul 12 2005Spent a week last summer in VA- visited the DC area, and the historic sites. Was impressed with northern VA- however the traffic is as bad as LA. Williamsburg was wonderful- the rest of the state from what I saw was very disappointing.
by kingguiness
Wed Jun 15 2005A nice big state with a lot of history. The Shenandoah Mountains are beautiful. We could have done without Dave Mathews though. That's the only blemish on this otherwise great State.
by outbacksun
Wed Jun 15 2005'Not every state can be like California' hmmm, well for a state with a long history with many distinquished figures- its really too bad most of this state has become a fanatical hotbed of religous nut cases and reactionary bigots.
by genghisthehun
Tue Jun 14 2005Genteel and friendly, but being ruined along I-95.
by thelynx
Fri Jun 10 2005Everything you need is here. And it's not backward. Not every state can be California.
by lion_in_winter
Thu May 26 2005The area near DC is a 3- the rest of the state while having the historic sites of Yorktown and Williamsburg is surprisingly backward.
by canadasucks
Thu Apr 14 2005Around the metro-DC area, 4 stars. (Fairfax and Arlington) A great collection of smart and hardworking people. (Although there is a level of pretentiousness) Outside of VA, it is pretty when you get into the mountains but there's not much culture. UVA and Williamsburg are very nice, however. A solid state top to bottom. The redneck-factor is a drag on the state, but doesn't prevent me from visiting.
by wolfie
Fri Mar 11 2005Virginia gets most of its economic and social stimuli from the DC area, and to a lessor degree the tidewater of Newport News and Virginia Beach- as well as Richmond- the remainder of this state is stuck in 1860 America or 21st century reactionary-take your pick.
by tauceti
Fri Feb 11 2005Would be rated higher- considering its lusterous history- what does reduce its stature in my opinion is the religous dogma of the southern parts of the state- scary.
by subaru7
Tue Jan 11 2005Rated too highly here at 18- there are better states then Virginia. Sure it has a long history, with some fine historic sites, and the birthplace of many of our presidents- however outside of the DC area- it remains a backwater of less then progressive values.
by spacewolf
Sun Dec 05 2004Virginia is two seperate geographic regions- the DC metro area (which is a good place to live-if you can put up with the traffic and costs) and the southern and central parts -which are very culturally different.
by celticprince
Sat Nov 27 2004The area near DC is nice- the rest of the state is bible belt reactionary- avoid! Nice scenary in the blue ridge, and the coast near Virginia Beach is ok.
by opinion585
Sat Oct 23 2004Pretty boring and useless, i drive through virginia a lot, about 4 times a year to be exact, when i am going back and forth from North Crapolina to New York (fortunetly i won't have to do that soon because i will be moving back to new york) it is just very dull, you never see people around, i drive through Richmond every time, and the city is just dead! I guess it has a lot of colonial history, but it think i would rather visit massachusets or maybe pennsylvania for that. OH YEAH AND INDIO70 IS WRONG, Richmond was deffinetly southern, from the few people that i actually saw around that dull city, all of them were southern, they had the southern accent, the pure hate for all things progressive, and were very ugly, yeah, that was the south, the 30 foot tall cigarette you see when driving in is proof enough!
by jenniferia
Wed Sep 29 2004if virginia has a lot of things to see and things to do, that's all well and good. but i hate it, because i had to drive through it twice to go from penna to texas, and it takes a farking eternity. i HATE virginia, because of its' odd shape. no valid reason here, move along.
by frogger20190
Tue Sep 14 2004We've got it all--beaches, mountains, rivers, bays, creeks, National Parks, cities--why would you want to live anywhere else? Northern VA is a mess-dock half a star for that area.
by glynee8a
Wed Aug 11 2004I'm prejudiced because I was born in VA, but I will agree with an earlier post-er that there are two Virginias...around MD/DC (where I also lived for 7 yrs and despised) and the rest of the state. Even Richmond is not that bad. Great for history (Charlottesville,Jamestown,Williamsburg,Richmond) and scenery (Saltville,Marion,Chilhowie,Mechanicsburg,Manassas) my pick would be southwestern Va where I was born in the Clinch Mts due to its bucolic in folk and musical heritage.
