United States Postal Service (USPS)
Approval Rate: 49%
Reviews 0
by jake_armitage
Thu Nov 18 2010I like the U.S. post office. It's where I got my passport, the prices are reasonable, I've never had an issue with a package when I've used them, and they're way more convenient than the two other major private package delivery companies. But wait, it's a government institution, isn't that socialism? Isn't that an evil commie plot by liberal lefties? How dare they inflict their horrible oppressive government on us. Just kidding. But this is the line of thinking when people shot down a government sponsored health care program when the new health care bill got passed. Then some of the very same people complained about the bill saying it didn't do enough.
by castlebee
Thu Nov 18 2010Severely flawed hiring and firing system, more incompetent dead wood than a burned out forest, and way more attitude than they have ever or will ever earn the right to assume. I'm so glad email exists...if only to piss off the self-satisfied parasites that run this old barge.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Wed Nov 17 2010The USPS is probably going to have to be bailed out soon, courtesy of us, as in US taxpayers. The USPS has been losing billions every year lately, and just announced it is 8.5 billion shortfall for this year. A good hunk of the money comes from the USPS constantly raising compensation for its workers even as its net income shrinks. With compensation and other factors, a USPS employee makes a ridiculous amount of money, estimated at around $40 an hour. So expect bailouts to be coming soon. Is this the way to run a business?
by chalky
Wed Nov 17 2010I like the Post Office just fine. As long as there is tangible mail then I don't think they're going anywhere. It's a good service w/low rates. I do think they should get rid of Saturday mail, and just deliver Mon-Fri.....I remember getting a bill on Saturday that I had to talk to someone about, and the office wasn't open until Monday.
by irishgit
Wed Nov 17 2010On a dollar for dollar, pound for pound, volume for volume, delay for delay basis, these guys don't do so bad.
by djahuti
Wed Nov 17 2010I thought they were privatized....but they're OK with me either way.While others piss & moan,I'm pretty amazed I can send a card all the way to Alaska for 44 cents.
by sharpgarry12
Wed Jan 13 2010I have had my mail delivery terminated without documentation. I have been informed that the Post Office has issues with me without going into detail as to what they were. I called for privatizing the USPS! I have been victimized by trespassing, illegal entry, a denial of the OIG to handle these problems because they weren't misconduct!.These people are living in a dream world that will CRASH!
by rjohnson71
Thu Oct 01 2009Every time the United States Postal service raises their rates, their service gets a little worse. Ten days ago a man mailed a movie that I bought and so far I haven't received it. On July 20 a man mailed me some DVDs that I ordered. It's been two and a half months and I haven't received them. They most likely got lost in the mail. I wouldn't mind paying 44 cents for each stamp if their service would improve. But it won't. I give the USPS a 2 star rating.
by emilycollins51
Fri Nov 21 2008our post office is going through a major shuffle. before that the person delivering our mail dropped letters on the ground, i found 3 myself, so what does that tell you. there's no excuse for that kind of carelessness. i hope the change means a better delivery for me. my neighbourhood association complained...it didn't do any good.. we need a new delivery system that won't cost an arm and a a leg.
by estae8ec
Mon Jun 11 2007Since the price increase in May 2007 service got even worse. Now I can not even see online I printed shipping label. I printed it online and after the item was received by customers it still shows NO RECORD OF SUCH ITEM on USPS Priority Mail. Why do they even offer tracking number? I had not have such problems before price increase. Besides few lost or stolen packages with insurance- and no insurance received because claim was not accepted as they say I NEVER DROPPED OF THE PACKAGE, or they do not know and call 1800 where is only a machine I was very satisfied. Now I will have to swich to UPS or FedEx. Some customers are dishonest, received the package and claim not received, I have no proof and need to send another one. Terrible.
by sfalconer
Thu Apr 26 2007Postage rates are going up again but who uses snail mail any more. They are pricing themselves out of business, most people I know use UPS of FedEX.
by canadasucks
Sat Feb 04 2006I'll never bash USPS after experiencing foreign postal service. . .
by drummond
Sat Feb 04 2006They do an excellent job in my very rural area. Better than UPS or even Fed Express.
by genghisthehun
Sat Feb 04 2006All in all, pound for pound, delay for delay, the USA has a great postal service.
by greg_d
Wed Nov 16 2005the post office i feel does a good job but be careful sending Parcel Post.A person paid $64 to ship 500 miles. Initially a postmaster said it would be delivered on a Tuesday, ssix days later. When it didn't arrive then they said it could take another week or so. What a joke. Don't ship anything big with these clowns. I think the Pony Express would be faster
by curiousone
Thu Nov 03 2005It's been good and bad for me...I moved across the hall in my apt and they totally screwed up my mail to include putting it in the hall in front of my apt door, and putting it in the new box and old box at the same time. When you call their customer service, these people are outsourced so don't have a clue. You are promised a call that never comes unless you call and threaten legal action. Then, the local PO calls and blames the customer service rep. The result? The problem never gets fixed anyway. Then, I moved to another state for awhile and moved back so now I'm getting my relative's mail from the other state, too, because they have the same last name! On the other hand, I have met some really nice folks at the PO that bend over backward for you, and they are the ones who make it easier to deal with the PO. Hey, I worked at a big bank in the credit card division=deal with people who scream at you because they can't control their spending enough and the PO looks like angels i... Read more
by pr1ncefan
Sat May 14 2005Most of the workers (there are exceptions) that have a I could care less attitude. The managers are atrocious!! They do, however, do a wonderful job of displaying NEXT WINDOW signs.
