University of Maryland-University College

Approval Rate: 73%

73%Approval ratio

Reviews 45

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    Fri Jun 03 2011

    Cannot comment on their academics, though I haven't heard anyone fail from their online schools. In fact I was told the online program is easy, so I went to an open house. The admissions people were nice and a campus recruiter who I talked with must have entered my info. She said she needed the info so I could check out the online example. About 5 months later I started to receive letters stating I owed $50 for applying. After talking with the billing department, they didn't care to help me and told me I was responsible for the fee. I have read many complaints online about UMUC doing this to others; I would call 'scam.' Considering if you apply online, step #4 required a credit card. I did not complete any application, nor did I want an easy online school if I am paying money for an education. Sad to see so many who have been caught up in this scam. Recommend writing the Maryland Attorney General and explain the situation will resolve this. Also, ensure you leave a critique ... Read more

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    Sun May 22 2011

    The University of Maryland, College Park (often referred to as The University of Maryland, UM, UMD, UMCP, or Maryland) is a public research university located in the city of College Park in Prince George's County, Maryland, just outside Washington, D.C. Founded in 1856, the University of Maryland is the flagship institution of the University System of Maryland. Top Universities

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    Mon Apr 25 2011

    Great school. Easy to use WEBTYCHO. Professional working PHDs - many who teach in other graduate programs at local universities. Sounds like a bunch of freshman cyrbabies that don't seem to understand the difficulties regarding the government bureaucracy when it comes to financial aid and advising. Grow up and plan delays accordingly. And for those of you who need an advisor to tell you what you need to take when the course schedules are all clearly shown on the UMUC website??? How old are you anyway? Go to a community college if you still need your hand held. Also, if you're thinking that you're gonna be able to slide your way through a BS/MS online at UMUC....sorry!!! Goodbye 89%er. Be prepared to work your @$$ off for that grad degree!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Mar 04 2011

    The post is very informative. It is a pleasure reading it. I have also bookmarked you for checking out new posts. orlando limo

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    Fri Mar 04 2011

    This is one of the worst colleges that I have ever encountered. Their withdrawal policy will make you vomit. I enrolled online but never took a class. I called to find out how much was the tuition. I was told it was $499 per credit hour. I told them that was too high so I never logged in. The next thing I know is that I get a bill for $3082.00 because they say I never withdrew and I am still responsible for paying for the classes. What kind of place is this? Now they want to send me to state collections, charge me 17% interest plus court cost and attorney fees. Are they that hard up for money? Colleges like this make you want to give up on higher education. I would highly recommend that anyone thinking of attending this place, DON'T!!! You will lose out on your education and a whole lot of money that you could probably get a much better education somewhere else for less money. You will also get a better quality staff somewhere else. They're not worth the time, hassle, or money. ... Read more

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    Fri Feb 11 2011

    I have attended online classes at UMUC now for 5 semesters and got a certificate in marketing management, working on one for Desktop Publishing. The classes are good, some very challenging. Lots of pointless busy work in many cases. In some classes you spend a lot for the books, but then you mainly work with the material from the modules provided. Some classes require insane amounts of assignment work in the weekly conferences, in addition to the official assignments. I also didn't like the group projects at all, a huge waste of time. My first experience was good, however, more recently I am disappointed with their obvious greed for money. It's all just about money, otherwise they couldn't care less about you. They reserve the right to use accepted loan money to pay for your classes and you can wait until the disbursement of the already confirmed Pell Grants until half way through the semester. However, if you don't accept loans, they have no problem waiting. After all, they don't r... Read more

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    Tue Feb 08 2011

    Overall, my experience at UMUC was very good. I spent my undergraduate program in a classroom environment at a different collecge. My graduate program was online at UMUC. I have also taken classes at different universities and colleges depending on where I was living at the time. So I have had the experience with both type of learning methods and from different institutions. I can say that I have expereince good and bad professor at both settings, so for those of you who complain about the instructor, it is not unique at UMUC. Basically, it is what you make of it. If you are looking for easy curriculms where you do not need to spend time study and researching than go to some of those other online institutions that really do not have a main campus (i.e. Phoenix University). I finished in 2008, but did not walk until 2009. I started in 2003 and took 1 to 2 classes each semester and also in the summer. I was working fulltime and had a family. I also coached my son's basketball and baseb... Read more

