Approval Rate: 53%
Reviews 0
by jedi58
Tue Feb 16 2010I believe it's very likely there is life out there somewhere, but I can't see them coming all the way here and then sneaking around. Every supposed UFO encounter has always had a rational explanation or was forged. This however is the food of conspiracy theorists who believe the US government must be lying to them. However, would every government in the world also do the same?
by fitman
Tue Feb 16 2010Aliens don't come here anymore. This planet is no place for a vacation.
by jfi776f9
Fri Feb 05 2010It's a bit ridiculous to think that we are the only happy accident in this huge, humongous, vaste, wide, enormous, immense, tremendous Universe. You'd have to be a bit too egocentric and self-centred dude to think so. Are they among us? Who the heck knows, may be, may be not, we have bigger problems than that.
by gris2575
Fri Feb 05 2010I don't believe that this Planet has ever been visited by Aliens. But that doesn't mean I don't love hearing about them. They are some of the more Awesome unexplained phenomenon out there. I love how Alien space craft evolves simultaneously with our own. For example, 60 years ago Flying saucers were grey and spherical. Like some kind of (wait for it...) Weather balloon. Now, if you notice, they are black and Triangular. Oddly enough so are our military planes. Now, I know it's not so simple as that. UFO's have been spotted long before people developed the technology to fly. I still can't buy that we are visited by little green men, but that won't stop me from reading about them when I can.
by edt4226d
Sat Apr 25 2009I'm a cynic by nature, but I like to think I'm not completely close-minded when it comes to "unexplained mysteries". Still, the UFO "mystery" was one I never paid much attention to. A highly-advanced race flies across the galaxies in complex machinery to visit our humble green planet, and then they're too timid to approach us and have to fly around surreptitiously in rural Southern neighborhoods like intergalactic voyeurs? Supposedly, they occasionally abduct a human in order to perform some sort of bizarre sexual experimentation on them (author Whitley Streiber claims to have had an encounter with these inquisitive aliens, and has written a book about his "experience" called "Communion"). I'm open-minded enough to entertain the possiblity that somewhere in the vastness of the universe another form of life might exist, but I'm pretty damn sure they're not flying around in saucers. Funny story: I have a friend who absolutely believes in these things, and claims to have seen one in our n... Read more
by harlock
Tue Jun 17 2008If they really exists, and if they really came to our planet to study us... they must be laughing and thinking why they had spent their time coming here! All a universe to discover, and they had to came here to study us??? I think it's not real, only a good fantasy for films.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Mon Jun 16 2008You have entered the Twilight Zone... doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo....
by ma_duron
Fri Jun 13 2008What difference does it make unless the presence of aliens makes a real difference in our lives? It makes for great fiction and moviemaking but will not bother even talking about it.
by irishgit
Tue Oct 09 2007So why does this highly advanced race want to spend all their time with dumb-ass hillbillies? No doubt they're seeking the answer to the great mystery of the universe, namely how to get on the cover of a supermarket tabloid.
by blue47
Wed May 02 2007Doesn't that mean "Unleaded Fuel Only?"
by vudija
Wed May 02 2007I have seen UFO's, not saying these flying objects were driven by life from Mars...but I have seen a couple of "objects" that could not be explained away by a weather balloon or airplane.
by chicagoman
Thu Apr 12 2007Out of all the trillions and trillions of planets we are defenetly not the only one with intellegent life on it.
by reaverto
Sun Jan 21 2007It is either swamp gas, Venus or ball lightning (which happen to leave radar signatures), nothing to see here folks, move along. - Govt. Stooge.
by genghisthehun
Tue Aug 01 2006UPDATE TO STARK: All it takes to prove the truth of these claims is the fufillment of the scientific method. That means independent testing and verification of the original claims by a peer review group, usually composed of disinterested scientists. The result also has to be reproduced by independent observers. That cannot be done when the first claims are based upon undisclosed sources. The claims cannot be checked or proved and we have to take them on faith. It rather reminds me of some current theories about the origin of life. As to the eyewitnesses, I have had some experience with them. Eyewitness testimony is often faulty and subject to imagination. To be charitable, many people have also seen Elvis,but I would have to have that verified by independent evidence by disinterested scientists. ORIGINAL COMMENT: I listened to part of Stark's link to the Art Bell program whereby SETI was supposed to have received communication from extraterrestrials. From what I gat... Read more
by trebon1038
Mon Jul 31 2006My father and I one night saw something totally unexplainable in the sky as we were saying goodbye to some friends getting in their car. Neither of us has in the past claimed to believe in such things but until the three large balls that hovered then flew across the sky are identified, they are just that...unidentified flying objects!!!!
