USA Cellular
Approval Rate: 34%
Reviews 35
by wilde4931
Wed Dec 22 2010I had a problem with US Cellular after over three years as a loyal customer who paid on time each month. I changed my contract and added my husband to a new family plan. They messed up the address and didn't cancel my old plan. I paid what I thought was my bill for the new plan but our service was suspended because I didn’t receive a bill. I was threatened by customer service rep to pay up or else when I called to find out why my service was disrupted. Four hours later on the phone I was fed up. Three months later I was with a new carrier and still get bills from them even though we agreed to let my contract end without fees. I went to a local US Cellular to pay up. This was, according to Christine, customer relations, was the end. She was sorry to lose me as a customer. I just got another bill for Nov. My service ended official on Nov. 11. I didn't have the phones. I was out a lot of money just to get rid of US Cellular. THEY FORGOT TO CANCEL THE CONTRACT AFTER ALL THAT... Read more
by bsphillips
Thu Jun 04 2009We have been with US Cellular for a little over a year and love it! I have been with 2 other companies in the past and US Cellular is by far the best in customer service, reception/signal, and cost. This is the only company I have been with that I have reception way out in the country where my dad lives when with my previous company I had zero lines. They have a great choice of phones and I haven't had any issues with any of them. I reccomend US Celluar 100%. However, service and reception may vary depending on where you are located.
by harleycrush
Thu Feb 05 2009The worst company I have ever worked with. I only had them for 6 weeks and knew management by name. Billing is confusing and mostly wrong! Rebates were denied, employees don't give the correct information, it's ridiculus really. I have worked with different types of companies in my life and have never been more disappointed. I canceled my contract including paying fees to get away from them. I can't handle the stress. It's sad really that 3 weeks without having to speak with my new cell company (att) is my new guideline to good customer service. DON'T EVER USE US CELLULAR!
by jeffreystott11_50
Tue Dec 30 2008The worst. Being a responsible individual, I set up automatic payment online. Then, the first month of automatic payments, their system goes down. So I called in to make a payment and couldn't. The rep told me to call back the next day. So I submit a payment and they charged me a late fee. I call back to have it changed and financial services refunds the late fee and tells me I'm paid until Jan 24, 2009. Then they automatically bill me again on Dec 24 2008 for the previous two months again. I got quadruple billed by these a-holes!. I call into customer service and they repeatedly tell me it's my fault for having setting up automatic payments. 45 mins on the phone to get it worked out. Nothing but BS and drama!
by playersclub
Thu Nov 13 2008Let me start by saying that there are a lot of good people at US Cellular but, Their management team leaded by Jack Rooney has taken a great company and kill it's soul. Most of their management team are not honorable at all. If you want a manual on how to kill a company come to US Cellular. They are dynamically killing this company.
by msrn770b
Fri Nov 07 2008Here is my US Cellular tale, we had US cellular for 3 yrs, and were pretty happy with them, renewed in May then my husband got a great job opportunity in Wyoming, we took job and prior to our move called US cellular, asked about coverage, of course they don't have coverage in WY and couldn't give us WY phone numbers but would not let us out of our contract without $135.00 per phone (we have 4 phones for our family). We were told by US Cellular that we had a nationwide family 1400 minutes plan and that the nationwide would prevent us from paying roaming charges and that our bills shouldn't change. We felt we had no choice but to keep them. We drove 2000 + miles to WY in two seperate vehicles making many calls to each other (by the way we pay $10.00 per month to have free mobile to mobile minutes). Now we are in WY and it is difficult to have Maine numbers, people have to pay long distance charges when they call us, and we can't use many of the features on our phone such as the featu... Read more
by avendetta
Thu Oct 16 2008My girlfriend and I have US Suckular in Macon MO. Her ex-husband works for them. he was able to access her account and get a phone repaired incuring a 75 dollar charge to her account, then accessed her account again ang paid the bill. point is, not even she can access her own account without showing her id, and yet they allow other people, ie employees to do as they wish, with only a reprimand of "don't do it again" other employees have been fired for this same action.
by preppyboyofil
Tue Jul 22 2008I over the past 4 months have went through 4 US Cellular phones. US Cellular uses low grade, weak, britle phones that break or malfunction if you even look at them the wrong way. First I went through 2 Motorolla Razor phones of which in each case, both phones began shorting out and eventually stopped working. I was told by Matt at US Cellular, that the reason for this, was moisture or steam was getting into the phone and shorting out the phone. I told him that, NEVER has the phone been dropped much less dropped into water and he aggreed that the phone was in good condition as the original wrapping was still on the phone, but somehow steam was entering the phone. I told him, " steam?, my house is not loaded with steam and sorry". I wasnt buying that excuse. He said, well I can offer you a new phone of which he recommended the LG UX 260. This phone as it turned out was worse than the Motorolla phones with continual software issues of which I was told after calling Matt at the Orland ... Read more
by joshiwa
Tue May 20 2008I have had US Cellular for almost a year now and had nothing but a wonderful experience. They didn't push the coolest or greatest phone on me, nor did they do that with a price plan. They actually helped me find the plan that would be most cost effective for me and helped me monitor it over the first 3 months to let me know if I could drop down to a lower plan (without extending my contract). The staff is knowledgeable and friendly which doesn't make going to see them a drag. This is by far the best company in the cell phone service, they may not be the biggest but they focus on the customer.