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    Sun Feb 06 2011

    Some wrongly think UMUC is a for-profit school because it has distance learning programs. Nothing could be further from the truth. UMUC is a public school, regionally accredited, and a part of the university system of Maryland. It was originally apart of the University of Maryland (college park). The school is unique in that it is designed to meet the needs of professionals working in the DC area and the needs of the military. It actually deploys professors to war zones so that soldiers can study even when deployed! That is dedication to teaching! This explains UMUC dedication to distance learning. Some of UMUCs professors teach or do research at other colleges as well, including U of Maryland and Johns Hopkins. UMUC has both on campus and distance learning options. If you are a working professional in Maryland or in the military and looking to get a master's then this is a good choice for you. The school has a very open acceptance policy, but it manages to only graduate 11%. So it w... Read more

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    Tue Dec 21 2010

    While I was an undergraduate at Troy, my wife was an undergraduate at UMUC. We would sit at the kitchen table and do our homework together. I love Troy and enjoyed my 4 years there but it was obvious to both of us that UMUC had a better program. They required more research and writing. They also required all of their exams for online classes be proctored. Only a few of my Troy classes were online but less than half of them required a proctor for the mid-term or final. We don't require financial assistance so I did not have to deal with some of the issues that others have complained about. When it was time to select a graduate school, I jumped at the opportunity to sign up at UMUC. Thus far, they have not let me down. Great school!

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    Fri Dec 03 2010

    Take each of these comments with a grain of salt. The majority of complaints have more to do with people having specific and unique issues with the administration. If you're concerned with the quality of the education itself, focus on posts that address that point. Complaints about difficulty with refunds and a perceived lack of flexibility don't necessarily reflect the academic standards.

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    Wed Nov 24 2010

    I am a high school senior and my parents want me to consider going to umuc to study psychology there, well my main concern about this is that i have no idea what the tuition is for a freshman their so if anyone coudll tell me i would be greatful...

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    Mon Oct 11 2010

    If Obama appointee, Vivek Kundra, lied about graduating from UMUC, then you should think about attending this college. Do you want this hot mess of a college on your resume? If you are paying for this yourself, don't bother going here.

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    Thu Sep 09 2010

    1 stars Terrible faculty in Information Technology. I imagine that UMUC could be okay for an online program. Any online program is, of course, going to have problems. However, I took several courses there in actual classrooms and all of the professors that I saw in the IT program were pathetic. One just talked each night about what was going on in her (very important) government job, and the rest of the time was spent in undirected group discussions. Another was not up to speed on the subject (database design), but he could read from a Powerpoint presentation. Another was technical and I liked him, but he did not teach well or speak English well. The final straw was the first night of a course where I left it in the middle, and I immediately withdrew from the program. The professor seemed nice enough, but he said that he could give more F's than A's. He had a "doctorate" from night school. He was basically a version of the pointed haired boss from Dilbert. Keep away!

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    Mon Aug 30 2010

    Rating 1 star only because there is no ZERO! Do not, by any means, plan to attend UMUC if you will be dependent on FA. I started Summer 2010. FA was finally disbursed on THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS, then had to wait another 10 business days for the State of Maryland to send the refund check so that I could order my books. It was disbursed at that time only after I emailed them over and over and over... You may automatically receive funds to buy books in advance ONLY if you order from MBS, their vendor, kickback payor and inflated price people. See: Other schools freely publish the exact dates that FA will be disbursed for each term. UMUC says aid will be disbursed 10 days before classes. It is now 9 days before Fall term, FA is still not disbursed, and when I "chatted" with an "advisor" I was told that gee it should have already been done and that she will, "send it to 'level 2'" (whatever the hell that is!), and that it will be another ... Read more