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Jul 31 2006Sorry, these are my fault too.
by madcap
Fri Jun 02 2006UFOs are Unidentified Flying Objects. There are sufficient testimonies of the phenomenon documented since the dawn of writing (Book of Ezekiel, Egyptian and Mayan drawings of strange craft and "spacemen", The Nuremberg incident in April of 1561). We simply cannot overlook the matter. I encourage you to be skeptical, but not irrationally so. Keep an open mind. Since UFOs have fallen into the hands of popular culture and science-fiction, the matter is being unfortunately ridiculed and overlooked. So yes, there exist fake documents and false testimonies but there also exist solid testimonies of direct first-hand experiences with UFOs (or ETVs)of reputed people around the world including politicians and millitary officials. I encourage you to visit Dr Steven M. Greer's website "The Disclosure Project". He has gathered over 400 witnesses, important U.S. government and millitary officials, that are bravely coming forward and revealing these experiences they've been told to keep ... Read more
by x_factor_z
Fri Jun 02 2006Best mystery ever, readily dimissed by "LIEntist" and other "skeptics" who's primary mission is to cover up the truth.
by doobiesnhof
Sat May 27 2006I can't believe that there are not intelligent life forms besides ourselves in the universe. Whether they have visited us is another story but my guess is that they have visited. Will they ever make contact? How do we know they haven't already?
by hotel283
Wed May 10 2006Though a skeptic, I've seen things by eye and by radar that I could not explain. Once, while sailing to Guam during my time in the Navy, several sailors including myself, saw an oddly moving formation lights low on the horizon for almost a full minute. I knew what flares, asteroids etc. looked like, I'd seen hundreds of fantastic meteor showers at sea and this was something different. Another instance had me on my radar, along with a pair of American OHP's, holding an unknown air contact that approached our formation at about 500 knots, reached about 30 miles out, then turned around and disappeared so quickly the radar couldn't measure it's speed. Though both instances were probably nothing, those couple of minutes of uncertainty were a great thrill.
by dpostoskie
Tue May 03 2005It should be obvious to us that there is a high probability of other life on other planets. Consider, we are aliens on other planets right now (in the form of mechanical vehicles). Our society is not very old. If we can find ways to explore other planets and in time, outside this solar system....can others. It's ignorant to believe we are alone.
by mystic_mango
Thu Dec 23 2004Not really any so-called proof in this area. Fake aliens and aliens people claim to be real always look the same--little men with big heads and buggy eyes. Sorry, but they are not real.
by 5xworldchamps
Sun Nov 14 2004Tons and tons of proof,yes ufos are real. And why should we think that we are alone anyway in the universe which is so vast that it litterally doesnt end? Stop and think about it. But the amount of video footage speaks for itself on the subject of ufos. The goverment will announce this one day when they quit screwing around and lying about it.
by seraph
Tue Sep 28 2004I always considered UFO's rather boring. I'll change my rating if an actual alien shows up and lasers someone or something.
by jamie_mcbain
Mon Jul 26 2004If they where going to invade earth, would have they done it by now?
by beatlesfanstev_eo
Sat Jul 10 2004This is probably one of thge greatest unexplained musterys yet. i think that there is life out there but I am not completly sure about ufo's
by minkey
Thu Apr 15 2004The only people who see these are the hillbillies in the midwest, and they were probably too drunk to realize that it was only an airplane.
by redoedo
Wed Mar 31 2004If the small minds of dumb hillbillies are all they are interested in, then the future of the universe looks terribly grim.
by blehdcc9
Sun Mar 28 2004Seeing is believing, if not neccesarily knowing. I saw a UFO, or a ghost, or something. Whatever it was, it wasn't normal. Overactive imagination? Not in my case. I definately saw it, whatever it was. Hallucination, maybe. However, I wasn't the only one who saw it. IMO, if you categorically deny the possibility of the paranormal than you've probably never experienced it and you probably have a distinct LACK of imagination. I can't tell you what I saw any more than you can tell me I didn't see anything. You wouldn't know, you weren't there. I was...and I don't know what I saw, but I know what I didn't see. Who says they have to be beings from outer space? I don't believe anybody who says they know exactly what a UFO is anymore than I believe someone who says there cannot be any such thing. There are some things that NOBODY knows about and nobody will ever know everything.
