Vin Diesel

Approval Rate: 72%

72%Approval ratio

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    Tue Dec 04 2012

    I usually enjoy watching his movies but he's just not quite all that i want from an actor. Perhaps if he spent a litte less time in the gym but maybe he's not so bad for a body-builder afterall. The speech impediment takes away from any attraction i may have for him. There is something about his sense of humor and that tuff, military dominance that does do well for him though.

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    Mon Sep 04 2006

    He's simply the best.

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    Thu Jan 19 2006

    In my eyes vin diesel shines.As a man and as an actor every move he makes reflects his intelligence and heart for doing the things in life that make him happy.He was determined to make his talent known to the world. His performances are flawless for every character he portrays.I know his future is bright and beautiful.Vin Diesel is the definition of every beautiful word that exists. I admire him with everything that is me.

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    Wed Jul 27 2005

    I think that vin diesel is a very good actor and writer. i also think he is very hott. he looks ruff but guys are hott like that. hes good in movies where he is a bad guy. not like pacifier.

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    vin is the most amazing actor, producer and writer alive. if he goes any more up the celebrity ladder he will be popping his head outta the clouds. not only is he intellegent but he is equally sexy and as for that voice of his....all he has to do is growl and women will have orgasms!!! so if u happen to read this vin....keep up the good work!!!

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    Thu Jul 07 2005

    eu sou brasileira e apesar de no Brasil o trabalho de Vin naum ser muito divulgado, penso que ele eh simplesmente tudo de bom! No filme operacao baba deixou um pouco a desejar, o roteiro, mas mostrou o que tem de melhor, seu charme, musculos.....

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    Sat Apr 23 2005

    Another sexy.. GREAT ACTOR!

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    Tue Apr 05 2005

    When you watch one of his first movies, you can see so much potential. If he only had been able to stay away from the Cohens and Twohys of Hollywood. Oh, well.. ** deep, sad sigh *** I like his looks, too, in my book all men should look a little rugged, not Ken dolls.

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    Fri Mar 11 2005

    His real name is Mark Vincent. He is from Ny, NY. He had a rough life growing up like we all did. He has a mother who loves him and he loves her. Does one or two movies decide what kind of man he is? As an actor he is good, as a man he is great. Too be so devoted to your family and to you job is not an easy task. He has men and women chasing him and drooling on him. Give this man a chase to catch up. His life has went from totally private to being everyones business. How would you like if we all judged you based on your looks and on a couple movies.

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    Sat Mar 05 2005

    To me, he really isn't an actor. He's just a big, strong dude who looks like he can fight. I saw Pitch Black and was not at all impressed. More of an image than an actor.

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    Mon Feb 21 2005

    He looks like a beast. He can't act at all either.

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    Thu Feb 03 2005

    I liked him at first, but now he is stuck in one type of role. He has no versatility.

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    Thu Jan 27 2005

    I think that Vin Diesel is sexy and he has just not had the chance to have a really good role. You'll see one day.

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    Fri Jan 21 2005

    I'm giving him 5 stars just for the spite of every negative arsehole comment made. True...he is hot. I think the man COULD act, if he weren't already the new token action star. I'd love to see him give it his all in a serious drama. If he fails, so be it.....he's still fun to watch.

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    Mon Jan 10 2005

    Vin Diesel is hot!! Anyone who says different is just flat out jealous. He is a great actor...what you see is what you get. Plain and simple!

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    Wed Dec 22 2004

    as a respected member of a small english community, i jordan hall, no middle name, can say with confidence and gusto that most people in my small community all feel that this hottie is not hot at all. i may sue for false advertising. he's filthy gorgeous. how do u eat yours, eh, eh?

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    Mon Dec 06 2004

    I have watched all of Vin's movies and I think he has the talent to go very far in films. It's had to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys. In other words, it's the script that makes or breaks an actor. Of course, I should qualify this by saying that I love sci-fi. He's not a cutesy guy like Affleck or Pitt, but I still think he's too cool!!!! He stays out of the limelight, unlike so many actors. It's hard for us fans to find new info on him. You're still COOL Vin.

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    Sat Dec 04 2004

    Vin Diesel is a great actor, director, and producer. God Bless him.

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    Sun Nov 21 2004

    I think he does a great job in big time action roles, as well as adding some of his movie-making talent to the script. I hear that Chronicles of Riddick didn't do too well in the box office, and his sequels to Chronicles won't release unless it sells well on DVD.

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    Tue Aug 17 2004

    I think guys that talk trash about Vin, are just jealous of him because so many women want Vin and not them.

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    Thu Aug 12 2004

    Vin Diesel is a great actor, writer, director, producer, who has worked hard to get where he is and i applaud him for the job he is doing. Keep up the great job Vin! We ladies at love you.

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    Tue Aug 10 2004

    Vin Deisel is just a good an actor as Stallone or Schwartzenegger (sp?) or any other action actor. Difference is his bad boy attitude. Sometimes the inner self comes out, but you have to watch hard. He is just pure entertainment..nice to look at and to listen to. Just like those that came before him. All the men say he sucks...oh, and all the female sex symbol stars are oscar winners?