by bibliophile
Thu Jul 29 2004The western part of Virginia is gorgeous, with the Blue Ridge Mountains. This state is somewhat conservative, but much closer to moderate than pure conservative. Many people have mentioned that northern VA is a giant traffic jam. Highway 7 is indeed very bad during morning and evening rush hours. It's true that parts of northern VA are so built up that they are just plain ugly. But it is also important to remember that there are still many beautiful, rural parts of NoVa. And for those who would complain that VA isn't progressive, I agree for the most part. But NoVa does have one thing in its favor: it may be crowded, but this part of the state is politically progressive. VA is a great state for history lovers. And architecturally, Staunton is one of the most beautiful small towns I have ever seen.
by ladyshark4534
Mon Jun 28 2004I loved Virginia. I went there when I was nine years old. The colonial history sites are great. I remember Williamsburg fondly. It was really beautiful. There is history dating back to the 1700's in this wonderful place. So much of it. The hotel we stayed in was nice too.
by sld31879
Tue Jun 15 2004Charlottesville was recently decreed to be the best city in America and Roanoke and Lynchburg didn't do too badly on the survey either, and while I don't fully believe those sorts of things there is a grain of truth there. Central and Southwest Virginia are wonderful places to live (though there are some economic troubles here in Southwest). The scenery is some fo the most beautiful in the country, the cost of living is low, there're all sorts of historical cites, and we've one of the best public university systems in the U.S. Despite our reputation for conservatism the political climate is probably better described as moderate, especially by Southern standards. The only wart is Northern Virginia, and it's a big one. NoVa is a hole in my opinion, though if you like strip malls and traffic it's highly recommended. Also, home to the worst specimens of suburbanites I've come across. Entitled kids, parents who are absolutely terrified at the thought of living in the city, and the wors... Read more
by ac_pulaski
Tue Jun 01 2004I was born in Virginia 23 years ago, and Ive lived in Virginia for 23 years. That would make me a 23 year old person who has lived in this state all his life, and though I have never established residence in any other state, I would have to say that I am over all satisfied with Virginia. The cost of living is not all that high in Virginia. Taxes can get a little high when you live in large cities or medium sized towns. I have never been to northen Virginia, I have spend all my life here in the southwest part of the state, an area which has a wealth of history, scenery, and other eartly delights. There is a lot of national forest, and things to do for free outdoors. Generally the people are friendly here and the crime rate is pretty low. Occationally there will be a murder, kidnapping, etc here and there, but its nothing like LA from what I see on TV. This state seems to be really pulling through the recent economic crisis that the entire nation has been in during the last few years, ... Read more
by indio70
Tue Apr 13 2004Born and raised in Richmond, Virginia. Plenty to do in Northern Virginia, I like to take it in a weekend at a time, any more than that and I'm sick of the traffic and urban density. Virginia is the oldest English speaking bureaucracy on the western hemisphere I do believe. The Commonwealth knows how to tax. A lot of law enforcement. A poor place to rent (at least Richmond anyway). Virginia has great state highways and a lot to offer geographically. A pretty conservative place. Virginia Democrats are usually more conservative than some Republicans you might find elsewhere. I do not think I would rate VA so high if it were not my home state (there's no place like home). Good job opportunities in urban areas, not good at all in rural areas (like taking a step back in time). Great state universities. Mountains, beaches, urban and rural areas. High local taxes when compared with NC, but probably cheaper than going North. Rich in History. The real South is said to be South of the James River... Read more
by sundiszno
Thu Apr 08 2004Although I am not a Virginia native, I lived there for about thirty years, so my comments may be somewhat parochial. According to sme people, there are two Virginias, i.e., Northern Virginia (the counties close to DC and Maryland), and the rest of the state. Northern Virginia is booming and bustling, and shares some (but not all) of the negatives I have described for Maryland, chief among them being overbuilding and strain on the infrastructure. There are still some very tranquil places in Northern Virginia (places like Middleburg) that have resisted the urban sprawl. Old Town Alexandria is also a very interesting place. There is no lack of things to do in NoVa - plenty of shopping, cultural attractions, scenic attractions, etc. However, the downside is that things tend to be always crowded, and roads are oversubscribed, so to speak. The rest of Virginia has plenty to offer - plenty of historical sites, lots of beautiful scnery (Shenadoah Valley, Skyline Drive), places like Will... Read more
by scarletfeather
Thu Dec 18 2003My brother lived in Virginia a few years and I visited him there a couple of times. He lived in a historic neighborhood, and I enjoyed just walking down the street viewing the 200-year-old structures. (Having lived most of my life in newer states, this impressed me). There seems to be a lot to do here, and I wish I had had the opportunity to see Monticello and Colonial Williamsburg. I have heard Virginians complain about the high cost of living, but look what they are getting in return.
