United States of America Reviews | RateItAll

United States of America

Country primarily located in North America Website

Approval Rate: 65%

65%Approval ratio

Reviews 58

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    Tue Nov 20 2012

    It's a great country, but it would be better if we didn't meddle w/other countries, and started using those resources to help our own citizens. Also, as w/any other big country, we tend to have a surplus of fucking idiots.

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    Sun Apr 03 2011

    Could do without the fat chicks, the whiners, or fat whining chicks. Otherwise it's a pretty good place to live in.

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    Wed Dec 01 2010

    All fifty states in United States of America have a designated official tree. They were chosen as the official tree because of its gorgeousness and importance. 1. Alabama - Southern longleaf pine, big trees with coarsely scaly, orange-brown bark and slender dark green needles, 3 in a cluster and about ten to fifteen inches long. The large cones are dull brown and prickly and about five to ten inches long. 2. Alaska - Sitka spruce, the bark is reddish brown and thin with loosely attached scales. Cones are light orange-brown and are about two to three inches long. 3. Arizona - Paloverde, A short stout tree with yellow to yellow-green bark. The leaves are oblong in shape and are paired with two leaflets on the side. 4. Arkansas - Southern yellow pine (shortleaf pine) 5. California - California redwood, thick reddish brown bark deeply furrowed and fibrous. The leaves are flat needle like and unequal in length. 6. Colorado - Blue spruce, four angled needles of blue spruce are about three f... Read more

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    Tue May 04 2010

    Beyond the shadow of a doubt, this is one of the all-time liked or hated persons, places, concepts, and things!

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    Sun Apr 25 2010

    Best country in the world. Fuck all the haters.

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    Sun Jan 31 2010

    After spending 10 weeks in Europe last year, I can honestly say with some perspective that America rocks and I love my country. We have lots of space, lots of opportunity, access to any type of cheap goods, diverse communities and subcultures everywhere, just to name a few things. The only thing I think we need to catch up with the rest of the world on is - A. some type of basic universal health-care. I am not saying pay for everyone's health-care who can't afford it, but at least offer some type of cheap basic coverage that people can buy, this alone would cut emergency visits down and pay for itself. B. Better mass transit systems, we should invest billions in every type of mass transit - hybrid buses, trains, trams, subways etc. C. We need to invest billions in a new type of more renewable energy, even if we do dig for oil everywhere and anywhere, it will last 50 more years tops, and I for one want to see the next generation succeed, not drown in a mass of ineptitude that is our fau... Read more

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    Sun Dec 06 2009

    Too racist for my taste........... every one is race obssesed and segregated unoficially from every one who is not racially like them. The average person is a fat uneducated moron without a clue of anything concerning anything at all if it has nothing to do with their lives. most cities are a neverending suburbia nightmare without much to do, unless of course you're in a major city like NYC or LA or chicago.... but if you are in about 95% of the country then there is not much to do other than drive around to the mall, or go to the local steakhouse and watch tv and just...... drive? (oh i mentioned that one already) most people are not interested enough to be approachable, every one is so inward looking and with their heads so stuck up their owns asses that they simply do not care about the other, the human connection doesnt exist much lack of public transportation in about 95% of the cities........... u pretty much need a car if u wanna live and work there............ is not like u... Read more

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    Sun Oct 11 2009

    I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND AM VERY PROUD TO SAY IM AN AMERICAN!!! And the only reason some people complain is because there so spoiled and just need to live somewhere else to see how really blessed they are maybe they will be thankfull just for clean water to drink ect.... AMERICA BLESS GOD AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

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    Tue May 12 2009

    I cant tolerate any more criticizing of America. We have done so much for many countries. If you hate the U.S. so much then leave.

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    Sat Jan 03 2009

    Thirty or so years ago it was close to five stars.  In less than thirty years in the future it will be one star or less at the rate we are going downhill.

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    America is my home and I my loyalties are clear.  However, I have to be honest when I say that outside of your cosmopolitan coastal cities on the northeast and west coasts and upper midwestern cities like Chicago, the Twin cities, and Denver, America is a cultural, political, and ass-backwards social wasteland filled with Walmarts and Bubbas. Whole regions are stuck in a virtual time warp such as The South and the Plains states.  Don't believe me, look at where your most progressive, liberal, and educated reside not to mention your most wealthy.  Statistics don't tell the whole story but statistics don't lie either!!!Update:  I stick by my original comments which will seem prophetic after November 4th, 2008. Instead of electing a leader who will take us into the 21st century by reinvesting in the infrastructure of this country both in civil works i.e. bridges, levees, educational infrastructure, healthcare infrastructure, and keeping jobs from being outsourced overseas we are going to ... Read more