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    Thu Aug 26 2010

    UMUC has its strengths and weaknesses just like any institution of higher learning or business. Although I mainly address UMUC’s shortcomings here, I do gladly give 4 stars. Instructors – If you read nothing more than this paragraph, I get it (a lot of these posts including mine are l o n g). But PLEASE READ THIS: UMUC shares a "pool" of adjunct professors with many other universities, both online and brick-and-mortar. I would encourage my fellow students to use ratemyprofessor(dot)com to see for yourself. College students use ratemyprofessor to review teachers. Many instructors make a full time job out of teaching at several schools part time. This site will often show a given instructor listed 3, 4 or 5 times, each w/ a different school. This is an excellent way to avoid teachers who can't teach! Given the fact that 70% of college/university instructors nationwide are adjunct, this does affect the quality of instruction negatively at times, but this is not a UMUC-specific issu... Read more

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    Wed Aug 18 2010

    I am finishing up my first year with UMUC online working toward a M.S. in Health Care Administration. I interviewed something like 6 to 8 schools and I feel I made the right choice in UMUC. Their online system, WebTycho, is very easy to use and their research databases are extensive. The only gripe I have about the school overall is that the library doesn't always have an electronic copy of the journals I am trying to find. They do have "Document Express" where you can request a scanned copy of a journal that isn't available, but it takes time, which I don't always have. I can say that anytime I have requested a document from Document Express in a short period of time, I did get it by my designated date. Overall, I have had excellent support from every department that I have contacted at UMUC. Their Tech Support people are available by phone, email, or real-time chat. I prefer the real-time chat and have gotten very helpful techs any time I have contacted them. I also have u... Read more

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    Sun Aug 15 2010

    My experience with UMUC has been mostly good. Their online classes can be uneven; some instructors give a lot; others mumble one or two word responses and let the class dialogue get dominated by students hoping to score extra points for participation by making inane remarks like "Wow, that was a good post! Keep up the good work!" UMUC needs to work more on their computer system. I had the computer deregister me from finals three times before I could get human intervention. The electronic test grading makes mistakes, so you have to read over your test results carefully and challenge if necessary. UMUC also offers courses which many online schools don't, like Medical Anthropology and Emerging Infections, which is a definite plus in my book. However, like anything else, the more you know what you want, the better you will be able to use what's offered.

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    Sat Aug 14 2010

    First, I thank you for perusing my post today. UMUC's system is so flawed that it obstructs being able to navigate what I need to navigate successfully to continue all the way to a degree. Responsible adults plan their futures carefully, and their investments of time, energy, and money. Part time college attendance while working full time is a long process, and I am out of state (as are the vast majority of the student body at UMUC reportedly). Accurate, available, dependable, predictable customer service from each of the different administrative offices at UMUC IS IMPERATIVE for success in this way, and my experience has shown me it is not possible at this time at UMUC to receive such, and that there is currently no system in place where they are working to repair the flaws. If you think this is a special case with complexities that likely shoved me into a category that made it difficult for UMUC to help me, think again. No frills here, all very cut and dried. If you think ... Read more

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    Wed Aug 11 2010

    Humm, where to start...this school is a complete joke. I went to UMUC beacuse it was supposedly "flexible". Funniest thing ever its a disaster of a school. So far I am trying to register for my second semester and I'm on my third advisor, the first two quit or got fired I've never switched my major or anything...what a joke (one good thing, the one I have now is fairly competent THANK GOD). My first advisor told me they needed my transcript from my CC which was sent to them in MARCH (note its AUGUST!), it still has not been evaluated. My second advisor said "I'll look into the problem we need to get you registered for Fall classes" (which is what I'm still trying to do now). A week later, I get a new advisor who has no idea about all that has happened, now for the past week every day I am getting emails or phone calls saying "you need to register for classes". YES, I'M AWARE OF THAT AND I'M TRYING BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT CLASSES I NEED TO TAKE UNTIL MY TRAANSCRIPT HAS BEEN EVALUATED!! My... Read more