by tammywms
Tue Apr 15 2008US cellular Is the worst. I was told by a customer service rep. on Sept 28 that my account was paid in full an that I wouldn't get another bill unless there were roaming charges. They said, if you get another bill ignore it. I did. They sent it to a collections agency on Oct 15. I didn't get a bill from the agency until Dec. It ends up they were billing my ex-husband at an address I never lived at. I told them that I had been told by US Cellular that I had been paid in full. They said it wasn't true, yet refused to send me proof of the bill. US Cell said they could no longer legally look at the account. I ws stuck. I was VERY upset about this and let them know it. I told them my father had had a massive stroke in Oct. and that this was very stressful. They said, "Lady we all have problems" in a VERY rude way. I paid it just to try to save my credit. I'd been with them for 10 years. I only canceled because my son is now paying for my service with Verizon. I will NEVER go back to US Cel... Read more
by getevenwithcel_lproviders
Thu Mar 13 2008(FREE SERVICE) Your CELL provider adding charges that you did not authorize. Have you ever been told I can not remove that from your phone bill? It is a valid charge or we only do the billing you have to contact the company for a refund, only to call the company and not get a return call or they have such a process to talk to someone that you just give up. Now we have the power, when multiple people band together we can get your money back by letting your provider know as a group that we will no longer put up with business practices designed to rip off their customers. I have received this the last time that I spoke with US Cell corporate team. I have since worked to cost them money. Subsequently they have shut off my service. Now I am looking for people that have had charges put onto their bills that they did not authorize and the cell provider refused to refund the money. If this is you I would like to talk to you. Send me an email at [email protected] and I will respond to you... Read more
by amkway
Thu Mar 06 2008THIS WAS MY PROBLEMS W/ US CELLULAR: I have more of a complaint than a question. I am starting to wonder about the eithics of your company or at the very least the training of your employee's. I have been lied to twice to what I feel are very major lies. I recently went out of town on business training and incured numerous roaming charges. I forgot to set up a plan so I would only be paying th 10.00 dollars for every 100 minutes. I know this is my fault and understand once I got home and saw my bill was 698 dollars that I should of set that up. That however is a big chunk of change and I went to the store to ask if I could work out a payment plan or if there was anything to do to make this bill easier to pay. I was told at the store that they could give me a 25.00 credit but if I called customer service they could help take a few hundred dollars off. Well I called the customer service line when I got home and the first person I talked said there was no kind of payment pla... Read more
by ziad1163
Tue Feb 05 2008I have been with US Cellular more than ten years, and every two years I renew the contract for two additional years and get new dicounted phone with that this time I choose a phone which came out to be very bad by droping calls and bad ring tone,I went back to change it as they promise thatI have thirty days to do so but they did not let me change it because it is no longer new in the box with the plastic cover,and I am stuck with this cheep and poor quility phone for thenext two years,this is what I call 0% CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONS GARANTEED.I advise if you have a choice to choose cellular combany stay away from this cheep one and their cheep cell phones too.
by jetacer
Wed Jul 11 2007Basically it goes a little something like this. US Cellular is a complete rip off when it comes to their phones. For example, the phone I have is a UX5000. The original model number for the phone is AX5000. LG made the original phone with a ton of features. US Cellular asked LG to make a version of the phone that removes all of the USB (phone to computer) communication ability. When purchasing the phone and even via customer support they told me over and over how I just need to purchase the software and cable from LG. LG told me over and over that they don't have any software that will work with the UX5000 phone... it only works on the AX5000. It took me about 2 months to actually figure all of this out because of ordering items and waiting for them to arrive and finding time to play around and then figuring out that there is no software available for my phone. By then my 30 day trial expired and I was stuck. I have made multiple calls to US Cellular trying to get out of my contract an... Read more
by meganmarie
Tue Jul 03 2007Personally I've been with US Cellular for 2 years. I have had a horrible time with reception and phone issues. The phones are crap and are behind with the competitior. I have not had any issues with the billing. It is important to watch the fine print and make sure you cancel the trial services after the first 30 days is complete. Otherwise, I have had a decent experience with the customer service representatives in Madison WI
by usccsucks
Wed May 23 2007I was with them for about 10 years they do suck. I switched to Verizon, I am much happier To bad senior management doesnt pay attention to the front line supervisors and some of their going ons. Senior managment really needs to take a bite of reality and see what it is like to be a customer os US Cellular. I think if they were just your normally every day person calling in and getting some of the run away and poor customer service that is given out, senior management might pay attention to what the customer is not getting,
by sharonros
Wed Mar 07 2007I have been with u.s.cellular for almost 8 years over the last few years I have been constantly ripped off by a store in nashua n.h.They change my plans and add things to my 4 phones like easy edge at 40.00 a month add years to my plan. say they called me (while I was at work ha ha.)and I agreed to up my plan I wasn't even home on that day unbelievable.I have asked to be let out of my contract but they won't let me out. they have had to reimburse me on many occassions for being ripped off. don't enter into a contract unless you want to be ripped off.s.