by 37102002
Wed Apr 13 2005have only had 2 things lost in the mail out of probably thousands of items either shipped to or from myself.
by louiethe20th
Thu Mar 24 2005I think the postal service does a wonderful job and tries to satisfy every customer.Update:If you have a problem, private message me and I will try to help ya or get ya in contact with someone who can.
by jimjohn
Tue Dec 14 2004I had an experience tonight which blew my mind. To explain, I used the machine recently installed in our post office which allows one to buy postage with a credit card. All I wanted was several books of stamps. Being in a hurry however, I accidently pushed a wrong button and instead of several books of stamps(approx $70.00 worth) I received 5 single postage credit stamps each worth $13.50. Having no need for these, I wanted books of stamps, I entered the post office line thinking since I obviously made a mistake and hadn't used any of these it would simply be a matter of returning the erroneous credits and getting what I wanted. When I got to a postal clerk she said tersely without a hint of customer service on her mind, There's no refund. I said did I hear you right, you mean if I somehow pushed the wrong button and cleaned out my bank account according to the post office, that's tough? She said you pushed the button. I still can't believe it. Here's a great example of why the ... Read more
by middlefinger
Sat Dec 04 2004I worked there briefly in 1997 as a temp. Was in the building less than 5 minutes before I came to understand WHY their personnel go postal. Managers are barbaric and unprofessional.
by frogger20190
Thu Oct 14 2004Here's what happens when you let the Government control a service industry. No competition and a who cares attitude. Ever try to file a complaint, or talk to the manager of a post office location? You'll know what I mean. Some locations are better than others, but I have so many bad stories about the post office, I don't know where to begin. I'll just mention two. My company sends out mass mailings every three months, and we use bulk mail to save some money. The amount of time and trouble it takes to do bulk mail is simply NOT worth the savings in postage. Not only do you have to use their antiquated, NON USER friendly zip code software to sort and bundle the envelopes, but you have to deliver the mail yourself to a regional office--not just any other post office. And then you have to wait until the clerk there (who usually has an attitude) tests the envelopes to make sure the barcodes were properly applied to every envelope. If you fail, meaning more than 50% of the handful o... Read more
by k_zimbelman
Wed Sep 29 2004I moved 8 months ago and have filed numerous complaints with the USPS because all my mail is not being delivered. The items missing are catalogs of all varieties and some subscriptions. I believe that the Postal Carrier is not delivering them by choice. When I had a PO Box at the Post Office I rec'd all of them, so it has to be the carrier. I am so frustrated and disgusted. Really a sad comment on a service that we all now pay a premium for.
by mrpolitical
Wed Sep 01 2004I know it's been said before, but the USPS is truly a terrible goverment agency. They don't check to see if your home or not when delivering a package and just throw it on the ground in rain or snow so that the package get ruined (or at least the box). Usually unreliable.
by numbah16tdhaha
Tue Aug 17 2004Say what you will. They do a good job.
by solenoid_dh
Thu Jun 10 2004We were told that a brand new post office would be erected here in our town. To better serve you, they said. Well, this big beautiful building did go up. The first time I went inside, I saw that the customer service area was in a tiny section of the building, and had a grand total of 3 (count 'em, THREE) windows. I've found over the subsequent months that usually only one window is open at a time. Customers are funneled into a single line, and wait and wait and wait for a slow & apathetic employee to take their packages. We used to get better service at the old building downtown. From all appearances, it looks like the USPS exists solely for the USPS and not for its customers.
by redoedo
Mon Dec 15 2003Despite increased efficiency in delivering mail on time and to the correct destinations, the customer service of the USPS is quite ridiculous, and it makes you wonder if we're getting our money's worth. With increased e-commerce and electronic mail and bill-paying options, the USPS continues to lose money. President Bush has created a commission to examine ways to reform the postal system. I for one am certainly looking forward to seeing just what the government plans to do to fix this broken government organization.
by nandragon
Wed May 21 2003I have to say that with online bill paying charges of upwards to $15 per transaction, the USPS will still be getting my business!
by apparati
Wed Jan 01 2003Dependable.
by snuffy_smith
Tue May 15 2001The Postal Service at times is the end of a lot of jokes. I have to give them credit over all other agencies though, they do what they say they will do. Everyday my mail is in my mailbox, I can buy stamps from them anytime I want, and can send mail anytime I want. As for the service, who can complain about sending a letter any where in the U.S. and paying less than $.40. Sure, the basic price of postage has increased over the years, but so has everything else. I mean lets face it, this is the only door to door service available from the Government that will actually bring you money (if it happens to be in the mail).
by wiggum
Mon May 14 2001Sure there are often really long lines at the post office, and I think the organization is going to lose money this year, but overall I think the USPS has improved dramatically over the past ten years or so. For the most part mail gets where it's supposed to go, it gets there fast, and, relative to many other countries, it doesn't cost too much to get it there.