Approval Rate: 75%
Reviews 7
by castlebee
Fri May 29 2009I’d really like to know why it is that the general public seems to so enjoy clinging to some whatever-opinion-is-in-vogue-at-the-time notion of the military. It’s as if the actual truth just never really works for them and they have to mold the people in uniform into either a likeness fit to burn in effigy or a little charm to be strung on a silver chain and worn around their necks. It’s just weird. Without downplaying the importance of the military to national security, the high risk factor involved in many of the jobs or the long term commitments many service people make – I really think a lot of folks need to do a reality check when it comes to the people the services employ. Growing up in the late 60’s I saw soldiers and sailors maligned and ill treated to a shameful point during Viet Nam…as if the entire mess were actually the fault of the 19 and early 20-somethings that were sent there to fight rather than the politicians sitting around DC with their thumbs up their ying yan... Read more
by genghisthehun
Sun Jan 11 2009ROTC was as far as I ever got. I was drafted but lucked out and finally was not inducted. This was in 1968 during the Tet Offensive. The army by then was concentrating on taking younger people. I was 26 years old when I was drafted, and I had seven years of college. The army wanted 18 and 19 year olds who hadn't been infected by higher ed.
by lmorovan
Sat Apr 12 2008I speak on behalf of one of my sons who is serving in the Army. Veterans deserve the utmost respect and admiration for their selfless service and sacrifice. I wish they were treated and cared for as they deserve. We owe them so much...
by twansalem
Sun Feb 17 2008I respect everything that veterans have done for this country. But since this list is to be rated by whether you fit into the respective group, and I am not a veteran, and never will be unless the draft is reinstated and they increase the age limit, I must rate this a 1.
by donovan
Sun Feb 17 2008I regret not serving my country in the military. I have served in other ways by my career choices but I did not wear the uniform of the brave soldiers, sailors, airman or Marines. My dad was in the Navy and my son was in the Marines (now serving in the Army National Guard). God bless our military!
by james76255
Sat Feb 16 2008Yes, but I'm just a twig on the mighty oak. If I'm going to post a link for emphasis, I'm going to post one worth posting.
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Feb 15 2008numbah is an NCO, even. (IS, not was. Marines never really leave) I know, the thought of numbah as a leader of Marines scares me too...