Verizon FIOS

Approval Rate: 61%

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    Mon Dec 13 2010

    Verizon has the best cable TV product that I know of. It's not cheap, but it is competitive and can be a bargain if purchased as part of a triple-play package -- phone, Internet (also excellent), and TV. We have two receiver boxes (a digital box and an HDTV DVR). Picture quality is superb, and the range of choices is excellent. Verizon's media DVR works like a charm and enables us to record up to three shows at once. If we has more TV sets, we could watch three different shows in three different parts of the house simultaneously. Of course, anyone who does that watches entirely too much TV. Problems are rare, but Verizon reps deal with them promptly when they arise. Verizon's weakest link is its billing department. Four years ago, when we first got FiOS, we had a billing problem that took months to straighten out. Verizon hasn't seemed to have improved much in that regard. The automated phone menu is another weak liink. It is handled by a machine whom I have dubbed "Miss Ch... Read more

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    Thu Feb 18 2010

    Verizon FIOS' customer service department is the worst I have ever come across. They renewed my contract for another year unbenownst to me even though I explicitly told them I did not want to make any change that would renew my contract. To get that resolved took several hours on the phone -- only to get a "permanent note" on my file that my contract actually expires in 6/10 rather than 1/11 even though technically my contract expires on 1/11. What is that about?! I have zero faith that this will resolve the problem and they refused to provide anything in writing. Then they signed me up for a "free trial" of HBO/Cinemax without even a mention to me --and of course I would have been billed if I had not discovered this and cancelled by the free trial expiration period. DO NOT rely on the customer service reps to actually do their job - if you call back to confirm (which I think is a must when dealing with FIOS), nine times out of ten you will discover that the issue has not been re... Read more

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    Tue Oct 20 2009

    Switched to Verizon to "save money"... Salesman said I could cancel in 30 days, no early termination fee. Wasn't happy with the picture quality ( we have a home theater projector) and the technician couldnt get it hooked up with HD. When I called in to cancel, the CS kept telling me I couldn't cancel for another 4 days because I had an order with Cablevision. When I called back 4 days later to cancel, they told me there would be an early termination fee of $200.00. and that the policy was in fact 15 days. Buyer Beware, it's all in fine print. Would never touch anything Verizon ever again... Verizon is the MCI of the 21st century.

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    Sat Aug 08 2009

    Verizon has the worst Customer Service I have EVER encountered. Their billing department is extremely inefficient. Don't even try to get matters straightened out, it only complicates your original problem, causing a lot of unnecessary anguish. Even the ATTORNEY GENERAL in our state can't get results. We are Forced to use Verizon FIOS due to a contract the builder entered into. Verizon knows this and treats it's Customers like dirt! Verizon's practices are deplorable! If you don't HAVE to use this company....Don't even CONSIDER it! I would give them 0 stars if I could. Ms. Morse...get your act together!

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    Tue Aug 04 2009

    I've had Verizon FIOS for 2 years now and it has been fantastic. The TV service is very good, lots of HD channels, great selection of On-demand videos, and everything you need. The remote and hd receiver works so much faster than the Comcast/Cablevision/Optimum I had before. I also have home phone with unlimited calls and high speed internet (20mb/5mb). I had received a LCD TV (Sharp with DVD combo) when I subscribed to their service. Initially it took them forever to come and set-up the whole thing and I was without any service for over 2 months, but they send me the free TV and a $200 Best Buy gift card. Once it was set up I never had any issues. Later after one year, I had some problems with the home phone service. A technician came and fixed it, in fact he re-wired all the connections and now I can make/receive phone calls with crystal clarity. I won't switch to any other service provider. Internet is fast, always up and lots of features. I can check voice mail and track calls fro... Read more

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    Wed Jul 29 2009

    The TV experience is great. I love the channel selections and clarity. Verizon's service on a scale of 1 to 10 gets a zero. Verizon is the most dysfunctional company in the United States of America!!!! I had wiring trouble and was told that a technician was to come to my home to repair it on a certain date and one came. I called and I was told that someone would come the next one came. I called each day and they assured me that someone was "on their way"..... and no one EVER came. In the meantime, every time I called, they tried to sell me some add on feature. Here I am, an irate customer who has had it with Verizon service, and they are trying to sell me something.....unbelievable. They need to discontinue calling their department "Customer Service." They have none. It is NEVER about the customer. If you haven't switched to Verizon, DON'T do it!! Carmen in Tampa, FL

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    Sat Apr 04 2009

    FiOS Wins. I have read many of the other comments on reviews in this site and if you listened to anyone, you would not have anything. It is either that people who have negative experiences write reviews here or the ones that have great experiences never need to write one. After having about every type of ISP provider, FiOS wins. I am completely satisfied with the total experience and unlike the person who complains about the bill, it was clarified that the first bill would be combined with the next month bill when you get it installed during a month. The installation was painless and my internet download speeds are clocking in at around those of a T2 line. It is the fastest speed I have ever had at home. I love it! The TV experience is also awesome. I got the double play and have bundled TV and Internet and both are exceeding my expectations. The wireless AP that is provided is performing well throughout my house (even better than my Linksys router). Placing FiOS in a category c... Read more