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    Wed Jul 07 2010

    This is an excellent school. An On line education is very demanding. The university simply provides the material, the rest is up to the student. I have been attending UMUC since 1995. I have 20 years of active duty service. I have earned a BS Business Administration, Master of Science (Human Resources) and a MS Information Technology (Information Assurance). I graduated with my BS in 2005 and since I have completed two MS degrees. The instructors all have PhDs and numerous years in their teaching field. I received a F in one class because I found out that Calculas and online teaching do not mix. I had no problem transferring credits and no problem transferring 32 credits towards my PhD. This is an excellent school, to include the advisors, financial counselors, and instructors. Do not judge an university because you did not receive the grade you wanted. Ask yourself did you really put forth the effort into receiving a higher grade. I worked in many class groups with stude... Read more

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    Tue Jul 06 2010

    Frequent changes in course path. Did NOT comply with SOCNAV agreement. Misleading on credit hour pricing after Active Duty Military status is changed. Online prices went up nearly 100% immediately after discharge. ($500.00 per credit hour, one fulltime semester costs $6000.00 plus books) Difficult to transfer in legitimate classes from other institutions. Example: I have taken one course online with UMUC 4 times. I received 3 F's and one A on the final term. This was after taking the same course in person at a local community college with absolutely no difficulties. UMUC insisted that the course was different and did not put proper emphasis on certain subject matter. My report card and check book debate this. Showed extreme difficulty in teaching material in an online environment. Discussions over email would last up to three weeks for myself and classmates. Advisors change frequently. SUMMARY: It is highly encouraged to seek a more meaningful education from a different institut... Read more

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    Wed Jun 30 2010

    I just finished my B.A. degree in English (journalism minor) at UMUC. I went part-time, from 01/2006 to 05/2010. I didn't have any issues with Financial aid. On the contrary, I was awarded student loans and scholarships in a timely manner and without any issues. I checked MyUMUC before each semester and my awards would be there. The professors were great. Distance learning via the Intenet is a challenge regardless of the school, so it is important that you are a self-starter and can work independently and are somewhat tech savvy. If you are none of these, you should consider a face-to-face environment. UMUC is accedited and, having done my first two years at my local state College (, I found the instruction to be challenging and useful. I would definitely recommend this University.

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    Sat Jun 12 2010

    Do not attend this sham of a school! I went through two semesters here and it was the worst experience of my life. I am transferring to UMCP this fall and would do anything to never have to think about UMUC again. The professors are absolutely horrible, one even put in their class announcement that "Teaching is a bothersome afterthought to research and often gets in the way of receiving grants and funding". WHAT?! If teaching is so bothersome, why the hell are you doing it?? I've also had many professors and advisors tell me that they hire practitioners who that's a good thing. I want to be taught by someone who enjoys teaching and knows what they're talking about. Not someone who just decided to teach for some extra cash. Their financial aid office is literally the worst I have even dealt with. You constantly get conflicting answers and responses and their office seems to function unlike any other school in that they have ridiculous policies. All this school cares about i... Read more

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    Thu May 27 2010


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    Sun May 16 2010

    I received my undergrad degree in Behavioral & Social Sciences from UMUC in 2001. It was a good experience, and I received all the help from UMUC staff that I needed. I began my courses toward an MS in Healthcare Administration in Fall 2009. The first semester, I had to drop a COMM 600 courses I was taking because I knew that I would not be able to complete the Research Paper (the last assignment) in time. I re-took the class this semester, along with another course and did great. So far, I have 3 A's. The MS program is very challenging and I have learned quite a bit. I believe the professors are dedicated to teaching a great course and giving students all they can. I am very pleased with UMUC and wanted to just counter some of the negative reviews posted here. I have nothing bad to say about UMUC, and the tuition for graduate students is not bad. I'm an older student and getting this degree will help me feel more confident and marketable in the future as I transition into a ... Read more