by redoedo
Sun Apr 20 2003POSTIVE ATTRIBUTES: A great place for any American history buff to visit. This state was one of the most important states during the American Revolution and there are so many things to see throughout the states. The western part of the state is my favorite- that long stretch on I-81 where you encounter mountaineous beauty and friendly folks. I also very much enjoy going to my grandfather's cabin which is located in Northeastern Virginia by the bay- really one of the most natural states left around. NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES: I-95 from Richmond to DC has got to be one of the worst highways in this country to travel on. It seems that the traffic jams never end.
by golgo_thirteen
Tue Nov 26 2002A fine, fine state.
by rustyfe0
Tue Oct 23 2001Chock full of history. Patriotic and chivalrous. Shows its redneck roots from time to time, especially when outsiders question her addiction to the tobacco industry. (Similar to Kentucky in that regard.) School systems are OK. Universities are decent. I can get there from New York in less than a day, so I would have reason to visit. Richmond has become just another Yankee megalopolis. The Tidewater region and Williamsburg are too tourist-y, and I strongly suggest staying away from Virginia Beach and Newport News...they were alleged targets for terrorism because of the naval presence and its stockyards. I prefer Dansville, Staunton, and places in the western part of the state, where it's more rustic and less infested with tourists. All told, it's an OK state, but I wouldn't live there.
by e2bug0ad
Sat Jun 02 2001Stationed here in Virginia Beach for the last four years. My impression is overcrowded, over priced, over-taxed and unfriendly. Terrible beaches. Consistent bad weather. Between Norfolk and DC is the WORST traffic and drivers in the state. Virginia's saving grace is the western "mountain-y" side with good people and nice countryside.
by edith84d
Fri Mar 16 2001I have lived in Northren Va. for 7 years now. Yeah is pretty, clean, with lots to see, but with the worst drivers in the country. I know the roads need to be expanded, and that there is a lot of consruction. What is the excuse when 4 rain drops fall from the sky and no one will move. The rules of driving are real simple. 1.SLOW TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT!!!!! Dont get in the fast lane(which by the way is the far left) and do 50. 2. If some gets behind you and flashes their lights it means MOVE!! 3. There is no need to come to a stop when merging. 4. If someone has their blinker on it means they need to get over. Hey Maryland the same rules apply to you
by pooroldedgarde_rby
Tue Oct 17 2000I'm gonna slap Virginia with a big old PoorOldEdgarDerby 3 spot. I've had a lot of good times in Virginia and I think the Western part of the state, and the way out to the western part are very pretty with rolling hills and meadows. If you're on the coast you've close to DC (a great city) and near to Annapolis as well (a nice place to walk around) There are, obviously, a lot of historical sites which are great for sight seeing. However, the traffic in the eastern part of the state is unbelieveable, and the heat, at least for me, is unbearable. Due to these factors Virginia is stuck in the middle, I enjoyed my time there but I wouldn't want to live there again.