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    Tue Oct 21 2008

    I live here, so my thoughts will be a bit biased. The USA has been called the land of opportunities/dreams, and I agree completely. It is easier than most countries to get a job in the USA. Even though the economy has suffered recently, if you have useful skills, you're likely to find a job somewhere. I like the diversity of the country. There is no "typical American" as some may claim. Hispanics, Eastern Asians, South Asians, blacks, and whites all make up the various people. The freedoms offered to its people is pretty good, ranging from freedom of speech to religion. But I must admit it can get a bit boring sometimes. I would love to travel around the world more to become more worldly. If I were to point out a weakness of the USA, it would be that its people are a bit egotistical in the fact that news stations often focus on domestic issues and less about the world. Nevertheless, I acknowledge my luckiness of being a citizen here. I wouldn't give it up for anything.

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    As a Canadian who has travelled and worked there extensively, I'd say on balance I like the place, although it has more than its share of faults (much like my own country) My likes are perhaps a little eclectic, and relate to personal moments: mornings on the Oregon coast; driving old Route 1 south through the Carolinas; sunset on the plains of Montana; the vibrancy of Chicago's Loop; the brewpubs of Northern California, Oregon and Washington; the slope of Little Round Top; the North Beach district of San Francisco; old Yankee Stadium; the reflecting pool in DC....

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    Sun Aug 10 2008

    THE best country on EARTH- home..

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    Born and raised and for all its problems it is still the best place in the world

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    Sat Jul 26 2008

    America will fall in no more than 50 years due to the same reasons Rome and most countries fall. Greed, corruption, the erosion of the middle class, enormous debt, illegal immigrants flooding the streets, etc. Folks if you're considering getting a tattoo might I suggest not anything patriotic to this dying empire because it will look very dated when foreign countries buy this country out due to it's enormous debt. They own enough of this country already.

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    Thu Jul 24 2008

    Don't like all of the people but it's okay.

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    Wed Jul 23 2008

    I'm sorta biased, since I've lived here all my life, but I love America with all my heart. Eff the haters.

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    Wed Jul 23 2008

    YEA YEA BOI!!!!

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    Wed Jul 23 2008


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    Wed Jul 23 2008


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    Sat May 31 2008

    The USA is #1. There are many countries who hate us, many who envy us and some who love us. There is NO place I would rather be. Many who live here complain about this country but do nothing to help improve it, they just complain. Many complain about the police but would never dream about actually being a police officer. Many complain about the fire department but would never dream about actually being a firefighter. Many complain about the military but would never dream about actually being enlisted. Many complain about politics but would never dream about actually running for an elected office. Do you get the picture? If you just want to complain, well the USA allows you to do that, so complain away... what??? You're still not happy? Imagine that!

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    Sat May 31 2008

    ms-126025607 is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!! I cant wait till i turn 23 to get the hell out of thius country.. i am american but let me tell you ...... George Bush was the master planner of this 9?11 attack!! then he puts on his fckn retarded ass face when he recieves the news like nothing ever happens.... he know what he did.... 3000 people is nothing to kill... he just wanted the petroleam over there in the middle east.... anyways if anyone is planning on moving here DONT!!.... this country is going down the drain soon!!!!!!!!

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    Thu May 15 2008

    Lots of scenery, beautiful countryside, and history (dating to the 1600's anyway).  We have adopted different cultures/cusines and welcome any foreigner.  Winters are usually very cold, and summers too hot.  Northern California is very beautiful, with lots of vineyards and valleys.  It would be best to explore the areas untouched by civilization to get a good view/opinion.  Once Bush is out of office, I hope that our next president does a good job at cleaning up the mess he left behind and at least improves our world image some.

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    Thu Apr 24 2008

    The US Politically Fucks Up So many defenseless poor countries economies and people. You think they would honestly attack Sweden, England, Canada, Japan? NO WAY! Are You Dumb? They Could Attack Back, SO they suck what little money some of the poorest people in the world have, theyve killed millions, you only have to look it up on the internet... PANAMA.. .NICARAGUA... IRAN... IRAQ... ECUADOR.. VIETNAM INDONESIA... .its all there... When the fuck are they gon leave they dumbass policies and stop this massacres! They say they stand for freedom, for democracy, for human rights? If this is what freedom is then them gringos can keep their motherfucking "freedom" for themselves because we dont want it! You fuck up families, leave 12 yr old girls prostituting themselves on the streets of quito and fund a war in Iran for $2.4billion when half of that monet would be enough to provide clean food and water for every poor person on the damn planet. These dumb motherfuckers tried to charge bolivi... Read more

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    Sun Mar 30 2008

    With the USA I have similar feelings as I do for China, if for very different reasons. Both countries have many trully amazing sights to visit and being the third and fourth largest in the world a wide variety of regions. In the US there is the amazing sight that is the Manhattan skyline, such profoundly agreeable cities as Boston, Chicago and San Francisco - but at the same time there are trully terrible places like Los Angeles and the mind-bogglingly dull cities of the mid-west. Also even in the best cities there seem to be extensive slum areas that ruin the otherwise positive view one might take. Most American people are very nice and welcoming, but there are an unusually large minority of ignorant, bigoted and jingoistic types who ruin the image of the rest and leave a somewhat sour taste for the visitor. At the end of the day, as in the case of China, the good and the bad balance out.

