
Approval Rate: 89%

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    Sun Jun 08 2008

    Most judmental place EVER!

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    Utah is amazing!  Zion National Park is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.  There are so many stunning national parks, you can't fit them all in in a single visit to Utah.  Some of the greatest scenic drives I've ever done, as well.  The only thing I didn't like about Utah is that the alcohol content in beer is restricted.

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    Fri Apr 13 2007

    Beautiful state. Wacky people!

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    Fri Oct 06 2006

    Beautiful state, wonderful people!

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    I did not get to spend much time there to form a strong opinion,but there is some breathtaking views of wilderness to be seen at the "scenic overlooks".Prices for meals and rooms were reasonable,and the quality of service was good.

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    Wed Jan 18 2006

    The scenary and physical environment is inspiring. The air is invigorating-great skiing- But Alas 'Paradise found' as what Brigham Young called it- is anything but this culturally. Repressive and severely regressive. Like living in a cement box- Paradise? Hardly.

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    Sat Jan 14 2006

    I'm sick of seeing racious comments that relate Utah to Mormons. Yes there's Mormons here; but where isn't there? You generalize by saying we are crude and barbaric. Don't blame the religion for the peoples actions. Thats like blaming a 23 year old mans mother for his peturbing behavior. Utah has some of the greatest scenery there is, and I loved visiting it.

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    It has some nice sights, but where do you get a drink?

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    It may come as a surprise to people that only 10% of Mormons actually live in Utah. Therefore, it is the society IN GENERAL that causes me to give this state 4 stars instead of 5. People have been "mean" to me there because I was from California, and they weren't necessarily Mormon. The scenery is gorgeous, and people actually take time to smile at you when you walk down the street, but they can be a little close-minded although I don't think it has anything to do with the promiment religion there. There are plenty of overly-conservative states in the US and it doesn't translate to religion. Plus, I never got down on a people for expressing something they believe as long as it was good and worthwhile. I think all those who rate Utah with negatively based on the LDS religion for being too "close-minded" have a narrow mind themselves.

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    Wed Jul 20 2005

    I've only been there once, but I'm never going back. Yes, it is beautiful. No doubt about that. But the people are not friendly and they are very close-minded. I wouldn't call them racist, or anything like that, But they definitely stereotype anyone who isn't a native. You get a sense that they don't want you there. I didn't like that. OH! And by the way, Kar54...What makes you think that a diverse town is one that has to have crime ridden pockets of filth and is unsafe(as you said). You are exactly the kind of Utah resident I was talking about! You are completely ignorant,intolerant, and paranoid like half the other residents of this state! Do us all a favor and never move out of it!

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    Wed Jul 13 2005

    OK people lets set aside conservative politics and the mormons and take into consideration that Utah is one of the most beautiful and scenic states in the country. There is so much varied terrain here from Rocky mountain peaks, world class ski resorts, desert valleys and mesa's. This state is just packed with spectacular scenery all over including some of this country's finest national parks. I realize that Salt Lake City sucks and that there are some backwards people here, but don't dismiss the state of Utah for those reasons.

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    Tue Jul 12 2005

    Whwn I lived in CA- I used to go through this state on a semi regular basis. The scenary is stunning- the SLC area is very beautiful, while the southern part of the state is bleak but colorful- there is no doubt that the natural wonders of this state are great. The big negative is the social culture- and its very conservative, intolerant and very repressive orientation. The people for the most part are paranoid and fearful and very judgemental of outsiders and diversity. Not my idea of a fun life.

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    Setting aside the culture, (because I just want to rate the state) Utah is a gorgeous state. Southern Utah is filled with many National Parks including Zions, Bryce, Arches, Canyonlands, and Capitol Reef, and that doesn't even include the National Monuments. Southern Utah has a very unique geography that is hard to match. The state is in the midst of the Rocky Mountains which are beautiful and exciting to ski, snowboard, and hike. This is a naturally beautiful state.

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    Wed Jun 15 2005

    I have flown over Utah and spent time in the SLC airport it looks nice and there appears to be a culture clash between the established mormon population and the heretic masses moving in from everywhere. Based on my research you can have fun in Utah if you seek it out. There are plenty of repressed frustrated Utah Women ready to rebel against their silly Mormon faith and upbringing.