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    Tue Aug 10 2004

    I hate women and their BS ratings. They don't know anything anyways, so it's not like I expected any better of them. I don't wanna hear anything about sexism. If men were stupid, I'd say something about that. But we're not, so lick em.

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    Sat Jul 31 2004

    To say that Vin Diesel is a COMPLETELY horrible actor is a misguided statement. He actually has had some good performances (Saving Private Ryan, Boiler Room). It's when Vin goes into a leading role where he is just horrific. If he wants to be taken seriously among other actors, I think he should just stay with his supporting roles as he isn't proven to carry a movie with his acting abilities.

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    Mon Jun 28 2004

    He is over rated. He gets the attention because of his mean, hard looks. He can't act worth a crap.

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    Sat Jun 12 2004

    i think vin is one of the best actor i have ever seen..i can sit through all his movies over and over and still feel the same way bout him..not to metion that i think hes the sexiest man on earth..his voice drives me crazy..everyone has their own opinion and theses are mine

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    Thu Jun 03 2004

    What a HORRIBLE ACTOR, plus he is not remotely good looking.... he is a bit too....hmmm...weird

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    Wed May 26 2004


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    Sat May 08 2004

    Has all the depth of character, elocution, and acting ability of a shaved ape. How this man makes movies that people go see is beyond me. Then again most movie goers have the IQ OF a shaved ape, so I guess that explains his success.

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    Wed Apr 21 2004

    I love vin because he is soooo hot!!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Mar 05 2004

    his greatest work was in the iron giant

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    Sun Jan 04 2004

    Gees. Give me a break. I read some of the reviews for this guy and 90% were believable except for the girls that got on here and gave him five stars. Their main reasons being he's hot. Yikes, I'm a girl and I don't think I would classify that waste of film as hot.

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    Fri Dec 19 2003

    Many have stated that Vin could be the next action star. If they're refering to all the generic, mind numbing, corny standards that make up the bad qualities of some action stars, they're right. He is flat when it comes to his characters having any life an emmotion. HE also likes to shoot out those corny catch phrases (most evident in XXX.....and that movier was suppose to issue in the new brand to spy that's better than James Bond...YEAH RIGHT!!!!). Vin needs a lot of improving and fast.

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    Sun Oct 05 2003

    He reminds me of the jocks back in the high school days, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. In his case however it is ! He is not very talented...poor guy.....

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    Sat Oct 04 2003

    NOT hot at all. I don't understand all the hype about this guy.

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    Thu Sep 04 2003

    No hit wonder

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    Fri Aug 29 2003

    Bald Men RULE!

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    Wed Aug 13 2003

    This guy looks like a muppet! I enjoyed The Fast and the Furious, but not because of him. He mostly just grossed me out and annoyed me, but I didn't despise him yet. After sitting through XXX, I can officially say I will never see another movie with this guy in it.

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    Tue Jul 29 2003 word...WOW...this guy is TOTALLY HOT....I dont really care about the actinghe does in his movies...goshness...I just like looking at could have him dancing around in a little flowered-dress dancing to an Arabian song and he would STILL look HOT....5 STARS FOR THE HOTNESS......grrrrrowl!!!!

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    Sat Jul 26 2003

    He only gets two stars because he has a likeable persona. His acting skills are nonexistent, and with some heavy gym time almost any dude can be just as beefcake as he is.

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    Mon Jun 30 2003

    Wow, Vin Diesel at the very bottom... I guess this site does have some potential after all. Now all we have to do is to remove all those idiots who give great talents like Sean Penn and co. 1 star because of their politics, and we might have a decent site here.

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    Sat Jun 21 2003

    one of the world's greatest! forget pacino, bogart, hoffman....they got nothing on this guy!!!

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    Tue Jun 17 2003

    Fangboner.Fangboner.Fangboner. Kitchen Utensil. Nipples Like Hambones. If I wanted to learn to be a date rapist, I would ask him.Guacamole. Boner. Stinknugget. Love Salve. Ball seam muncher. Nuttie Nibbler. Johnny McNickle-Shwab.

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    Tue Jun 17 2003

    He is soo damn sexy but not a really good actor i mean XXX was good and his other movies r ok, but lets face the facts he only a hottie wita body and nothing else and never will be ne thing else, sorry all you Vin Diesel's lovers, but he just be all looks :(

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    Mon Jun 16 2003

    Oh, come on, he's not THAT bad. He's still not good either, but he still deserves to be higher on the Current Actors list than Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, Keanu Reeves, Freddy Prinze Jr, Haley Joel Osment, and Mike Myers.

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    Sun May 11 2003

    I haven't seen him play ANYTHING but the badass in any of his films, and I really can't imagine him playing anything else. Don't get me wrong, I think that he's a good action star, but lets hope he sticks to his forte and doesn't attempt to branch out. I'd boycott any drama starring Vin Diesel.

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    Sun May 04 2003

    Not a very good actor but definitely creates entertaining movies that require no intellect to follow. I don't think anyone even knew who he was until he took off his shirt in FF. Ever since then we've been seeing much more of his skin. It's great to finally see a man being so obviously "used" for his looks. He's old, so I don't think it'll last too long. VD take them for every dime you can.