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    Tue May 11 2010

    1 star or failed I have not even enrolled in this school and the service is already appalling. I made known my interest in enrolling in their Graduate Program and was told that I have to pay the registration first before they can process my enrollment. I did that. Afterwards, they told me to send a copy of the evaluation of my transcript since my undergraduate study was completed abroad. I did that. Then, they told me to get a TOEFL exam. I did that too and passed it. I e- mailed the person who was probably in-charge of my enrollment, by the name of Deidre Rice on what will be next step. No response. After 2 un-responded e-mails, I called. She said that they did not receive the TOEFL result. I asked if I can just send my copy because the original was already sent to them. She insisted that it is their policy to accept only the original. I had it. I told her that they way they handled my interest in their school, I do not feel getting my graduat... Read more

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    Mon Apr 26 2010

    Worst school ever - the school motto should be Pay your fee and get a B. Especially their "cadillac" program the Executive MBA. The program they promised is not the program they deliver. It is no wonder this school only has a 7% graduation rate - the whole experience has been awful Grading is arbitrary and capricous and changes from semester to semester. The classes are really dumb. If all you want are the initials then this is probably fine. If you want to learn - go elsewhere. Do not get sucked into their regular MBA program - the professors are out of touch and administration is unresponsive. Do not waste your money - find a real MBA program not this one.

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    Mon Apr 26 2010

    This school is a joke. I have been 2 semesters, and getting a professor to answer an email, or respond to a posting is like pulling teeth. Not to mention, I took online classes to avoid scheduling conflicts with my husband's job & my child's schooling. However, I'm required to go in and take a final exam. They only give me a window of 2 days to select from, and both happen to be weekend dates. Go figure. I've been on the phone all morning trying to figure out where they sent my test, because it isn't where I selected. I called one number, and they referred me to someone else. Then those people had never even heard of UMUC sending tests there. Don't even get me started on these group projects professors assign. I did all of the work for the entire group. No one showed up to chat, or submitted a thing. I noted this on the peer evaluation, but apparently the other students claimed to have done something so the professor said she was confused. Perhaps the professor wouldn't be confused if... Read more

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    Mon Jan 11 2010

    I have just finished a certificate for "Web Programming" at UMUC. I am pleased with what I have learned and I have been able to apply my knowledge to work and play. For the downside on online school. I think that one of the posters hit the nail on the head in that nothing is perfect. There were definitely a couple of Professors that didn’t seem to be there and that is very frustrating to a distance learning student. Because the classes are online it is very important for the Professor to be available often, and give thoughtful answers to questions. Most of them did this and provided a lot of assistance when asked. The ones who did not, I at least left poor online ratings where I could for the UMUC evaluation and online teacher rating services. I recommend UMUC, because by the end of the program I could indeed write programs and understand things I did not have any idea about before. Just be prepared at times to be frustrated by the absent Professor and the inherent difficulty in dis... Read more

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    Wed Dec 23 2009

    I measure UMUC's worth by how much I am getting out of the classes. And I am getting a lot out of the online courses I have taken so far. I am a test engineer for a software company and the year and a half of classes taken at UMUC so far have helped me create tools and automate my work at my current employer. My skills have grown a lot in a short period of time because of UMUC. I don't really care that I am actually getting a certificate for the classes I took. I care mostly that the courses gave me the confidence that I can easily do the job that the certificate represents. So I have to thank all of my UMUC professors for the skills and knowledge I have gained so far. And I hope it will continue in the classes to come. I have seem a lot of negative posts about UMUC here and many of them are very fair complaints. But people have to realize that nothing is perfect. I obviously had a couple of bad professors who seemed to be there just to get a paycheck and seemed to not care about t... Read more