by mediaman
Wed Jan 03 2007For some reason or another many of you seem to have problems with USCell. I have been with them for 5 years and have had no problems with them at all. The customer service reps have always been helpful and pleasant. A few years ago on the last day of the billing period I knew I was going to make a lot of calls due to an out of state court case I had to testify in. I was close to my limit so I call USCell, BEFORE making the calls, to see what my options were. They were extremely helpful and without any proof or documentation, granted me 200 extra peak minutes to use that day. PLUS, any of those minutes that were unused would roll over to the next month. I also had a recent encounter with Signal Insurance. It was over the holidays but their service was prompt, courteous, and professional. I faxed them the claim one morning, they processed it that day and shipped the replacement out that same day. It was at my door the next morning. I have no complaints about either company.
by jfw432
Thu Dec 28 2006US Cellular is great. All the people that rate them bad obviously want way more than cell service OR they are too lazy to read the fine print and are pissed because they used something that costs extra. You don't have to ever worry about roaming charges on the national plan. They never suprise you with random charges. The absolute best thing with them is they have agreements with everyone. If there is a working cell tower, you can use it. My only complaint with them is the poor payment options. You either pay it over the phone (automated) or you do the auto deduction from your checking account. If you actually read the details it says you have to give them 6 months advance notice to cut it off which sucks but they do tell you.
by outpaddling
Mon Dec 04 2006I've been putting up with US Cellular's "Talk Tracker" service for a while, but I've had problems, and the latest one takes the cake. The only good think I have to say about them is the national coverage is good, but since I live in a major city, this doesn't really give them much of an advantage. First, the initial problem: The service is supposed to automatically charge my credit card whenever my balance drops to 0 (or so I was told). On a few occasions, I found myself suddenly without service. I spoke with two different people on the phone, and got two very different stories. The latter, which appeared to be the more accurate, was that it only renews automatically if I used up my minutes, but if my 60 day period ends and I still have minutes left, the account is considered inactive, and I have to manually renew within 30 days, or the account will be terminated. Makes no difference if I used the phone every day during that 60 days. By US Cellular logic, it's inactive. Inter... Read more
by sandies2centsw_orth
Fri Aug 04 2006US Cellular is the absolute worst cell phone company, their customer service puts you on hold for hours, dont do business with them, you will live to regret it.
by agrumpy1
Wed Jul 26 2006Two years of service with them and out of 24 months I have had to call the many times. Nine times for incorrect billing in their favor. Twice I called them because I had no or very poor service, they told me they could not help me even though I was in my own house. Several times due to no service including once stand on the curb outside their store. Five times because I travel to really out of the way places like Denver and Atlanta on business and had no service at all. All five times I spent the entire trip without any service even though my service plan was supposed to cover out of area service. Then 5 days before the end of my contract I transfer my service to another company and they bill me $150 cancellation fee 24 months into a 24 month contract.
by stortecky
Mon Jun 12 2006I am super happy with my coverage. I get service out in the middle of no where here in wisconsin. If you are looking for a phone company that has excellent coverage in the rural areas I would go with them.
by jimbolina
Wed May 24 2006Service is fine if your in the midwest. And they are as cheap as you can get in Chicago. BUT. Just like the other reviews say, the customer service is ass. They suck. They lie. They play little games. They ask for all the information every time you get transfered. All of it. They say that's not what they have. You ask? what do you have ? They say they can't tell you. Your calling them on the phone your paying for... don't these idiots have caller ID????????? This is not a lie. five minutes i spent talking to one of these morons and she had a different name for the acount. I'm like my name is jim. What do you have the account name as ??? she says she can't say. I say what phone number are you looking at? because I'm pretty sure you must have the wrong phone number because that is the only name ..the name that she was looking for was James.. so on and so on.. you get the idea. It's like something a fifth grader would pull. She probably thinks she's really clever. I hope they pull that ... Read more
by fedupwitem
Thu Feb 09 2006Just wait, the reps will tell things that aren't true, and then deny ever talking with you. Customer service is of no help in getting anything resolved. Then they send you to collections without ever even notifying you that you are past due.