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    Tue May 31 2005

    Amazing how people still rant about Mormons. Suppose someone commented about Jews in New York. That would be considered insensitive and mean spirited. Because Mormons are mostly white Europeans, they are considered fair game. Say what you will, I lived is SLC for 15 years (Im Catholic) and have never lived in a more beautiful, vibrant and serine setting. I guess to have culture, first you must be diverse (code word for anything non-white), have crime ridden pockets of filth, support sodomy, be anti-Christian and hate America. Its amazing to see how open minded tolerant people view others who dont subscribe to their lifestyles. Bottom line If you are a family person, looking for a good place to rear your children, this is the place! And thank you lion, you make the point for me. You're a clear example of what tolerance means in liberal-speak. You only have tolerance for those whose opinions are in lock-step with yours. What an ass.

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    Fri May 27 2005

    The State of Utah has some wonderful natural geologic beauty that has been spoke of here- the human culture and over all society do not make out as well. The mormons as a group sorry to say live a closed cultural envirionment that seems to be exclusionary and not trustful of outsiders.

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    Fri May 27 2005

    to kar54 your concepts on diversity are rather 'Utah' to say the least. I would suggest you look at northern New England which is mostly white and rural but also very liberal and tolerant of 'different' cultures and lifestyles- or in Connecticut-which is 75% white- but still has incredible diversity- and has passed civil rights for gay couples to unite in civil unions- are all 'tolerant and diverse' places dirty crime infested rat holes? Hardly- your narrow and bigoted and fear driven essay speaks for itself OF what Utah truly is- a fearful paranoid driven culture with incredible intolerance and backwardness to progressive ideas. If you want to live in a 'safe' place, that is basically intolerant and very regressive-plus lead a life of uniform blandness perhaps Utah is your kind of place.

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    Mon May 16 2005

    In terms of scenery, this state is gorgeous, with two absolutely beautiful national parks in the southern section (Bryce and Zion.) Salt Lake City is a pretty city as well. The biggest problem, as so many people have pointed out, is the politics. There's a certain sense of feeling unwelcome, as a visitor - especially in Salt Lake City - that is very disturbing.

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    Thu Mar 17 2005

    Utah should leave the union- as should many other of the RED STATES- it remains 100 years or more in the past socially.

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    Thu Mar 17 2005

    Southern Utah is beautiful with breathtaking views in a rural setting, however, Salt Lake City is a cultural wasteland, a religously oppressed city with nothing going on. The Great Salt Lake is one of the most repulsive bodies of water I have experience, plus it has a lingering stench.

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    Fri Mar 11 2005

    Dear AEenzRU What in your opinion gives Mormons the right to judge other peoples 'values'? What gives any 'red state'-like Utah to judge anyones morals- Just curious. I would agree with you on the states interesting physical geography- I however find your concepts on 'family' and 'moral values' to be rather subjective and narrow. Therefore the opinions expressed here thus far on the 'Mormon Culture' have some objective validity- the state sadly to say deserves this low rating- not based on its physical prowess- but its strangling closeted fearful culture.

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    Mon Mar 07 2005

    There isn't a place on earth with Utah's varied geography and natural splendor. In some areas, within a 50 mile radius, one can visit a heavily pine tree-forest mountain with an elevation of 10,000 feet above sea level, travel to no less than two National Parks with canyons that are no less majestic than the Grand Canyon, visit a vast sand dunes area, and visit a Joshua Tree forest, then head out into open desert buttes and mesas some of which have miles of red rock and sand reminiscent of Martian landscapes. There is so much varied geography, within such a little diameter of miles, that it's pathetic. There may not be big cities in Utah or other attractions for for sheer natural wilderness and wilderness-related activities, it beats the hell out of 95% of every other state. You can't disagree with that, unless you're a dolt. Also, I really don't understand the anti-Mormon sentiment from other reviewers. I don't know of any people that have higher morals or better family values -... Read more

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    Tue Mar 01 2005

    arch conservative morman culture- blind and hypocritical to the enth degree. Nice scenary- but stark and stifling- do not consider living here unless you have to because of a job transfer- you will feel like you are gasping for air in a sea of intolerance.