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    Thu Dec 17 2009

    I'm just completing my first semester with UMUC, my financial aid process was pretty simple and easy, plus I love the in-state status. I previously attended University of Phoenix and felt like I was being coddled and spoon-fed. They also didn't allow you to test out of certain classes. At UMUC I have faltered because I was working an insane schedule at my job. I have now prioritized and worked towards catching up. I don't like the fact that I haven't spoken with my assigned advisor, just whomever answered the phone. My courses have been challenging and definitely rewarding the more work I put into them. I have never had any of the issues I've seen in previous reviews, I love the fact that my books are all current; every one of them has been published within the last year or two at the most! UMUC is definitely not for the faint of heart, and if you're not already tech savyy, you may want to do their On-Site courses, I am taking spring, summer, and fall courses in hopes to complete my ... Read more

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    Tue Sep 08 2009

    Our experience was awful! Do not trust the financial aid office. They told my husband that his financial aid award was going through processing but that he was clear to start classes. A semester in, they tell us that his financial aid had never gone through. Now we get conflicting bills ranging from 800- 4000. They finally sent it to the State of Maryland collection. Oh by the way, they never called us and told us the aid didn't go through. It was after my fifteenth call of them telling me that everything was fine, that someone finally told me that it hadn't gone through. They would have let him attend the entire program probably before telling us and then just collected at the end. My opinion- don't go to this school!

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    Fri Aug 21 2009

    I have really enjoyed the last 5 years I have been working part time on my degree. The advisors have always been quick to respond. The instructors have been knowledgeable on the whole. The courses have been challenging. I have been and will continue to reccommend this school for individuals on the move.

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    Wed Jul 22 2009

    I didn't have a single snag in dealing with UMUC, EXCEPT that my advisor was hard to find sometimes. I would often have to go and meet her in person, a luxury I have because I live 5 minutes from campus. When I had issues she solved them, and went above and beyond to do so. Like others here, I started at a traditional school and partied my way out of it. After a break, I transferred to UMUC who accepted all but 1 of my credits. In a brutal year and a half I finished 59 credits with a 3.949 average. I took half of my classes in person and half online. The online classes were devistatingly time consuming because it's an endless gauntlet of paper writing and responding to discussions. While I was in the classes I hated it, but at the end of each semester I realized how much I learned (even if I learned it through my own research, they still set the standards). I now gladly have a good job in my field and a knowledge base informed by the nearly 300 pages worth of papers I was forced to wr... Read more

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    Mon Jul 06 2009

    I just graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Human Resources. I graduated with a well-deserved, hard-earned GPA of 3.86. I was inducted into the adult honor society entitled Phi Kappa Phi. In the past, I have attened the traditional brick and mortar universities and I have attended University of Phoenix, Online. At University of Phoenix I felt like they were giving away their degrees and did not care for their students but I am not here to discuss them. At UMUC, you have to have the discipline to get your studies done. They do not just give out grades but instead expect you to do your work and check into the classroom 3-4 times a week. I spent more time studying for classes this way then attending a regular face-to-face class. You must prioritize yourself and have motivation when signing up for online classes. In the end, it is up to the individual what they get and take away from a class. Online classes are not for the faint of heart. It is hard work and o... Read more

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    Tue Jun 30 2009

    Don't waste your money on this horrible school. My husband had taken several courses and is now looking into other colleges. First of all, some of the staff they hire are horrible. I don't know if they actually interview them. When my husband took the last final done by a proctor, she was late and appeared to be drunk. The worst thing is that his final never made it to the professor. During that time he contacted several people including the dean but never heard back from any of them. The professor graded him based on the works and tests done so far without final. For this semester he again had to take the final administrered by a proctor, and again professor never received it. He got "F" on the class. He's been unable to get a hold of the local Maryland counselor. She's supposed to be in the office at the certain time but apparently she can change her schedule the way she wants to without notifying anybody. I have attended a couple of colleges myself, but I never went thro... Read more

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    Thu Jun 25 2009

    I'm surprised so many people have negative things to say about this school. I've been attending (not in the physical sense) UMUC for a few months now and I think it's great, especially since I don't have the time to go to a traditional class. The courses are challenging and you honestly feel like you're learning something. Granted, the instructors are there to lead you every step of the way, but what professor do you know at any university/college that coddles you like you're in kindergarton. I've found that the professors can be very helpful and they do get back to you in a timely fashion. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy with my experience thus far!!!!