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    Sat Mar 01 2008

    This country was created with great intentions, having freedom being one of them but what this country was built on is deteriorating very quickly. The U.S.A has shipped most of American factories to other countries so they can build stuff for americans for nearly 2 cents an hour, this is a big deal most other countries have no environmental laws so a lot of pollution is caused, china is the most polluting country but they are because of us. We really need to change are ways, we are becoming less free everyday, if you want to live in a country that is truly free move to Amsterdam, everyday it seems we are making something illegal, and thats not freedom. Pushing supposed freedom on other countries is not freedom. If this country were free we wouldn't have the highest jail rate in the world, we would see people smoking in bars, the police wouldn't arrest people to meet there quota, companies would want to benefit the customer as much as possible.

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    Tue Feb 26 2008

    Not to knock enlisted servicemen and women, but one thing that makes America better than many other countries is the fact that the military doesn't rule.

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    Tue Feb 26 2008

    Top of the list? We must have low membership in the middle east, Europe, and other unfriendly areas...

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    Sat Feb 02 2008

    I love my country first of all. things are not perfect for us, I feel though we are kind of at a crossroads with alot of issues. It's kind of 'make or break' time with certain things like healthcare,immigration,and such.Having said that,I would not want to live anywhere else.

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    Sat Feb 02 2008

    Like my parents, there was (and is) a good reason as to why so many choose to immigrate to the United States. The United States is still the often-cliched 'land of opportunity', and many like my parents knew it was- subsequently becoming proud citizens of this country- and are today still very grateful for having had the opportunity to experience the American Dream. I am so grateful to my parents for having made the sacrifices to come to the United States, and there isn't a day that goes by that we aren't proud to call ourselves Americans (I am Filipino American). This is not unmindful of the imperfections the United States has, or the pressing issues that face all Americans today, as there are many. But one of the greatest things about being an American is that we have the opportunity to express and debate issues which affect us all. Yet, all in all, when it comes down to it, the United States will continue to be the unquestioned greatest country in the world.

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    Thu Jan 31 2008

    I'm proud to be an American, but I am very disappointed in the government.

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    Thu Jan 31 2008

    There are a lot of people in this country that complain about how horrible things are here. I'd challenge them to spend a year away from this country. Spend a year in Iran. Spend a year in China. Spend a year in Russia. Then come back and tell us how bad things are here. Tell us how much of a fascist government we have and how uptight we are. Better yet, just stay over there.To quote John F. Kennedy as he spoke about the Soviet Union, "America may have it's problems, but we never had to put up a wall to keep people from leaving."

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    Thu Jan 31 2008

    A lot of people don't like the USA because of its foreign policies and its superior wealth.  I like it because 1.) I was born here and 2.) it's better than living anywhere else.

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    Wed Jan 30 2008

    With all of the problems we have going on within our country, we still are the greatest nation on the face of the earth!

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    Wed Jan 30 2008

    For all of it's flaws, it really is a great country, and I can't think of any country that I'd really rather live in.

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    Mon Jan 14 2008

    America rules and most americans arent arrogant, you're just jealous.

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    Sun Oct 28 2007

    America still is some kind of promised land. Anybody with a good attitude and work ethics can still start over and make it pretty good.  It has some of the most spectacular scenery in world,  friendly people but one messed up government. As their dollar is crumbling fast, it will be more affordable than ever pretty soon!

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    Fri Oct 12 2007

    Although I am a Canadian I must say, America is much better then Canada.  I enjoy myself every time I go to America, as the people there are much friendlier then here falsifying the stereotype that Americans are ignorant and rude.  For the most part, the people are not stuck up and will talk to you and even go out of their way to help you.  For instance, I was in NYC and just looking at a subway map and an American asked me if I needed directions.  You would never see that in the city I live in, dumpy Toronto.  The only drawback I can find with being an American would be the lack of social programs that Canadians enjoy such as healthcare, tuition partly funded by the government, etc.  USA USA USA!

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    Fri Aug 10 2007

    Alright country, but most American people are very arrogant and mainly stupid. They seem to think they run the world.