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    Mon Jan 26 2009

    Verizon Fios isn't bad. Internet is fast, and a great selection of channels. The biggest issue customers have is the customer service and their constant sneakiness and lies. The first incident a verizon fios guy came to our doorstep asking innocent questions about our current cable provider. Then he ended the conversation by telling my mom to sign a piece of paper to say that he came by and talked to us. Well guess what, he tricked her into signing the papers even when he insured her he wasn't trying to dupe her. We get a phone call a week later and this lady is saying the verizon fios guy will be installing fios in your house next week. WTH? We canceled the appointment and realized that paper my mom signed was confirming that we wanted verizon fios installed. He lied to my mom. Second, after contemplating for a month we decided to go ahead and get fios for our tv, phone and internet. The guy was in and out in a heart beat, he also left w/out telling us and he didn't make us sign any... Read more

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    Sat Jan 10 2009

    God help you if you need to ask a question, change your service, or have a broken set top box. There is NOWHERE to go. You can sit on the phone for an hour, talk with someone clear across the US who agrees you need a new box. Then you cannot find any way to actually get the box without a service call ($75 charge) and a day off work to wait. The picture is fine. The Internet service is not a problem -- as long as you do not want to use the Verizon website. It is the worst organized, most arcane, and least workable site imaginable. More than two of three times the option you want (view your bill, view your services, change a service, even ADD a service) is "not available at this time." You basically cannot do anything online except schedule duplicate payments (and good luck getting anyone to recognize that and refund the duplicate). If the other services were not so bad, I'd tell you to go anywhere. But read everyone else's comments. I know TimeWarner has five retail outlets within... Read more

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    Sun Dec 28 2008

    best picture quality, over 100 HD channels

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    Tue Nov 04 2008

    The worst thing about Verizon broadband is their customer service. First when i signed up they said that my first month would be free. Next i never received my first bill in mail and when i called them i was already a week late for payment. I had to pay it any way so i paid it but my point is it was misleading to tell me my first month would be free. That was the only reason i signed up with verizon cuz TWC didnt give any month free. Then i tried to pay my bill online but it wouldnt let me sign it. I call verizon and i got screwed because sometime they tell me to call at a business department and sometime at financial or tech support. I called them all and they transfer my call to costumer service and they again tell to call back at the same places. guys i tell you verizon products may be the better one but their customer service is the worst i have ever seen. I would never recommend verizon fios to any body.

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    I really don't understand at everyones deal is with FiOS. I live in Rhode Island and I think that FiOS is a tenthfold better than Cox or DirecTV. The internet is flawless, the HD is great on my TV, and the phone service is awesome. The only downside is that there are some hidden charges and it is fairly new. Verizon needs some time to get experience in TV and Internet Customer Service and Record keeping.

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    Fri Aug 29 2008

    I hate Fios. The remote control is too complicated to operate. Whenever I pick up the remote & point it to the TV, my 18 month old granddaughter says "oh, damn it," because she knows I am going to start cussing because I won't be able to get the d--- tv stations to come on!!!! What is the problem??? Are the buttons on the remote control too d--- small & they are accidently being pushed & screwing up the f------ box?

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    Thu Jul 10 2008

    Unfortunately we are a Verizon Total Package customer (Internet, Telephone and TV) in Pennsylvania. This company does not come remotely close to offering anything it promises, and seems to have significant problems in its record keeping systems ... one part of the organization apparently does not communicate with the others. We reported unclear TV pictures over a week ago and are still awaiting correction. Worse, the trouble ticket which was supposedly initiated after the first call was closed the next day, with no follow-up to determine if the problem still existed prior to closing the ticket. When someone finally called, an appointment was scheduled for the next day between 1pm and 5pm. No one showed up and no one called to reschedule. When I called Verizon Technical Support I spent almost 15 minutes trying to reach someone who could address why no one had shown up, only to be told that all representatives were busy and that my call would be returned in approximately 9 minutes.... Read more

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    Mon Apr 28 2008

    I called Verizon FIOS to order phone, internet, and cable prior to my move in. My Consumer Order Summary was dated3-28-084-7-088 AMnoonONTALL1:30 PM4-12-08ONTONTDSLHerndonVA

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    Sat Sep 01 2007

    Very fast. Good service. No outages (knock on wood).

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    Thu Aug 30 2007

    Unlike DirecTV, the Verizon folks seem well intended, but they can't get out of their own way.  They have a deal for $94.99 a month that includes all their services, but you have to call them every single month to get the bill straight.  Once they even charged me an early termination fee because Verizon had not updated all my services, so I didn't get the promotion, so Verizon stopped the old service and started the new one again.  You get on the phone, hold for a half hour, then all the service reps go home and you do the same thing the next day.  You'd think these big, fat rich companies could figure out how to send a bill, but it's rocket science to them.  Great service, nice people when you get to talk with them, but their billing still sucks.

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    Fri May 18 2007

    Can't give this five stars as there is a naggingly frequent requirement to reboot the cable boxes as picture and sound reception problems creep in. Excellent value. Excellent picture quality and HD reception (except for previously mentioned cable box issues). I have the HD DVR and it and the related software are pretty good. I do wish the DVR didn't record commercials - like I hear TIVO does. But, this service is good overall (no weather interruptions like the dish) and the internet is faster by a significant margin over cable. Offer substantial amount of free content as well - past episodes of popular shows pre-recorded for example, and a huge PPV movie selection.

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    Fri Mar 16 2007

    Awful company. Long story short there was an issue with me getting locked out of my e mail for no reason. That was months ago and still they havent fixed it!

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    Fri Oct 27 2006

    absolutely love it! speed is incredible and no service issues

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    Fri Oct 27 2006

    I am a fiber splicer for Verizon. If your looking for speed and quality service. Look no further.