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    Sun Feb 08 2009

    This online program is the bottom of my list. Courses that are thrown together using "6 month old" articles and ancient textbooks. Be prepared to wing it through most of your courses because there is little in the way of instructional help from the "professor" who drops in to make comments once in a while (for some reason, usually in the late evenings which made me wonder if they weren't employed elsewhere). If you get a group assignment then the monkey-fest really starts when folks drop out mid-project or a disagreement between cohorts online turns into a furball - where's the instructor then? I'm trying to finish my MS program elsewhere, having some difficulty transferring the credits now. UMUC needs to work on this format/delivery in my opinion.

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    Mon Feb 02 2009

    I went to Univ. of MD, College Park and got my B.S. from there in 2006. Typical college, typical experience. I then decided to get my MBA at UMUC because I have to work during the day! And UMUC is Maryland's "night school" of sorts. The cost is great! I get in-state tuition! I have done great in classes! and I will be graduating soon! HECK I may even opt for my doctorates there too! UMUC is WAY more respectable than any other online program because it has and actual campus and it has the whole state system behind it! A+ for UMUC.

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    Thu Jan 01 2009

    I have taken classes at UMUC since the Spring 2008 semester (including the summer semester) and have found the class materials to be up to date. The professors I have had, with one exception, were efficient in their feedback and grading. I have only taken online courses. The online classes are not for the faint of heart. In a face to face class you could "zone out" and still get points for just being in the room. In the online classes I have been apart of the professors were involved in the discussion. In fact, one professor demanded that no one person repeat information in the weekly conferences-- if you did, you didn't get points. If you take an online course, be prepared to write essays- short and long. As in any course, you get out of it what you put in to it. The professors at UMUC aren't going to hold you hand and spoon feed you this information-- you the individual are just as responsible for your education. However, the administration part is lacking-- espec... Read more

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    Fri Dec 05 2008

    Update, I'm now two classes away from graduating with a M.S. in Human Resource Management. However, the real test will present itself upon graduation. I am eager to test this degree's marketing power. On the other hand, interview skills will help me sale myself. I currently work in the field of Agriculture. I am trying to change careers totally, so, that will be the real test of reciprocating the knowledge and concepts learned,along with mentioning my transferrable skills. We will see how it goes.

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    Tue Nov 25 2008

    Does UMUC have legacy admissions?

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    Mon Nov 10 2008

    Straight horrible. Beware if you transfer from a foreign division of UMUC back to the States. I completed 21 hours in Europe, and when I came back to the US, they didn't even offer my degree program. With that being said, I would have to go into another degree plan and they considered me a transfer student so they would only accept 6 credits!! WTF?

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    I've attended UMUC in Asia and have had no problems finding support or getting counseling when I needed it. The professors are all graduates of highly accredited schools who created an environment where I felt I was actually learning. However, the University is not really aimed towards those hoping for high-level education as it's geared towards adults coming back to school and military persons. In essence, it's a "night school." I also felt that too much of the the school's focus was directed towards distance education, which is not a real classroom education, so a lot of students who prefer face-to-face classes will--at one point or another--be forced to take some of their required classes online.

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    Sat Sep 06 2008

    I have taken both online and "in-class" courses with UMUC over a period of many years (many because my military duties take up most my time). I have found that UMUC's online courses are demanding because you are the one that determine's your success. One must be very self-disciplined to complete online courses compared to just showing up and sitting through a class and getting credit. At UMUC, you are judged solely on your work and participation. I must say that I recall more information and analyze problems better having to do the research on subjects mostly on my own accord. I recommend UMUC to only those who can work independently without much supervision. If you are a tad "lazy" you may have a very difficult time utilizing the online format for learning. Best wishes!