
Approval Rate: 66%

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    Thu Jan 06 2011

    Twilight is one of my all time favorite movies. This epic saga draws you in instantly and leaves you questioning what will happen next. It is a fantasy that had most house wives on the edge of their seats wondering if Bella will pick Edward or Jacob, a rivalry which had many viewers picking sides. It may be make believe to the extreme of unbelievable but that is what drew me in. Stephanie Meyer is a great writer.

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    Wed Oct 20 2010

    books=great movie=eh could have been way better!

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    Fri Oct 01 2010

    Where is Buffy when you need her? She needs to slay all of these vampires and other demons. Its horrible watching this trend. We even have awful tv shows glorifying vampires and other demons to the younger generation. It isn't even entertaining. And NOT one of them can act.....haven't bothered with one of the books...

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    Fri Oct 01 2010

    In every conceivable way I despise this movie, as a different take on vampires.... sparkly vampires? Are you @#!$ing kidding me? As a love story... well other then the fact that the heroine (if we can call her that) is a pathetic, whiney, emo teenager, with zero self esteem and seems to mirror the men in her life, doing everything to try to make them happy, (apparently Stephanie Meyer is just as bad at writing female characters as Tolkien is). Is in love with a pathetic, whiney, sparkly emo vampire... who doesn't want to suck her blood. However a furry man eating beast (wait they changed that to?) is in love with her. Oh and he hates the vampire, well duh. (wait you mean it's not about that she loves him, ahh #@!& it I don't care anymore). Tell you what though was dragged to this in the theatres (the first one) and found it so bad it was funny. No one else in the theatre saw it that way however. Could very well become a cult classic along the lines of Plan nine from outer space... a... Read more

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    Thu Sep 30 2010

    This saga must have a very young following. I read a lot since I take public transportation to work and it passes the time quickly. I saw several different age groups of people (all female) reading this series. Having read all 10 of the Sookie Stackhouse novels twice at this point (by C. Harris), I decided to try this series. Dang. Not so much. I only read the second book thinking it had to get better to have such an audience. No. Until today, on this web site, I didn't know a TV series had been attempted. The puberty crowd is not enough to keep most shows going......

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    Tue Jul 27 2010

    It is honestly one of the best series of all time. Besides Harry Potter, Pretty Little Liars, and Little House on the Prairie

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    Wed Jul 07 2010

    I agree this could have been on Showtime or HBO. Some young teen girl was crying on Oprah that the main female character Bella changed her life by teaching her how to be herself and accept herself. Oprah announced she actually flew thousands of miles from some foreign country to get a look at Bella and the Cast. I hope she has a College fund and is not throwing all of her money away on this kind of crap. Camping out, fainting and crying over this is absurdity and beyond stupid.

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    Mon Jun 21 2010

    Let us have a teaching moment here. We learned in how to classify in biology: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Class, please classify Twilight.kingdom: Hollywoodusphylum: pablumclass: insipidorder: nonsensefamily: pubescentgenus: chickusspecies: flickus

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    Mon Jun 21 2010

    in MY opinion,Twilight is one of the biggest piles of steaming hot dog poop on the planet. It's nothing but teeny bop love and two ugly mongoloid men fighting for the same girl.I know we've ALL seen THAT before.Why can't ppl be original these days!!Because they know they'll make money of a formula they knew is still growing and popular. Oh,and another thing is the characters which define the world UGLY\ That robert guy-He's NOT HOT.I mean seriously who wants to see a pale dude w/out a shirt and in a muscle suit?When i said pale dude i wasn't trying to be racist.Some pale guys just are'nt appeling. Jacob- Not much,jus a filthy scum bag. Bella- some whiny lil BITCH. Those are all the characters i know. Oh.And the Fans.THE WORST part of Twilight franchise I told a fan in her face that twilight is so crappy and cliche i'd rather read a Kindergarten book She respondes:Oh,thats because you're not smart enough.AND IT's TOO BIG FOR U. First of all since when do u need to smart to read ... Read more

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    Wed May 05 2010

    I have been a fan of vampires since before i can remember I loved the twilight books so much and was very excited for the release of the movies but found myself a little disapointed when they missed out some major points that were in the book. I still love the movie but thought it could of been better.

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    Tue Apr 27 2010

    Nice story, crappily done.

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    Mon Mar 29 2010

    This used to be the best book ever. I was made fun of for reading it in the 5th grade and they all called it my stupid emo vampire book, now they are the biggest Twilight nerds ever. The vampire craze SUCKS! IT can all DIE.