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    Sun Feb 20 2005

    Utah is a lovely place to visit, but don't even think about moving here. It has no charm or sophistication, and the only redeeming factor is the skiing (which is awesome, but why not just plan a ski trip here once a year?). I'm dying to get out of here but can't. I'm stuck.

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    Wed Nov 03 2004

    Interesting geography- deserts and valleys and mountain ranges. Great vistas- but the culture is right wing conservative and strangling- out of touch with a multi cultural world and nation.

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    Sun Oct 31 2004

    Mormans think they are the only christians that exist, come down to earth, the rest of the branches are just as good! And salt lake city sucks!

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    Tue Oct 05 2004

    This place has beautiful scenery, but the politics can be quite irritating. The Mormon-influenced laws can be irritating and ridiculous, but the demographics are changing and places like Twin Peaks, Gobblers Knob, Capital Reef, and Escalante make it worthwhile. Plus, cost of living is relatively low, traffic moves well, SLC is quite clean, and the airport is only 10-20 minutes from downtown.

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    Sun Sep 12 2004

    Utah is inhabited by the dumbest people alive. Great geography.

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    Sun Apr 04 2004

    best scenary!

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    Thu Feb 26 2004

    I love this place. It is deffintley a beautiful state. From the moutains to the deserts it has it all for the outdoorsman. Plus some of the best white water river rafting you can find. Can you say Cataract Canyon. WOOHOOO! Did I meantion it was beautiful. Check out Goblin Valley this place rocks!!

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    Mon Jul 28 2003

    Utah is one of those places that I have a hard time putting into words. But overall the state is beautiful, but everything else is inbetween. 1/2 the people are great, but the other 1/2 suck. Salt Lake City is probably one of the cleanest cities in America. But the laws are way too strict.

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    Mon Dec 30 2002

    Absolutely gorgeous, affordable destination with a variety of attractions. Outdoor opportunties about all over the state - it contains five national parks, the Great Salt Lake, numerous reservoirs, and countless hiking paths. Salt Lake City is a pedestrian and car friendly urban area with great shopping at the Galleria and on Main Street. Park City is urban mountain chic and a haven for local artists. Ogden sports a darling historical shopping district on 25th Street, as well as Ogden Nature Center, a Dinosaur Park, and several museums. Skiing is unparalleled. People are very friendly - the only religious proselytizing we've encountered is if you take the tour at the Temple in Salt Lake City. Utah is the perfect vacation for anyone.

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    Mon Nov 04 2002

    Utah is easily the #1 underated state. Who cares if it's the "mormon" state. It is still really beautiful and there is always something to do. And yes there are even bars and stripclubs!! (Most believe belive utah has none of these) Easily a 5 star rating

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    Mon Jul 31 2000

    Utah really is a beautiful state and if you love the outdoors there's enough to keep you occupied for years to come. Fantastic skiing, moutain climbing, rock climbing, backpacking and on and on. If you go stop at Moab and ride the slick rock it's incredible. Visit Arches National Park, hit Zion National Park, and if your feeling bold take a tour of the tabernacle and while your there send a bible to a friend (they send it to them free of charge and your friend will appreciate the gift, especially if it's hand delivered) A great state with tons to offer I look forward to going back.

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    Mon Dec 20 1999

    Don't let any religious prejudices keep you away. If you love the outdoors, there is plenty to do all over the state. Cedar Breaks near Cedar City is the best, not too many people around.

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    Thu Dec 02 1999

    If you like the outdoors, this is THE place! You've got more national forests, parks, and monuments here than any other state. It's AWESOME!

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    Mon Nov 29 1999

    Utah isn't all that great.

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    Wed Nov 24 1999

    Great, but underated skiing.

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    Tue Nov 23 1999

    Utah skiiing is great! The snow is wonderful. There are a bunch of great mountain resorts within 45 minutes of Salt Lake City -- they don't give the Winter Olympics to any city, you know.

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    Wed Nov 17 1999

    Underrated state. Zion, Bryce and Arches National Parks are much better than, say, the Grand Canyon. OK, so there are also a lot of Mormons as well.