by michael_amerlan
Tue Nov 15 2005Constant disconnects regardless of local, roaming or local to local connections. Customer service trys its best to cover for corporate but no admission, solution or hope for a fix is offered or followed up. Even after multiple calls. Instead, one wades through VM hell starting with having to PRESS 1 to speak English. A crude operation.
by usccnc
Wed Nov 02 2005couldnt ask for better service. i had verizon and that was a joke us cellular is by far the best i ahve dealt with. 1000 minutes for 40 bucks with free incoming calls it doesnt get no better if you ask me. great service where i live (NC)
by goldilocks
Mon Oct 10 2005terrible. don't sign up with them!
by tonette
Sun Sep 25 2005I No that US cellular is BAD BUISNESS!! They won't give you and upgrade on your phone. And if you don't pay attention they will keep your deposit if you don't pay attention. If you in good standing with your bill and you put a depsit down, they should either credit it to your account or return it to you. They TRIED TO KEEP MY DEPOSiT. But through many,many ca;;s I finally recieved my check. There promo are SHADY!!! And they don't even have roll over minutes. Pay attention to your bill. They will cheat you!! And have the nerve to argue with you. They even tried to argue with me about when I signed up with them and I had a copy of the contract in my hand. The phones are Crappy (the free ones w/ promo) so they don't last long!! And that's the trick!! You will have to pay FULL price as if your not a vaule customer because they already have your buisness.
by cattracks
Tue Sep 20 2005US Cellular is NOT a company to do business wilth. They lie and cheat, and are hard to get hold of. They told us they would settle for an amount when the bill went up drastically. They were going to give us 90 days. They handed it over to a collection agency within 2 weeks and now we owe more than ever! They are rude and unethical. NEVER do business with them! do without before you get hooked up with that outfit.
by dont_get_us_cellular
Mon Aug 01 2005Calls drop often (>1x a day) about 30 seconds after answering or calling. Customer Service has been very rude to me in trying to cancel the account. Long story, but in the future, GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING.
by dobegrl
Thu Jul 14 2005I have had US Cellular for nearly 4 years now and have had no real problems to speak of (except my phone itself!). I had other cell phone companies who had shady business and billing techniques who were impossible to deal with and US Cellular was a nice change. The only problem I have with them is with the insurance. DON'T GET INSURANCE IF YOU HAVE USCC!!!! Their insurance is through a company called Signal Insurance- and they are shady shady characters- just check out their info on the Better Business Bureau's Website. I didn't realize that my insurance was with an outside company when I signed up for it through USCC or I may have been more hesitant. Anyway I had to make a claim when my cell phone had an unfortunate swim at the bottom of the bathroom toilet- my phone shut down and would not turn on- I made my claim and received a phone quickly enough- only it didnt work right, the flip part wasnt screwed on tight and I couldnt get a signal (kind of ironic considering the company is C... Read more
by calandra
Thu Jul 01 2004US Cellular overall sucks! I have used them for 2 years and am really ready to get out of my contract! Their customer service people belittle you and are terribly rude, I had a woman hang up on me when they disconnected my service after I made payment arrangements, I told her I had made arrangements and demanded they reconnect my service, she stated if you are going to make demands i cant help you and hung up on me. They make Ameritech look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm!
by flipper
Sun Sep 29 2002US Celluar did a promotional thing with the hopital my wife works at. It sounded like a good deal so we signed up not knowing that they had made the hospital the "responsible party" on our account. We held the account for 4 years and when we went to make some changes on it we found out that we couldnt because we were listed only as the "users" although we had paid this account for 4 years. They said we only needed to get the hospital to fax them a note saying they were not the responsible party and the account would be switched over to us. The hospital faxed the note and US Celluar shut off our service with no notice. When we inquired about the interruption of service they said we would have to re-apply for a new account. Their service advisors and supervisors were EXTREMELY rude and unhelpful at all. NEVER again will I recommend US Celluar to anyone and I will tell all about their "shady" billing practices and deceitful promotional ploys!
by raysean
Tue Dec 19 2000US Cellular has very poor customer service. Right, now I'm trying to terminate my contract. They have tried to bill me for calls that were wrong. One monthe I had over a 2,000 dollar phone bill and they were trying to make me pay for it. Took me over 2 months to get someone to fix it. Left message with several different supervisors and no one ever called back. They are terrible. I wish I would of listened to my friend!!!