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    Mon Jan 04 2010

    This is difficult. The books were great. Everyone had their opinion on how Edward or Jacob or Bella looked in their minds. So when they made it into a movie and choose those Actors and Actress to play them, people got mad, they didnt agree. I dont find Edward attractive at all but thats my opinion. I believe that the books were way better. The actors and actresses need acting lessons. They need a new Director. A really good one that has made a fantastic film. This movie could be really good if they got the right help. I hope that the 3rd and 4th films will get that help and turn out to be great like the books.

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    Tue Dec 15 2009

    I haven't read any of the books so I was a bit hesitant of watching the movie, but I decided to rent it after a recommendation from a female friend. The plot is written for the female audience. Plenty of romantic scenes and quotes that could melt most females who hear that from her partner. I think it's a vampire version of Beauty and Beast. Bella, the human female cute teenager falls in love with Edward, the "vegetarian" (1) vampire. He tries to have her away from him because he considers himself a beast. And although he loves her, he has to fight back the unstoppable desire to suck her blood. On her side, she loves and trusts him and she knows he would never hurt her. I like the way the story is is presented, the characterization of vampires is different from other vampires movies. (1) Edward's family (all vampires) consider themselves as vegetarian vampires because they have been able to manage their need for human blood by drinking only blood from animals.

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    Sat Nov 21 2009

    It was a good movie that portrayed the book's happenings for the most part. The special effects could have been better. The acting wasn't all that great. The teenagers in the school overacted and to me did not portray normal teenage behavior.

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    Sat Oct 24 2009

    Twilight was a kinda silient movie filled with wierd music i read the book and it was much better than the movie and it was depressing

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    Mon Jul 27 2009

    i enjoyed the movie.

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    Mon Jul 27 2009

    This part is just start of love story. It is thrill to watch. I guess there is more to come. Both Kristen and Robert did good acting. Some of actions were awesome. Story moves slowly. All the characters given total time to tell about themselves. I am keen to watch upcoming parts. It will be fantastic to see how Edward will take care of Bella. Have a look on this movie.

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    Wed Jul 15 2009

    Masturbatory material for teenage girls who get the best of both worlds - (1) bad boy ("he can't die and can kill!") mixed with (2) impossible sensitivity. Vampires who walk around in the daytime. Who knew? Vampires who sparkle. Whee! Don't let your girlfriend talk you into this. This is an insult to the Bram Stoker legend - this is a sexless farce that has nothing to do with vampiric legend and nothing more than a Harlequin Romance for girls under the age of 20. How can this be in the "thriller" category? (CS mad. . .very mad. . .)

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    Tue Jul 07 2009

    that was just her fault love is always blind no matter what. you cant choose who you fall in love with.

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    Thu Jun 04 2009

    I haven't read the book but something about this movie just didn't... "click" .. The girl was kinda ugly, has poor acting skills and generally the movie was bland. I have had more fun watching Street Fighter just because the acting was so horrid that it made me laugh!

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    Wed Jun 03 2009

    OMG first time I read "Twilight" I knew I was hooked. It has alot of mystery, romance, terror, comedy, everything you would want in a good book or movie. I bought it right after it came out, and will be buying new moon and the others when they become available. If you haven't read it yet, now is the time. Stephanie Meyers is an amazingly gifted writer!

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    Sun May 24 2009

    OH MY GOODNESSSSS!!! This movie totally didnt take anything good from the book at all.....Like the girl didnt even act the way i had pictured Bella acting. She wasnt really shy or plain or pale.....She didnt dress the way she did in the book. I mean come on, the actress didnt even read the books. Its like playing Romeo and Juliet and never reading the real play before.PLAIN STUPID. ACTING WAS BAD,THE STORY DIDNT FOLLOW,DONT WASTE A GOOD HOUR AND A HALF OF YOUR LIFE ON THE MOVIE WHEN YOU CAN READ THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Apr 10 2009

    Another movie that I have to blame my libido on for having witnessed. (I can be talked into almost anything if a date wants to see it) While its a long way short of terrible, being competently made, it is shallow and far more stylish than interesting. That being said, the woman liked it, and the rest of the evening was good, partly because of that.

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    Thu Apr 02 2009

    Twilight is like a teen, more poorly acted, less sophisticated version of HBO's true blood. All of the same metaphors are there - vampires and werewolves as outcast social groups - but without the same complexity. Kristen Stewart is cute, but has this annoying twitchiness to her acting that makes me uncomfortable. Not terrible, but not good.