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    Fri Mar 02 2007

    I was not born in the US, but the state I live in is great. I have the mountains to the west, plains to the east and a city that thrives!!! The people in Colorado are on most accounts some of the most wonderful people I have met and they are very kind and approachable. The America I live in is superb and I'm grateful that I have been allowed to stay here with my family. I have one thing that I must say I don't like; most Americans do live in a bubble. This in no way puts down Americans, but I believe this is why people have found it hard to get on with this nation; this I feel is very sad. In general I would say that most American people are pleasant, honest and very welcoming.

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    Fri Mar 02 2007

    Louie....Amen to that!  Sick of the blame-America-first crowd as well.

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    Thu Mar 01 2007

    most powerful nation on earth? yes The richest nation on earth? yes. but it's defiantly NOT the best country on the planet. Just like every country america has its postives and it's negatives and the negatives nearly outhweigh the postives. Americans completely ignore the fact that America is responsible for making racism so corrupt(im not saying america started racism but it sure as hell did make it way worse) back in the 1900s america was utterly ridiculous the way this country contradicted itself. And it's a mystery why there is homeless people in the richest nation on earth.

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    Fri Jan 26 2007

    The United States of America are certainly the best country on this planet.There is one of the lowest unemployment in the world compared to other civilised countrys.There is a high level of Technology and that is important for the future.Yes there are racists and xenophobics,yes all the people are not Angels but thanks to God it's a minority of people.I pray and i hope this country will become better in the future because i love this country.

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    Sat Jan 13 2007

    America is for the privileged and the favored. It ignores the plight of mentally ill people and thinks of retardation as a disease. It treats black citizens well at times and others not. It treats Jews better than the blacks as well. The Jews are able to tell people what to do in this country and the blacks are always lower, even than intelligent mentally ill people. Hollywood is a standard of America and this standard reflects that America will allow anything to take place.

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    Sun Jan 07 2007

    There are two hundred and twenty-three reviews on the US. Yet all but a handful fall into one of two categories: brain-dead jingoism or anti-American screeds. The US is an extraordinarily complex country, and entire libraries have been written about its history, culture and politics. The most accurate explanation of American exceptionalism, IMO, is that of sociologist/historian Perry Anderson: "A large literature has been spent on the American exception. But the only exceptionality that really matterssince all nations are in their way sui generisis the configuration that has founded its global hegemony. How is this best expressed? It lies in the virtually perfect fit the country offers between optimal geographical and optimal social conditions for capitalist development. That is: a continental scale of territory, resources and market, protected by two oceans, that no other nation-state comes near to possessing; and a settler-immigrant population forming a society with virtually ... Read more

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    Wed Jan 03 2007

    Is this the best country in the world? I don't hope so. This country doesn't take care of its poor or weak. It's just as racist as any other country with a mixed population. Sure, you have the freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Enjoy it, while you re collecting your foodstamps. Yes, you can study and work to succeed and become someone very important. You may even win the lottery. America is a myth. America home of the working poor. Yes, unemployment is everywhere. But in Western Europe you don't have to work 2 jobs to pay for housing and food. Not yet at least. In America people love God. And it's religious leaders love drugs and anal sex. They care more about unborn children than they do about born children. I love America, I just don't think it's the best. Judge a country by how they treat their poor and weak, and not by their military power and bible thumping. God bless and protect the world (from the USA). Good luck at Burger King, Khalid!

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    Sun Aug 06 2006

    I always loved the people that complain all the time about the U.S. and they live here. They complain then go home and spend five hours on their computer. If you lived in a lot of other countries you wouldn't even have a computer, or you would be imprisoned just for talking down on your leader and country. We may have our problems as a country but what country doesn't. All I know is that I'm damn proud of all those that fight for our country and proud to be an American.

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    Tue Jul 25 2006

    Kingdom of the brain dead!

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    Tue Jul 25 2006

    Comments of the type " USA is the greatest, if you don't love it too then you must be a muslim terrorist/homosexual/basket case/Canadian/the spawn of satan/a communist/jealous of not being American/French" explain why many people around the world do hate the USA/Americans. Putting Bush, geopolitics, corporate America and a widespread ignorance among Americans about the rest of the world (often combined with a staggering level of arrogance) aside for a minute, as a place to visit the USA is more than OK. While many of the best known man-made tourist destinations are often a bit underwhelming, the natural attractions are generally stunning (well, they were when I was last there in '92). I have to say I was disappointed by NYC and LA but more than pleasantly surprised by Chicago, Frisco and Seattle. I will say that in some parts the people were welcoming, friendly and very hospitable. In other parts they were downright hostile, bigoted and threatening.