by teaseress
Fri Jan 23 2004Hehe. I love the way that because of the drive of the media and people assuming, it always ends up as 'beings from outer space visiting etc, etc' UFO stands for Unexplained Flying Object. It isn't WAS (Weird Alien Spacecraft) Some theories are is that it is new military spacecrafts, meteors etc.... there are endless possibilities y'know.
by eminem11
Sun Dec 28 2003i dont really know what i saw on day during class. i was staring out of the window then i saw a silver disk (yes like the ones u see on scifi and you think its fake) I WAS so scared! i KNOW it wasnt no military object comming right next to the window of a school! it was hovering right next to the window at about 5mph. i still remeber this SOOO CLEARLEY when it happened 3 years ago! im not saying it was a alein but it defitneyly was a UFO!
by stanuzbeck
Wed Nov 26 2003I've totally seen these things. Most of the time though, I'm able to identify them as airplanes or satellites, after which they become Identified Flying Objects. For a fleeting moment though they are indeed technically unidentified. Weird, huh?
by forgotten_hero
Wed Nov 19 2003There's a lot of b.s. and false sightings surrounding the u.f.o. phenomenon. Sometimes it helps to have an open mind. I'm sure there have been other times in human history where the truth had been surrounded by lies.
by eagle_scout
Tue Nov 18 2003I beleive that if it was really an intelligent lifeform then it would be smart enough to ignore a species like ours. Maybe they do exist, but what makes us so important that they would come all this way to say hi, pick up Elvis, drop of Stone Henge, shove a camera up our ass, and then crash at area 51? Come on people, get a grip on reality!
by kolby1973
Thu Nov 13 2003Sometimes I try to convince myself that UFO's really exist, and I do this because sometimes it gets real scary thinking about how small we really are in this universe......so when it worries me I just start thinking about Jesus, and then I stop thinking about all that nonsense...
by castlebee
Thu Nov 13 2003I think people really WANT to believe they are visiting us for some reason. Some even to the point that they've let their imaginations run amuck and actually believe they do so on a regular basis. Do I believe we're alone then? No way. The universe is too vast to make a sweeping statement like that. I believe that there's definately something out there. I just think that what people are seeing here on planet earth exists in what might be called the spirit realm.
by andyjay
Tue Nov 11 2003I think there are definitely aliens out there, but I don't know if they come to Earth. This planet is hundreds of thousands of lightyears from the nearest star system, meaning that it would take that amount of time to travel here at even the speed of light (which of course is the fastest thing we know).
by typhoon
Fri Oct 24 2003UFO's are sweet. They are cool I hope that they really are real.
by anmalone
Tue Aug 19 2003The belief in UFO'S is inversely proportional to the diminution of common sense. Less common sense equals more belief in UFO’s. The more we learn about the difficulties and incredible chasms of distance for intergalactic travel the more the simple minded what to believe in demigods.
by rebelyell1861
Fri Jul 11 2003Gee, a flash of light someone notices in the sky or has a picture of. Man it's gotta be a UFO!! It can't be a star or one of the other millions of types of particles in space!!!
by moosekarloff
Thu Jul 10 2003UFOs captured Elvis' secret baby. The only good thing about UFOs is that they helped to usher in some of the worst sci-fi films ever in the 1950s.
by gups11
Tue Jul 08 2003Tell me how could they travel the universe and still have to come that close to earth to learn anything. You would think they could "scan" the earth and learn all they wanted to know. Also if they need our bodies so badly why not take a few of us. Surly they could tell from one of us if we're exceptable, for whatever there looking for or want to know. Come on people!!! I believe in aliens, but if they can get here they would be past our abilities atleast. PPPllleeeaaassseee!!!!
by lukskywlkr
Sun Jul 06 2003I don't necessarily believe in little green men coming down in saucer-shaped vehicles, but out of all the millions of stars and planets in all the galaxies in the universe, I personally feel like there are at least a few of them that support life. Whether they can think and act like we do, who knows, but odds are, there is some form of like out there besides us.
by marconej
Fri Jun 27 2003ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE, and I mean NO EVIDENCE that UFOs are alien crafts. This is just another poor use of science. Incredible claims require credible evidence and there ain't none. Otherwise this would be all over the news. Pure nonsense.
by kamylienne
Wed Jun 25 2003If another species from another planet were smart enough to create such technology, they'd also probably be smart enough to just stay away from Earth, too, just to avoid the hassle. I'm sure that there is some type of life on other planets, but I'm not sure about UFOs yet. I'm pretty convinced that most if not all UFO sightings are likely to be top-secret experimental aircraft which the goverment has recently or not yet unclassified.