
Approval Rate: 63%

63%Approval ratio

Reviews 10

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    Thu Apr 23 2009

    I had never taken a sleeping pill until just this week. A heat wave hit SF, and I was going on three nights without sleeping at all (too hot and too uncomfortable), and I could feel myself starting to break down a bit. So I took a Unisom and knocked myself out. I slept like a baby for 9 hours, and while I woke up feeling groggy, as soon as I had my coffee I was back in business, feeling far better than I had the previous few days.

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    Knocks me out like an elephant on a tranquilizer.

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    Sat Jan 26 2008

    I've been an insomniac since my early 20's, and for a long time was taking Tylenol PM. A friend of mine, who was more versed in pharmaceuticals than I was at the time, asked me, "Why are you taking something with pain medication in it if all you're trying to do is fall asleep?" He recommended ShopRite's sleep-medication, which was cheap and worked without excess chemicals that I really didn't need to be taking (although the Tylenol PM did come in handy if I had been drinking heavily). I used the ShopRite brand for awhile but they soon discontinued it (at least it was no longer available in the ShopRite I patronized). Again, I turned to my friend, who next recommended Unisom to me-- "The blue pill, not the Gel-Caps." For me, it has worked. Let me caution the unwary consumer, though: take it early enough so you can get a full night's sleep. I've made the mistake of taking it fairly late even though it was necessary for me to get up early the next morning, and I felt like an absolute zomb... Read more

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    Sat Jan 26 2008

    I'm a chronic insomniac and have tried Sominex and Simply Sleep but this stuff works the best for me. I've only used it for 2 days but have slept at least 8 hours each of those nights, which for me is about 3 hours longer than usual.

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    Sat Nov 17 2007

    I hate Unisom. Yes it made me tired but I kept on waking up randomly in the night like atleast 5 or 6 times. I thought maybe it was just me and not the pill ut my father tired it and had the same problem.

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    Fri Oct 01 2004

    After 3 nights of little sleep decided to try a sleep aid for first time Unisom did not do much for me but since it appears to act differently on different people...I suppose it's worth a try. Will try a valeria/melotonin combo next

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    Tue Feb 04 2003

    Unisom worked REALLY well for me and still does. But, when combining it with Melatonin, the effects were not as great.

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    Wed Jan 08 2003

    I have only taken one other kind of sleep aid, but with Unisom I feel asleep with no problem. So much so, I became addicted to them ( not to mention I was going through depression) so that was the reson why I was taking them all the time to sleep.

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    Sat Nov 30 2002

    i think unisom started my sleeping problems. it was an over the counter medication and was popularly advertised in the late 1990s in the Philppines but has since been removed/recalled. i remember taking half at first everytime i needed to catch up on sleep and it worked for a few months. later, i had to take a whole tablet and then after sometime, it just didnt work anymore. i tried combining it with melatonin and nothing happened. i just felt really groggy and heavy in the morning from lack of sleep for the longest time.

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    Sat Oct 05 2002

    I like Unisom - the one with the active ingredient - Doxylamine. I find that a half tablet (they score them to make them easy to break in half) is just right. If I take them for more than 2 nights in a row though they seem to lost their potency, so I vary the sleep aids I take to avoid taking any one more than 2 nights in a row.